Updated: 04-25-09 10:20 PM
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Updated:04-25-09 10:20 PM


Version: 1.5.2
by: Frella [More]

WhoDat - A guild tool which facilitates recognition of alternate characters

After The Burning Crusade went live, our guild ballooned up with additional alts as well as many returning players. Keeping track of who was who quickly became a problem. A lot of folks started to feel like we were no longer the tight guild we once were. Of course, a lot of this was simply perception, so I came up with the idea of putting together a tool which would answer the question "Who's That?"

What It Does
WhoDat hooks your chat windows and watches for communication and online/offline events. When it finds an event it should process (fully configurable), if the owner of the event is an alternate character, it adds that info. Nothing is changed for the player running WhoDat, nor for a "main" character.

Please see the manual page I keep up to date at:

To view the changelog/history, please go to:

1.5.2 Very Minor Maintenance Release
- Added to and Corrected the German translation (credit: Ypselon from WoWInterface)
- Fixed the German translation so it is actually loaded by default if you're locale is deDE.

1.5.1 Maintenance Release
- Fixed a crash bug with the 3.1 WotLK Patch.

New in 1.5
- Compatibility with WotLK API changes
- Re-vamped startup procedure to accomodate chicken vs. egg problems... which were causing some folks to freeze up on loading.
- Various other bug fixes
- /whodat -errors will show you any names WhoDat finds from the note field which do not exist in your guild. A handy way to find errors as well as see anyone who has left some alts in your guild.

New in 1.4
- Updated German Translation
- Compatibility with AuldLangSyne
- A few more bug fixes
- You can now set the color for your "main" toon
See the above URLs for more information!

If you encounter errors or incomaptibilities with other addons, please post a comment on this page. Be as specific as you can and I'll see what I can do to remedy the situation. And, of course, I'm always open to suggestions for new functionality!

--Frella (Alliance on Alleria)

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Unread 06-27-09, 01:04 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Ahh, yah, it could be done that way but would be specific to a single user and not shared. One could do an addon-list-sharing thing, but it would not be simple.

Not sure why it would be getting confused on outgoing tells unless something else has changed in the game. Unfortunately, I'm no longer playing. I do get access from time to time through a friend, but hadn't seen this post. If you can narrow it down some more that'd be great... but my guess is it's an issue with Cellular changing the text before WhoDat gets a crack at it.

Originally posted by Sec
Hm... Frella, either Prat or Chatter had a manually assembled list for alts and mains. My memory may be failing, but I am pretty sure that the module would let a user manually type and add a main, then list their alt(s). I think that this worked even with alts who were not in the guild. Perhaps it worked by checking a list that the addon stored, rather than pulling information from a guild note.

I am pretty sure, unfortunately, that it was Chatter, and furthermore, that this module was broken the last time I tested it. It is for this reason that I now use WhoDat.

Aside from this, I noticed something the other night. I was having a whisper conversation with a guildmate's alt using the addon Cellular. When the alt said something, the main's name showed up in brackets, correctly. When I said something though, that main's name showed up in brackets too - even though I am clearly a separate person. Clarification:

BOB [DAN]: Hi!
JILL [DAN]: Wait... I'm not Dan! D:

Please let me know if I've overlooked anything, or can provide you with further information!
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Unread 05-14-09, 11:37 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Hm... Frella, either Prat or Chatter had a manually assembled list for alts and mains. My memory may be failing, but I am pretty sure that the module would let a user manually type and add a main, then list their alt(s). I think that this worked even with alts who were not in the guild. Perhaps it worked by checking a list that the addon stored, rather than pulling information from a guild note.

I am pretty sure, unfortunately, that it was Chatter, and furthermore, that this module was broken the last time I tested it. It is for this reason that I now use WhoDat.

Aside from this, I noticed something the other night. I was having a whisper conversation with a guildmate's alt using the addon Cellular. When the alt said something, the main's name showed up in brackets, correctly. When I said something though, that main's name showed up in brackets too - even though I am clearly a separate person. Clarification:

BOB [DAN]: Hi!
JILL [DAN]: Wait... I'm not Dan! D:

Please let me know if I've overlooked anything, or can provide you with further information!
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Unread 04-27-09, 06:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by ßlink
my guild has a sperate alt guild. use a custom channel to talk, would be nice if it could monitor a custom chan
While monitoring the channel would not be an issue, it just wouldn't work for any character *not* in your current guild.

When someone speaks, it takes that person's name and looks it up in a table based off of your guild roster. Since that person is not in your guild, it would fail at that point.

There's not an easy reliable mechanism to store the data associated with a toon name not in your guild. There's a way to do it, but it's overly complicated and could easily break... it would involve using the addon channel to request the info from the toon that said something. This would be a lot of overhead and still be fallible.

Unless you can think of an alternative way to handle it?

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Unread 04-25-09, 11:23 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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my guild has a sperate alt guild. use a custom channel to talk, would be nice if it could monitor a custom chan
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Unread 04-25-09, 06:34 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Thanks a ton Ypselon, I'll release 1.5.2 here shortly with the updated translation as well as finally remembering to have the german translation in the .xml file by default!

Originally posted by Ypselon
Here are the German Translation :

L_WHODAT_DEATH_KNIGHT = "Todesritter";
L_WHODAT_NAME_ERRORS = "Fehler im Namen";
L_WHODAT_NO_ERRORS = "Keine Fehler gefunden";

Here are one Correction :

L_WHODAT_SHOWONLINE = "Zeige nur Mitglieder, die online sind";
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Unread 04-25-09, 06:33 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Sec
Hello Frella! This is a great addon - I wish I had found it years ago.
Thanks much! I don't play WoW anymore, but I still have some good friends who do, so I maintain this addon as several guilds still actively use it. It's really very nice for the multitude of alts out there. I found it especially helpful as an officer, being able to mouseover the guild window or use the actual gui.

When I was first setting up this addon (using Guild Info for applicable settings) I think I had stumbled on a typo in your manual. When you discuss RegExp, you give an example for a main listed as [Name] while the corresponding RegExp would be wdr:[([^%]]+). I had followed this, setting a public note to [Name] yet the tooltip for the character would not show up. I read through the comments page here and I saw you mention wdr:%[([^%]]+). I gave this a shot and it seems the additional % fixes the issue. Chances are I had done something wrong, but things seem to be working now.
You are absolutely correct. The % sign "escapes" the next character so it will not be processed as a RegExp command. I've corrected the mistake in the manual, thanks much for pointing it out!

I have additional testing and configuring to do, so I may have some follow-up. I am hoping that this addon can be a useful addition to my guild members - thanks again for making it! [/b]
If you'd like a faster response, send email to [email protected].

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Unread 04-24-09, 09:02 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Hello Frella! This is a great addon - I wish I had found it years ago.

When I was first setting up this addon (using Guild Info for applicable settings) I think I had stumbled on a typo in your manual. When you discuss RegExp, you give an example for a main listed as [Name] while the corresponding RegExp would be wdr:[([^%]]+). I had followed this, setting a public note to [Name] yet the tooltip for the character would not show up. I read through the comments page here and I saw you mention wdr:%[([^%]]+). I gave this a shot and it seems the additional % fixes the issue. Chances are I had done something wrong, but things seem to be working now.

I have additional testing and configuring to do, so I may have some follow-up. I am hoping that this addon can be a useful addition to my guild members - thanks again for making it!
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Unread 04-23-09, 12:02 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Here are the German Translation :

L_WHODAT_DEATH_KNIGHT = "Todesritter";
L_WHODAT_NAME_ERRORS = "Fehler im Namen";
L_WHODAT_NO_ERRORS = "Keine Fehler gefunden";

Here are one Correction :

L_WHODAT_SHOWONLINE = "Zeige nur Mitglieder, die online sind";
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Unread 04-23-09, 09:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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1.5.1 Released

Fixed a startup crash bug with the 3.1 patch (whodat crash, not game crash).

1.5 saw a rewrite of a lot of the internals to be compatible with the WotLK expansion. See the Frella wiki links for a history.

Still looking for a couple german translations if any germans are still using it.

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Unread 03-10-08, 11:13 AM  
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Re: Code question

Sorry it's been so long since I came by here. I've been having fun in LotRO land and only loading up WoW for raiding.

I'll look into a solution for this. Shouldn't be too hard, just another variable setting and I imagine there are a fair number of folks who do something similar.


Originally posted by Mummie
I am experimenting with this for my guild, so far I love the ideas, we have nearly 500 members so it is hard to keep track sometimes. It is a really nice.

But I have one little issue. At the moment we have our guild notes set up as (MAINSNAME) then tradeskill notes. I was able to follow your instuctions for setting it in guild info to read the ( ) no problem. The issue I have now is that we mark all the mians (Main). So right now all our mains are listed as the alts of Main... is there a way to teach it to show a null value if the note is (Main)? So that is would read all the mains except (Main).

Since I know that may not make sense here is an example.
The note for my alt Maladicta reads: (Mummie) m s
So my main is Mummie and tradeskills are low lvl mining and skinning.

The note for my main reads: (Main) MMM EE
So this is my main and m trades are mining 375 and Eng medium lvl.

It works perfect for showng that Mal is my alt, but it shows my main as the alt of Main.

Since I would rather not have to edit the notes of several hundred members, can we set it to ignore only the note of (Main)?

Thank you very much for your work on this, hope this won't be to much of a headache to consider.

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Unread 11-29-07, 02:34 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Code question

I am experimenting with this for my guild, so far I love the ideas, we have nearly 500 members so it is hard to keep track sometimes. It is a really nice.

But I have one little issue. At the moment we have our guild notes set up as (MAINSNAME) then tradeskill notes. I was able to follow your instuctions for setting it in guild info to read the ( ) no problem. The issue I have now is that we mark all the mians (Main). So right now all our mains are listed as the alts of Main... is there a way to teach it to show a null value if the note is (Main)? So that is would read all the mains except (Main).

Since I know that may not make sense here is an example.
The note for my alt Maladicta reads: (Mummie) m s
So my main is Mummie and tradeskills are low lvl mining and skinning.

The note for my main reads: (Main) MMM EE
So this is my main and m trades are mining 375 and Eng medium lvl.

It works perfect for showng that Mal is my alt, but it shows my main as the alt of Main.

Since I would rather not have to edit the notes of several hundred members, can we set it to ignore only the note of (Main)?

Thank you very much for your work on this, hope this won't be to much of a headache to consider.

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Unread 11-07-07, 08:36 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks for sorting out the AuldLangSyne issue, works like a dream. And another big thank you for implementing the colour feature for names
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Unread 11-05-07, 12:01 PM  
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Originally posted by Fin

Awesome looking mod, judging from what's on this page. It's basically what I'd like the AltNames module for Prat to be - unfortunately I suffer from a genetic mutative disease virus which prevents me from, oh, all sorts of things I'd otherwise do.

Anyway! Just wanted to make a suggestion: maybe have a look at Prat's system for deaing with chat messages. It's been designed in a way to make it easy for chat addons to work together, by breaking down the messages, giving addons a chance to modify whatever bits they like, and rebuilding it. It's quite complex, but in my opinion worth having gander.

Congratulations on a shiny lovely addon that should make the world a better place for its users. Toodles!


- Fin
Hi Fin,

I appreciate the feedback and if the problem was parsing the string itself, then your suggestion would bear looking into. The problem doesn't lie in that direction tho, it lies in interacting with other addons.

While I do like some of the things prat can do, I'm not going to tie WhoDat to require Prat.

What I've done does work, it just requires tweaking here and there... and in some cases it simply won't be compatible with some addons. Fact of life when there's 10 billion of them out there!

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Unread 11-04-07, 10:04 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Awesome looking mod, judging from what's on this page. It's basically what I'd like the AltNames module for Prat to be - unfortunately I suffer from a genetic mutative disease virus which prevents me from, oh, all sorts of things I'd otherwise do.

Anyway! Just wanted to make a suggestion: maybe have a look at Prat's system for deaing with chat messages. It's been designed in a way to make it easy for chat addons to work together, by breaking down the messages, giving addons a chance to modify whatever bits they like, and rebuilding it. It's quite complex, but in my opinion worth having gander.

(FYI! Prat, btw, can be used in the same way FuBar can - see Prat-Plugin-1.0; also, disable the PlayerNames modules and you've saved yourself a whole shit ton of memory (not that PlayerNames has to take up that much memory... but that's another topic altogether).)

Congratulations on a shiny lovely addon that should make the world a better place for its users. Toodles!


- Fin
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Unread 11-03-07, 08:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Getting this error when opening the guild tab up and mousing over a name.

[2007/11/04 02:03:54-2713-x4]: WhoDat-1.3\WhoDat.lua:680: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
WhoDat-1.3\WhoDat.lua:752: in function <Interface\AddOns\WhoDat\WhoDat.lua:742>
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