Updated: 10-24-14 12:34 PM
File Info
Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:10-24-14 12:34 PM
Created:03-04-14 09:24 PM

BAB Bars  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Duugu [More]

This addon is abandoned.
If you would like to take over the addon or parts/code/whatever feel free do do. But be warned... it's big, hacky and messy.

BAB Bars is an innovative action bar addon that allows you to create bars that follow all sorts of paths and curves. Would you like buttons to go in a circle around your minimap? To follow a curve beneath your character's feet? How about make a gentle wave at the bottom of the screen? You need only drag the anchor and pivot points to your desired location and the bar will change shape.

You need to download and install the BAB Texture Pack to use BAB Bars.

The texture pack is only updated if new textures are added to the game itself. You don't have to update the texture pack every time a new BAB version is released.


New Feature: Variant Button Size
This feature adds very uncommon new design options to BAB Bars that is hard to describe with words. Thus I've made a short video that shows it in action:
Variant Button Size feature demonstration
The feature allows you to change the size of the button your mouse is currently pointing at (and its neighbors) using the scrollwheel.
It currently has some flaws with permanent circles. I'm working on it. All other stuff should work as expected.
BAB Bars shows up with a single new bar with 12 buttons (above the Blizzard standard bars) in configuration mode at first start up.
Type /bab or press ESC to close the configuration mode. Type /bab to switch back into configuration mode.
Have a look at the new bar. There are 4 small 'pivot points'. Two green at the bar ends and two red between them. Click and drag the pivot points to control the bar shape.
Use the grey bar anchor behind the buttons to drag the bar around.
Q & A
Q: How do I access bar configuration?
A: Type /bab and hit enter. Repeat to exit configuration.

Q: How do I create a circular bar?
A: Under Automatic Bar Shapes click the red Circle button and check the box next to Permanent.

Q: How do I change the button skin?
A: Go to the (separate addon) Masque options menu (/Masque), choose the Addons section, go to the BAB section, select the desired BAB bar, and choose the desired Masque skin. If you experience issues with a "normal" skin, try one of the BAB Masque textures.

Q: Help! I chose a round Masque skin and my buttons look strange.
A: Under the Buttons section in the BAB "Bar Options" window, use the Button Shape drop-down menu and select Round.

Q: I chose a square Masque skin and my buttons do look strange.
A: BAB Bars needs Masque skins with all Skin textures having at least 1 transparent pixel at their borders. Edit the skin textures, or ask the designer of the skin for a customized version.

Q: What's the difference between Hide Bar and Fade-Out Bar in the States Feature?
A: 'Hide' really hides the bar. You can't see, you can't mouseover it, you can't click it. 'Fade-out' just lowers the bars alpha value 0. The bar is still there, but not visible. You can't see, you CAN click it, and you CAN mouseover it.

Spell Selector

The Spell Selector is an alternative way to add spells to your bars.
Do a CTRL + Right Click on a BAB button to open the spell selector. It shows all your current spells (and the spells and actions of your pet if there is one).
Clicking a spell in the spell selector sets action button to the the selected spell.
Move the mouse out of the Spell Selectors bounds to close it without selecting anything.
The spell selector (incl. the pet spells) does work in AND out of combat.
The spell selector currently shows only spells that where available before combat. So, if a pet is summoned before combat starts, then the pets spells are shown. If a pet is summoned during combat, then not. (the next version will show all spells ... no matter when a pet was summoned)
Conditional States
The new Conditional States feature adds easy to use but powerful options to define almost any condition statement that is available to the Blizzard macros (eg. [exists], [form:1], [stealth], etc.).
You'll define up to 8 different States to control the bar contents and visual appearance. Each of the States is made of up to 3 Conditions and an action that triggers if the condition is true. It's even possible to invert each condition and to link the conditions via AND or OR statements.

The States UI explained
There are 8 dropdown controls for each single state. Use them as follows:
First line:
Dropdown 1: Modifier for condition 1 (= means the condition 1 has to be true to trigger the state, ! means it has to be false to trigger the state)
Dropdown 2: Condition 1
Dropdown 3: Link type between condition 1 and condition 2 (& means AND and / means OR)
Dropdown 4: Modifier for condition 2 (see above)
Dropdown 5: Condition 2
Dropdown 6: Link type between condition 2 and condition 3 (see above)
Dropdown 7: Modifier for condition 3 (see above)
Second line:
Action: The action if the state triggers
Presets: Some pre-compiled states. Just select one and BAB automatically sets up the proper conditions to the State.
How to use the States
An example: Let's say we would like to create a state like "if I'm targeting someone, and if I'm pressing the CTRL key, then hide the bar". That would be the following state:
[=] [Exists] [&] [=] [Key:CTRL]
[Hide Buttons]

Tipps, limitations and stuff:
  • To remove/reset a State just set the first dropdown to --.
  • Keep it simple
    State1: [=][Always] [Hide Buttons]
    State2: [=][Form:1] [Show Buttons]
    State1: [!][Form:1] [Hide Buttons]
  • Be specific
    State1: [=][Key:ALT] [Show Buttons]
    State2: [=][Key:SHIFT] [Show Buttons]
    State3: [=][Key:CTRL] [Show Buttons]
    State1: [=][Key:ALT][/][=][Key:SHIFT][/][=][Key:CTRL] [Show Buttons]
Reporting bugs
I do not play the game actively. I'm only developing addons. That means, if you don't report bugs they will remain forever.
Please report all bugs and problems as detailed as possible. An addon like BugSack is the best way to capture information about errors ingame. There's also a forum thread for this addon.
Show your work
I would love to to see what you are doing with this addon. Please feel free to show screenshots of your UI using BAB Bars in the comments or the forum thread.
Masque support
BAB Bars does support Masque. But it depends on special Masque skins. All Masque skin textures must have a transparent border (at least 1 pixel).


  • Fixed the pet bar. Does now show default spells/actions for pet on first summon and save/load the actual spells/actions for different pets.
  • Added missing default spells to Warlock pets. (Voidlord: Shadow Bulwark, Shadow Shield, Suffering; Imp: Cauterize Master, Flee, Singe Magic; Succubus: Whiplash
  • Fixed a bug with active (autocast; rightclick) but not highlighed default pet spells on pet bar. (was highlighted with manual added spells, but not with the auto-populated spells)
  • Removed a small piece of unwanted code that was slightly modifying Blizzards main action bar key bind text.
  • Fixed bugs with the dropdown lists fo the states feature. Does now work as usual.
    Please check if your state conditions are still set up as desired!!


  • Just realized that the bar shape was broken without Masque since 1.1.5
    Fixed it.
    Had no bug reports about it. oO Does even someone use this addon except myself? :D *shrug*


  • Variant Button Sizes (Bar Options > Bar > Variant Button Size; default: disabled)
    This feature adds very uncommon new design options to BAB Bars that is hard to describe with words. :) Thus I've made a short video that shows it in action:
    It allows you to change the size of the button your mouse is currently pointing at (and its neighbors) using the scrollwheel.
    Currently the feature has some flaws with permanent circles. I'm working on it. All other stuff should work as expected.


  • Added a new per profile option Lock Not Selected Bars for working with many/complex/overlapping bars.
    ('Main Options>'Other Stuff; default value: disabled)
    If this option is enabled, then in configuration mode the anchors and pivot points of all bars EXCEPT the currently selected bar are hidden. You'll can't select an other bar by clicking the anchor if this option is enabled (wow, that was unexpected *g*). Instead use the bar select dropdown list to select an other bar (Bar Options > top right corner).

  • Some more performance enhancements for configuration mode.
  • Fixed the lag on selecting a bar in configuration mode. Selecting a bar is MUCH faster now. (there's still a short lag if you're using a lot of bars)
  • Fixed a bug with new bars and selecting a spell via the spell selector (was throwing an exception until reload).


  • Fixed the bug with cooldowns/glow/ants that was introduced with 1.1.5. Stupid me. :/


  • Various performance enhancements for configuration mode.
  • Spell Selector
    The spell selector now shows the spells and actions of your current pet out of combat AND in combat.
    There are some new options for the spell selector (BAB Main Options > Spell Selector)
    • Enable Selector (default: activated)
    • Show Pet Spells And Actions (default: activated)
    • Show Mounts (default: deactivated)
    • Open Selector (that's the key/mouse button combination to press/click on a BAB button to open the spell selector - default: ctrl + right mouse)
  • Pet spells and pet bar:
    • Pet spells are now highlighted if autocast is enabled (right click) for the pet spell.
    • Pet actions (Stay, Follow, Defensive, etc.) are now highlighted if active.

  • Updated the default pet spell list (hunter pet abilities) to 6.0.2 and added the abilities from pet specs to the spell lists.
  • It's now possible to drag mounts to and from buttons and from the mount journal IN and out of combat.
  • Updated the Micro Menu button with better textures. Added 3 missing textures.
  • Bag buttons now do show the actual bags icon ("All" shows the backpacks icon).

  • Fixed a bug with bag and micro buttons that were lost when dragged to another button after reload/logout+login.
  • Fixed a bug with round micro menu buttons (textures are now blp).
  • Fixed a bug with showing the autocast/active spells indicator.
  • Pet buttons and pet bar:
    • Fixed a bug with hidden pet spec spells and pet actions (default buttons) on pet bar for new pets. Bar is now filled as desired on summoning a pet the first time.
    • Fixed a bug where changing a bar type to "Pet Bar" with an already summoned pet was showing an empty pet bar (no default spells/actions) until UI reload.
    • Fixed a bug where resetting a bar of type "Pet Bar" with an already summoned pet was showing an empty pet bar (no default spells/actions) until UI reload.
    • Fixed a bug with pet spell autocast enable/disable via right click for pet spells that are dragged from the spell book. Does now enable/disable the clicked spell only instead of all pet spells.
    • Fixed a bug with pet spells that where dragged from the spell book and right clicked (autocast toggle). Does work now. You'll have to drag existing spells (that is spells that were on the bar before this BAB update) from the spell book again to get it working for them!
  • Fixed a bug with not rotated flyout buttons.
  • Fixed a bug where changeing the bar type for a bar was setting contents of all bars to "empty".
  • Fixed a bug with the 6.0.2 version of Masque that was adding wrong bars to the BAB group in Masque.
  • Fixed broken bag textures.

  • Fixed a bug with (the unwanted visibility of) Blizzards new cooldown.
  • Fixed a bug with option 'Button Shape' set from 'Dynamic' to 'Static'.
  • Fixed a but with bar type Pet Bar where the bar was not filled with actions on first summoning a pet or if a pet was already there if the bar type was set to Pet Bar.
  • Fixed a but with bar type Pet Bar where a lua error was thrown when bar type was set to Pet Bar.


(Patch 6.0.2)

  • Added a new option "Enable Bar" (Bar Options > Bar) to hide bars without having to delete them.
    The default value is 'enabled'.
    A disabled bar is hidden and obv. can't be selected via clicking the bar anchor. :D
    But the bar is still listed and selectable in the Bar Select dropdown list (Bar Options > top right corner)
  • Added a new feature: "Spell Selector"
    • Do a CTRL + Right Click on a BAB button to open the spell selector. It shows all your current spells (and the spells and actions of your pet if there is one).
      Clicking a spell in the spell selector sets action button to the the selected spell.
      Move the mouse out of the Spell Selectors bounds to close it without selecting anything.
    • The spell selector (incl. the pet spells) does work in AND out of combat.
    • The spell selector currently shows only spells that where available before combat. So, if a pet is summoned before combat starts, then the pets spells are shown. If a pet is summoned during combat, then not. (the next version will show all spells ... no matter when a pet was summoned)
  • Added new button types:
    • Micro Menu buttons (dragging out of combat only; drawable from an to any BAB button)
    • Bag buttons (dragging out of combat only; drawable from an to any BAB button)
    • Pet buttons (dragging out of combat only; not drawable FROM a BAB button, only from the spell book TO a BAB button and via the Spell Selector)
  • Added a new option "Bar Type" (Bar Options > Bar). This option does convert the currently selected bar from a standard action bar to the specified bar type.
    • The default value is "Standard Bar". Other values are "Micro menu Bar", Bag Bar", and "Pet Bar" (the rest of them is disabled for now).
    • Setting a bar to a new type will reset the bar to the new bar type and add some default buttons to the bar.
      • Standard Bar: An empty bar
      • Micro Menue Bar: the micro buttons
      • Bag Bar: guess what :D
      • Pet Bar: default actions for your currently active pet. No default values if there's not pet.
    • The Pet Bar has a special behavior:
      • On summoning a pet the first time shows standard actions for pets and the pet family).
      • On summoning a pet that was already summoned before it shows the contents that where there the last time you summoned the pet.

  • Patch 6.0.2 changes:
    • DRUIDS:
      • With 6.0.2 the shapeshift forms are consolidated. This will affect your States with [form:x] conditions.
        • Old: 1 Bear 2 Aquatic 3 Cat 4 Travel 5 Moonkin/Tree 6 Flight
        • New: 1 Bear 2 Cat 3 Aquatic/Travel/Flight 4 Moonkin/Tree
        BAB updates the affected States automatically FOR CHARACTER SPECIFIC profiles of Druids. (global profiles are not updated automatically, as the your be in use for other classes than druids!)
        But as former tree states are consolidated into one new it could happen that there are multiple States with equal [form:x] conditions after the update.
        Example: the old States "[form:2 (Aquatic)][Custom Bar Page] and [form:4 (Travel)][Custom Bar Page]" will be updated to "[form:3 (Travel/Flight/Aquatic)][Custom Bar Page] and [form:4 (Travel/Flight/Aquatic)][Custom Bar Page]". An updated version would not make that much sense. :) So, have a look at your States after the first load with 6.0.2 and see if they are still as desired.
      - Removed the Berserker Stance from the conditions list.
  • New Texture Pack released (3.0 - BAB does work with older texture packs, but will complian about it on login. ;)
  • Slightly increased the bar anchor height for new bars (and resetted bars) from 50 to 70 to points provide some more space to click the anchor with an unmodified new bar.

  • Fixed a bug with permancent circle bars and button size below 50 and auto buttons where the bar wasn't correctly filled with buttons.
  • Fixed a performance leak with permanent circle bars (with large circles/many buttons). Changing the circle size now has a MUCH better performance.
  • Fixed a bug with broken spell icons (eg. Priest Leap of Faith)
  • Fixed a bug with characters without dual specs.
  • Fixed a bug with range checks for spells.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing flickering cooldown textures.
  • Fixed a bug with the yellow separating-lines in the options window. They should now be proper visible with all resolutions and scales.
  • Fixed a but with link OR and condition 2 (condition 2 could not be set to a form if condition 1 was a form and link was OR).


- Reworked the States feature.
....Doesn't look that much different, but under the hood it's doing things in a new way.
....- Linking conditions via OR is not longer restricted to specific condition types.
........You can use any combination of condition/AND/OR/=/! you want.
........Note: If you use them both then AND links are validated before OR links.
....- The mouseover condition now works as expected (including the ! modifier).
....- Fixed serveral bugs with in combat condition validation.
....- Fixed a bug with action "Scale" in combat.
....- Renamed some conditions and actions to more destinct names.

- States feature:
- Added some addtional state templates for common scenarios to the states 'Presets' list.
- Added a string to each State that visualizes the states conditions and action (just try some settings and you'll see). Moved the Preview option down to free up space for this new State String above the State.
- Added an action "Alpha 0 (Fade Out)". This action ignores the States General Setting 'Low Alpha' and sets the bar to alpha 0 (invisible).
- Added some addtional state templates for common scenarios to the states 'Presets' list.
- Added optional numeric cooldown timers to the buttons. Default: disabled. (Bar Options > Buttons > Show Numberic Cooldown)

- Removed the conditions "Mouse Button:x" as Blizzard does not support this kind of conditions with action buttons.


- Fixed a bug with unwanted effects of State condition "Mouse Enter".
State1: [=][Key:CTRL][Show Custom Button Contents]
State2: [=][Mouse Enter][Lower Button Alpha]
On ctrl the custom content was shown. On mouse enter while holding ctrl the alpha value triggerd as expected. But additionally the bar contents were swiched back to the standard content (unwanted).


- Option 'Show Grid' (Bar Options > Bar)
...This option is replaced by the new 'Conditions' feature (see section 'New'). If you had the option "Show Grid' set to disabled for a bar with 1.0.3 or prior, then BAB
...automatically adds a suitable Conditional State to the States List if you update to this version (1.0.4)

- Fixed a bug with some spells that are replaced with other spells if the player changes spec (eg. Shadow Priests Mindflay - which was breaking the Shadowform).
...Stupid idea Blizzard. WHAT A ####### MESS!
- Fixed a taint bug with some kind of pets (like the priests Shadowfiend, which was tainting the interface on use in combat).
- Fixed a bug with Masque support (BAB bars where disabled on bar-level within Masque + throwing Masuqe lua errors).
- Fixed a bug with dual spec support (in some situations an action was not attached to the curser if the user was dragging it out of a button after switching the spec).

- New feature: 'Conditional States' ('Bar Options' > Button 'Show Conditional States')
......This feature adds easy to use but powerful options to define almost any condition statement that is available to the standard Blizzard macros (eg. [exists], [form:1],
......[stealth], etc.). You'll define up to 8 different States to control the bar contents and visual appearance.
......Each of the States is made of up to 3 Conditions and an action that triggers if the condition is true.
......It's possible to invert each condition and to link the conditions via AND or OR statements.

...The State UI explained
......There are 8 dropdown controls for each single state. Use them as follows:
.........First line:
............Dropdown 1: Modifier for condition 1 (= means the condition 1 has to be true to trigger the state, ! means it has to be false to trigger the state)
............Dropdown 2: Condition 1
............Dropdown 3: Link type for condition 1 and condition 2 (& means AND and / means OR)
............Dropdown 4: Modifier for condition 2 (see above)
............Dropdown 5: Condition 2
............Dropdown 6: Link type for condition 2 condition 3 (see above)
............Dropdown 7: Modifier for condition 2 (see above)
.........Second line:
............Action: The action if the state triggers
............Presets: Some pre-compiled states. Just select one and BAB automatically sets up the proper conditions to the State.

...How to use? An example:
......Let's say we would like to create a state like "if I'm targeting someone, and if I'm pressing the CTRL key, then hide the bar'. That would be:
.........[=] [Exists] [&] [=] [Key:CTRL] [Hide Buttons]

...Tipps, limitations and stuff:
......- To remove/reset a State just set the first dropdown to '--'.
......- Keep it simple
............State1: [=][Always] [Hide Buttons]
............State2: [=][Form:1] [Show Buttons]
............State1: [!][Form:1] [Hide Buttons]
......- Be specific
............State1: [=][Key:ALT] [Show Buttons]
............State1: [=][Key:SHIFT] [Show Buttons]
............State1: [=][Key:CTRL] [Show Buttons]
............State1: [=][Key:ALT][/][=][Key:SHIFT][/][=][Key:CTRL] [Show Buttons]
......- Linking conditions with OR ('/' instead of '&') is only available for similar conditions of different values ('Form:', 'Key:', and 'Button:').
.........This one is valid: 'Form:1 OR Form:2'. This one is not valid: 'Form:1 OR Exists'.
.........You can't do something wrong. The UI automatically disables or removes invalid options if you're linking with OR ('/').


- Fixed a bug with option 'Show Grid' set to disabled in config mode where dragging actions to a bar was hiding the grid.

- Fixed the Masque bug from 1.0.1 ... again. Stupid me. :D


- Fixed a small bug with Masque support that was introduced with 1.0.1



- Circle bars
The 'Circle'-button and the 'Permanent'-checkbox under 'Bar Options > Automatic Bar Shapes' now do set the bar to a perfect circle (circle heights was not correct in some setups).
Both options will automatically set the number of pivot sets of the bar to fixed number (3 pivot sets) to guarantee a correct circle.
As long as the 'Permanent'-checkbox is enabled the buttons 'Add/Remove Pivot Set' are disabled (number of pivot sets has to be 3 or 8 to guarantee a correct circle).

- Login in combat does now work. Bars should show up without errors even if you login while in combat.

- Bug 'AddOn "BAB" tried to call the protected function BABHeader:SetAttribute()' fixed

- Tried to fix missing button labels in the keybind window (Ok/Cancel).
Please report if you still do not see those button labels (in this case I need the language you're using!).

- Lots of performance enhancements.

- Bar anchor now shows the correct bar name and not the bars internal name.


- New option: 'Auto Button Content Orientation' (Bar Options > Buttons)
With button shapes 'Static' and 'Dynamic': automatically flips the button contents (icon, texts) by 180 degrees if the button is top bottom (rotated by 90 degrees or more).
With button shape 'Round': buttons and contents (icon, texts) will be not rotated.

- New option 'Auto Button Padding For Permanent Circles' (Bar Options > Automatic Bar Shapes)
This new option is enabled as default for new bars. It automatically adjusts the padding between buttons if a bar is a permanent circle (option 'Permanent') so that there are no unwanted gaps between the bars buttons.
This option does not interfere with the 'Button Padding' option.

- New option 'Rotate Circle Bar' (Bar Options > Automatic Bar Shapes)
This option rotates the full circle if the bar is set to 'Automatic Bar Shapes > Circle > Permanent' or the option 'Link Curve Start And End Point' (only with 'Calculcation Style' Bezier available). The +/- buttons do rotate the bar relativly by -/+ 1 degree. The editbox sets the rotation to x degrees (0 degrees is the default bar rotation).
Tip: Choosing Bezier as calculation style does produce much better results with this new option than the Bernstein style.

- BAB Bars now supports dual talent specs.
There are now two profiles to select: 'Talent Spec 1' and 'Talent Spec 2'. ("Default" is the default value for both of them)
All changes (settings, spells, keybinds, whatever) are applied to the the profile that is selected for the current spec (profile label shows up as 'Active' in the main options window).

- New option 'Button Unlock Key' (Bar Options > Bar)
If an unlock key is selected (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT are available) then the bars buttons are locked for dragging without that modifier.
With 'Not locked' the bars buttons are unlocked. (this is also the default value for new bars)

- New option 'Show Grid' (Bar Options > Bar)
Option to show or hide empty buttons on the bar.
Works exactly like the equivalent Blizzard option. In configuration mode (option BAB Options menu) all buttons are visible.
Default value for new bars is enabled (all buttons are visible)

- Key binding to mouse buttons 3-5
- Hidden bars after port/zepplin/etc.

0.1.0 (BETA)

All existing profiles are deleted with this first beta release. This is the last time that profiles are deleted on new verions. I swear. :)

- re-arranged the options windows.
- Added a "Link Bar" option that links the start and the endpoint of a bar. The option is only available if the "Calculation Style" option is set to "Bezier". With linked bar ends it's much easyer to create circle style bars.
- Added option buttons for setting bars to 'premade' shapes (circle, line - do you need any other shapes?), plus an option to permanent set bars to the the circle shape.
- Added a second round Masque skin: BAB_Round. It's simple, tiny, and dark.
- Keybinds are now local or global (default is 'global'; use the checkbox in BAB keybind window in keybinding mode to set the keybinds to individual).
- The white 'curve line' (that is the white line from the start to the end point behind the buttons in configuration mode) can now be deactivated (default is <ON>). Rendering the line takes a lot of system ressources and slows down the addon (especially with very long bars). You can deactivate the line via "Show Curve Progression" in the BAB Main Options window.
- Added an option to edit the bar name.
- Added an option "Auto Size Button Labels" (default: <on>) to auto resize the font for the count, action, and key label.
- Added an option to create character specific profiles ('New Character Profile'). Those profiles are saved per character and are shown for the specific character only. The prefix 'C:' and the characters name/realm name is _automatically_ added to those profile names. All other profiles (as created via 'New Global Profile') are still shown for all characters.
- The 'create new profile' buttons are now disabled if the 'name' field does not contain a valid profile name. Enter a name for the profile you would like to create to enable them. Note: Profile names do differentiate between small letters and capital letters.

- Adding and removing action bars is now passed to Masque (you'll have to re-open the Masque options ... it's Masque not me). Additionally BAB saves and restores which Masque skins are applied to the bars.
- A lot of performance optimizations for the configuration mode.
- 'Sections' are now called 'Pivot Sets'.
- "Add Pivot Set" now works as desired and always 'continues' the previous section. (Did not work until the previous sections knot was manually dragged at least once.)
- Removed buttons are now fully resetted (incl. key binds).
- Buttons that can't be used (like "Remove Section" if there is only one section left) are now disabled.
- Fixed a bug with equipment sets on a bar and login. (Equipment set data is not instant available if the player enters the world. It is loaded later on from the server. Doh.)
- Fixed a bug with the Button Size option. (Number in edit box was set to width but not to height.)
- Fixed a bug with with range checking for macros that use '/cast <companionname>' to summon a pet or mount.
- Fixed a bug with login/UI-reload and battlepets that caused all bars to stay hidden.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the user to add more than 8 pivot sets.
- Fixed a bug with auto-circle performance.
- Added a border to empty buttons slots in Masque skin "BAB_Blizzard".

0.0.8 (Alpha)
This is the last alpha version. The next update will be a beta version with permanent profiles for using in your live UI and testing/reporting/fixing bugs.

- Bars and buttons are now hidden during pet battles.
- It's now possible to leave the configuration mode with ESC.
- First bar is now selected as default if the configuration mode opens and on switching to another profile.
- Added a "Select bar" dropdown to the bar options to select a bar without clicking the bars anchor/points.
- Added a "Copy Profile" option to the main options.
- Added a new option "Automatically Add Buttons" to bar options (default: on). With this option the bar is always automatically completely filled with buttons. "Add Button" and "Remove Button" are disabled as long as this option is active.

- Missing tooltips for pet, companion, equipmentsets, flyouts and flyout pop ups added.
- Active cooldowns are shown as desired on login/reload/profile switching etc.
- Optimized the profile management code. Loading/saving/etc. of profiles is now faster. BAB.lua in account SavedVariables is much smaller. Login is much faster (especially with a lot of bars and a lot of buttons).
- Removed the OnChar debug chat output. :)
- Fixed an error with Masque backdrop texture and BAB dynamic button shape
- Error with Blizz menu bar buttons (companion) fixed.
- Flyout buttons should now be hidden until they are used.
- Flyout buttons do now work on login without reloading the UI.
- Flyout buttons now do use the bars Masque skin.
- Much better performance and less memory/cpu usage in configuration mode. Compared with other action bar addons the memory/cpu usage is still high (atm BAB needs ~7 MB with a single standard bar, and on login/reload/in configuration mode temporary much more). I'll optimze the ressource usage later on, but due to it's heavy texture usage and calculation activity it's no surprise that BAB will never be a really resource friendly addon - especially not in configuration mode. :)
- Vector points (red) are now move to a correct position (in a line with their according green knot point) if the calculation style is switched to "Bezier". Happens (obviously) only if the actual bar has more than one section.

0.0.7 (Alpha)
- Flyout buttons are now fully implemented. They provide the same functionality as the default Blizz flyout buttons ... exept: you can't drag them in combat FROM an action button.
- BAB does support Masque. But not all Skins are usable without modifying them. The standard Masque skins that Masque provides itself ("Blizzard", "Dream", and "Zoomed") do not work with BAB. So I've added some open licenced available sample Masque skins that are suitable/modified for BAB to the addon download (they are show with the prefix "BAB_" in Masque. Just to demonstrate how a skin has to look like and how BAB looks with Masque skins (you still need to install the Masque addon itself to use them). The skins are:
- "BAB_Demigod Round" - original designed by 'Elloria' (
- "BAB_Cainyx" - original designed by 'WoWLoreConfusedMe' (
- "BAB_Lily" - original designed by Lily.Petal (
- "BAB_Aion" - original designed by Elloria (
- "BAB_Wildheart" - original designed by Elloria (
- "BAB_Bliizard", "BAB_Zoomed", "BAB_Dream" - original Skins from Masque (

- Masque support reworked/fixed/enhanced.
- Bar background fixed. Is now behind the buttons. But looks still really bad. ;) Building a better background will be a lot of work. :/ Do you really want/need a bar background?
- Fixed a bug with button text options (texts are now hidden as desired if the option is deactivated).
- Fixed a bug with hidden buttons that are shown when teleport/heartstone/leaving pet battle.
- Fixed the out-of-range indicator for buttons. Does work now. Not sure if it is working for items (are there items with a range value?)
- Lots of other stuff. :)

0.0.6 (Alpha)
- Button type 'flyout' is basically implemented. "Basically" means the flyout buttons can be dragged onto the bar, is expandable and does work. The flyout frame itself still has to be done (layout, rotation, shape, etc.). Dragging flyout buttons TO BAB buttons is unrestricted (in and out of combat). Dragging FROM the BAB button is restricted to out of combat.
- New button shape 'Round' implemented.

- Fixed a problem with some localized mount names.
- Fixed an error with active spell alerts on standard bars.
- Masque support fixed/optimized and "Round" shape added to Masque support.
- A lot more things I can't remember right now :)
- Fixed an error where BAB exits the configuration mode without typing /bab.

0.0.5 (Alpha)
- Button type 'compagnion' (mounts) is implemented. Draging 'companion' buttons TO a BAB button is restricted to out of combat situations. Drag them FROM a BAB button is not restricted.
- Button type 'equipmentset' (Blizz equipment manager) is implemented. Draging quipment sets from and to BAB buttons is unrestricted (in and out of combat).

- Companion pet/battlepet buttons now support drag TO the BAB button in combat. Drag FROM the BAB button is still restricted to out of combat.
- Error on login ("Core.lua:51: attempt to compare nil with number") fixed
- Non-shaped buttons on login fixed

0.0.4 (Alpha)
- BAB now supports companion pet buttons. The companion pet buttons support drag and drop out
of combat only. (all other button types are still able to handle drag & drop in combat)

- fixed the overlapping icon texture bug ... again (sorry). Texture paths' with capital letters
("INTERFACE\\ICONS" instead of "Interface\\Icons") where not replaced as desired.
- Renamed LibActionBound and LibKeyBound to unique names to prevent that the customized
libs are replaced by standard or newer versions from other addons.

0.0.3 (Alpha)
- button texts added: bind, action, count + options to configure them (what a mess ... I hate blizzard)
- new option: Reset Bar
- new option: Curve Calculation Style: (Bernstein <default>, Bezier)
Up to version 0.0.2 the bars curve was calculated with a 'cubic bezier algorithm' (which is still
available via the "Curve Calculation Style' bar option). With the cubic bezier style each curve
consists of one or more connected 'segments' or 'sections'. Each section hase two endpoints (green)
and two control points (red). The button 'Add Section' adds a new section with two endpoints and two
control points to those bars. The advantage of the Bezier style is that the curve intersects all
sections start and end points (green).
The 'Bernstein' algorithem (the new default value) is a slightly different approach. With this style
a curve has only one section. The section still has two endpoints (green), but up to 32 control points
(red) instead of only 2. The 'Add Section' button adds 4 additional control points (red) to a 'Bernstein'
- number of sections per bar resticted to up to 8

- cooldown texture now is shaped correctly in dynamic mode
- flickering cd texture on first cd animation fixed
- macro buttons are now correctly shown as enabled instead of disabled/not usable (shaded)
- new sections now 'continue' the last section (instead of being aligned to the bar anchor)
- button texts are now hidden if the parent button is hidden
- last remaining section on a bar can't be removed
- it's now possible to remove all buttons on a bar (just the bar anchor remains)
- many more

0.0.2 (Alpha)
- glowing/ants buttons
- keybinds added
- configuration restricted to out of combat situations
- moved icon texture files into an extra addon 'BABTexturePack' which now is mandatory for BAB

- anchor of newly added bars now hides as desired when leaving config mode
- bug with 'dynamic' type button shape in certain situations (shape was 'upside down')
- bug with adding new buttons (buttons were not rotated as desired in certain situations until a ui-reload)
- non-spell buttons (eg. items) are now saved to the profile as desired

0.0.1 (Alpha)
- initial version
Optional Files (1)
File Name
10-14-14 07:50 PM

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Unread 07-26-16, 06:14 AM  
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Re: Great addon . Really miss it.

Originally Posted by Kutterball
I'm hoping you will do an update to get this addon working again. Fantastic addon !
Hi Kutterball,

Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately I had to stop addon development almost 1.5 years ago and can't update this, sorry.

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Unread 07-25-16, 08:25 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Great addon . Really miss it.

I'm hoping you will do an update to get this addon working again. Fantastic addon !
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Unread 06-28-15, 11:26 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I've been using this addon and any keybindings like Shift+1 through Shift+6 and same with Ctrl+letter all get reset whenever my UI resets. Is this a known issue?
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Unread 03-20-15, 01:58 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Now this is a really beautiful and innovative idea, I am digging this.
Panther UI | My Home on the Web
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Unread 02-09-15, 08:14 PM  
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Re: How do I config my bars?


If you want square buttons instead of the trapezoid shape then just set the option "Button Shape" (Bar Options pane) to "Static".

Did you already watched the introduction video? Maybe it could be helpful.

If your want a circle-ish bar try the "Circle" Button (Bar Options pane). It sets the bar to a non permanent circle. You then could use this circle as a base to modify the bar shape (eg. to a semi circle). Try to modify the "Radius" number to get larger/smaler circles.

If you want a perfect and permanent circle try the "Circle" Button and check the "Permanent" option. Then drag a pivot point to increase/lower the circle size.
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Unread 02-09-15, 06:58 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Unhappy How do I config my bars?

So, I saw the picture with the diablo orbs and the minimap in the bottom, and I wanted to make mine like it, but with only 1 12-button bar around the map, 1 12-button bar around the health, and a micro menu around the mana orb. I tried doing it, but it was really frustrating, and I cant keep my buttons in a square, straight shape. Instead, it looks like a trapezoid. Please help!
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Unread 10-12-14, 09:06 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Duugu
Yes. Your're right. 999 Is too much. I'll lower that value. Thanks.

Beside of fixing various bugs and doing performance enhancements (eg. dragging large circle bars are now way faster and won't lock the client anymore) I'm currently working on some new features like a handy one-click spell selector (as an alternative to dragging the spells from the spell book to the bar), and pet/bag/micromenu bars and buttons.

I'll upload the next version (ready for 6.0.2) on Tuesday.
It would be crazy, but that doesn't mean I considered it a "bug" that the setting went that high, lol. I just wouldn't try to actually GO that high unless maybe I had an iMax Theater screen to play wow on.

Thanks again for all of your work on BAB. I'm experimenting with circles inside circles (mounts & pets) just for giggles - it's fun!
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Unread 10-11-14, 10:25 PM  
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Yes. Your're right. 999 Is too much. I'll lower that value. Thanks.

Beside of fixing various bugs and doing performance enhancements (eg. dragging large circle bars are now way faster and won't lock the client anymore) I'm currently working on some new features like a handy one-click spell selector (as an alternative to dragging the spells from the spell book to the bar), and pet/bag/micromenu bars and buttons.

I'll upload the next version (ready for 6.0.2) on Tuesday.
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Unread 10-11-14, 02:38 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Duugu
Thanks for reporting the error. Could you please state if the character in question has any mounts in its list?
If you're asking if I had mounts on the bar at the time, yes. I've reinstalled wow from scratch to try to troubleshoot some issues I've been having, so I couldn't tell you which ones.

Also, new bit of fun - two more bugs. Related to the fact that I went to change the radius to 110 for my circle, and accidentally made it 1110, which caused WoW to hang for a bit. When it unlocked (on its own), it had changed the radius to 999 (presumably the max allowed, which would be crazy big. lol).

Bug one:

1x BAB\Options.lua:2092: bad argument #1 to 'floor' (number expected, got string)
[C]: ?
BAB\Options.lua:2092: in function <BAB\Options.lua:2091>

self = BABBarOptionsCircleRadius {
0 = <userdata>
floor = <function> defined =[C]:-1
BAB = <table> {
GetLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:154
CalculateSecondDerivate = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:411
ResetBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:451
EnableDisableOptions = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3302
ApplyMasque = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:147
FindPointOnLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:274
Skins = <table> {
SelectBar = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3784
ShowBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2150
MasqueCallback = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3444
ResetButton = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2722
DrawLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:199
MSQ = <table> {
RemoveBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1389
GetNumberOfBars = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3511
ButtonUpdateTexture = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:96
BuildStateString = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:768
SetButtonsOnBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2308
HideBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3400
SetupAll = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1256
LoadMasqueGroups = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:120
TriggerStateDriver = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1167
SetupBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3230
IntersectionPoint = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:383
TableCopy = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:129
CreateBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3123
FormatTimeValue = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:23
ButtonShapeRoundHook = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:118
AddBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1287
DrawVirtualLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:238
CalculatePointsBernstein = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2912
IsLocalProfile = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:147
TableCopy_test = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:38
LinkBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:392
EvaluateState = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1209
CalculateFSRotation = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1578
ResetProfile = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:443
LineLenght = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:379
CooldownOnHide = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1288
OpenOptions = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:616
round = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2775
smooth_helper = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2761
CooldownFrame_SetTimer = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1246
CalculatePoints = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2994
ExtendVirtualLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:307
AutoSetupBarShapeFlag = false
FindBestPaddingValue = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2652
SlashHandler = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3499
CreateCustomFS = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1364
SetupButton = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1603
CreateEditboxFrame = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3754
GetSpellIDFromSpellName = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:89
GetButtonBackgroundTexture = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:110
RotateButtonsOnBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2184
CreateKnotFrame = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1962
ShowButton = <function> defined @BAB\But

Bug 2:
6x C stack overflow
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
...BAB\libs\LibActionButton-1.0\LibActionButton-1.0.lua:1687: in function <...BAB\libs\LibActionButton-1.0\LibActionButton-1.0.lua:1684>
...BAB\libs\LibActionButton-1.0\LibActionButton-1.0.lua:1059: in function `UpdateConfig'
BAB\Button.lua:152: in function `SetButtonShape'
BAB\Button.lua:1736: in function `SetupButton'
BAB\Button.lua:1573: in function `CreateButton'
BAB\Core.lua:1417: in function `AddButton'
BAB\Button.lua:30: in function `AutoButtons'
BAB\Options.lua:2105: in function <BAB\Options.lua:2091>
[C]: in function `ClearFocus'
BAB\Options.lua:2101: in function <BAB\Options.lua:2091>

(*temporary) = NewBar13HotKey {
0 = <userdata>
__MSQ_SetPoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1
BABHotKey = NewBar13BABHotKey {
SetText = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetPoint = <function> defined @Masque\Core\Button.lua:24
(*temporary) = "●"
= <function> defined =[C]:-1
= <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1435
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Unread 10-06-14, 11:42 AM  
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Thanks for reporting the error. Could you please state if the character in question has any mounts in its list?
Last edited by Duugu : 10-06-14 at 07:18 PM.
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Unread 10-06-14, 11:05 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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attempt to concatenate local 'creatureName' (a nil value)

Bars seem to hide/show (change alpha, whatever) properly now. Thanks!

Something from the Bug Sack:

1x BAB\Core.lua:507: attempt to concatenate local 'creatureName' (a nil value)
BAB\Core.lua:507: in function `UpdateSpellRepository'
BAB\Core.lua:528: in function `OnEvent'
BAB\Core.lua:3540: in function <BAB\Core.lua:3539>

self = <table> {
GetLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:154
CalculateSecondDerivate = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:411
ResetBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:451
EnableDisableOptions = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3302
ApplyMasque = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:147
FindPointOnLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:274
Skins = <table> {
SelectBar = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3784
ShowBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2150
MasqueCallback = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3444
DrawLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:199
MSQ = <table> {
RemoveBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1389
GetNumberOfBars = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3511
ButtonUpdateTexture = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:96
BuildStateString = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:768
SetButtonsOnBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2308
HideBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3400
SetupAll = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1256
LoadMasqueGroups = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:120
TriggerStateDriver = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1167
SetupBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3230
IntersectionPoint = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:383
TableCopy = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:129
CreateBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3123
FormatTimeValue = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:23
ButtonShapeRoundHook = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:118
AddBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1287
DrawVirtualLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:238
CalculatePointsBernstein = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2912
IsLocalProfile = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:147
TableCopy_test = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:38
LinkBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:392
EvaluateState = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1209
CalculateFSRotation = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1578
ResetProfile = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:443
LineLenght = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:379
CooldownOnHide = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1288
OpenOptions = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:616
round = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2775
smooth_helper = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2761
CooldownFrame_SetTimer = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1246
CalculatePoints = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2994
ExtendVirtualLine = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:307
ResetButton = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2722
FindBestPaddingValue = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2652
SlashHandler = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:3499
CreateCustomFS = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1364
SetupButton = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1603
CreateEditboxFrame = <function> defined @BAB\Options.lua:3754
GetSpellIDFromSpellName = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:89
GetButtonBackgroundTexture = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:110
RotateButtonsOnBar = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:2184
CreateKnotFrame = <function> defined @BAB\Core.lua:1962
ShowButton = <function> defined @BAB\Button.lua:1768
IsMSQEnabled = <function> defined @BAB\Utilities.lua:438
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Unread 09-30-14, 11:33 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Duugu
I've just uploaded 1.1.2 where everything we've discussed should be added/changed/whatever.

[e] There's one point left: the Possession bar. To be honest ... I've no idea what the possesion bar is.
As I sayed, I do not play the game actively. I have a Horde character an lvl 90. Could you provide a tip to test the possession bar? A quest or something?
Can't wait to check out the changes, thanks!

Malygos/Ulduar in Flame Leviathan/Argent Tournament Jousting = Vehicle Bar
Blood Queen in ICC (when you get bit)/Teron Gorefiend in Black Temple (when you die and turn into a ghost) = Possession Bar

Hope this helps!
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Unread 09-30-14, 05:33 PM  
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I've just uploaded 1.1.2 where everything we've discussed should be added/changed/whatever.

[e] There's one point left: the Possession bar. To be honest ... I've no idea what the possesion bar is.
As I sayed, I do not play the game actively. I have a Horde character an lvl 90. Could you provide a tip to test the possession bar? A quest or something?
Last edited by Duugu : 09-30-14 at 08:00 PM.
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Unread 09-29-14, 12:51 PM  
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Just a quick note to keep you up to date:

The good news are: I think I've found a way to support any possible combination of conditions. Like
in combat AND form:1 OR form:2
in combat AND harm AND form:1
and so on.

The bad news are: It will take another 2 or 3 days to build this into the addon.
Last edited by Duugu : 09-29-14 at 12:53 PM.
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Unread 09-24-14, 11:51 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Duugu
Hi Kitty,

Now the things are much more clear. Thanks.
Based on your feedback I'll add/change parts of the feature asap.
Sorry for keeping this short today as I'm very busy on my regular job for the next two days.
Thank YOU. Have a bug to report as I'm starting to experiment more. I created a bar as follows:

State 1: = Key:ALT / Show Custom Button Contents
State 2: = Key:Shift / Show Custom Button Contents
State 3: = Key:CTRL / Show Custom Button Contents

Get the following error when I mouseover a button after hitting one of the modifiers to change the button contents, although everything seems to work (buttons change and I can use the spell I dragged to that button for that state):

14x FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:397: Call failed: [string " if self:GetParent():GetAttribute('isOnEnt..."]:6: attempt to compare number with nil
[C]: ?
FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:397: in function <FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:390>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:346: in function <FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:328>
(tail call): ?

workingEnv = <userdata>
ctrlHandle = <userdata>
pcallFlag = false
LOCAL_Function_Environment_Manager = <function> defined @FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:209
error = <function> defined =[C]:-1
tostring = <function> defined =[C]:-1


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