Updated: 07-21-08 12:58 PM
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Updated:07-21-08 12:58 PM

Guild Inventory  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.0.0
by: Wintry [More]

Guild Inventory is the solution to a guild banker's problems. It scans your guild bank character's bank (of which you may have multiple), and allows others in your guild to see its contents.

V3 - Now facilitates actual guild banks!

IMPORTANT: If nothing else, read the Initial Setup (either mass distribution or in-game) section, as it is crucial to the mod's operation!

Note: this also works for communities formed over several guilds. The difference is that bank data is "advertised" over raid, rather than guild messaging.

Data Transfer
Guild Inventory works by transferring data through (hidden) whispers, so it cannot be intercepted by unintended players. Every few seconds, Guild Inventory broadcasts the list of banks it has data for in the guild and raid (using the addon messages, so nobody will see anything even if they don't have the mod), and how recent the data is. Any other player with the addon that needs said bank data will ask for it, and if the password is correct, will receive it. No data is transmitted without being set up to be - e.g. your main character's inventory will never be sent unless you specifically set up the mod to do so.

Initial Setup - Mass Distribution
For the preferred distribution method, this mod requires an initial setup via modification of the GuildBanks.lua file with a standard text editor (although probably not Notepad, use Wordpad instead). The idea is that the guild or community leader will set the addon up with all the relevant bank details, and then upload it on to their website (or otherwise give it to all guild members).

In this file, you will find the following LUA function (approximately):

function GuildInventory_ResetCustom()
    GuildInventory_Banks = {};
    GuildInventory_Banks["Example1"] = {
            ["name"] = "Guild Bank: Example 1",
            ["content"] = {},
            ["password"] = "password",
            ["updated"] = 0;
    GuildInventory_Banks["Example2"] = {
            ["name"] = "Guild Bank: Example 2",
            ["content"] = {},
            ["password"] = "password",
            ["updated"] = 0;
    GuildInventory_Banks["Example3"] = {
            ["name"] = "Guild Bank: Example 3",
            ["content"] = {},
            ["password"] = "password",
            ["updated"] = 0;
You can remove and add to these as you see fit, just don't change the "content" or "updated" fields. An example from my own guild would be:
    GuildInventory_Banks["Wizar"] = {
            ["name"] = "Guild: Books & Plans",
            ["content"] = {},
            ["password"] = "****",
            ["updated"] = 0;
Where you see "Example1", that is the bank character's name. ["name"] refers to the name that appears on the list.

Initial Setup - In-game Method
If modification of the LUA file does not appeal to you, then you can use in-game commands to create, edit and remove banks from Guild Inventory. Note that for mass distribution throughout a guild, this method is a little more tedious, as everyone else has to do the same too. The main commands for this are:

/gi create bank <Bank Character>
/gi delete bank <Bank Character>
/gi password <Bank Character> <New Password>
/gi clear bank <Bank Character>

Each is self-explanatory. When a bank is created, it's password is defaulted to the character name of the bank character, but it is recommended you change it. From default settings, Guild Inventory has 3 example banks, which should be deleted first. These banks just serve as a convenience for the mass-distribution method, and are included for that reason. Keeping them in the system won't cause any harm, but they will still appear in the list, hence it is better to delete them.

Re-package the files and upload them to your guild website or equivalent, and ask everyone in the guild to download it. Note that anyone that downloads that particular distribution of the mod will be able to read your guild bank's content if they are in a raid group with another in your guild, so restrict access to the download, or send it via other means. For version 1.5.0 and onwards, you should be able to just update from this site.

If everyone is willing to do the in-game setup, then you can just direct them to this site, but you'd have to tell them which banks to create and the passwords set for them. For small distributions, this may be more appropriate.

In-Game Operation
Once the intial setup is complete, in-game operation is straight-forward. All commands can be viewed with the '/gi help' command. For normal operation, log in to one of your guild bank characters. Open up the bank, and then type '/gi scan'. It will then perform a scan of all items in your inventory and bank, and load them in to memory. If another guild member is online (with the mod set up in the same way), then the guild bank's content will be automatically transferred to them. Repeat this process for any other banks.

You can type '/gi' or '/gi show' to view Guild Inventory, and all banks that were scanned, or content that was transmitted to you. Bank content data cascades through online players. Anyone with more up-to-date data will send it to those with out-dated data, so you end up with everyone having the latest guild bank information. Guild bank information is saved between sessions, and is not character-specific.

If you want to send a request for an item to the relevant bank, open up a mailbox, type '/gi' to show the Guild Inventory window, select the required bank, and double-click the item of desire.

Now there's a minimap icon! Currently, it's only functionality is left-click to open up Guild Inventory, but more features coming soon.

Sending Bank Details to Others - New Feature!
In version 1.2.0, you can send bank authentication details to other players, if they're using that version of the addon. You will only be able to send details to others in your guild or raid. To do so, type '/gi broadcast'. The rest is self-explanatory.

It is recommended that when you update the addon afer a major update, you perform a reset of all the data. Note that this will clear all banks, and restore the "factory" default settings. Type '/gi resetall' to do this. If you have custom settings in the GuildBanks.lua file, then it will load these instead.

You can, as of 2.1.0, now export data from Guild Inventory. There are 3 supported formats; plain text, item tags, and url tags (linking to thottbot) for phpBB. To do so, type:
/gi export Mybank url
/gi export Mybank item
/gi export Mybank text

You can then copy the data using Ctrl-C, and paste it in to the browser window. Use '/gi export' (without parameters) to see the latest list of exportable formats.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated, especially if they further development. If needed, you can contact me (Wintry) in whispers or mail on Argent Dawn (EU). Don't forget to vote if you like it!

Version History
- Now supports actual guild banks. Commands such as '/gi create guildbank <Name of Guild>' allow you to do this. Please see '/gi help' for more commands. To scan a guild bank, open the guild bank, cycle through all tabs (this loads the data from the server), and then just type '/gi scan' as normal.
- Items now show their locations on hover-over, such as guild bank tabs.
- Due to these changes, 3.0.0 is incompatible with previous versions.

- Now compatible with WoW 2.1.
- Switched from whisper communication to "addon whisper" communication. This has the added benefit of not producing errors when your character is drunk, for starters.
- Due to this change, version 2.2.0 will not interface with Guild Inventory 2.1.0 or lower.
- Bank data will be automatically cleared on first addon load upon upgrading.

- Now has the capability to export data, using the /gi export command. See the section "Exporting" for more information.

- Major update - No longer compatible with pre-2.0.0 versions. Older versions won't fail to run, but they will not communicate with a 2.0+ version.
- Banks automatically cleared on first-load due to storage changes.
- No actual links are transmitted any more, so disconnects should not occur.
- Now you can Ctrl-Click an item to view it on yourself (if it can be worn).
- Shift-Clicking an item will copy the link in to the chat window.

- You can now close the Guild Inventory window with the escape key.

- Fixed a bug with transfers timing out (timeout wasn't resetting when items were received).

- Fixed a bug (caused by using an old version of ChatThrottleLib), bringing up error messages.

1.8.0 (Beta)
- I've now integrated ChatThrottleLib in to Guild Inventory in order to permanently solve the disconnection problem. However, this has not been fully-tested yet. You may use this version if you like, but I cannot guarantee it will work properly.

- Added two commands to show/hide the minimap icon, '/gi showminimap' and '/gi hideminimap'.
- Tripled the time inbetween data transfer elements. This may or may not fix the disconnect issue, but if it does, it's only a temporary fix.

- Seems I left some debug code in 1.5.1, which is now removed. Sorry about that!

- Added a minimap icon with functionality to open Guild Inventory (thanks Gello!)
- Once opened for the first time since login/reload, Guild Inventory will show a much smaller amount of boxes
- Guild Inventory window is now clipped to the screen. This also allows you to keep the window at a corner of the screen, for example, irrelevant of inventory size.

- Fixed a bug which caused the addon to crash when it encountered certain items.

- Now improved for distribution - default banks are in GuildBanks.lua, to be changed by guild leaders.
- Fixed a bug whereby if you were to transfer data to a person in AFK status, an AFK message would appear for every item transferred. (Should be fixed, but let me know if it isn't)

- Updated to work with WoW 2.0.3.

- Accidentally left debug mode on, fixed now

- Improved sorting order. Now arranges items (but will require a rescan/transfer to take effect) in the following order: Consumables, trade goods, reagents, recipes, miscellaneous, everything else (depending on categories assigned by Blizzard).

- Added a new command, '/gi movable' which toggles the movability of the panel, and removes the blackness.
- Guild bank contents now fits in to a smaller window, varying size by the quantity of stuff inside it.

- Added ability to send bank authentication details to others with the '/gi broadcast' command.

- Bug fix: sometimes when in a raid, broadcasts would not be made. This should be fixed.
- Bug fix: Punctured Voodoo Doll should no longer stack (will require a re-scan).
- The addon will no longer broadcast during combat, this is just to prevent possible lag.

- Improved command-line use, now no longer requires editing of the LUA (although is still recommended).
- When the Guild Inventory window is open, you can no longer control your character with the keyboard.

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Unread 12-30-06, 12:35 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Nice idea :-)

This sounds like an awesome addon and would be great for guild alliances :-)

Can this support mutiple guilds and alliances at the same time, and keep their bank info seperated ? and will you add support in the future to make the config changes in game rather than having to edit an lua file. especially the password, thats somthing you might not want everyone to have access to.
Last edited by askjosh : 12-30-06 at 12:36 PM.
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Unread 12-30-06, 07:29 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: Nice idea :-)

Originally posted by askjosh
Can this support mutiple guilds and alliances at the same time, and keep their bank info seperated ? and will you add support in the future to make the config changes in game rather than having to edit an lua file. especially the password, thats somthing you might not want everyone to have access to.
Yup, it can indeed. I'm in that situation myself, so tailored it to work that way. Only thing is, say person A is in guild A, and person B is in guild B, but they're both in the same community, if guild A and B and the community want to have separate banks, you're going to need different configurations. I actually have a current version which I've been testing that allows full in-game configuration of the banks (with command line). Haven't uploaded it yet. As for the password, that can't be helped, it just relies on guild/community members keeping it secret.
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Unread 01-02-07, 05:18 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Great mod, my guild is going to be using this, i only have one minor complaint. Is there any way to remove the non click through large black backdrop? I really dont like it, and would prefer it be an option or not there. I changed the .lua and could change the xml too if you told me what to add or remove from it. Thanks and i hope to see this stay updated!
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Unread 01-02-07, 06:29 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Jakets
Great mod, my guild is going to be using this, i only have one minor complaint. Is there any way to remove the non click through large black backdrop? I really dont like it, and would prefer it be an option or not there. I changed the .lua and could change the xml too if you told me what to add or remove from it. Thanks and i hope to see this stay updated!
Thanks for the feedback! It should be easily possible to remove the black backdrop, indeed. Although I haven't tested this, I see no reason why it wouldn't work. Here's what I think you'd have to do:

In the LUA file, search for:

function GuildInventory_Command(data)
	if (data == "show") or (data == "") then
	elseif data == "hide" then
And replace it with:

function GuildInventory_Command(data)
	if (data == "show") or (data == "") then
	elseif data == "hide" then
And in the XML file, find and replace this:

<Frame name="GuildInventoryFrame" frameStrata="FULLSCREEN_DIALOG" toplevel="true" movable="true" parent="GuildInventoryFrame_Background" hidden="false" enableKeyboard="true" enableMouse="true">

<Frame name="GuildInventoryFrame" frameStrata="FULLSCREEN_DIALOG" toplevel="true" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
You should then also be able to remove the GuildInventoryFrame_Background part completely, but that's optional.

Note that with the backdrop disabled, you still can't drag/drop items from Guild Inventory
Last edited by Wintry : 01-02-07 at 06:30 PM.
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Unread 01-02-07, 09:23 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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worked like a charm, thank you!
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Unread 01-03-07, 12:40 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Okay my guild has been playing with this for a while today and we have a few ideas.

First off the overall idea is great, this is what we have all been wanting, it just needs a few improvements.

A GUI with options rather than all slash commands
An option to turn off the black background
an option to scale it and to set the amount of empty slots to show (theres way to many! its massive)

Having these things would make this mod a must for most guilds, its just a bit restricting as it is now. The updates seem to work well, and the lua setup was fairly simple. I hope you take these into consideration, as we would love to keep using it.
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Unread 01-03-07, 07:29 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Jakets
Okay my guild has been playing with this for a while today and we have a few ideas.

First off the overall idea is great, this is what we have all been wanting, it just needs a few improvements.

A GUI with options rather than all slash commands
An option to turn off the black background
an option to scale it and to set the amount of empty slots to show (theres way to many! its massive)

Having these things would make this mod a must for most guilds, its just a bit restricting as it is now. The updates seem to work well, and the lua setup was fairly simple. I hope you take these into consideration, as we would love to keep using it.
I do plan on making a GUI for the options, although probably after my January exams

As for background/scaling/movability, I'll try and implement that after I've finished off my current checklist:
- Sending bank details to other players (not the bank contents, but the authentication for them)
- A better sorting algorithm (currently it's just alphabetical)
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Unread 01-03-07, 10:25 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Wintry
I do plan on making a GUI for the options, although probably after my January exams

As for background/scaling/movability, I'll try and implement that after I've finished off my current checklist:
- Sending bank details to other players (not the bank contents, but the authentication for them)
- A better sorting algorithm (currently it's just alphabetical)
Cool very glad to here it, i was thinking about the scaling and empty slots, what would be neat is if it auto scaled to the amount of items in the bank. Say theres 46 items in the bank, have it only show 46 items, instead of the 46 items and 50 blank spots =P

I will be keeping a close eye on this, thanks again.
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Unread 01-03-07, 08:14 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Wow Awesome, want my guild intro this
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Unread 01-03-07, 08:21 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Jakets
Cool very glad to here it, i was thinking about the scaling and empty slots, what would be neat is if it auto scaled to the amount of items in the bank. Say theres 46 items in the bank, have it only show 46 items, instead of the 46 items and 50 blank spots =P
Hmmm... I see what you're thinking, but it may be difficult to code, OR highly memory-inefficient. The way it works currently, is when the addon loads, it creates a grid of buttons, which is filled eventually when you come to displaying it. The buttons are dynamically created on addon load. I'm not actually sure whether it's possible to delete these after they're loaded, and if it is, if it would free the memory used by them. I'll look in to it though, and see what I can find.
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Unread 01-03-07, 09:31 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Wintry
Hmmm... I see what you're thinking, but it may be difficult to code, OR highly memory-inefficient. The way it works currently, is when the addon loads, it creates a grid of buttons, which is filled eventually when you come to displaying it. The buttons are dynamically created on addon load. I'm not actually sure whether it's possible to delete these after they're loaded, and if it is, if it would free the memory used by them. I'll look in to it though, and see what I can find.
Okay, the only thing im not following is why there are so many blanks. Even with all bank slots purchased and all filled with 14 slots and 2x 20 slots, as well as all my inventory with 16 slots theres well over half the buttons blank when filled. That seems like way too many. I have it setup for 2 banks, each shows whats in that bank, so unless its to combine more than one bank into one slot i dont see the purpose of this.

I would just like some sort of option on showing only a certain amount of buttons. Sorry if i cant be more clear of what im saying =P
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Unread 01-04-07, 10:56 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Jakets
Okay, the only thing im not following is why there are so many blanks. Even with all bank slots purchased and all filled with 14 slots and 2x 20 slots, as well as all my inventory with 16 slots theres well over half the buttons blank when filled. That seems like way too many. I have it setup for 2 banks, each shows whats in that bank, so unless its to combine more than one bank into one slot i dont see the purpose of this.

I would just like some sort of option on showing only a certain amount of buttons. Sorry if i cant be more clear of what im saying =P
The latest version shows... I think it was 252 slots, or something close. This is just a few larger than the maximum a character can actually hold with 12 18-slot bags. I can't really make it smaller (just in case, really) unless I make it completely dynamic. I have thought of a way of doing this however, but I'm not sure how it will impact the speed of the addon.
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Unread 01-04-07, 06:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Uploading Bank contence to web page.

Hey, I was wondering is there curently a way for me to upload the information in my guildbanks to my guild page via a spread sheet or what ever using your mod?

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Unread 01-05-07, 04:39 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: Uploading Bank contence to web page.

Originally posted by Drikel
Hey, I was wondering is there curently a way for me to upload the information in my guildbanks to my guild page via a spread sheet or what ever using your mod?

Not as of yet I'm afraid, not using this addon. Actually, the main purpose of Guild Inventory is to void the use of website-based approaches. However, there are other addons that can do this, but I'm not sure of their names. I think one can export as phpBB code, and another as just a list. I used to use one myself which gave a list of all bank content to be copied to the clipboard, for which I scripted PHP code to view online. Unfortunately, that PHP code is specific to my guild website.
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Unread 01-05-07, 10:12 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Ok, Jakets, your 3 requests have now been satisfied in version 1.3
- Movable panel (/gi movable)
- Removal of the black background (when panel is movable)
- Blank spaces considerably reduced. It now depends on the amount of space used, and picks the most appropriate size.
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