Updated: 07-29-18 04:26 AM
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Updated:07-29-18 04:26 AM

PhanxChat  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Phanx, Akkorian

I am no longer developing or maintaining World of Warcraft addons. I haven't played in years, and don't have the time or interest to continue working on addons for a game I don't play anymore. If you are an addon author interested in continuing one of my addons, please see If you are an addon user, sorry, but there won't be any more fixes or updates from me.
Removes chat frame clutter and adds some functionality.
[DE] Entfernt das Durcheinander des Chat-Fensters und fügt einige Funktionen hinzu.
[ES] Eliminar desorden de la ventana de chat y añadir algunas funciones.
[FR] Retire les restrictions du chat et ajoute quelques fonctionnalités.
[PT] Remover a desordem da janela de bate-papo e adicionar algumas funcionalidades.
[RU] Удаляет беспорядок в окне чата и добавляет новые возможности.
[CN] 移除聊天框的杂物并加入一些功能。
[TW] 移除聊天框架的雜亂並新增一些功能。

  • Shortens chat channel names
  • Shortens cross-realm character names and Real ID player names
  • Replaces Real ID player names and BattleTags with WoW character names
  • Enables arrow keys without the Alt key (*)
  • Enables resizing chat frames by their edges
  • Makes all channels sticky (**)
  • Makes URLs clickable for easy copying
  • Moves the input box above the chat frame
  • Sets the delay time for chat text fading
  • Stops docked chat tabs from being dragged
  • Hides the scroll, menu, and social buttons
  • Hides extra textures on chat frames
  • Hides the flashing effect on chat tabs
  • Hides channel notification messages
  • Hides repeated messages in public channels
  • Enables class colored names in all channels with a single click
  • Changes the text size in all chat frames from a single control
(*) As of Patch 5.4 using Up/Down to access previously entered chat lines without the Alt key is limited to non-secure commands only. If you need to access previously entered secure commands (like /cast or /use) you will still need to hold the Alt key.

(**) If a channel is sticky, then after talking in that channel, the chat input box will open to the same chat type again, rather than making you type “/g” or “/ra” again.
Options & Commands
  • Type “/pchat” for options, or find them in the Interface Options.
  • Type “/clear” or “/clearchat” to clear all visible chat windows.
  • Type “/clear all” or “/clearchat all” to clear all chat windows.
  • Type “/tt" or “/wt” to send a whisper to your current target.
Some additional options, such as customizing which channels are made sticky and what abbreviations are used for channel names, are available by editing the Core.lua file in a plain-text editor such as Notepad. If you break something, download a fresh copy and try again.

Please DO NOT send me PMs asking for help, reporting bugs, or requesting features. To report a bug or suggest a feature, see the instructions below. To get help, post a comment. I read and respond to every ticket and comment!
Language Support
Works in all languages. Translated into English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Português, Русский, 한국어, 简体中文, and 繁體中文 (partial). Add or update translations for any locale on CurseForge!
Post a ticket or comment. If you are reporting a bug, please include directions I can follow to reproduce the bug, whether it still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the related error message (if any) from Bugger.

The following features will never be added to PhanxChat, and requests for them will be deleted, so please just don't bother posting such requests:
  • Reskinned or recolored edit box, chat tabs, or anything else
  • Custom fonts, outlines, shadows, or text alignments
  • Freely movable/draggable edit box
  • Extra entries in the player name right-click menu
  • Extra click actions on player names (eg. alt-click to invite)
  • Alerts for specific words or message types seen in chat
  • Mouseover tooltips on item or other links
  • Keybindings to open specific chat channels
  • Nicknames, main/alt aliases, group numbers, levels, or any other extra text
  • Anything related to timestamps

  • Fixed moving chat frames near the edges of the screen
  • Removed special handling for the "scroll to bottom" button as it behaves nicely by default now

  • Updated for WoW 8.0 (thanks Sefriol!)

  • Fixed localization

  • Added an option to adjust the chat frame line spacing
  • Rearranged the options panel

  • Updated for WoW 7.3

  • Fixed removing brackets from player names
  • Fixed an error when shift-clicking player names in chat (ticket #13)
  • Added intelligent downgrading of group channels (/i is automatically converted to /ra or /p if you're not in an instance group, and /ra and /rw are converted to /i or /p if you're not in a raid group) (ticket #9)

  • Updated for WoW 7.1
  • Fixed an error caused by Blizzard renaming the chat frame friends button

  • Updated for WoW 7.0.3
  • Added toggles for the game's "Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling" and "Remove Chat Hover Delay" settings, which are no longer exposed in the default Chat options panel.

  • Fixed the term "" being turned into a clickable link.
  • Shift-clicking links into chat and cycling through previously entered chat lines will no longer insert an extra space.
  • The /pchat clear command is now just /clear and clears only visible chat frames by default. Use /clear all to clear all chat frames instead.
  • The /pchat command remains for opening the options window.

  • Fixed option to disable chat fading

  • Added an option to prevent the chat frame from opening a pet battle combat log window
  • Updated French and Portuguese translations

  • Updated for WoW 6.0
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a whisper was received while logging in

  • Updated Ð*уÑÑкий translations from Yafis
  • Updated 简体ä¸*æ–‡ translations from tss1398383123

  • Fix for missing labels on dropdowns in options panel

  • Fixed an error when opening the chat edit box to a numbered channel

  • Fixed an error when setting the fade time to 0
  • Improved channel name shortening to avoid matching other link types with channelname-like text

  • Updated the "Hide extra textures" option to look better on temporary chat frames whose tabs have icons

  • Updated player name shift-click reports to support Hearthstone and the Desktop App

  • names will now be colored by class all the time, not just when replacing them with character names
  • "Player (Character) has come online" messages will now be shortened to just "Name has come online" using your name settings
  • name shortening and coloring will no longer occasionally not work right away after logging in
  • The /tt and /wt commands will now recognize the player as a valid whisper target
  • Updated Traditional Chinese localization from tss1398383123 on Curse

  • Fixed an issue with removing realm names

  • Improved the behavior of history cycling after reusing an existing history line.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when trying to cycle through chat history before any lines were added to it.

  • Added a limited workaround for Blizzard's stupid auto-complete changes in 5.4 that broke the ability to cycle through your chat input history using the Up/Down arrows without holding the Alt key. However, this is limited to non-secure commands only. If you need to access previously entered secure commands (like /cast or /use) you will still need to hold the Alt key.

  • Updated for WoW 5.4
  • Fixed the "Shorten RealID names" option not saving properly

  • Updated German localization from staratnight
  • Updated Simplified Chinese localization from tss1398383123

  • Updated for WoW 5.3
  • names are no longer class colored when Show Class Colors is disabled

  • Channel names are now shortened in the editbox too
  • Chat fade time can now be specified in 15-second increments

  • Updated Traditional Chinese localization from BNSSNB on CurseForge
  • Updated German localization from bigx2 on CurseForge

  • Fixed shortening real names at first login
  • Fixed using short names for numbered channels instead of numbers only (Lua config only)

  • Updated for WoW 5.2
  • The "Shorten player names" option has been renamed to "Remove server names" and now only removes server names from cross-realm character names.
  • A new "Shorten real names" option has been added, with the choice of keeping full names, showing first names only, or replacing Real ID names with BattleTags.
  • The "Replace real names" option will continue to replace both Real ID names and BattleTags with character names.
  • The "Show class colors" option now always overrides the individual channel options in the Blizzard chat options window. To avoid confusion, the Blizzard check boxes are disabled.

  • Added LibChatAnims to work around public chat API functions tainting the talent frame due to Blizzard's stupidity

  • Fixed channel name shortening in locales that include spaces, city names, etc.
  • Updated abbreviations for "Instance Chat" for all locales

  • Fixed an error that could occur when receiving certain types of messages
  • Updated frFR translations from L0relei on Curse
  • Removed 5.0.5 compatibility

  • Updated for WoW 5.1
  • Fixed shift-clicking on Real ID and BattleTag names
  • Updated ptBR translations from mgaedke on Curse

  • Fixed Real ID name shortening and character name replacement
  • Added BattleTag name shortening (removes the #1234 nonsense) and character name replacement
  • Updated deDE translations from staratnight
  • Updated zhCN translations from tss1398383123

  • Updated for WoW 5.0.4
  • Removed all references to GuildRecruitment channel since it hasn't existed for a while
  • Added itIT channel names and abbreviations
  • Updated channel names for all locales from ChannelNames.dbc

  • Compatible with both 4.3 live realms and Mists of Pandaria beta realms. Use the “Load out of date addons†checkbox on beta realms — the TOC won’t be updated until Patch 5.0 goes live.
  • The game’s “Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling†option will now be enabled and locked while PhanxChat’s “Hide buttons†option is enabled.
  • The game’s “Show Class Color†option for each individual chat type will be enabled and locked while PhanxChat’s “Show class colors†option is enabled.
  • Fixed some options not updating properly.
  • Removed a debugging print.
  • Updated system channel names for deDE and frFR.
  • Added more zhTW translations from yunrong on CurseForge.

  • Compatible with both 4.3 live realms and Mists of Pandaria beta realms. Use the “Load out of date addons†checkbox on beta realms — the TOC won’t be updated until Patch 5.0 goes live.
  • The default UI’s “Chat Style†option will now be set and locked to “Classic†if the edit box is moved to the top.
  • Added a “Show class colors†checkbox in the options panel as a shortcut for enabling class colors in all chat channels.
  • Improved tell-target functionality.
  • Added partial zhTW localization from yunrong on CurseForge.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the "Short player names" option from working with Real ID names.
  • Fixed an issue with Blizzard URL links.
  • Added a workaround to help prevent taint errors from the Blizzard Glyph UI.
  • Updated esMX translations for server chat channel names.

  • Updated for WoW 4.3
  • Added Português (ptBR) translations
  • Fixed shift-clicking on RealID names

  • Fixed beginner tooltips sticking on chat tabs

  • Fixed short chat channel names
  • Fixed class-colored character names for Real ID friends

  • Updated for WoW 4.2

  • Fixed the weird tab resizing behavior in Patch 4.1
  • Added default sticky settings for conversations and whispers
  • Added Spanish translations (still need channel names)
  • Added Simplified Chinese translations by tss1398383123 on CurseForge
  • Improved the appearance of highlighted and selected tabs

  • Added Korean localization from Talkswind on Curse

  • Updated Real ID name replacement for WoW 4.0
  • Fixed the cursor when resizing the chat frame

  • Fixed the URL copy module for changes in WoW 4.0.1

  • Fixed errors with temporary chat windows
  • Added frFR localization from Strigx on

  • Fixed chat buttons not switching sides when the chat frame is dragged
  • Added deDE localization from ac3r on
  • Added ruRU localization from hungry2 on

  • Fixed shortening of Real ID player names
  • Added replacement of Real ID player names with WoW character names
  • Added /who print when shift-clicking Real ID player names to keep them consistent with normal player names
  • Improved efficiency of bottom button display check
  • Improved visibility of resize edges on unlocked chat frames
  • Fixed URL linking to not cause taint


Due to file changes, you should completely uninstall your existing copy of the addon before installing this version. Removing your old saved variables is recommended, but not required.
  • Added a Shorten Player Names feature, which shortens player names by removing realm names from cross-realm players and last names from Real ID players.
  • Removed the Auto Start Chat Log feature, because I never used it.
  • Removed the Color Player Names feature, because it was just too much code and performance overhead to color the very few types of messages that the default UI doesn't already color, and also confused all the people who never read patch notes or change logs.
  • Translations are needed for all locales.
  • All existing translations for the configuration UI have been discarded, since none of them had been updated since the transition from slash commands to a GUI over a year ago. If you can provide translations for any locale, please send me a PM.
  • Additionally, several chat channels are currently only shortened in English locales, because nobody has provided translations for them. If you see a channel name that isn't shortened, please post a bug report ticket with your locale (eg. "German" or "deDE"), the English name of the channel (eg. "General"), the localized name of the channel (eg. "Allgemein"), and an appropriate short form for your locale (eg. "A").

  • Fixed a bug preveing the new "toast" window from being shown
  • Fixed a bug relating to sticky channel selection

  • Updated for patch 3.3.5. NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE.
  • Added an “Enable resize edges†option to add resize controls along all edges of chat frames, and remove the bottom-left-corner resize arrow. This basically just restores pre-3.3.5 chat frame resizing functionality.
  • Added a “Hide extra textures†option to hide the extra textures on chat tabs and chat edit boxes added in patch 3.3.5.
  • Removed the “Enable mousewheel scrolling†option, since this functionality is now provided by the default UI.
  • Modified the default UI's mousewheel scrolling to scroll more lines at a time, page up/down on ctrl, and top/bottom on shift.
  • Fixed a bug preventing custom short channel name formats from using the channel name in addition to the channel number.
  • Translations are needed for the new options in all locales. Also, major revisions are needed for several locales. If you can assist with translations for any locale, please send me a PM.

  • Fixed an bug that caused the player's own repeated messages to be hidden

  • Fixed an error that caused tab flashing to not always be disabled

  • Fixed an error caused by a misnamed variable
  • Added missing config library

  • The "Dungeon Guide" title is now abbreviated
  • Repeat-message suppression is now case-insensitive and ignores spaces
  • The configuration panel has been rearranged, and the wording of several options improved
  • Translations for all locales need to be reviewed

  • Repeat message suppression now looks at the last 15 lines (up from 10)
  • Fixed repeat message suppression option

  • Update for WoW 3.3

  • Added checks to prevent errors caused by other addons that haven't been updated for 3.2, because I'm tired of hearing about them
  • Fixed suppression options again
  • Changed from hardcoded class name translations to new FillLocalizedClassList API

  • Updated class coloring for WoW 3.2

  • Fixed error preventing ChatFrame3 and ChatFrame7 from being formatted

  • Fixed achievement messages for Korean (and possibly other non-English) clients
  • Improved URL linking to reduce the occurrence of false positives
  • Updated koKR translations by kornshock @ WoWInterface

  • Rearranged configuration GUI
  • Re-added "/pchat clear" command for easy keybinding

  • Fixed suppressing repeated messages in 3.1
  • Fixed error in option for shortening channel names

  • Add LibStub for GUI configuration

  • Update for WoW 3.1 (NOT backwards compatible)
  • Fix German translation for "Death Knight"
  • Add GUI configuration in the Interface Options panel
  • Remove command-line configuration

  • Fix channel notice suppression option

  • Fix chat tab dragging

  • Fix font size command

  • Remove 2.4.3 compatibility

  • Fix scroll-to-bottom button for 2.4.3

  • Fix channel notice suppression option

  • Add complete deDE translations from Melikae
  • Add complete ruRU translations from Valle

  • Fix suppression options
  • Add complete koKR translations from TalksWind

  • Add complete frFR translations from Nicolas

  • Fix frame blacklisting

Version 20100-r08
  • Fix erratic chat logging
  • Added option to include number with short channel names
  • Added partial Traditional Chinese translations (thanks ??)
  • Use RAID_CLASS_COLORS for class coloring (I recommend ReTeal for restoring the teal class color for shamans)

Version 20100-r07
  • Changed method for getting class information from short who queries. This means you will not get class coloring from shift-clicking blood elves and night elves.

Version 20100-r06
  • Changed detection pattern for short who results to be less specific (should always pick up names and classes now)
  • Added a compatibility check to stop the errors from AtlasLoot when validating items

Version 20100-r05
  • Fixed FuBar plugin / minimap icon error
  • changed FuBar plugin / minimap icon menu

Version 20100-r04
  • Fixed duplicate FuBar plugin / minimap icon

Version 20100-r03
  • Fixed sticky channels toggle
  • Fixed channel color memory toggle
  • Maybe fixed Auctioneer conflict (I couldn't reproduce it)

Version 20100-r02
  • Added option to save class colors between sessions
  • Added option to suppress certain spammy messages
  • Added optional GUI configuration

Version 20100-r01

TEMPORARY fix for visible line ID. Note that this fix discards the line ID completely, preventing use of the new spam reporting functions. If you would prefer to report spam, disable the player name class coloring and bracket removal features.

Version 2.1.1
  • Removed workaround code for Blizzard's "reappearing channels" bug (fixed in WoW 2.0.7)

Version 2.1.0
  • Added chat fading controls
  • Fixed tell-target keybinding

Version 2.0.5
  • Updated embedded libraries for WoW 2.0.3

Version 2.0.4
  • Fixed chat string setup on login
  • Fixed chat logging start on login

Version 2.0.3
  • Fixed chat string shortening

Version 2.0.2
  • Fixed menu button toggle (again)

Version 2.0.1
  • Fixed menu button toggle
  • Fixed chat tab lock toggle

Version 2.0
  • Partial rewrite
  • Fixed guild MotD being suppressed on login
  • Added keybinding and slash command (/tt) to whisper your current target
  • Added class name coloring
  • Added toggle for arrow keys in the edit box

Version 1.4
  • Update for WoW 2.0

Version 1.3
  • Added URL copy feature with several options

Version 1.2
  • Added tab flash suppression
  • Added tab locking
  • Added toggles for some options

Version 1.0
  • Initial release
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Unread 02-17-08, 10:26 PM  
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For the adventurous, a new beta version is available here:
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Unread 02-21-08, 07:40 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Any possibility to allow custom shortening/replacement text for channel names and events like incoming/outgoing whispers? I like to remove a lot of the channel names (guild, party, raid) and just rely on the channel colors to differentiate as it frees up more clutter than having shortened or full length names, but some I like to shorten and not completely remove. That's really the only thing I miss from Prat. Not sure what resource impact it might have or not, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway

Love the mod and looking forward to playing w/the new beta
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Unread 02-21-08, 10:48 PM  
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No, I have no plans for in-game customization of replacement text. I'd prefer to keep configuration limited to simple toggles, not micromanagement of every option with hundreds of suboptions... if I wanted that, I'd just use Prat.

The new version will be easier for advanced users to configure by modifying variables at the top of the Lua file. In the current version you can still modify the replacements by editing the Lua, you'll just have to look around for it.
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Unread 02-22-08, 12:21 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Killjoy!! I kid, I kid

Yah, I can appreciate not having to drill down 8 levels to change every little thing. Looks like the lua head config options should give me (easy) access to what I'm looking to do, so should be set thanks!
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Unread 03-25-08, 04:25 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Anyone having problems with phanxchat and the 2.4 WoW chat config? Not showing any errors but cant seem to get certain chat channels to remain in certain windows. ie... I use to have guild chat in a new window I setup instead of the general chat frame but now it's in both and no matter what I do, I still get the same.
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Unread 03-25-08, 04:45 PM  
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There's a reason I haven't marked PhanxChat as "working in 2.4"; I haven't touched it in several months, and have no plans to update the current version. The new version I am working on (linked to in the description) will work in 2.4 and will be ready for a formal release shortly.
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Unread 03-30-08, 06:57 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Angry Auto-Reply

PLESE tell me how to turn this feture off!!! when someone whispers me I like to hit the "R" key to reply, instead the "Enter" key will reply, if im in the middle of guild chatting and someone whispers me from trade channel, when i hit my "Enter" key to continue talking to my guild i respond the the whisper. I cant deal with this feature so please let me know how to disable it. Thank you awesome mod other then that little annoyance.
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Unread 03-30-08, 08:13 PM  
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Re: Auto-Reply

PhanxChat does not have a feature that does what you describe. The only feature that has anything to do with chat types is "sticky channels", which remembers the last chat type you send a message in. If the last thing you typed was a whisper to Randomguy, pressing enter will open whisper chat to Randomguy again. If the last thing you typed was a message to guild chat, pressing enter will open guild chat. It does not automatically switch to whisper chat in the middle of typing, or up on recieving a whisper message. If you want to disable sticky channels the setting is clearly labeled in the options.
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Unread 03-30-08, 11:31 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Smile Sweet

Switched that option to default and fixed my problems. 5/5 stars!!! great mod!!!
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Unread 04-04-08, 02:24 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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I'd like to recommend that you add Fane to your recommended add-ons companions list for Phanx Chat. I've been using it with Phanx Beta and it works great! It's a very simple mod to color the chat tabs and remove those ugly borders (imo anyway... I know some may like them).

Edit:Sorry for any confusion... I meant to post this with the new beta mod. Ugh
Level 80 Human Deathknight
Silvermoon/Nerfed Guild
Last edited by erica647 : 04-04-08 at 02:27 PM.
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Unread 05-15-08, 04:09 PM  
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The beta version is now the release version. Please report any issues you encounter. See the "Think You Found A Bug?" section of the addon description for instructions on how to properly report issues so I can identify and resolve them. Thanks!
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Unread 05-15-08, 08:24 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Getting the following error on load with this newest release version:

Interface\AddOns\PhanxChat\Locales\Locale - frFR.\lua:76: '}' expected (to close) '}' at line 6) near 'collant'
Last edited by Jackalantern : 05-15-08 at 08:26 PM.
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Unread 05-16-08, 03:06 AM  
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Bit confused here with version number

Is the channel notice supression fixed in the 3.0 repack ?

Edit: Apparently not, and damn i can't find that typo ^^
Last edited by Caellian : 05-16-08 at 03:42 AM.
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Unread 05-16-08, 04:24 AM  
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The repack was uploaded to remove the French translation, which was generating errors, and was not intended to be included yet anyway, as the translator who sent it to me never finished his work and sent me the rest of it. If any French users would like to finish the French translation, please send me a PM!

What about channel notice suppression needs to be "fixed" ? With the option enabled, "X joined" and "Z left" messages are suppressed; this is the intended behavior. If you can be more specific about the problem, please post a ticket in the bug rerport tracker.
Last edited by Phanx : 05-16-08 at 04:24 AM.
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Unread 05-16-08, 05:13 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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frFR v1

i not have game here so I'll do that during my lunch break hope that is good =) :

Ps : the /who is not workingf but can't traduce atm
frFR translations for PhanxChat
Contributed by m0rgoth as morwen,cerwen and tirocac on illidan eu

if GetLocale() == "frFR" then PHANXCHAT_LOCALS = {

CHANNEL_GENERAL = "Canal général",
CHANNEL_TRADE = "Commerce",
CHANNEL_LOCALDEFENSE = "Defense locale",
CHANNEL_WORLDDEFENSE = "Defense mondiale",
CHANNEL_GUILDRECRUITMENT = "Recherche guilde", --need check

WHO_QUERY_RESULT = "^%|Hplayer:.+|h%[(.+)%]|h: 等级 %d+ .+ (.+)%s?<?[^>]*>? %- .+$", --need check


SHORT_WHISPER = "Chuchote",

["enabled"] = "activé",
["disabled"] = "desactivé",

["Use /pchat with the following commands:"] = "Utilise /pchat avec les commandes suivantes",

["Hide the scroll buttons"] = "Cache les boutons de scroll",
["Button hiding %s."] = "Cache les boutons %s",

["Shorten channel names and chat strings"] = "affiche le nom court des channels",
["Short channel names %s."] = "Affiche les nom court du channel %s",

["Clear the window"] = "efface le contenu de la fenetre",

["Enable arrow keys in the edit box"] = "activer les fleches durant la saisie de texte",
["Edit box arrow keys %s."] = "active les fleches dans la fenetre %s",

["Move the edit box above the window"] = "Deplace la ligne de saisie au dessus de la fenetre",
["Edit box relocation %s."] = "definit la position de la ligne de saisie %s",

["Set the text fade time in minutes (0 = disabled)"] = "Definit la durée d'effacement du texte 0 = desactivé",
["Chat fading %s."] = "durée d'effacement %s",
["Chat fade time set to %d minutes."] = "Definit la durée d'effacement du texte à %d minutes",
["Fade time is currently set to %d minutes."] = "la durée d'effacement est actuellement de %d minutes",

["Stop tabs from flashing"] = "empecher les tabs de clignoter",
["Chat tab flash suppression %s."] = "les tabs sont actuellement %s",

["Set the font size for all windows"] = "definit la police pour toutes les fenetres",
["Chat font size set to %d."] = "la taille de la police est de %d",

["Start chat logging automatically"] = "active le logging automatique du chat",
["Automatic chat logging %s."] = "chat auto login : %s",

["Color player names by class if known"] = "colorer les noms des joueurs par classes",
["Player name class coloring %s."] = "coloration du nom : %s",

["Enable mousewheel scrolling"] = "activer le scroll par roulette",
["Mousewheel scrolling %s."] = "scroll roullette :%s",

["Make more chat types sticky"] = "stickys channels",
["Sticky channels %s."] = "stickys channels:%s",

["Suppress channel notification messages"] = "effacer les notifications du chat",
["Channel notice suppression %s."] = "notification :%s",

["Suppress repeated messages in public channels"] = "empecher le flood sur les cc generaux",
["Repeated message suppression %s."] = "anti flood :%s",

["Lock docked tabs in place (hold Alt to drag)"] = "verrouille les tabs Alt maintenu pour deplacer",
["Chat tab locking %s."] = "tabs verrouillés :%s",

["Link URLs for easy copying"] = "copie facile d url ",
["URL linking %s."] = "URL copie :%s",

["Version %d loaded."] = "version %d chargée",

} end
Last edited by m0rgoth : 05-16-08 at 05:16 AM.
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