Updated: 12-15-12 06:55 PM
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Updated:12-15-12 06:55 PM

Redeemer  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.0.3
by: Ryplinn [More]

by Ryplinn-Kargath(US)

As I have stopped playing WoW, Redeemer will no longer receive updates. Please feel free to fork the project.

Thanks to all of you for your tips, quotes, comments, bug reports, and for just using Redeemer!

Welcome to Redeemer! This mod makes you say humorous messages whenever you cast a resurrection spell and serves purely to entertain you and annoy others.


To select which channels to send Redeemer quotes to, use the /redeemer command or the options panel.

To browse, add, edit or remove quotes, use the options panel. To restore the default quotes in the RedeemerQuotes.lua file, use the Defaults button.

Quotes? Questions? Bug reports? I'd love to hear them!

-Updated party chat for instance chat changes in 5.1.0

-added Resuscitate support

-fixed GetNumPartyMembers() Lua error

-Added in-game quote management via options panel!
-Bug fixes for 5.0
-fixed "Pet Name Unknown" error

-Added Options Panel for message display settings
-fixed empty message categories causing Lua errors
-Updated TOC for 4.3
-Structural changes in preparation for future updates

-Added Mass Resurrection

-Fixed unkown pet name bug
-updated TOC for 4.2.2

-Updated for 4.0

-Changed Warlock quote to reflect cooldown changes
-Updated .toc for version 3.3

-Fixed Ghoul quotes issue
-Updated for 3.2

-Added option for whispering quotes to the target of the rez
-Added Death Knight quotes

-Added Revive support
-Added Warlock and self-rez quotes

-Added options for saying quotes in party and raid chat through slash commands

-Fixed Hunter pet quotes
-Fixed an issue with no-target quotes

-updated for patch 2.4

-added Hunter messages

-added Engineering messages

-removed debugging messages (oops)

-first version uploaded
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Unread 07-12-10, 10:25 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Dulcea
I'm still getting a "Pet Name Unknown" every time my hunter rez's her pet, and its still nearby, so the pet frame says dead. It works just fine when I rez him when he has no body. I completely remove the Redeemer folder every time I update, and I haven't made any modifications. Help?
I'm having trouble reproducing this. The "Pet Name Unknown" message should only show up if your pet is already dead when you log in.

Can you provide details on what zone you're in, which pet you have, and how far away from your pet you are when you rez?

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Unread 07-12-10, 04:27 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Dulcea
I'm still getting a "Pet Name Unknown" every time my hunter rez's her pet, and its still nearby, so the pet frame says dead. It works just fine when I rez him when he has no body. I completely remove the Redeemer folder every time I update, and I haven't made any modifications. Help?
Thanks for the report. I'll look into this.
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Unread 06-06-10, 08:44 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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I'm still getting a "Pet Name Unknown" every time my hunter rez's her pet, and its still nearby, so the pet frame says dead. It works just fine when I rez him when he has no body. I completely remove the Redeemer folder every time I update, and I haven't made any modifications. Help?
Meddle not in a Dulcea's affairs for you are crunchy and my pet is hungry. ^_^
Last edited by Dulcea : 06-07-10 at 02:18 AM.
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Unread 02-17-10, 06:43 PM  
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Re: long list o quotes

Originally posted by cowlinator
I thought I'd post my quotes I've collected (& shamelessly stolen) here, for anyone who wants to use them.
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Unread 09-18-09, 10:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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long list o quotes

I thought I'd post my quotes I've collected (& shamelessly stolen) here, for anyone who wants to use them.

"I hope this works... the last one I tried this on couldn't stop eating everyone's brains.", --Sod - Midivh[US]

"They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days.", --Garrison Keillor

"I just thought he was really really quiet...",
"Dying can be most unpleasant. Do try to avoid it.",
"On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down.",
--Jassur - Doomhammer[US]

"GAME OVER. To continue press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Select + Start",
"Don't rush me. You rush a miracle worker, you get rotten miracles.",
"Did you get my PERMISSION before dying?!",
"Arise, and fear death no more; or at least until the next pull.",
"Bring out your dead! *throws body on the cart*",
"I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you *knew*, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it?",
"Please, please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who.",
"Today's category on Final Jeopardy: Spells that end in \"esurrection\". ready?",
"Did you run into some snakes on a plane or something? 'Cause you're dead.",
"Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo... that's the best ambulance impression I can do.",
"Don't go towards the light! Well, unless it says \"Accept\" ... but even then, it might be a trick!",
--Serenity mod


"%t, I lost your address again, was 'Plaza of Tortured Souls' in Heaven or Hell?", -- ??
"%t, you're dead? Why would you do that?", -- Thesaurie - The Scryers[US]
"It's okay, %t had another guy!", --Centias - Burning Blade[US]
"The first time you mention \"Braaaains,\" you're getting put down, %t.", --Gigo - Silver Hand[US]
"Let nature come hence and heal thy wounds, and resurrect %t, who is an utter noob!", --Brandon M. Dennis (Oxhorn)

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, %t, but... you have terminal decapitation.",
"%t has seen the other side, and has returned to us again. Wait, %t, why are you drinking that poison!?",
"Can we plz just leave %t like this? Oops, wrong channel.",
"You know every time you die, I get to keep part of your soul, right %t?",
"Hey %t, remember when you said I could have your account password over your dead body?...",
"Wow. Is it just me, or did the mood in here get a lot lighter since %t died?",
"Just because everyone else is dying, doesn't mean you have to too, %t",
"%t's head fell off?? Well... they were pretty old...",
"Have the courage to live, %t. Anyone can die.",
--Jassur - Doomhammer[US]

"All requisite sacrifices have been performed: Rezzing %t.",
"Resurrecting %t. Side effects may include: drowsiness, hunger pangs, liquid dependence, sensitivity to heat, susceptibility to disease, and long-term degradation of strength, manual dexterity, vision, hearing, and cognitive faculties.",
--TheLioness - Magtheridon[US]

"Rezzing %t; /roll for blame.",
"I hear cats have nine lives--how many does %t have left?",
--Surely - Kargath[US]

"%t gets knocked down, but they get up again! Ain't nothing going to keep %t down!",
"Ok, one more time. The bad guys are supposed to die, the good guys are supposed to live. And %t? We're the good guys.",

"Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, %t, it tolls for thee!",
"I don't know how %t died. Maybe it was a bad pull, or lack of healing. But you know what didn't kill them? Smoking.",
"Relax folks, I'm a trained healer. Okay, let's see what's wrong with %t.... Oh my God, I think they're dead!",
"Ressurecting %t. Odd, all the wounds are in their back for some reason.",
"Everyone's ressurected? Priests, Paladins? Rogues, Hunters? Hunters' pets? Minions? Useless companion pets? Okay, %t's turn.",

"Ok, who let %t out of their cage again?? Come on, people!",
"We no longer have any use for you, %t. However, you will be rezzed to keep the enemy entertained.",
"Okay, so…um…that part goes there, this bit goes…um…where does this thing go?.... Oh, screw it. Rezzing %t!",
"Watching %t die was just too funny. Let's see it again!",
"*stuffs %t’s soul down their throat with a large stick in hopes it will not escape again.*",
"Guys, can you help me gather up %t's remains? There’re bits of %t scattered all over the place, and my rez isn't an AoE",
"How am I supposed to loot the mobs you're supposed to be killing, %t?",
--Sod - Midivh[US]

"We can rebuild %t, we can make them stronger, faster, but we can't make them any smarter.",
"Granddaddy always said laughter was the best medicine. I guess it wasn't strong enough to keep %t alive.",
"Ressing %t, can I get an Amen!",
"%t, your subscription to Life(tm) has expired. Do you wish to renew?",
"It just so happens that %t is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.",
"Cool, I received 42 silver, 32 copper from Corpse of %t",
"%t, It's more mana efficient just to resurrect you. Haha, I'm just kidding!",
"Well, %t, if you had higher faction with %p, you might have gotten a heal. How do you raise it? 1g donation = 15 rep.",
"Okay, %t. Stop being dead.",
"If you are reading this message, %t is already dead.",
"Death comes for you %t! With large, pointy teeth!",
"Resurrecting %t. Side effects may include: nausea, explosive bowels, a craving for brains, and erectile dysfunction. Resurrection is not for everyone. Please consult healer before dying.",
"Dying makes me sad, %t.",
"%t, stop worshipping the ground I walk on and get up.",
"Hey %t, can you check to see if Elvis is really dead?...and can he fill your spot in the party?",
"Giving %t another chance to noob it up. ",
"...death defying feats are clearly not your strong point, %t",
"Walk it off, %t.",
"%t, by accepting this resurrection you hereby accept that you must forfeit your immortal soul to %p. Please click \"Accept\" to continue.",
"%t, this better not be another attempt to get me to give you mouth-to-mouth.",
"Stop slacking, %t. You can sleep when you're . . . Oh. . . Um, ressing %t",
"%t has fallen and can't get up!",
"%t, quit hitting on the Spirit Healer and come kill something!",
"There are worse things then death, %t. Have you ever grouped with... oh, wait. We aren't supposed to mention that in front of you.",
"Tsk tsk. See, %t, I told you to sacrifice that virgin to the Volcano God.",
"Hey %t, do you know what you call a physician that was last in his class? Doctor.",
"Eww! What's that smell! It smells like something died in here! And, where is %t?......oh.",
"Unfortunately, %t, you have to be at least Revered with %p to be rezzed. Sucks to be you.",
"You don't deserve a cute rez macro, %t. You deserve to die. But you already did, so, um... yeah.",
"%t, you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.",
"Well, %t, you tried your best. And apparently failed miserably. Good job.",
"Did it hurt, %t, when you fell from Heaven? Oh, wait. You're dead. I don't know where I was going with that. Nevermind.",
"Sorry %t, I couldn't heal you. I was too busy being the tank.",
--Serenity mod
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Unread 05-03-09, 10:29 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Maldai
Thanks for posting these!
Last edited by Ryplinn : 05-03-09 at 07:56 PM.
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Unread 04-21-09, 02:37 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I have no idea where these came from.... they were in my old redeemer file (from like 2.1-2 or so) and I have no idea where they went but.... here's what was missing between this version and the newest, hopefully I got out most of the repeats. Apologies if these were removed for a specific reason and I'll edit them out if so.

"Granddaddy always said laughter was the best medicine. I guess it wasn't strong enough to keep %t alive.",
"Okay, %t, nap time is over! Back to work!",
"Ressing %t, can I get an Amen!",
"%t, your subscription to Life(tm) has expired. Do you wish to renew?",
"YAY! I always wanted my very own %t-zombie!",
"It just so happens that %t is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.",
"%t has failed at life, I am giving him a second chance. That's right, not God, ME!!",
"Cool, I received 42 silver, 32 copper from Corpse of %t",
"GAME OVER, %t. To continue press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Select + Start",
"%t, It's more mana efficient just to resurrect you. Haha, I'm just kidding!",
"Well, %t, if you had higher faction with me, you might have gotten a heal. How do you raise it? 1g donation = 15 rep.",
"Okay, %t. Stop being dead.",
"If you are reading this message, %t is already dead.",
"Don't rush me %t. You rush a miracle worker, you get rotten miracles.",
"Death comes for you %t! With large, pointy teeth!",
"Resurrecting %t. Side effects may include: nausea, explosive bowels, a craving for brains, and erectile dysfunction. Resurrection is not for everyone. Please consult healer before dying.",
"Dammit %t, I'm a doctor! Not a priest! .... Wait a second.... Nevermind. Ressing %t",
"Dying makes me sad, %t.",
"%t stop worshipping the ground I walk on and get up." ,
"Hey %t, can you check to see if Elvis is really dead?...and can he fill your spot in the party?",
"Giving %t another chance to noob it up. ",
"Dammit, %t, did you get my PERMISSION before dying?!",
"...death defying feats are clearly not your strong point, %t",
"Walk it off, %t.",
"%t, by accepting this resurrection you hereby accept that you must forfeit your immortal soul to me. Please click 'Accept' to continue.",
"%t, this better not be another attempt to get me to give you mouth-to-mouth.",
"Arise %t, and fear death no more; or at least until the next pull.",
"Stop slacking, %t. You can sleep when you're . . . Oh. . . Um, ressing %t",
"We can rebuild %t, we can make him stronger, faster, but we can't make him any smarter.",
"%t has fallen and can't get up!",
"Bring out your dead! *throws %t on the cart*",
"Hey %t, say hello to Feathers for me, will ya?",
"%t, quit hitting on the Spirit Healer and come kill something!",
"%t I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you *knew*, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it?", -- My Favorite
"%t, please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who.",
"Today's category on Final Jeopardy: Spells that end in 'esurrection'. %t, ready?",
"There are worse things then death, %t. Have you ever grouped with... oh, wait. We aren't supposed to mention that in front of you.",
"Did you run into some snakes on a plane or something, %t? 'Cause you're dead.",
"Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo! Wee-ooo... that's the best ambulance imperssion I can do, %t.",
"Tsk tsk, %t. See, I told you to sacrifice that virgin to the Volcano God.",
"%t gets a Mulligan.",
"Hey %t, do you know what you call a physician that was last in his class? Doctor.",
"Eww! What's that smell! It smells like something died in here! Hey, where is %t?... Oh.",
"Unfortunatly, %t, you have to be at least Revered with Dwarven Female Priests to be rezzed. Sucks to be you.",
"You don't deserve a cute rez macro, %t. You deserve to die. But you already did, so, um... yeah.",
"%t, you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.",
"Well %t, you tried your best. And apparently failed miserably. Good job.",
"Did it hurt, %t, when you fell from Heaven? Oh, wait. You're dead. I don't know where I was going with that. Nevermind.",
"Gah, %t, dead again? You probably want a rez, don't you? What do you think I am, a hea... oh. Fair enough.",
"%t have you heard of Nethaera? Yeah, she's really cool. Why do I bring it up? No reason.",
"Can somebody get %t a Phoenix Down over here? *stumbles* Wow, out of body experience...",
"Funny how everyone else can die and come back, but a Phoenix Down won't take care of %t.",
"Sorry %t, I know I'm a healer ... but come ON! Did you see how many guys there were!?",
"Hey %t! Don't go towards the light! Well, unless it says 'Accept' ... but even then, it might be a trick!",
"Sorry %t, I couldn't heal you. I was too busy being the tank.",
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Unread 01-12-09, 08:44 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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There's an extraneous [".] at the end of the third line from the bottom, (dying.",".) causing a syntax error.
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Unread 01-12-09, 07:35 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Absolutely will not work for me. I edited the messages to some I found elsewhere. Can you find the problem? Could it be that I use Prat as my chat mod?

--Unattributed quotes are assumed to come from me.
--If you want to add your own quotes, make sure to
--enclose them in double quotes and add a comma after
--each line.

--To insert the target's name in a quote, use "%t".

otherQuotes = { --Used when casting Resurrection, Redemption, Ancestral Spirit, and Revive

"This corpse brought to life by Spirit Travels, Ltd. Have you considered our Frequent Dier program?",
"Giving %t a shot at another 10% durability loss, please stand by.",
"Quit kissin' the floor, %t!",
"De-smearing %t. Try not to step in the goo.",
"Mourning period for %t concludes in 10...9...",
"%t has encountered a fatal error. Rebooting...",
"%t...walk it off.",
"Rezzing Hotstuff--I mean %t.",
"Hey %t, you know it took Jesus three days to do this?",
"All requisite gnome sacrifices have been performed: Rezzing %t.",
"Sorry %t, but you fell off the demand curve for heals.",
"Rezzing %t; /roll for blame.",
"Removing the \"Kill Me\" sign from %t's back, please stand by...",
"Roses are red, violets are blue, %t is a noob, rezzing them isn’t new.",
"Arise %t, and fear death no more! Well, least not until the next pull.",
"Rezzing %t, because I don't like having sex with corpses.",
"%t, your subscription to Life has expired. Do you wish to renew?",
"%t is coming back to life! I CAN SEE THE HEAD! PUUUSSSSHHHH!",
"%t, Quit humping the dirt, %t, and get your lazy ass up!",
"Special Rez inc %T, doggy style. That corpse is so hot right now.",
"I used to try mouth-to-mouth first, but %t always came back pretty pissed off.",
"GAME OVER, %T!!!. To continue press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, Select + Start.",
"WTS %t to necrophiliacs, 5G! PST!!!",
"One %t, worthless. 75% of base mana, too much. Rezing %t, priceless. For everything else, there’s gotta be some sweet epic gear for this priest after all this !%#!!",
"According to the Priest's Union, resurrection is a 10g suggested donation. But I'll let %t slide just this once.",
"Look's like %t's insurance premiums just went up again.",
"Earth! Wind! Fire! Water! %t! By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!",
"Game over, %t. To continue playing, please insert another quarter.",
"Resurrecting %t, side effects may include: Insomnia, erectile dysfunction, extreme desire for hot dwarf love, and explosive bowels. Resurrection is not for everyone, consult your physician before dying.",".
"slowly massages %t's heart with his forceful, bony hands, ever mindful of the nipple which lies only inches away. One final pump of the silenced vascular organ, and %t rises anew!",
"approaches %t slowly. 'I likes it when they lie so still and quiet like that....' *licks his lips.* OH! You guys are still here! 1 sec... Rezing %t!",

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Unread 11-17-08, 10:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Known Issues

Known Issues:
-whisper option default not setting properly
-casting Raise Dead without a target not using proper quotes
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Unread 11-13-08, 11:30 PM  
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Fixed, and I figured out how to not fail at folders this time.
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Unread 11-12-08, 05:49 PM  
A Frostmaul Preserver
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stuff not in a folder again
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Unread 11-04-08, 02:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Andrelia
Is there anyway to have the addon whisper your target instead of spam party, raid or say chat? I'd love to be able to use this addon to replace the macro I currently use when rezzing people.
Thanks for the idea! I'll add that feature into the next version or the one after that.
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Unread 11-03-08, 01:31 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I love the idea behind this addon.

Is there anyway to have the addon whisper your target instead of spam party, raid or say chat? I'd love to be able to use this addon to replace the macro I currently use when rezzing people.
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Unread 11-02-08, 09:57 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: non-english client

Originally posted by Ryplinn
Try this:
if (arg2 == "R\195\169demption") then
According to WoWWiki, WoW doesn't play nicely with accents.

it works perfectly, thank you very much
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