Updated: 04-08-08 08:57 PM
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Updated:04-08-08 08:57 PM


by: Quezacolt [More]

The next release of Checklist is now in beta. You may want to try it out!

What the hell is Checklist?

Checklist is a simple addon that allows you to list the things that one must keep track on. It is intended to provide the functionality that its name suggests - a checklist. Some uses are:

  • Keeping track of things to do for a levelling guide
  • Crafting lists for your alts
  • A list of dailies you have to do
  • Items you're aiming towards
  • Things that members of your group or raid need in a specific dungeon

As of now, the FuBar plugin will display all unchecked tasks on mouseover. It also displays the amount of completed tasks over the total amount of tasks, and the percentage of tasks completed. This will receive further refinements as ideas and suggestions come to me.

One useful new feature that got added in 2.0 is the ability to create arbitrary amounts of lists and list items. Simply right-click on the tasks indicator to change how many tasks the current list has, or right click an existing list in the menu and select "New" to create a new list. Easy, huh?

Checklist2 is also available at the Ace SVN - you can download it from or use the WowAceUpdater, if you have it. The copy there will be updated more often, so you'll get new features and additions within hours of them being written. The downside? Bugs may slip through, though I always test the critical functions before uploading anywhere.

Currently, the feature to reskin the Checklist2 window has been removed. This may or may not be reimplemented. I'm looking at creating a custom texture for Checklist that will make it truly fit into the WoW UI.

To summarize, Checklist2 is an addon made by forgetful people (me XD), for forgetful people. I intend it to be used for things that would require the same procedures and must not be forgotten. A perfect example of this is this AddOn itself! I myself use Checklist to keep track of suggestions, and pre-release tasks. Another is for taking down stuff you need made by an alt. For example, my main is a leatherworker. My alt is a rogue. I list the stats of my alt's gear on Checklist2, then send usable gear upgrades back. Back then, I'd relog back and forth... (no pen and paper near my PC)

Slash Commands
Slash commands are /checklist2, or /cl2 for short. Below is a brief description of what each slash command does.
  • /cl2 check taskNumber - Checks the specified task number
  • /cl2 deletelist listName - Pops a confirmation dialog to delete the specified list
  • /cl2 newlist listName - Creates a new list with listName as its name.
  • /cl2 renamelist oldName, newName - Takes list oldName and renames it to newName. The string is split at ", ". Case sensitive - names must be *exact*.
  • /cl2 reset - resets the position of all Checklist windows.
  • /cl2 setlist listName - Sets the list to display
  • /cl2 ui - Toggles the Checklist window
  • /cl2 uncheck taskNumber - Unchecks the specified task

As a side note, Checklist2 and any version of Checklist 1 are stored in separate folders and will act as two different AddOns. I made sure that there will be no conflicts between the two major versions. One side effect is that the two are unable to understand each other's data - older versions don't expect more than five lists, while the new DB system can handle large amounts of data.

Credits, Kudos, and Thanks
Special thanks to Magictrix of Hakkar for the idea, and Abraxxis of Draenor, Heretical of Ysera, Akalabeth of Ner'zhul and Xaxziminraxb of Twisting Nether for suggestions. Thanks also to Lunos for translating this mod into German <3

In the works for Checklist2:
  • Port to Ace3. Performance stats coming soon... (On hold)
  • A notepad. Partly because I don't like MS Notepad too much XD (In progress)

Suggested suggestions:
(Hey, I didn't make this addon to invent good addon page section titles...)
  • List synchronization
  • Easier way to sync profiles between characters (Smaller Checklist2.lua SV file)
  • Task timers

(After FuBar plugin is polished)
  • Titan plugin

Known Bugs or Issues:
As it's somewhat time consuming to update bug lists on two different sites using completely different formatting, I've moved this section to a subpage of my author portal - see the Glitches and Bugs List.

Anything users of my addons must know will always be posted at my author portal.

Checklist v2.0.0.0802 (2.4 compatible)

  • Minor bug fixes and efficiency modifications

As always, please report bugs and issues here, or contact me on the WoWAce IRC channel.
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Unread 02-22-08, 09:31 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: I vote for shared lists!

(Repost, accidentally deleted)

Originally posted by jffyt
The ability to share lists among characters would be awesome. For my purposes, I don't just mean members of a group or raid, I also mean across my toons. For example, when someone needs some special ore for a quest, he could add that to the checklist, so I'd remember the next time I was playing as a toon with Mining.

Thanks for listening.
That already works right now - It's handled by the AceDB-2.0 library. When logged into either character, type /cl2 profile other someprofilename, where someprofilename can be whatever you like. Do the same with the other character.

If you look at the screenshots, the list menus on my main (Quezacolt) and my coding alt (Schwaa) are identical

I guess this means a more user-friendly interface to this feature is needed. That'll be in the next update.
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Unread 02-22-08, 07:20 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: extend the maximum of the allowed digits

Originally posted by Lunos
Hello there ^^ I love your mod. Actually I'm using it for my lvl guide and it works just great for this purpose.

The only Problem is, the maximum of the allowed digits is too low. Is there a way by editing the core.lua to fix this? Or is it possible to include an automatic word wrapping / line break function?

Thanks for developing and supporting this Mod.

EDIT: I can translate the menu into german if you wish. Sorry for my bad English by the way =>

EDIT2: May be you could use this part of script I found on

-- Lunos
Thanks for using and liking my mod

Luckily, WoW's widget API offers this functionality. After realizing this, I've removed the character limit from the note input box and tried it out. Looks pretty good - I myself got pretty excited XD
(see item #99, the tabs don't exactly work yet btw)

As for your offer to translate Checklist2, I'd love it! I'm already searching for all the text that needs to be translated. The locale file will be Locale-deDE.lua located in the Localization folder. It's not there yet, so I'll upload it soon.

If you do manage to translate the texts (there's not much to translate actually) please send the file to the email address in Checklist2's about dialog (/cl2 about). It would be appreciated!
Last edited by Quezacolt : 02-22-08 at 07:25 PM.
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Unread 02-18-08, 12:47 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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extend the maximum of the allowed digits

Hello there ^^ I love your mod. Actually I'm using it for my lvl guide and it works just great for this purpose.

The only Problem is, the maximum of the allowed digits is too low. Is there a way by editing the core.lua to fix this? Or is it possible to include an automatic word wrapping / line break function?

Thanks for developing and supporting this Mod.

EDIT: I can translate the menu into german if you wish. Sorry for my bad English by the way =>

EDIT2: May be you could use this part of script I found on
Wrap a string at a given margin
This is intended for strings without newlines in them (i.e. after reflowing the text and breaking it into paragraphs.)
function wrap(str, limit, indent, indent1)
  indent = indent or ""
  indent1 = indent1 or indent
  limit = limit or 72
  local here = 1-#indent1
  return indent1..str:gsub("(%s+)()(%S+)()",
                          function(sp, st, word, fi)
                            if fi-here > limit then
                              here = st - #indent
                              return "\n"..indent..word
-- Lunos
Last edited by Lunos : 02-19-08 at 10:01 AM.
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Unread 02-14-08, 08:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I vote for shared lists!

The ability to share lists among characters would be awesome. For my purposes, I don't just mean members of a group or raid, I also mean across my toons. For example, when someone needs some special ore for a quest, he could add that to the checklist, so I'd remember the next time I was playing as a toon with Mining.

Thanks for listening.
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Unread 02-05-08, 03:26 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Re: Re: Trouble Downloading

Originally posted by Quezacolt
I use Windows so I wasn't aware of that. Very interesting...

Yes, there was a change in the way the files were zipped - earlier versions were zipped with WinRAR, while 2.0 was zipped with WoW UI Designer. It works fine on my PC though.

I have just uploaded a new copy zipped with WinRAR, which hasn't let me down yet.
Just downloaded it and checked it out...perfect! Working just fine. Thanks.
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Unread 02-05-08, 05:08 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Trouble Downloading

Originally posted by Dissy
I have checked with 2 other Mac users and the file is not downloading properly for us. The version is fine (and does work with 2.3). Not sure what is happening with mac users in downloading. What happens is the file that is downloaded after being unzipped is "Checklist2b2" and inside is all the lib files and some applets (71 items). No folders. Was there a change in the way the file was zipped from the version
I use Windows so I wasn't aware of that. Very interesting...

Yes, there was a change in the way the files were zipped - earlier versions were zipped with WinRAR, while 2.0 was zipped with WoW UI Designer. It works fine on my PC though.

I have just uploaded a new copy zipped with WinRAR, which hasn't let me down yet.
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Unread 02-04-08, 02:02 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Trouble Downloading

I have checked with 2 other Mac users and the file is not downloading properly for us. The version is fine (and does work with 2.3). Not sure what is happening with mac users in downloading. What happens is the file that is downloaded after being unzipped is "Checklist2b2" and inside is all the lib files and some applets (71 items). No folders. Was there a change in the way the file was zipped from the version
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Unread 01-23-08, 03:29 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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RE: HOP3's post

That'll be added in the next version. Which reminds me... I forgot to post about it here! >.<

Anyway, here's that long delayed post, copied from the Curse page


Hmm, development has hit a small bump in the road.

Well, depending on what your definition of "small" is.

The core code for the "applet" has been written, and it was supposed to be released on the first weekend of January. I've successfully managed to find a way to create an unlimited amount of lists. The problem was, it was very difficult to delete it once it was created.

From that, I went on reshaping the structure of the database. It was messy. Very messy. Now I've found that a majority of the code right now had to be revamped. And so I made the decision - the next version will be a 2.0 release, rewritten from scratch. I'll try my best to include as much of the suggestions as possible, especially the "shared lists" suggestion, which has seen quite a few requests on the UI & Macros forum in the past. I'll also use as much development help tools as I can get my hands on to speed this up.

Should there be huge bugs in the current release (v1.2.74.0322) I'll make fixes. Report them, if any.

Wish me luck! >.<


Other things not mentioned there is a timer (have Checklist change the list it's showing automatically depending what time it is, etc), unlimited lists and list items, list reordering, in-party/raid/guild list sharing, update detection (Checklist looks for people in your group/guild who are using a newer version of it), and other stuff that I can't recall right now.

To use a "global" profile, type /cl profile other account.

For the latest updates, see the Dev Notes page on my author portal (
Last edited by Quezacolt : 01-23-08 at 03:41 AM.
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Unread 01-17-08, 03:51 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Re: Checklist being distributed without my consent

Yeah, serious sh!t some people doing with others creation. :S

First of all thanks for the addon. After AlarmClockWrangler gone bad and can't really using it (numerous reasons, long story), I use your addon to remind myself to do things... Though your addon not particularily supporting the "remind" goal in such way. Any chance to make the list modification process... how should I say... simplified? For instance, the main task window seems bloated at first when you open it. If someone wanna add separate lists they could just push one button and it could add another row of checklists. Also the (main list) could show up on mouse-overing onto the fubar area of the addon. So that would take me to my other suggestion to make the first list "main" list of some kind. Not necessarily global (on all characters). Maybe it could be selectable to use only a global profile instead of separate char specific profiles? Also reminder I'm missing (for separate tasks, would be cool to set separate reminder time to them as well since they are "different" tasks.

Just a few ideas hope you dont mind.

Originally posted by Quezacolt

Thank you for reading.

Last edited by H0P3 : 01-17-08 at 03:52 AM.
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Unread 12-01-07, 05:21 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Checklist being distributed without my consent


This is probably the first time I'm gonna use a serious tone in an entire post.

Hi all. Thank you for using my AddOn. Just 5 minutes ago I did a Google search for Checklist with the keywords:

checklist "world of warcraft" (mod OR addon)

(OR is a conditional. Quite useful in Google)

I expected this page to come up at the top. Instead, another link showed up! This AddOn has been posted on with neither my knowledge nor my consent!

Please take note: I am not responsible for any possible trojans and viruses that you may get from this mod if you download it from an unsupported site. As of this post, I've only uploaded on Curse and WoWInterface.

If you uploaded this on some other site, please remove it from there or add a link to either here or to Checklist's Curse page on it's description, plus a disclaimer that you did not author the AddOn.

Thank you for reading.

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Unread 11-17-07, 12:38 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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RE: Suggested Feature

Interesting suggestion!

Hopefully it'll be in the next version. I've thought about that myself but haven't really looked into it.
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Unread 11-15-07, 03:46 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Suggested feature...

Is there a way to share checklists? This would be an awesome way for everyone to put what they need to do that day on the list.. and for us to go down the list getting everyone's instances and the like...
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