Updated: 07-25-08 11:15 AM
File Info
Updated:07-25-08 11:15 AM
Categories:Discontinued and Outdated Mods, Druid

Raid Rebirth

Version: 0.1
by: dontmilkme [More]

I wanted to be able to have the whole raid know who I was battle rez'ing and when. It's easy to have a macro announce to raid, but there isn't a way (that I know of) to announce wether it was successful or not.

Raid Rebirth detects when the Rebirth spell begins casting and announces it in raid chat. After casting, it can tell if it was successful, if spell casting was interupted, or otherwise failed. Whatever the case, the rest of the raid will know in raid chat. If you're not in a raid group, the addon does nothing at all until you join one.

Dontmilkme of Mal'Ganis

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