Updated: 03-15-15 03:38 AM
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Updated:03-15-15 03:38 AM
Categories:Data Mods, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Buff, Debuff, Spell, Character Advancement, TradeSkill Mods, ToolTip

Armory  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v12.4.2
by: Warmexx [More]

This add-on is no longer being updated here. Please visit CurseForge for an updated version.

In short

  • All armory information as (once) seen on the official site from Blizzard Entertainment, in game, for all your characters, on all realms
  • Enables the use of a compact character frame
  • Detailed profession information of all your characters
  • PVP information, including arena teams
  • Searchable inventory, including bags, bank, mailbox and auctioned items
  • Quest logs and spell books of all your characters
  • Friends, ignores and events of all your characters
  • Share quests, recipes and character information with other Armory users
  • Searchable Guild Bank that updates itself automatically without visiting the bank yourself
  • Tooltip enhancement and equipment comparison tooltips
  • Customizable functionality
  • And much more...
Please visit CurseForge for a full feature list.
More Information
More detailed information about Armory can be found on the project site. Here you can also access the localization tab which provides an interface to make things easier on translators. Additional software, like ArmoryGuildRecipes, its XML exporter and a Joomla! web site plug-in, as well as a tool to merge databases from different accounts can be found on the Neighbours Guild Website.
Bug Reports and Feature Requests
The comments are not meant to be used for reporting bugs and feature requests. Especially long stack dumps will clutter up the comments section and make it hard to follow. This may result in your post being unnoticed. Also you have no idea what happened with your post and you will not be able to track its status. The best thing to do in this case is file a ticket.
Filing a ticket is not hard but you need a Curse account. Please read How to file tickets before posting.
If you like to express your appreciation for the effort that has been put into Armory (and keep me awake to be able to maintain it), press the donate button and buy me a cup of coffee. For those interested: I drink black, extra dark roast. And here you can read how it all started.
  • ElvUI skin for Armory
  • Tukui skin for Armory
  • Bagnon_Armory replacement for Bagnon_Forever that retrieves information from Armory instead (created by Tuller)
  • ArmoryGuildRecipes collects recipes from guild members running Armory (/ar download) for publishing purposes
  • Agr2Xml converts ArmoryGuildRecipes LUA to XML file (Windows)
  • AGR Joomla! Component a component for Joomla! 1.x websites that provides an overview of guild recipes (based on AGR XML files) (PHP)
  • Agb2Xml converts ArmoryGuildBank LUA to XML file (Windows)
  • ArmoryDataTool merge Armory data files of multiple accounts (Windows)
  • public download page of the Neighbours guild with more add-ons, patches and descriptions of the downloads above
  • Online Converter converts Armory LUA data to XLSX or XML

Word of Thanks
First of all to you! For using Armory and keeping me inspired by providing positive feedback. And you! Who made a donation so I can keep my subscription active (I hardly play WoW anymore). And you! Who translated Armory to make it easier for non-English speaking players. And finally the members of the Neighbours guild (Pluis!) and others who helped me test the alpha builds.

==== v12.4.2 ====
# Trying to use the Twitter option caused a taint error; this has been fixed.
# World bosses were displayed twice in the raid frame; this has been fixed.
# Accepting a daily quest could result in an 'index nil' error; this has been fixed.
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Unread 11-18-08, 09:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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spit coke out my nose
that's a talent.

the threat was to not use his addon, which is fine, but why post? I didn't see the word "until" in there....

So why am i bothering to post this? Don't know.
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Unread 11-18-08, 08:45 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by blankStare
you know what, stop threating the author of free software that works on this thru the kindness of his heart. I'm sure this will be worked out.
rofl l2read

he was only saying he was gonna disable the mod till the conflict was sorted out. there was no threat implied. that just made me spit coke out my nose when i read that.
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Unread 11-18-08, 07:54 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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if push come to shove i will have to shut down this mod
you know what, stop threating the author of free software that works on this thru the kindness of his heart. I'm sure this will be worked out.
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Unread 11-18-08, 04:29 PM  
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Also, another thought. Perhaps you aren't aware that there are two returns from GetNumQuestLogEntries(), one that tells you how many lines are being displayed and the other that tells you how many actual quests are meant to be displayed in the window. Any quests that are hidden are accessible at the indices about the first return from this function, albeit in an odd order.

The following code will illustrate this. You can run this with collapsed headers, and it will always return the correct information without ever triggering a QUESTLOG_UPDATE:

local entries,quests = GetNumQuestLogEntries()

local questIndices = {}

for index=1,entries do
   local questLogTitleText, level, questTag, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, isDaily = GetQuestLogTitle(index)
   if not isHeader then
      table.insert(questIndices, index)

if #questIndices < quests then
   for index=entries+1,(quests - #questIndices) do
      table.insert(questIndices, index)

local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(...) print(...) end)

for k,index in ipairs(questIndices) do
   local text = GetQuestLogQuestText()
   if text then print("Quest: " .. index, text:sub(1, 40) .. "...") end

frame:SetScript("OnEvent", nil)
Employing this would resolve the bulk of our issues here, if not all of them.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 11-18-08, 04:06 PM  
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Originally posted by Warmexx
Ok, first of all I have told again and again that this can simple be avoided by disabling the quest log module in Armory. It is not a real solution but at least it solves this incompatibility for the time being. Maybe some people don't understand how to disable the option so I'll explain: go to Interface, AddOns, Armory, expand (press the small +) and go to Modules and uncheck Quest Log. (/ar config will get you there too).

Second, I don't do a timed scan. I already explained it to some people but I'll do it here again. Scanning is triggered by specific events related to quest log (content) changes. As Armory needs to scan the entire log and all its data, it will expand all headers, loops through all quest entries and restore the expanded headers to their previous state afterwards. So far there is no problem, but to get to some specific data (e.g. quest rewards) the quest must be selected first (SelectQuestLogEntry) before the API methods (e.g. GetQuestLogRewardMoney) can be called. As of version 5.2 Armory only selects the quest once before calling all quest methods (before it was called for every method)

The reason I say you end up doing a timed scan is simply because when a quest header is collapsed... by expanding it you cause a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE which you then respond to doing the same thing over and over again. This is very simple to see, do the following:
  1. Download Armory and Install it
  2. Create a new character, disable all addons except Armory
  3. /run hooksecurefunc("SelectQuestLogEntry", function(id) ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Selecting quest index: " .. tostring(id) .. " at " .. GetTime()) end)
  4. Accept your initial quest on that character
  5. Collapse the quest header

You will see the message printing every single second, where Armory is scanning the quest log on a timer. This is precisely the problem, because by expanding the header (And re-collapsing it) you trigger the update that your own mod uses to know when to update.

Of course I looked at LightHeaded after people mentioned the incompatibility to me, but I couldn’t do anything about it, except suggesting to disable the quest log module. The only thing I could think of was Lightheaded ignoring its SelectQuestLogEntry hook when Armory is scanning (Armory:IsLocked("Quests") is true). But I’m not confident about this because theoretically you could miss a call that needs to be catched. Maybe a live test will tell.

PM me if you like to work on a solution together.
This isn't the only addon with this problem.. there is also anything that uses LibQuixote. The fixation on getting every single entry in the quest log while triggering a cyclic update hits me in a few different places.. and there's no real way I can (or should) detect this in LightHeaded. Or any other quest addon for that matter.

Hope that makes sense. The above steps are reproducable in any situation, by the way. It always happens, unless that module is disabled. There are ways to work around this, it just needs to be implemented.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 11-18-08, 02:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I haven't found any problems with how Armory handles my quest log...but then again...I don't use that may be the problem...hmmm
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Unread 11-18-08, 01:18 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by lewal
it can damage your client to a point of possible re-install from what others have told me..
Some people told me once Martians were coming...
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Unread 11-18-08, 01:11 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by Cladhaire
Warmexx, I've been told my users have reported this to you previously. Using Armory, when a quest header is collapsed.. Armory will OnTimer expand all of the items in the quest log then restore the state of the quest log.

This means that when a header is collapsed, every second or so you are calling SelectQuestLogEntry() for as many items as there are in the quest log. This can have a severe impact on the performance of the client when combined with an addon like LightHeaded which has to pull all of the information and display it.

Is there any way you can get rid of this timed scan of the quest log. I understand why it exists, but there are certainly better solutions than what we have now.
Ok, first of all I have told again and again that this can simple be avoided by disabling the quest log module in Armory. It is not a real solution but at least it solves this incompatibility for the time being. Maybe some people don't understand how to disable the option so I'll explain: go to Interface, AddOns, Armory, expand (press the small +) and go to Modules and uncheck Quest Log. (/ar config will get you there too).

Second, I don't do a timed scan. I already explained it to some people but I'll do it here again. Scanning is triggered by specific events related to quest log (content) changes. As Armory needs to scan the entire log and all its data, it will expand all headers, loops through all quest entries and restore the expanded headers to their previous state afterwards. So far there is no problem, but to get to some specific data (e.g. quest rewards) the quest must be selected first (SelectQuestLogEntry) before the API methods (e.g. GetQuestLogRewardMoney) can be called. As of version 5.2 Armory only selects the quest once before calling all quest methods (before it was called for every method).

Of course I looked at LightHeaded after people mentioned the incompatibility to me, but I couldn’t do anything about it, except suggesting to disable the quest log module. The only thing I could think of was Lightheaded ignoring its SelectQuestLogEntry hook when Armory is scanning (Armory:IsLocked("Quests") is true). But I’m not confident about this because theoretically you could miss a call that needs to be catched. Maybe a live test will tell.

PM me if you like to work on a solution together.
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Unread 11-18-08, 08:54 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Cladhaire
Warmexx, I've been told my users have reported this to you previously. Using Armory, when a quest header is collapsed.. Armory will OnTimer expand all of the items in the quest log then restore the state of the quest log.

This means that when a header is collapsed, every second or so you are calling SelectQuestLogEntry() for as many items as there are in the quest log. This can have a severe impact on the performance of the client when combined with an addon like LightHeaded which has to pull all of the information and display it.

Is there any way you can get rid of this timed scan of the quest log. I understand why it exists, but there are certainly better solutions than what we have now.

And just a final note on this i love both mods but as i stated on the lightheaded sight ...if push come to shove i will have to shut down this mod ..infact im going too after maintance today ..i can live without armory ..but lightheaded is an invalueable tool i use everyday, i will miss knowing whats on my other toons but its price ill pay till this is stableized and i recommend all users of both mods to do the same as i have looked into this and it can damage your client to a point of possible re-install from what others have told me..
Last edited by lewal : 11-18-08 at 08:54 AM.
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Unread 11-18-08, 07:13 AM  
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Warmexx, I've been told my users have reported this to you previously. Using Armory, when a quest header is collapsed.. Armory will OnTimer expand all of the items in the quest log then restore the state of the quest log.

This means that when a header is collapsed, every second or so you are calling SelectQuestLogEntry() for as many items as there are in the quest log. This can have a severe impact on the performance of the client when combined with an addon like LightHeaded which has to pull all of the information and display it.

Is there any way you can get rid of this timed scan of the quest log. I understand why it exists, but there are certainly better solutions than what we have now.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 11-18-08, 07:03 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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great addon, but i just recieved a small box that another mod called lightheaded just poped up ,it said there was a conflict and to contact you. it didnt say what the conflict was so im contacting you both stated it could sevely happer my client...what is this problem
Last edited by lewal : 11-18-08 at 07:08 AM.
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Unread 11-18-08, 01:22 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Thank you very much for this great addon, it really helps keeping track of things on ALTs and is a real timesaver.

With the last version there is an issue introduced, which causes some issues with the questlog. First, if I scroll down a large quest text after about half a second the quest is reset to the top and I'm not able to read the bottom part of the quest text (I know, reading quest text is uncool, however ... )

Second, I'm also user of the addon "Lightheaded", which also flips back to the first page as long as armory is running. Cladhaire (the author of Lightheaded and other stuff) made a fix especially for armory, however it looks like you want to look at this issue. I don't know hoe to link to a specific comment so I quote an answer from him:
Originally posted by Cladhaire
The "issue" is the same one that cause people's pages to flip back to the first page, meaning they never get to read anything. I've "solved" that for those users, but the underlying problem is essentially the following:

Some addons (Armory being the notable culprit at the moment) repeatedly scan the quest log on a timed basis (instead of responding to events like they are supposed to). The reason they do it this way is because the user can collapse the quest headers, and the only way to get at those via the API is to EXPAND the headers, get the data you want, and then re-collapse them quickly. This causes QUEST_LOG_UPDATE to fire, which means these addons can't rely on that event.

I consider this a fundamental flaw in their addons, but have to do something so things are still useful to my users. I can't think of a viable heuristic for determining whether an update should be ignored or not.. since we can never know if there is going to be another call after the one we're currently processing.
May be you want to get into contact with Cladhaire about this so future version will work flawlessly with other addons.

Thanks for reading
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Unread 11-04-08, 06:53 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Searching across realms

Originally posted by Spleebie
Is there any way to disable the non-current realms for the find feature? If not, this would be a great option to see!
No, but you can use the inventory list view instead which is more readable.

I'll make a note of your request.
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Unread 11-04-08, 12:29 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Searching across realms

There are times when I want to see if one of my alts or guild banks has something, but when I do /ar find [item] I get lots of results from other realms (which do have the item), making it hard to see if the item is on my current realm. Is there any way to disable the non-current realms for the find feature? If not, this would be a great option to see!
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Unread 11-03-08, 09:03 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: ArmoryFu

Originally posted by harl
I think, ArmoryFu shouldn't have FuBar as a mandatory dependency, since LDB display add-ons like ButtonBin in combination with FuBar2Broker are able to show ArmoryFu in their own way even without FuBar being loaded itself.
Anyone not using ArmoryFu would keep it disabled in the add-ons list anyway (right?), so there's no real reason for an add-on to depend on FuBar anymore when this is just one of many display add-ons to choose from.
ArmoryFu needs this dependency. But I'm currently working on an Armory version that uses LDB and makes ArmoryTitan and ArmoryFu obsolete.
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