Updated: 09-26-09 01:39 PM
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Updated:09-26-09 01:39 PM

Talent Planner  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.10
by: thegabbert [More]

World of Warcraft Talent Planner v3.10

Talent Planner adds planning capabilities to the talent frame. Left clicking on a talent increases (and right clicking decreases) your planned rank for that talent. If the talent preview interface option is enabled, control left and right clicking increase/decrease the preview rank; otherwise, control left clicking actually buys the talent. For all intents and purposes, preview mode is treated by Talent Planner as if you actually have the previewed talents, except that you can change them on the fly. Talent Planner fully supports dual spec: each spec has their own separate set of talent goals, etc. Slash commands all act on the "current" spec, i.e. the spec you are currently viewing. Note that you can make changes to the inactive talent goals without switching specs.

The talents are color coded to indicate their status (see below) and a description of the planned rank is added to the tooltip. It's similar in nature to the talent calculators on the Blizzard website, but slightly more complicated because it needs to show you not only what talents you've planned but also what you currently have. The bottom right numbers are your current rank/max rank. The bottom left number is your goal rank.

There are several states a talent can be in, each with its own color.

If you do not currently have points to spend:

Grey: You have not planned any ranks in this talent but you could do so.
Blue: You have planned some ranks in this talent, but not to its maximum.
Purple: You have planned to max this talent out.
Gold: You have maxed out this talent.
Red: You have more ranks in this talent than you had planned.

Additionally, if you have one or more points to spend:

Cyan: You have not planned any ranks in this talent, but you could still spend a point on it if you want.
Green: You have planned some ranks in this talent and can now spend a point on it.

Slash commands:

/tp or /planner [help]
Shows this help text.

/tp or /planner standby
Enables/Disables the mod.

/tp or /planner reset
Clears your talent goals for your current spec.

/tp or /planner current
Sets your talent goals to those talents you currently have.

/tp or /planner save <name>
Saves your current goals under the name <name>.
If there is already a saved set with that name, this will overwrite it.

/tp or /planner load <name>
Loads the goals saved as <name>. This will overwrite your current goals.

/tp or /planner rename <old> <new>
Renames the goals saved as <old> to <new>.

/tp or /planner import <name> <alt> [realm]
Imports the goals saved as <name> from the alt named <alt> on realm [realm].

/tp or /planner delete <name>
Deletes the set saved as <name>.

/tp or /planner list [alt] [realm]
Lists saved goals for the alt named [alt] on realm [realm] or for yourself if no alt specified.

Future plans:

1. Add support for pet talent trees.

2. Make the colors configurable. Some may not agree with my color choices, seeing as how I have no artistic sense whatsoever.

3. Allow for alt-viewing. Currently it only shows the tree for the current character. It would be a pain to store all the textures and whatnot in order to be able to view one character's talent goals on another character in the normal graphical talent pane, but perhaps a text listing would work.

4. Allow all three talent trees to be seen at once.

09/26/09: v3.10
- Updated for WoW 3.2.2

08/04/09: v3.9
- Updated for WoW 3.2.0

06/02/09: v3.8
- Updated for WoW 3.1.3

05/19/09: v3.7
- Updated for WoW 3.1.2

04/18/09: v3.6
- Updated for WoW 3.1.0

02/10/09: v3.5
- Updated for WoW 3.0.9

01/20/09: v3.4
- Updated for WoW 3.0.8

11/04/08: v3.3
- Updated for WoW 3.0.3

10/24/08: v3.2
- Fixed bug with goal ranks still showing on pet tab.

10/16/08: v3.1
- Fixed bugs related to the pet talent frame.
- Thanks to Brillig and UnCoeur for bringing the problem to my attention.

10/14/08: v3.0
- Updated to support WotLK talents and widget changes.
- Thanks again to Dridzt for all his help.

07/15/08: v2.12
- Updated for WoW 2.4.3.

05/13/08: v2.11
- Updated for WoW 2.4.2.

04/21/08: v2.10.2
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the mod from functioning at all for female characters in the German client only. Thanks to Nemesisx2 and Blackrat for tracking down the bug.

03/29/08: v2.10.1
- OMG how did I forget to enable chat linking of talents?

03/26/08: v2.10
- Updated for WoW 2.4.0.

01/08/08: v2.9
- Updated for WoW 2.3.2.

11/13/07: v2.8
- Updated for WoW 2.3.
- Now writing command line info to the right chat frame.
- Thanks to Dridzt on the WoW Interface forums for doing most of the work.

10/15/07: v2.7
- Updated for WoW 2.2.3.

05/24/07: v2.6
- Updated for WoW 2.1.0. Too many changes to list here.
- Switched to using in-game data instead of the Blizz web calculators.
- Lots of typos and rewordings in the talent data fixed using in-game data.
- Future updates will happen much sooner after the patch, trust me.

03/21/07: v2.5
- Fixed the bug where goal rank would remain when the mod was disabled.

03/06/07: v2.4
- Druid: Savage Fury no longer affects Maul, Swipe, or Mangle (Bear).
- Druid: Predatory Instincts reduced from 3/6/9/12/15% to 2/4/6/8/10%.
- Druid: Moonkin Form armor bonus increased from 360% to 400%.
- Hunter: The Beast Within is finally right on the Blizz Calculators.
- Hunter: Barrage and Improved Barrage are still wrong on the Blizz Calculators.
- Priest: Vampiric Embrace reduced to 15% from 20%.
- Priest: Silent Resolve no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.
- Shaman: Elemental Precision is finally right on the Blizz Calculators.
- Shaman: Elemental Focus now triggers on all spell critical strikes.
- Warlock: Demonic Tactics now increases critical strike chance instead of damage.
- Warrior: Unbridled Wrath now has an increased chance when using slower weapons.
- Warrior: Improved Battle Shout renamed Commanding Presence, increases Commanding Shout in addition to Battle Shout.

01/28/07: v2.3
- Changes to allow multiple characters with the same name on different realms

01/23/07: v2.2.2
- Updated for 2.0.6 talent changes.
- Undocumented changes that I found:
- Rogue: Surprise Attacks makes all finishing moves unable to be dodged
- Mage: Improved Fireball normal tooltip does not reflect the changes to spell damage
- Mage: Improved Frostbolt normal tooltip does not reflect the changes to spell damage
- Hunter: The Beast Within is still wrong on the Blizz Calculators.
- Updated German talents as best as I could without being able to read German.

01/10/07: v2.2.1
- Updated TOC to 20003. I blame aliens, personally.

01/09/07: v2.2
- Updated for 2.0.3 talent changes.
- Undocumented changes that I found:
- Druid: Shredding Attacks reduces cost of Shred by 9/18, up from 6/12
- Druid: Mangle lasts for 12 seconds, up from 10
- Paladin: Avenger's Shield lasts 6 seconds, up from 3
- Rogue: Mace Specialization increases skill by 2/4/6/8/10, up from 1/2/3/4/5
- Rogue: Improved Sap gives 50%/100% chance to retain stealth, from 30%/60%/90%
- Rogue: Improved Slice and Dice and Improved Backstab switched places?!?
- Warrior: Mace Specialization generates 6 rage, up from 2
- Hunter: The Beast Within is still wrong on the Blizz Calculators.
- German talents not yet updated.
- Modified localization routines to default to enUS for unsupported locales

12/06/06: v2.1
- Omen of Clarity (Druid): now lasts 30 minutes.
- The Beast Within (Hunter): 10% increased damage but 20% mana cost reduction.
- Fixed bug with listing saved sets. (Pays to RTFM, doesn't it?)

12/02/06: v2.0
- Changes to support Lua 5.1.1 and the new 41-point talent trees.

09/05/06: v1.6.1
- deDE Schurke talents updated.

08/22/06: v1.6
- Rogue talents updated (enUS only).
- Will update deDE talents when WoW-Europe does.

08/02/06: v1.5.1
- Various talents updated. Too many to list.

06/21/06: v1.5
- Updated Mage and Shaman talent trees (enUS, deDE).
- Updated Druid Innervate -> Swiftmend (enUS only).
- Updated various Warrior talents (enUS only).
- Will update deDE Druide and Krieger when WoW-Europe does.

05/14/06: v1.4
- Added save/load support by request.
- Goal rank is now shown on the bottom left corner of the talent button.
- Fixed bug with talent tree names.
- German text for new features in place. (Thanks again baka!)
- Removed German slash commands. Was told they're not necessary.

04/14/06: v1.3
- Fixed a nil index error that was caused by the talent frame updating before the player was fully logged in.
- Integrated German talent data into the English data so it works without having to rename data files.

04/11/06: v1.2
- Fixed problems with German data files.

04/11/06: v1.1
- Added preliminary German support. (Thanks, baka_nanaka!)

04/07/06: v1.0
- Initial Release.
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Unread 06-14-07, 06:38 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Not as soon as I'd like, unfortunately. What with my moving and starting a new job with a less forgiving schedule, progress isn't coming along as fast as it otherwise might have. In addition, I've inherited another mod (MyBags) which slowed me down for a bit. MyBags is pretty much fixed now, though, so it's not really a problem anymore.

The first phase of the conversion is done (the new data format). While I was moving towards getting talent data from in-game instead of relying on the inaccurate web talent calculators, I also modified the data format to support alt viewing. The code changes that support that move are almost complete.

Once that's done, the frame needs to be finished. The basic layout is done, aside from some aesthetic tweaking, but the buttons and dropdowns and whatnot aren't in yet. I'm thinking about releasing a beta with the slash commands still in place to speed things along. We'll see.
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Unread 06-27-07, 10:01 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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littel wish forit

hi nice very nice
have a litttel wish :
a funktion too whisper too a player of planed or used talents
hope you can this relaese .
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Unread 10-19-07, 08:23 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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PTR 2.3 compatibility update

Changes only for wow 2.3 currently on the PTR (do not make on live version).

Following changes will fix "fatal" errors.
(addon posting error messages and preventing the talent frame or inspection talent frame from drawing properly)

All occurences of TalentFrame* must be replaced by PlayerTalentFrame*
TalentFrame_Update -> PlayerTalentFrame_Update
"TalentFrameTalent"..i -> PlayerTalentFrameTalent"..i
TALENT_BRANCH_ARRAY is now scoped under its parent frame so
TALENT_BRANCH_ARRAY[reqRow][reqCol].id -> PlayerTalentFrame.TALENT_BRANCH_ARRAY[reqRow][reqCol].id
"TalentFrameTalent" -> "PlayerTalentFrameTalent"

and so on.
Since changes are quite numerous to list by line I'm posting a link to a package with above modifications done.

Non-fatal bugs that are still present:
Page detection doesn't work.
You can plan / unplan talents normally for the selected tree
but when you switch to another you will see your planned ranks there too.
Webdata will need updates with the new talent descriptions where applicable.

Hopefully it will help thegabbert squash the final bugs when 2.3 becomes live.
I'll post an update if I fix the last glitches.
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Unread 10-26-07, 02:54 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: PTR 2.3 compatibility update

Originally posted by Dridzt
Hopefully it will help thegabbert squash the final bugs when 2.3 becomes live.
I'll post an update if I fix the last glitches.
Um... thank you, that was very thorough. I haven't had to update (functionality-wise) in a while, and I don't play on the PTR, but I'll look at what you've got there and make appropriate changes.

Edit: 2.7 is up.
Last edited by thegabbert : 10-26-07 at 04:26 PM.
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Unread 10-27-07, 01:25 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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With the French WoW client, left clicking on a talent actually buys it, as if the addon wasn't there.
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Unread 11-14-07, 12:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Version 2.8 is up with Dridzt's changes made official, talent data updated, and various other small tweaks made.
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Unread 11-14-07, 06:20 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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thanks for your hard work
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Unread 11-14-07, 09:13 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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So very nice to see my favourite talent addon updated! THanks ever so much.
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Unread 12-14-07, 04:34 AM  
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The latest version causes massive pauses/lag on swapping weapons, opening the talent frame, opening or paging through the spellbook, and opening the character frame. I'm using about 100 addons in a full raid; these pauses do not happen without TalentPlanner enabled, but do happen with it enabled.
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Unread 12-27-07, 09:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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The latest version causes massive pauses/lag on swapping weapons, opening the talent frame, opening or paging through the spellbook, and opening the character frame. I'm using about 100 addons in a full raid; these pauses do not happen without TalentPlanner enabled, but do happen with it enabled.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce this. I have 132 mods installed on a regular basis and I don't get any lag doing any of the actions you listed. My best guess is that some other mod is interfering with Talent Planner. Would it be possible for you to try removing your other mods one at a time, or at least send me a list of your installed mods in a PM?
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Unread 01-08-08, 09:47 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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v2.9 is up to support WoW 2.3.2.

Can anyone else reproduce the lag bug Phanx is having?
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Unread 01-08-08, 10:23 PM  
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I've discovered that the addon SpecialTalent ( ) also causes the lag on the same actions. I don't have any other addons that touch talents, and it seems odd that it happens with the character frame and spellbook when those aren't really talent-related, but I'll do some more testing and see if I can narrow it down a bit.
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Unread 01-17-08, 08:31 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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There is a problem with the hunter talents. The Second Tier in all three tree's requires that only 5 points have been spent in that tree. The Third Tier only requires that 10 point have been spent in that tree. I did not check beyond that, but I did check the talent calculators at and all the information is correct there.
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Unread 01-18-08, 05:18 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Moosetrax
There is a problem with the hunter talents. The Second Tier in all three tree's requires that only 5 points have been spent in that tree. The Third Tier only requires that 10 point have been spent in that tree. I did not check beyond that, but I did check the talent calculators at and all the information is correct there.
I'm not quite sure I understand the problem. The second tier requires that 5 points have been spent on the first tier. The third tier requires that 10 points be spent on the first two tiers. That's how it's supposed to work. Is that not how it's working? I just tested it on my hunter and it's working fine for me.
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Unread 01-18-08, 09:37 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by thegabbert
I'm not quite sure I understand the problem. The second tier requires that 5 points have been spent on the first tier. The third tier requires that 10 points be spent on the first two tiers. That's how it's supposed to work. Is that not how it's working? I just tested it on my hunter and it's working fine for me.
My apologies. When I tried this again without other mods everything worked fine. Since I use 100+ mods I am not certain which is the bad boy. If I can weed it out I will let you know.
Last edited by Moosetrax : 01-18-08 at 09:54 PM.
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