Updated: 11-02-06 01:58 AM
Updated:11-02-06 01:58 AM

ShreavelScripts Lite

Version: 1
by: Shreavel [More]

ShreavelScripts Lite is a toned-down function library I use, and it is mainly tailored towards healers, but in this case Druids in particular.

It includes a function to return current +heal and mana/5, automatic rank selection for healing touch and rejuv, as well it can display the estimated heal for rejuv and healing touch.

Another feature is a built-in emergency-type list and target functions. The target functions can use the emergency list or it can use the party priority methods or the fuzzy method. Fuzzy method allows targetting to be smartly but randomly selected among the top few so as to avoid having all players select the first lowest health player on the list and thus reduce cross-heal overhealing by some bit.

It is a Lite version so I have removed custom code pertaining to my character, like hand-entered values for how much regrowth should heal and other misc items, mostly timered and event-based items.

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