Updated: 12-06-10 04:15 PM
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Updated:12-06-10 04:15 PM

eXtreme Unit Buttons  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v2.0
by: tayedaen [More]

This highly configurable mod allows players to associate buttons to unit frames. It is meant as a replacement to GroupButtons which stopped functioning with the 2.0 patch in December 2006. The mod extends the capabilities of GroupButtons by providing these additional features:

  1. an unlimited number of buttons per unit frame
  2. Buttons which turn on/off depending on the amount of damage a unit has
  3. Buttons which are dimmed if a unit as that buff or a related buff applied.
  4. Buttons which appear when a debuff is applied to a unit.
  5. Buttons which allow you to have any type of "/" slash or macro command on a button
  6. A variety of a modes for different activities in the game. For example, a set of buttons
  7. for soloing, buttons for instances, buttons for raids, buttons for specific bosses (such as Baron Geddon in MC (to all priests to debuff), buttons for PvP, etc.
  8. Assign buttons to unit frames that when clicked cast spells on different units. This feature allows, for example, buffs and heals for the player unit to appear within the target buttons to minimize the amount of mouse movement between buttons.
  9. Works for any kind of non-casting classes; specifically warriors and rogues.

Version 2.0 (Dec 06, 2010) (by tayedaen)

I know that the documentation is a complete mess at the moment, I am already working on it.
But I wanted to have a released version for cataclysm start.

Before upgrading, please read the included 'readme.txt'.

You will loose your config, so read carefully !

Hightlights of the changes since the last official release:

New: Support for default profiles for spec1 and spec 2
New: Wizards for Group and Profile generation
 Please use them !
New: LDB button (and menu)
New: Default Buttons now always use the Prefix 'SB_'
 This is an abbreviation for StandardButton.
 I recommend to use 'CB_' as prefix for custom buttons.
New: '$' self condition for cast buttons (buff, debuff etc.)
 Example: CB_Renew,buff,Renew,$Renew
 This custom buutton will only chnge to the state BUFFED if the destination unit is buffed with your OWN Renew.
New: '!' inverts conditions for cast buttons (buff, debuff etc.)
New: new debuff condition "Death"
 A button with this condition is only shown if the destination unit is dead.
New: new debuff condition "Purge"
 A button with this condition is only shown if the destination unit has at least one buff to purge.
New: two keywords for exclude-units:
  'hostile'   and    'friendly'
  Example: MyGroupName,SB_Renew,*,hostile
  This button will be hidden on hostile units (= it will only be shown on friendly units)
New: Spell ranks have been removed (multiranking too)
New: Macro buttons support now '[target=unit#]'
 Here unit# will be rpalced at runtime with the unit the button is attached to.
 Example: /target [target=unit#]
Improved: Verification of buttons while configuring the addon

And last but not least: 
!!! Improved: Internals are mostly rewritten from scratch for better performance  !!!

Please refer to 'z_historic_Changelog.txt' for older changes.
Known problems:
XPerl's partypets get no buttons

Known blizzard bugs:
'isUsableSpell' is broken, there is nothing I can do to change that.
That means: Some spells are reported 'not usable' if you target a hostile target or NPC (like 'PowerWord: Shield' for example).

Enjoy - Tayedaen

Hightlights of the changes since the last official release:
New: Support for default profiles for spec1 and spec 2
New: Wizards for Group and Profile generation
Please use them !
New: LDB button (and menu)
New: Default Buttons now always use the Prefix 'SB_'
This is an abbreviation for StandardButton.
I recommend to use 'CB_' as prefix for custom buttons.
New: '$' self condition for cast buttons (buff, debuff etc.)
Example: CB_Renew,buff,Renew,$Renew
This custom buutton will only chnge to the state BUFFED if the destination unit is buffed with your OWN Renew.
New: '!' inverts conditions for cast buttons (buff, debuff etc.)
New: new debuff condition "Death"
A button with this condition is only shown if the destination unit is dead.
New: new debuff condition "Purge"
A button with this condition is only shown if the destination unit has at least one buff to purge.
New: two keywords for exclude-units:
'hostile' and 'friendly'
Example: MyGroupName,SB_Renew,*,hostile
This button will be hidden on hostile units (= it will only be shown on friendly units)
New: Spell ranks have been removed (multiranking too)
New: Macro buttons support now '[target=unit#]'
Here unit# will be rpalced at runtime with the unit the button is attached to.
Example: /target [target=unit#]
Improved: Verification of buttons while configuring the addon

And last but not least:
!!! Improved: Internals are mostly rewritten from scratch for better performance !!!

Please refer to 'z_historic_Changelog.txt' for older changes.

Known problems:
XPerl's partypets get no buttons
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Unread 04-07-07, 02:26 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Hostile & Friendly Target bars

Originally posted by Elenesski
In your profile specification, you say something like:

The HEAL group is for friendly targets, attack and shock are for hostiles. CR is literally a Carriage Return, which forces the buttons to start on the next line. You can use CR as often as you want and have 10 rows if you think that will help.

I use the WOW API to test to see whether a given button (spell or use) can be cast/used against the unit the button is assigned to. Buttons appear for friendly targets and disappear when they are hostile. Similarly, different buttons appear for hostile targets and disappear when they are friendly.

Also, getting more complicated, it's possible to put buttons that affect, for example, the player on the button bar for the target. I use this on my mage. Here is a GROUP specification:

When I assign this group to a "target", it allows me roll move my mouse left to right clicking the 6 buttons:
  • click the Frostbolt to initiate the initial attack (target walks slowly toward me for 8 seconds)
  • Arcane Missiles for that initial attack (for 5 seconds; now around 550 damage; level 39)
  • Then I start backing up, and hit Fire Blast (instant cast at 250 damaged)
  • Click Frost Nova; a player spell to lock the player in place.
  • I back up far enough to cast a Fireball (3 seconds).
  • Then pop a Mana Shield on myself.
The net result is, if I do this well, is the target has not had a chance to hit me, and I've taken 50-60% of his damage. Then before they can hit me for anything I have a shield on me. If they resist the frost bolt or the frost nova, I can quickly move around in the target bar for backup strategy. The important part here is that I don't have to move my mouse very far to cast a spell against myself.

I use a * on the group specification so that I can assign the group to either a target or hostile focus unit, and it works the same way.

Ah yes, I can remember using a Commodore Pet, back in the day. Now, if I were to tell you 'bout my acne when those things first came out, that tells you enough, eh?
Elenesski - firstly great coding, thanks for sharing your talent and time with the rest of us. I would have left WOW long ago were it not for great mods such as this.

I don't know if there's a way to sticky posts (you need a forum) but searching back I found the above answer to my question "can I have different buttons that appear based on hostile/friendly target". Plus the CR option for extra rows. Those are such useful feature they ought to be highlighted!

Thanks, and Kudos again.
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Unread 04-07-07, 10:02 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Version 1.6 is now available

It's most significant changes are better start up abilities for first time users and multiple modes on a profile specification.

For multiple modes, you can now specify several modes to be loaded when you specify a "/xub p" command. I put several examples in the v1.6 comments above.

Have fun,
- El
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Unread 04-07-07, 09:58 AM  
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Originally posted by Vetus
<lol> Not quite that significant... I rewrote 3 lines of code @ line 1362 (using IsUsableSpell) and it does just what I wanted... On the other hand, I never expected you to change it just for me.. So keep up the good work!! I love your mod even more now...
Please share with me the 3 lines of code. I'm doing a massive rewrite in v2.0 ... if I can use em I will.

Some of the changes that are coming are:
  • The variables globally so that it was an easier backup.
  • I've added the ability copy settings from one character on one server to another character on a different server.
  • I've added the ability to have default settings for various character types.
  • I now track the buffs, debuffs and enchants independently of form or stance. So it should be possible to alert you (with a blinking button) when a heal or buff has expired even though your current form or stance is unable to cast the appropriate spell.
  • It will be possible to set the anchor for each unit frames to whatever you want and set the offset appropriately from that anchor.
  • It will be possible to use a mini-unitframes version to position the rows of buttons independently of the unit frames.
  • Will add checks for buttons to become active when mana is low.
  • Will add features to control your pet.
  • etc.

I have listened to your and a lot of other people's suggestions for changes and will try very hard to incorporate as many as I can in the rewrite.

- El
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Unread 04-07-07, 08:51 AM  
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Originally posted by Elenesski
Many of the changes you are requesting may seem simple, but they are significant changes and would require reengineering of major parts of the mod. I'm quite sure I don't want to take that path because the mod works for most people despite its limitations.

With respect,
- El
<lol> Not quite that significant... I rewrote 3 lines of code @ line 1362 (using IsUsableSpell) and it does just what I wanted... On the other hand, I never expected you to change it just for me.. So keep up the good work!! I love your mod even more now...
Last edited by Vetus : 04-07-07 at 08:53 AM.
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Unread 04-07-07, 07:40 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Ratheri
I want to try to add a "pet attack" button to the target frame for my hunter. I know the basic syntax I need to use now, but I'm stuck with the spell name, as it doesn't appear in the group maker.

Is the spell name simply "pet attack"? or is it more complicated than that? If I knew how to make it into a macro I know I could get it to work...
I solved that one with a macro button in the target frame, the macro beeing /petattack.
The button does not fade if the target is not hostile since it is a macro but aside from that it works well
Last edited by AFrench : 04-07-07 at 07:42 AM.
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Unread 04-07-07, 01:41 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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okay, hopefully this will be my last stupid question for awhile...
I've got almost everything set up the way I want, except I want to try to add a "pet attack" button to the target frame for my hunter. I know the basic syntax I need to use now, but I'm stuck with the spell name, as it doesn't appear in the group maker.

Is the spell name simply "pet attack"? or is it more complicated than that? If I knew how to make it into a macro I know I could get it to work...
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Unread 04-05-07, 10:15 AM  
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Originally posted by lyanaeran
It is "Malédiction" in the tooltip, and it does not work. I guess the é acute accent is the problem (however many spells with accents works).

Is there anyone with french version who managed to create this kind of buttons ?
In a private message, can you post me the content of your custom buttons, groups and profiles. Don't translate them to English .. and I'll look for anything obvious.

- El
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Unread 04-05-07, 10:14 AM  
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Originally posted by alexdrack
This add on is great, once you get it working.

I just found some kind of game hanging when there is a change in the raid. My question is: is this hanging normal? or it can be fixed some way i dont know?

For everything else it's perfect.


Edit: i use ag_unitframes
Increase the time between updates, decrease the number of units that get updated per update is all that I can suggest for now. The v2.0 rewrite (see not above) will take this issue into consideration.
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Unread 04-05-07, 02:49 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Elenesski
If it isn't the same as "Malédiction", then that's probably the issue. I wonder if the "é" acute accent might be causing a problem.
It is "Malédiction" in the tooltip, and it does not work. I guess the é acute accent is the problem (however many spells with accents works).

Is there anyone with french version who managed to create this kind of buttons ?
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Unread 04-05-07, 02:00 AM  
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Originally posted by lyanaeran

Many thanks for this great add-on, I think it's even better than Group Button !

I'm with french version too, everything is ok exept curse.

I can use Poison buttons witch appears when someone is poisoned, works great. (Poison is the same in french).
But the same button for curse (Malédiction in french) dos not work. Do I have to put Curse in english for the button, or to do sth special to have this work ?

Anyone can help me ?

Thanks again for XUB
You should be able to create a custom button for decurse. This is the english definition for my mage:
_DECURSE,debuff,Remove Lesser Curse,,Curse
For the French equivalent you need to substitute the appropriate spell name for the "remove lesser curse" above and use whatever name appears in the upper-left corner of the game tooltip for the corresponding spell. If it isn't the same as "Malédiction", then that's probably the issue. I wonder if the "é" acute accent might be causing a problem.
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Unread 04-04-07, 07:35 PM  
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Originally posted by alexdrack
This add on is great, once you get it working.

I just found some kind of game hanging when there is a change in the raid. My question is: is this hanging normal? or it can be fixed some way i dont know?

For everything else it's perfect.


Edit: i use ag_unitframes
I don't know what the problem is. I thought I had fixed it, but it appears the problem still exists. It's possible it is a type of threshing problem. Where so much updating has to occur that it locks out the game while the threshing takes place.

On the assumption that this is the problem, I'll make a change to the mod to see if this reduces the problem. It might be worthwhile increasing the time between updates.
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Unread 04-04-07, 11:36 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This add on is great, once you get it working.

I just found some kind of game hanging when there is a change in the raid. My question is: is this hanging normal? or it can be fixed some way i dont know?

For everything else it's perfect.


Edit: i use ag_unitframes
Last edited by alexdrack : 04-04-07 at 11:42 AM.
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Unread 04-04-07, 03:10 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Hello Elenesski,

This add-on is still by far my favorite, and I thank you again for that ! I finally found something to complain about, and I hope it's just a mis-configuration issue on my side :

- All buttons briefly appear when I'm in a PvP battleground each time the raid composition changes. Is there a fix for that ? In Alterac Valley, the raid composition changes so often that I can no longer know whether people are actually debuffed/missing a buff or not.

I'm using Ag_UnitFrames if that can help.

Thanks again !
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Unread 04-04-07, 02:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Many thanks for this great add-on, I think it's even better than Group Button !

I'm with french version too, everything is ok exept curse.

I can use Poison buttons witch appears when someone is poisoned, works great. (Poison is the same in french).
But the same button for curse (Malédiction in french) dos not work. Do I have to put Curse in english for the button, or to do sth special to have this work ?

Anyone can help me ?

Thanks again for XUB
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Unread 04-03-07, 06:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Elenesski
I see one difference ... the "-" in the name.
Me too... and that's the only one.
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