Compatible with Retail, Classic & TBC
Updated: 05-08-24 01:10 PM
File Info
Dark Heart (10.2.7)
Cataclysm Classic (4.4.0)
Classic (1.15.2)
WOTLK Patch (3.4.3)
TBC Patch (2.5.4)
Updated:05-08-24 01:10 PM

Clique  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v3.6.3-release
by: Cladhaire [More]

Clique is a simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. You can bind virtually any mouse or keyboard combination to a spell or macro. In it's normal configuration this enables you to use the bindings over your unit frames in order to cast spells directly on that unit. This allows you to more quickly select both the spell to cast, and the target of the spell without requiring an extra click.

To begin with Clique, open your spellbook and click on the new tab that is shown there. You can also open the configuration GUI by running the /clique slash command. From this binding interface you can add, remove and alter any of your Clique bindings. You will be unable to make these changes when you are in combat due to limitations in the Blizzard API.

Binding a spell

Binding a spell is just a matter of finding the spell in your spellbook, putting your mouse over it, and performing the binding you would like to add. For example, if you'd like to set 'Regrowth' to activate on 'Shift-LeftButton', then you just find that spell in your spellbook and then Shift-LeftClick on it. You can also bind keyboard combinations, so you could do the same with Shift-R if you'd like.

Keep in mind when you are setting your bindings that they will override any bindings that are already set on the frame, for example the default bindings to 'Target unit' and 'Show unit menu'. You can override these bindings if you would like, but you should then set a new different combination that will activate the original functions

Binding the 'Target unit' or 'Show unit menu' actions

If you've rebound or lose these default bindings, you can re-bind them using the 'Bind other' button in the Clique configuration. Click on the button, and choose the correct action and you will be presented with a dialog box that allows you to set the binding for that action. Simply choose a new key combination, and you will be able to target units and open your menu again.

Binding a macro

Binding a macro can also be found on the 'Bind other' button. You'll be given a new window with instructions and suggestions about writing your macros, but other than that the process should seem very similar.

Managing click-sets

Each binding can belong to a number of binding-sets. These sets determine when the binding is active. The built-in binding-sets are as follows:

  • default - This set is always active on registered unit frames, unless overridden by another binding-set.
  • ooc - This set is only active when you are out of combat. Once you begin fighting, these bindings will no longer be active, regardless of what other bind-sets are selected.
  • friend - This set is only active when you are activating a binding on a friendly unit, i.e. one you can assist.
  • enemy - This set is only active when you are activating a binding on an enemy unit, i.e. one you can attack.
  • hovercast - These bindings will be available whenever you are over a unit frame, or a unit in the 3D world.
  • global - These bindings will be always available. They do not specify a target for the action, so if the action requires a target, you must specify it after performing the binding.
  • Talent: SpecName - When any talent bind set is selected, that binding will only be active when that talent specialization is active, regardless of other bind sets. A binding can be set for more than one talent spec at a time and it should function correctly.

Clique and dual talent specs
In addition Clique allows you to set up different profiles, and can automatically switch between them when your character changes talent groups. In order to set this up, click the 'Options' button, or navigate to the Clique options section of the Interface Options menu. Here you can create new profiles and change your options to activate different profiles depending on talent spec.

Bug reports:
If you are going to submit a bug report, please include the following information:
  1. What version of Clique you are using (/dump Clique.version)
  2. What unit frames you are using
  3. What specific bindings are not working

Some folks have asked for how they can donate money, and for many years I've enjoyed hearing about how my addons have helped other people enjoy World of Warcraft. If you would like to donate, I'd ask you to make a donation to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, a worthy organisation that helped my sister immensely from her diagnosis through her final years. If you or a family member suspect you might have something not right in your butt, please have a doctor check it out. Colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancers in the world.

v90005-1.0.1 (2021-04-07)
Full Changelog
  • Set up packaging for WowI and Curse
    Previously Curse stopped generating new files, so that version has
    been lagging behind slightly.
  • Update TOC for 9.0.5
  • Fix a taint issue relating to the spellbook
    This should prevent certain errors that show Clique as being blocked
    for showing action buttons and other odd behaviour.
  • Update TOC for 9.0.2
  • Fix an issue with nameplates
  • Fix TOC for 9.0.1 release
  • Add another backdrop template
  • Update for v90001 pre-patch
    - Fix an issue with backdrop inheritance
    - Stop using names to detect frame sub components
  • Fix issue with talent spec bindings
  • Shuffle some talent code
  • Fix issue with talent config
  • Update compat check to use WOW_PROJECT_ID
  • Add support for spell ranks
  • Attempt clean-up for Classic
  • Fixing a duplicate event registration issue
  • Update to 8.2
  • Update TOC for BfA
  • Fix option panel initialization
  • Update for 7.3
  • Don't try to enable nameplates or forbidden objects
  • Update for 7.2
  • Add a /clique profile <profileName> command
    This makes it possible to change profiles without navigating the GUI.
  • Ensure we don't try to register nameplates
  • Update for 7.1
  • Fire bindings changed on player entering world
    Some spec-based bindings are being lost in between instances, this
    should help to mitigate that. It's difficult to reproduce without the
    right character/instance which I'm not able to reproduce but this should
    fix some of those issues.
    It will cause Clique to do a slight bit more work when zoning between
    instances, but I don't think there are any crucial points where that
  • Attempt to resolve the issue with "stuck" bindings
    There are some situations in which the mouseover unit can go away, and
    we're currently using this to detect if a frame might be obscuring the
    current one or if the current frame has been hidden.
    I have made this check smarter and it should be better at determining
    when to clear the bindings that have been set. If you want to view more
    information about when bindings are being clear (or not) you can run the
    following in-game:
    /run Clique.settings.debugUnitIssue = true
    You can remove these messages later with the reverse:
    /run Clique.settings.debugUnitIssue = false
  • Trigger bindings changed on P_E_W
  • Add support for automatically switching profiles on talent change
    These different profiles can be configured on the general options
  • Update localization
  • Add support for new talent specializations
    This new version works a bit differently than the old one in that the
    same spell can be bound to multiple talent sets and it should work
    correctly. Basically if a talent bind set is selected then the bind will
    only be available when that spec is active, but it is no longer an ONLY
    bind set.
  • Fix an issue with nameplates
  • Auto-blacklist buttons without RegisterForClicks
    The new nameplates inherit from the compact raid frame templates, but
    don't have all of the methods needed to work with click-casting, so for
    now we'll auto-blacklist all of those frames.
  • Update TOC
  • Update TOC for 6.2.0
  • Update TOC for 6.1.x
  • Update AceDB3
  • Updates for WoD
    - Handle 1nil change for Region:IsEnabled()
    - Update TOC version
  • Update for 5.4
  • Enable status icon on compact raid frames
  • Temporarily fix an issue with unit menus
    After 5.2 when Blizzard switched to 'togglemenu', there is a bug with
    the dropdown code that requires raid frames to continue using 'menu'
    instead in order to work properly. This change should properly use the
    correct attribute until this bug has been fixed.
  • Fixing menu bindings
  • Updating TOC for 5.2
  • Make Clique PTR/Live compatible
  • Reduce the change of tainting with static popups
  • Update show menu binding
  • Update TOC for 5.1
  • Fix option for disabling target of target frame
    Fixes 82
  • Fix bindings for spells needing AOE targeting
    The 'stop casting fix' was being applied to global bindings in addition
    to hovercast bindings, which was breaking spells like Hurricane and
    Blizzard. This should resolve those issues.
  • Don't apply wrong-spec bindings
    Previously, if you were in your primary spec and you had a spell that
    was bound to secondary spec only, the binding would still be active
    (although it would not do anything). Simple test:
    1. Bind 'moonfire' to 1 on hovercast,secspec
    2. Verify it works
    3. Change to primary spec
    4. You will be unable to use your '1' normal binding
  • Update TOC correctly
  • Update for UIPanelButtonTemplate2 rename
  • Update for talent group changes
  • Updated TOC
  • BindConfig template fixes for mop
  • Fix targeting with the stop casting fix
  • Add an option to call /stopcasting before each spellcast
  • Update .toc for 4.3.0
  • Guard for corrupt saved variables
  • Add more unit tests for attributes
  • Add binding-sets for primary/secondary talent spec
  • Make the bindings list slightly more stable
  • Fix the setting/clearing of ooc bindings
  • Fix whitespace
  • Fix some whitespace/comments
  • Added a unit test framework for attributes
  • Enable mousewheel events as well as clicks
    This was previously only working on frames that registered using the
    RegisterFrame or ClickCastFrames mechanism.
  • Updating TOC for 4.2
  • Add missing Localization.ruRU.lua file
  • Revert "Use 'secure' registration for RegisterFrame"
  • Clarify license as All rights reserved
  • Use 'secure' registration for RegisterFrame
  • Update TOC to 40100
  • Fix support for compact party frames
  • Attempt to fix the dangling bindings issue
    If the player is over a frame that has key bindings active and that
    frame is hidden or obscured then those bindings will remain active until
    another Clique-enabled frame is moused over. This fix uses the attribute
    driver template to clear this dangling button when the player no longer
    has a 'mouseover' unit.
    This change could potentially cause problems for small corner cases
    where non-unit-frames are enabled for Clique casting, but I do not
    currently know of any uses where this is the case.
  • Add ruRU localization thanks to StingerSoft
  • Add support for the 'backspace' key, possibly
  • Fix a bug with arena frames integration
  • Fix group header template click applications
    There was a problem with some frames (Pitbull party frames, for example)
    that was causing out of combat bindings to not properly apply. This was
    due to a weird behaviour of the secure environment system.
  • Update AddonCore to re-include Printf
  • Fix a bug that was causing some bindings to fail
  • Add the blacklist code back in
  • Revamp of attribute calculation/setting
    The logic seems to be a bit more straightforward and it seems that the
    ooc/friend/enemy layering is working properly. The major changes are:
    * Clique will only calculate new attributes when you change bindings
    * Clique will apply the attributes when bindings change
    * If you have ooc bindings, then they will swap on enter/leave combat
    * Otherwise, they will not change, so there's no overhead from that
    out-of-combat bindings should now correctly be applied over any other
    type of binding with the same key. If this isn't the case, please report
    it to me.
  • Add an addon:Defer() function for deferral
    This function will defer the execution of a method or function until the
    player as exited combat.
  • Fix a bug in FireMessage argument checking
  • Make emergency debug mode more informative
  • Add support for buff/debuff on raid frames
  • Adding support for CompactParty pet frames
  • Add a pet header to the header test code
  • Fix hovercast/default combination to work properly
  • Move options panels around to be clearer
  • Allow for string = true in localization files
  • Fix a typo in blizzard frame options
  • Fix a bug in the blacklist editor due to prior change
  • Fix some issues with registering group-header-based frames
    This should fix the reported issues with 'AnyUp' and 'AnyDown'
    registration not happening properly on those frames.
  • Convert strings to frames
  • Try to run RegisterForCLicks on all frames during a full update
  • Fix modified special keys, like dash and backslash
  • Revert "Bind spells by spell id, see if this resolves the Blizzard issues"
  • Allow 'Backslash' to be used as a binding key
  • Fix enemy/friend bindings when used with default/hovercast.
    Thanks to JTrent82 for the thorough bug report that helped me track this
    one down.
  • Add friend/enemy attributes to remote snippet as well
  • Bind spells by spell id, see if this resolves the Blizzard issues
  • Update localization (added zhCN and zhTW)
  • Add a selection dropdown to the "options" button
  • Fix a bug that was causing edited macros to lose their binding
  • Add a basic test suite
  • Fix several bugs with mouse-button-based bindings
  • Add an addon-wide index/newindex debug mode
  • Hide UI panel when spellbook is hidden and both are open
  • Fix another corner case where escape could get eaten
  • Fix the issue that was causing escape to be eaten
  • Disable button-based hovercast/global bindings on unit frames
  • Fix the 'Select None' button in the frame blacklist editor
  • Remove debug message
  • Ensure onenter/onleave attributes don't get 'stuck'.
  • Only register clicks on enabled, non-blacklisted frames
  • Some comment and text updates
  • Fix bindings with non-latin keys, such as รถ
  • Enabled frame unregistration
    Addons that are registering using ClickCastFrames should run
    ClickCastFrames[frame] = nil or ClickCastFrames[frame] = false.
    Addons that are using the group header, and are registering using
    the secure snippet method should do the following:
    local header = self:GetFrameref("clickcast_header")
    header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", button)
    This code expect to be run on the header, but needs access to the
    button. This can probably be passed into your header via a frame
    reference, i.e:
    MyGroupHeader:SetFrameRef("foo", MyGroupHeaderUnitButton1)
    local button = self:GetFrameRef("foo");
    local header = self:GetFrameRef("clickcast_header")
    header:SetAttribute("clickcast_button", button)
  • Hide the bindAlert if the spellbook frame isn't open
  • Fix an issue where backslash could not be bound
  • Add a notice when binding mode is active
  • Fix a critical bug, thanks for the reports
  • Try to guard all instances of bad input for listing, so user can fix their own problems
  • Change terminology from click-set to binding-set
  • Fix an issue where setting a new profile did not change profile on next reload
  • Allow the dash key to be bound without errors
  • Don't update the config if it is not visible
  • Add headers to each file to make viewing source a bit easier
  • Fix blizzard frames settings not saving
  • Throttle mousewheel bindings on the spellbook to prevent duplicates
  • Clear focus from editbox when mousing over binding button
  • Replace the 'Change binding' menu with 'Edit macro' for macros
  • Merge branch 'editmacro'
  • Ensure deletion actually deletes correct binding
  • Allow editing of macros, both binding and text
  • Fix error with registration queue
  • Do not allow AddBinding/DeleteBinding while in combat
  • Add 'hovercast' click set, to replace the old 'global'. New 'global' is truly global, with no target specified. These binding sets are mutually exclusive
  • Queue any frame registrations during combat until we leave combat
  • Change any stray instances of getglobal to _G
  • Updated .pkgmeta to properly include tools used
  • Use Ace3 for database management and associated cleanup
    * Fix an issue where a macro could be created without a binding
    * Widen profile dropdowns
  • Fix a bug in database upgrade/initialization
  • Hide the Clique spell tab when appropriate
  • Ensure attributed are updated when settings change.
    This fixes a bug where changign a binding via the menu did not update
    the actual bindings that were set on frames
  • Give out-of-combat clicks priority
    This does not fix the bug arising from conflicts between 'ooc' and
    'friend' clicks. That will come in a future update.
  • Added name-based frame blacklist and interface options panel
  • Hide spellbook/clique when opening options panel
  • Add an 'ooh-shiny' box when spellbook/clique are both open
  • Remove addon initialised message
  • Change window opening so it works on high-ui-scale screens
  • Force a saved variables reset to fix the 'blizzframes' issue
  • Remove database upgrade code for V3->V4.
  • Fixed an issue preventing you from using mousewheel for macro binds
  • Fix the issue with nil 'blizzframes'
  • Added options to limit Blizzard frame integration
  • Remove stale readme file
  • Remove HeaderTest code from TOC
  • Fix a number of stray globals
  • Fix a bug where options panel was not initialized properly
  • Update credits for icon images
  • Update icons to the contest winning icons by d87
  • Fix binding configuration to allow for delete and change binding
  • Add an option to trigger 'combat' changed based on party members
    This option, when enabled, will do a bit more work trying to check for
    when your party or raid members enter combat. When this happen, your
    click set will be changed and your 'ooc' clicks will be removed, even
    though you aren't strictly in combat. This feature is very experimental,
    and should be enabled with care.
  • Update BindConfig when changing profiles
  • Add options panel, spec-based profile swaps and profile support
  • Fix dialog so position is not saved
  • Formalize database layout, making way for full database profiles
  • Add spellbook tab to toggle Clique UI
  • Allow global bindings to also use friend/enemy
  • Sort click-sets when displaying in spell info
  • Added support for harm/help click-sets
  • Add support for 'global' clickset, as global bindings
  • Add support for the 'ooc' click set
  • Add dropdown menu toggles for basic click-sets
  • Use dark-background version of Jesse Talks's mouse
  • Added click-set indicator to binding config
  • Remove frames that are erroring, and delay arena frame registration
  • Change Blizzard frame registration to use names instead of frames
  • Added possible Clique portrait icon with CREDITS file
  • Support cleaning of attributes and add DeleteBinding() function
  • Add macro creation and bind deletion
  • Implemented macros, srsly.
  • Make the dialog mouse-enabled so it doesn't bleed down a level
  • Implemented target unit/show menu actions and binding captures
  • Rename files to remove over-namespacing
  • Add options panel, remove page3
  • Reorganize files to allow for options dialog
  • Abstract out frame registration
  • Add initial Blizzard frames integration
  • Continued revmap of Clique user interface
  • Add comments to Clique.lua about click-set priorities
  • Run xmllint on Clique.xml
  • Fix page2 and navigation between pages
  • Make columns clickable to sort by action text or binding
  • Massive advancements towards working version:
    * Fixed in-combat registration
    * Fixed out-of-combat registration
    * Adding bindings works properly
    * Attributes are updated properly after changes to bindings
    * Altered options screen to display
    * Changed display of BUTTONX and BACKSPACE, etc.
  • Working group header registration and attribute generation system
  • Working proof-of-concept implementation of in-combat registration
  • Add test function, fix spellbook binding, add comments
  • Add code for ClickCastFrames and group header registration
  • Initial commit of Clique revamp
  • Added an option to trigger spellcast on the down portion of a click
    This option can be found in the Clique UI, under the 'options' panel. When this option is active, any buttons that register for click-casting will be registered for 'AnyDown', which will cause spells to trigger on the down portion of the click. By default, Clique continues to function as usual, triggering spellcasts on the up portion of a click.
  • Fix click-casting for Target of Target frame, and add click casting for focus-target and boss frames
  • Removing leftover debug messages
  • Fix for out-of-combat helpful spell bug
  • TOC Update for 3.3
  • Fix a bug that was causing helpful/harmful bindings to override out-of-combat bindings
  • Fix a display issue for binding entries
  • Fix the sorting of higher button options
  • Added support for Steelseries MMO Gaming Mouse, with a few caveats and setup requirements:
    * You must open the Steelseries mouse configuration screen and set each button (except Left/Right/Middle/Button4/Button5) to "Disable/Clear". This ensures they don't try to send WoW commands, which it does by sending keyboard keys (like M to open the map).
    * You should disable "Enable in-game mode".
    * In-game you must open interface options, and go to the mouse configuration tab. There you need to select "Detect WoW Mouse". If it doesn't work, you'll need to play with things a bit.
    Then you should be able to use the mouse natively, taking advantage of all buttons in Clique and WoW in general (as buttons, not as keys).
  • Added support for extra mouse buttons
  • Fixing a localization issue when applying clicks in combat
  • Interface version update
  • Allow Clique to make changed in combat.. using frame:CanChangeAttribute()
  • Added preliminary support for Blizzard's arena frames
  • Fixed the code used to detect talent changes, should work correctly now
  • Fixed an error that could occur when mousing over empty slots in the spellbook
  • Updated Clique to use ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED
  • * Fix profile switching system so it stores the options in 'char' rather than 'profile'.. duur
  • * Removed old "MAX" button, since the game no longer encourages downranking.
    * Added an "options" button that allows you to enable/disable profile switching when changing talent specs
    * Fixed a taint issue due to using UIFrameFlash
  • * Fix an error that caused custom pet actions to have a display error
    * The Clique configuration window will now properly be visible on the pet tab
  • Make ruRU locale only apply when the user is using a ruRU client
  • Added ruRU localization courtesy of gzukka
  • * Added localization for esES and esMX thanks to iflores23
  • * Fix an issue with the new profile dialog when clicking the "Accept" button
  • Fixed an error when mousing over an empty spellbook slot
  • Removed conditional WoTLK code
  • * Fixed deprecated use of 'this' in a number of places
    * Fixed an issue where the icon selection screen gave an error
    * Added a tooltip to the dropdown selector button and the Clique tab button
    * Fixed the toggling behavior of Clique when entering combat
    * Altered frame levels of the Clique UI so the windows should be usable in all situations
    * Double-clicking an entry will edit it
    * Rephrased "Stop Casting" to "Cancel Pending Spellcast", since it reflects what the option does
  • Only specify a spell rank when the "Show all spell ranks" button is selected
  • Make the spellbook tab/button disappear when we're on the glyph screen
  • Update table of contents
  • Added reference to IsWrathBuild()
  • Added code to fix the scroll and dropdown frames in WoTLK
  • Fixed an issue with mousing over a spellbook button in WoTLK
  • Fixed a number of issues with the edit UI
  • Remove a stray SetMultiline(true)
  • Make the one-line argument boxes not accept the enter character
  • * Added wowi:dirname so zips are generated properly
  • * Fixed tooltip bindings so there are no more duplicates
    * Added a /clique showbindings command that will show a draggable window that shows the current clique bindings. This window will not update when your bindings change and currently doesn't retain its position on-screen.
  • * Removed old database upgrading code
    * Added version field to table of contents
  • * Updated .toc
  • * Fixed an issue relating to Polymorph (Rank 1: Pig) and the way the rank text was changed. The system should now work for any ranks, numeric or not.
    * Renamed the "Options" button to "Frames"
  • Added COPYING and LICENSE.
  • * .toc update
  • * Updated to Dongle-1.1
  • * Currently in patch 2.2 Blizzard changed the unit attribute resolution. As a result, a unit attribute of "nil" is different from a unit attribute that has never been set. This release works around this issue by only setting the attribute if you've set it in your configuration.
    * If you set the "unit" argument for a given custom type, and then clear it, you will need to reload your UI in order to get teh change applied. This should not affect the average user in any way.
  • * Update to fix issues with TargetUnit and other attributes
  • * .TOC update
  • * Fix for the 2.2 issue with odd cast targets
  • * Updated localisations and altered the .toc file to ensure they load properly
  • * Update to Dongle-1.0-r871 to fix the profile issue
  • * .toc update for 2.1.0
  • * Guard the sv conversion code to prevent an error
  • * Updating to Dongle-1.0-r863
  • * Updated to Dongle-1.0-r859
  • * Base the options title off Clique.rev, which is pulled from Clique.luq
  • * Removed a number of debug procedures
  • * Changed the upgrade procedure to be more rigid, based on revision number
  • * Fixing issue 44, with PROFILE_RESET localisation
  • * Updated localisation for deDE and pulled out the custom help and labels.
  • * Updated the logic for rank parsing. Should be more robust and work with other locales.
  • * Fixed logic so you can assign clicks on PTR
  • * Updated to Dongle-r849
  • * Menu no longer requires an arg, so remove that from the options code.
  • * Updating to Dongle-r315 to fix an issue with logout errors
  • * Added error checking to the macro type
  • * tostring() on entry.arg2
  • * Trying to fix a clique macro issue
  • * Attempt to fix an issue with numeric macro indices
  • * Fixed an issue where macros would fail if they had no text, and no index.
  • * Fix to sv conversion code
  • * Dongle-1.0
  • * Due to changes in Dongle, added a script to convert savedvariables, to retain profiles
  • * Corrected locale string in frFR (closes issue 28)
  • * Tooltip lines are only added when we're mousing over a frame.
    * Added an option for /clique tooltip, which toggles the listing of clique-bindings in the unit tooltips
  • * Initial work on tooltip listing of bindings
  • * When a user learns a new spell tab, the Clique button will reposition accordingly.
  • * Updated to Dongle-Beta1
  • * Added support for changing profiles on commandline.
  • * Updated to use Dongle-Beta1
  • Resolved an issue where custom edited macros were not saving harm/help buttons properly.
  • Added a small debug function for troubleshooting that can be activated using /clique debug.
  • Fixed a stray character
  • * Resolved an issue where helpful and out-of-combat clicks could conflict, with the helpful click taking prescendence.
  • Removed a stray "frame" argument in PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED() that was causing clicks to not be set properly. Thanks [Ammo]!!!
  • Fixed an issue where clicks weren't applying after the MAX or EDIT buttons were used
  • Updated to Dongle-Beta0. Updated .toc file for 2.0.3.
  • Updated to Dongle-Beta0
  • Fixed a typo
  • Added version checks and warnings for Dongle
    Removed clique "special" mode
  • Fixed a typo, appears to have resolved any clickset issues we've had
  • Updated to work with Dongle-Beta0, at least in spirit
  • * Updated to remove some stray globals from Copy/Paste of Blizzard code.
  • * Urgent update to Dongle-0.5.1-Alpha
  • * Fixed an issue where frames were registering too early
  • * Fixed an issue where framed wouldn't unregister properly if deselected
  • * Dongle-0.5.0-Alpha
  • * Cleaned up a TON of attribute nastiness, which appears to have resolved any outstanding issues.
  • * Trying to debug the ooc issue.
  • * Updated to use new Dongle events for database/profiles
  • * Fixed an issue where spells were not being masked properly due to 1 ~= "1"
  • * Added helpful clicks to the masking process, so they are applied ooc.
  • * Removed random test code
  • * Fix for custom macros, which wouldn't work after editing
  • * Updated to Dongle-0.4.2-Alpha
  • * Fixed an issue with profile changes due to empty blacklist
  • * Update to the clickset functionality to improve the logic and speed. Should greatly improve loadtimes when large raid mods (RDX) are loaded
  • * Fixed an issue where attributes were being deleted on blacklisted frames
  • * Updated to Dongle-0.3.1-Alpha
  • * Resolved another outstanding issue with out-of-combat clicks
  • * Updated to Dongle-0.3.0-Alpha
  • Clique:
    * Change API to reflect changes to Dongle
  • * Resolved some outstanding issues with click priority, required signifgant changes
    * Out-of-combat clicks should now have the highest priority, followed by harm/help, followed by default
    * Resolved an issue with "Click Button"
    * Identified an issue with the left click binding not working across reloads on the default blizzard raid frames. Do not have a fix for this yet, waiting on Blizzard
    * Fixed an issue where the blacklist was not properly being applied. Blacklisted frames will no longer have attributes applied to them.
  • Clique:
    * Fixed icon issues, all non-set icons should now properly use the questionmark
    * Added custom radio buttons, courtesy Beladona
  • Clique:
    * Moved some localisation around
    * Added an edit box for macrotext when making a custom macro
    * Removed outdated Print() function
    * Added a "menu" action which will show the unit menu, if stored in the variable
  • * Updated to Dongle-0.2.2-Alpha to fix a potential issue with missing libraries
  • * Fixed an issue with the new profile static pop-up, where clicking the "Accept" button would cause an error
  • * Updated to Dongle-0.2.1-Alpha
  • * Fixed an issue where the based actions would not display properly, and would error in the UI
  • * Fixed a typo when leaving combat
    * Added some separation to the potential bug in CliqueOptions.lua
  • Clique:
    * Too many updates to list
    * Added a profile window where you can change/set profiles
    * Added an options window where you can disable click-casting for named frames
  • Clique: Some basic change to the profile system
  • Clique: Changed line-ending bits, just to be done with it
  • Clique: Removed truncating of profile names, and re-anchored. Trying to get the nested delete working properly
  • Clique: Initial commit from old svn
  • Initial directory structure.
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:24 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Possible Problem with Clique Detecting Cursor Position

Originally posted by worstcase86
As I've said before, I know virtually nothing about LUA or the WoW API, and so most of these suggestions may be impossible. However, my naive mind can think of a few potential solutions to the problem. You have likely considered and discarded all of them because of the added cost to the performance or aesthetics of your code, but I'll throw them out there all the same. You may also consider this to be a minor issue, and I couldn't blame you, since I don't see anyone else complaining.

The problem isn't finding a logical solution, it's the limitations that are placed on me by the secure templates and the way the WoW API subsystem works. I can write any Lua code that is necessary, but there are certain things that just cannot be done.

Below, I am operating on the assumption that Clique works by detecting whenever the cursor crosses the boundary of a frame registered by it and changing all bindings appropriately at that time. The primary issue then is the rare occurrence of a missed boundary-crossing, which results in incorrect bindings.
It doesn't, the issue is more complicated than that. I suspect that the buff/debuff/portrait issue that you have experienced will NOT be fixed by the file I have just posted. It only covers the case where bindings are 'dangling', i.e. they have been set and have not been cleared. From what I understand this is not the buff/portrait issue, where the bindings are just never activated in the first place.
[*]Make the buff/debuff icons on the Blizzard compact party and raid frames and the right-click menu "Clique-compatible." If the icons were registered properly with Clique, there would be no issue. I have seen that it is simple for other addons to integrate Clique-ability in your tutorial. However, I have no doubt you would have done this already if the API allowed for it, unless you see it as the job of a third-party addon.[/quote]

There are a TON of buffs, just consider the target frame which has 30 some odd buff/debuff slots. It's the primary means of conveying buff/debuff information for other units. I'm not sure if they're protected frames (I believe they are not) which means they cannot be made capable of click-casting.. but I haven't looked into it for several reasons.

Check whether bindings need changed on-click. Not only are rebindings triggered by clicks probably forbidden by the API, but it is inefficient and could have a severe performance cost. However, if Clique could check the location of the cursor at the time a click is made, it could never fail.
It can't. That's just not how the secure templates work. It can do some small approximation of this in some small cases, but I'm unsure if that's necessary or an actual solution to the problem.

Check whether bindings need changed periodically in addition to monitoring boundary-crossings. If you can check for the need to rebind when the cursor crosses a boundary, perhaps it is possible to check the current position of the cursor at regular intervals to see if all the bindings are properly set. This is probably even less efficient than the last suggestion, and if the sampling rate isn't high enough, clicks could get through before the bindings can be corrected. However, since this issue is relatively rare, using a low sampling rate would be okay.
The terminology here is rather confusing and the problem not clearly defined. Bindings only change when you alter the Clique configuration, or when the player enters or leaves combat. The attributes are set once and only updated at those times. The only 'dynamic' thing that is happening is the activation of the override-bindings for keyboard bindings.

It is impossible to 'check anything periodically' and actually do anything when the player is in combat. That means this can't be a solution.

If you do think that a third-party addon is needed here, and you would prefer not to take this on yourself, I may have an excuse to finally learn WoW addon coding. I am fluent or at least very familiar with C, C++, Java, R, Python, Mathematica, and MATLAB, so I might not have too much difficulty diving into things with a few pointers.
A third party addon would not be able to fix the issue any more than Clique can. There are limits to the information the WoW API provides us. In addition, there are limitations to the secure/restricted environment in which Clique needs to do all of its work.

Let's tackle one well defined problem at a time. What I've just solved is the issue when a frame has key-bindings active and then the frame disappears or is covered by another frame. I believe I have solved this issue.

The next would/will be when a frame appears where there was not one previously, ensuring that the bindings are activated. I should be able to use a similar technique to accomplish that, but that is not 100% clear right now. Again, let's fight one battle at a time!
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:25 AM  
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Originally posted by Cladhaire
Downloading it works fine for me...
From this thread, I click "Other Files" next to "Change Log" and I see a listing of the latest versions on Clique. The first is "" with 1 hit. The link is If I click this link or paste it into a new browser window, I am redirected to, which has only the message "The specified file was not found."

Clicking on any of the other versions immediately brings up a window for downloading. I've tried this in both Firefox and IE.

EDIT: "" is working. (The original 1.4.0 is still not working.)
Last edited by worstcase86 : 04-12-11 at 11:31 AM.
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:32 AM  
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I'm not entirely sure what to tell you, I've been able to download the file every time I have clicked the link. Unfortunately I barely have internet access where I am, so I can't really put it up in any other way.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:43 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Possible Problem with Clique Detecting Cursor Position

Originally posted by Cladhaire
The problem isn't finding a logical solution, it's the limitations that are placed on me by the secure templates and the way the WoW API subsystem works. I can write any Lua code that is necessary, but there are certain things that just cannot be done.
I suspected you would say this. Clearly, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
The terminology here is rather confusing and the problem not clearly defined. Bindings only change when you alter the Clique configuration, or when the player enters or leaves combat. The attributes are set once and only updated at those times. The only 'dynamic' thing that is happening is the activation of the override-bindings for keyboard bindings.
I see. Then I suppose you could substitute every instance of "rebind" or "change the bindings" in my post with "activate the override-bindings for keyboard bindings." At any rate, I think you have made it clear enough that none of my ideas would work.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
Let's tackle one well defined problem at a time. What I've just solved is the issue when a frame has key-bindings active and then the frame disappears or is covered by another frame. I believe I have solved this issue.
I will try to test this case today, although I don't know how to confidently reproduce this issue, which occurs much more rarely for me. I suppose I can find a friend who is willing to join a group with me and be kicked repeatedly.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
The next would/will be when a frame appears where there was not one previously, ensuring that the bindings are activated. I should be able to use a similar technique to accomplish that, but that is not 100% clear right now. Again, let's fight one battle at a time!
Sounds good!
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:45 AM  
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Originally posted by Cladhaire
I'm not entirely sure what to tell you, I've been able to download the file every time I have clicked the link. Unfortunately I barely have internet access where I am, so I can't really put it up in any other way.
"" is working for me. Thanks!
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Unread 04-12-11, 04:14 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Possible Problem with Clique Detecting Cursor Position

I ran several tests. Below are my findings. In summary, blacklisting the buff/debuff icons in the Blizz compact frames seems to have no effect on my primary issue (being locked into Global binding mode when a clickable frame suddenly appears), and I was unable to reproduce the secondary issue (being locked into Default binding mode when a clickable frame disappears). Consequently, I can't pass judgment on the beta you pushed out today.

Originally posted by worstcase86
I am afraid that I did confuse myself in that final edit about blacklisting, and that I didn't fully communicate what I had done. I suspect that there is nothing wrong with your blacklisting code, and I intend to test it once the servers come back online.

I had forgotten that I had removed my "Global" Clique bindings and returned to using the Blizz action bar bindings for my non-targeted cooldown abilities. If I now understand how the blacklist works, then I should not have expected any change in behavior. I suspect that if I had blacklisted the frames I mentioned when all my bindings were still Clique bindings, then clicking on buff/debuff icons in the compact raid frames would have caused nothing to happen at all.
I went back and tested this again using Clique v1.3.4. I removed my Blizz action bar bindings and again recreated them as Global Clique bindings. I was expecting that with frames like CompactRaidFrameMemberXBuffX etc. blacklisted, Clique would not know what to do when I moved my cursor over one of these frames and no spell would be cast at all when I used a bound key. Instead, I found that Clique used my Global binding. I did my testing in a battleground, so I was in a raid.

This means that blacklisting the buff/debuff frames does not have any effect on the behavior of Clique when used on these frames (it always casts Global). If the cursor moves off a buff/debuff icon onto a unit frame, Clique switches to using the Default/Friendly/Enemy binding like you would expect, exactly like when these frames are not blacklisted. If the buff/debuff icon fades while the cursor is over it, Clique continues to be stuck in Global mode, i.e. the "bug" remains.

Blacklisting the buff/debuff frames has no discernible effect whatsoever. If blacklisting is intended to "cause frame X to be treated like the WorldFrame," then it appears to be working fine. However, since the CompactRaidFrameMemberXBuffX etc. frames are already treated this way, I don't see how blacklisting them can be useful.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
Why don't you try the following. On line 160 of BlizzardFrames.lua, you can comment out the buff/debuff and dispel debuff registration. Turn this: ... into this ... That will prevent (for the compact raid frames only) the registration of those frames.
I thought I'd give this a try anyway, even though it should be equivalent to blacklisting, and indeed it was. I noted that the CompactRaidFrameMemberXBuffX etc. frames were no longer listed under the blacklisting config window. Other than that, nothing changed, so I reverted the modification I had made to the code. Again, I was in a battleground raid when I did my testing.

At this point, I again removed my Global Clique bindings and restored my Blizz action bar bindings for cooldowns/WS/etc. I also un-blacklisted all frames.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
I've just pushed a Beta version (the top-most It uses some hoopla to clear any 'dangling' attributes like this by detecting when the player no longer has a valid 'mouseover' unit. I hope that this should fix the issue, but I am not confident enough it won't cause problems for other players, although I am actually quite confident that it won't. I'm just not willing to take that chance while I'm away on holiday.

If you'd have this dangling binding issue, please download this version and let me know if it resolves your problems.
Before installing v1.4.0, I wanted to make sure I could reliably reproduce the relevant "bug." I grouped with two friends in a party (not a raid). I then tried Uninviting one of them by right-clicking their unit frame (again, I "Use Raid-Style Party Frames," and I did not right-click their portrait) and selecting Uninvite from the menu.

I was unable to reproduce the "bug" that I had seen last night when we Vote Kicked someone and replaced them using the Dungeon Finder. I first made sure that I could cast heals on the person I was going to kick. I then Uninvited then. I made sure that I did not move the cursor over any unit frames. I then pressed my WS binding, and it worked as it should. Clique did not try to cast HW on an unknown member of the party. I then re-invited the kicked friend (using /i so that I did not need to risk moving the cursor over any frames) and tried casting WS again without moving my cursor over a frame. Again, it worked as it should.

I was always listed first in the Blizzard compact party frames. I tried all this on the second member, and I then tried it on the last party member.

Because I was unable to discover a way to reproduce this issue, I did not see much sense in putting my friends through the same blind tests using v1.4.0. However, I will install it and use it normally, and I will let you know if I experience any new issues, or if the issue that was supposed to be resolved in v1.4.0 appears again.
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Unread 04-12-11, 04:38 PM  
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I'm sorry, I wish I had been clearer so you didn't have to go through all of that. I knew that it would absolutely not fix or have any effect on the 'primary' issue as you list it. I do not have a fix for that at this time. It is possible that I will be able to devise a solution that works for most cases, but as I've said a few times I am on holiday and that makes doing any of this rather difficult.

The secondary issue is incredibly simple to reproduce. Target yourself and then type /focus. Ensure you have a key-based non-global binding, and use it on the frame. It should cast the spell on you. Now /run FocusFrame:Hide(). The frame will be gone, but your mouse should still be 'over' where it was. Press the binding again, and it will cast the spell again.

That was the bug I fixed, because it is the simpler (by far) of the two cases, although it was a non-trivial change and it is remotely possible that it might cause issues in bizarre addon setups. To be completely honest, I do not believe these contrived addon setups exist, I'm just being honest about the *possible* problems.

The 'primary' issue, as you call it, has not been solved yet and I won't even have a chance to consider writing any code for it until tomorrow evening at the earliest. I have some ideas, but it will be a non-trivial change.

For now, the best thing anyone can do is continue running Clique-v40000-1.4.0-beta and let me know if you experience any further 'odd' behaviour other than what has already been clearly reported.
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Unread 04-12-11, 05:47 PM  
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Originally posted by Cladhaire
I'm sorry, I wish I had been clearer so you didn't have to go through all of that. I knew that it would absolutely not fix or have any effect on the 'primary' issue as you list it. I do not have a fix for that at this time.
I knew this, I just wanted to finish up the tests I had begun last night. They weren't necessary because I didn't fully understand the function of the blacklist at that time, but now I do!

Originally posted by Cladhaire
The secondary issue is incredibly simple to reproduce. Target yourself and then type /focus. Ensure you have a key-based non-global binding, and use it on the frame. It should cast the spell on you. Now /run FocusFrame:Hide(). The frame will be gone, but your mouse should still be 'over' where it was. Press the binding again, and it will cast the spell again.
It works this way, just as you say, in v1.3.4. And you did indeed fix it in v1.4.0. Are you thinking that this effect was the cause of the "secondary issue" I experienced last night in my 5-man dungeon? This was my thinking, and I didn't know how to test it other than trying to kick people from groups.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
For now, the best thing anyone can do is continue running Clique-v40000-1.4.0-beta and let me know if you experience any further 'odd' behaviour other than what has already been clearly reported.
Will do! Enjoy your holiday, and stop working so hard!
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Unread 04-12-11, 11:30 PM  
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Well, it was an issue regardless of whether or not it was the particular issue you were experiencing. If I had to guess, both of the issues you are encountering are actually the same issue under different circumstances. It's very possible that the non-trivial fix for your 'primary issue' will resolve the others, but it's difficult to say until that's been done.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 04-13-11, 07:52 PM  
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Clique + PVP Issue

What version of Clique you are using (/dump Clique.version) - V40000-1.3.4

What unit frames you are using - XPerl

What specific bindings are not working - Whenever I join a raid for PVP my binding for my right mouse button stops working and when I right click, which is normally my "Holy Light" spell, it goes to the Report Player Away/Cancel menu. In order to fix it I have to unbind and rebind my Holy Light to my right mouse. Sometimes it will go back to that menu again during PVP and I will have to redo it again. It happens when I go to heal players in the raid.

Thank you for your help!
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Unread 04-14-11, 02:25 AM  
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Re: Clique + PVP Issue

Originally posted by Persistence
What version of Clique you are using (/dump Clique.version) - V40000-1.3.4

What unit frames you are using - XPerl

What specific bindings are not working - Whenever I join a raid for PVP my binding for my right mouse button stops working and when I right click, which is normally my "Holy Light" spell, it goes to the Report Player Away/Cancel menu. In order to fix it I have to unbind and rebind my Holy Light to my right mouse. Sometimes it will go back to that menu again during PVP and I will have to redo it again. It happens when I go to heal players in the raid.

Thank you for your help!
Unfortunately, this is almost *certainly* an issue with XPerl. Clique only ever changes your bindings at two times:
  • When you change the bindings in the configuration UI
  • When you enter or exit combat, but only if you have 'ooc' bindings in your configuration.

I am 99.9% confident you would be unable to reproduce the issue with the default unit frames, and Clique does *precisely* the same thing to every unit frame. What is almost certainly happening is that XPerl is setting the attributes to trigger the right-click menu, and it is doing this at some point after the frames have already been registered with Clique. Therefore XPerl is overwriting the bindings that have already been set, which is obviously incorrect.

I suggest you contact the author of your unit frame addon to have them fix this incorrect logic.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 04-14-11, 03:45 AM  
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I've just posted a new beta version, 'showfix-001' that seems to fix the primary issue that we've been discussing here, which involves insecure frames obscuring a frame that is registered for click-casting. This 'fix' solves the disappearing buff issue, as well as ones with general boundary issues that I was able to reproduce a few times this morning.

The problem is it is not an efficient fix, far from it actually. In order to trigger the 'worst-case' you can just go into an area with lots of avatars (or nameplates) and mouse over them rapidly. You will see a drop in FPS in these situations.

I'm not sure what else I can do.. I'm fairly limited. I may have to include this and just make it an option, but that will take quite some time to get stable and have people test it.

Either way, please check it out and let me know if it works for your cases.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
Last edited by Cladhaire : 04-14-11 at 03:58 AM.
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Unread 04-14-11, 01:03 PM  
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Originally posted by Cladhaire
I've just posted a new beta version, 'showfix-001' that seems to fix the primary issue that we've been discussing here, which involves insecure frames obscuring a frame that is registered for click-casting. This 'fix' solves the disappearing buff issue, as well as ones with general boundary issues that I was able to reproduce a few times this morning.

The problem is it is not an efficient fix, far from it actually. In order to trigger the 'worst-case' you can just go into an area with lots of avatars (or nameplates) and mouse over them rapidly. You will see a drop in FPS in these situations.

I'm not sure what else I can do.. I'm fairly limited. I may have to include this and just make it an option, but that will take quite some time to get stable and have people test it.

Either way, please check it out and let me know if it works for your cases.
I am afraid that I am seeing irregular behavior. I've linked a video at the bottom that shows what I'm talking about.

I will say that in showfix-001 I didn't notice any appreciable drop in framerate when I tried mousing over nameplates in a battleground and later Tol Barad, but I wasn't necessarily in the most populated areas.

I have been using one simple method to reproduce my "primary" issue of being locked into Global binding mode whenever a buff or debuff icon disappears beneath my cursor when using the default compact raid or party frames.

I will first describe my issue in detail when using v1.4.0 and earlier, and then I will say what has changed in showfix-001.

Whenever I activate Ghost Wolf (GW) form, any spell that I cast afterward will break me out of it. When testing, I first use GW, and then I mouse over the GW icon in my raid frames (this must be done in a group of some kind in order to get the Blizz compact frames). I will then hit my key that casts Healing Wave (HW) via a "Default" Clique binding or Water Shield (WS) via a "Global" Clique binding. I believe you previously said that since a buff/debuff icon is an insecure frame, it cannot be interpreted by Clique as a frame associated with a target. Consequently, Clique switches to Global mode, and pressing my key will cause WS to be cast. This takes me out of GW form, removing the buff icon that was beneath my cursor. If I understand all this correctly, everything up to this point is inevitable and can't be helped, however unfortunate it may be that buff frames are insecure.

At this point, I begin to experience my "primary" issue. The icon has just disappeared beneath my cursor. As long as I keep my cursor within this unit frame -- without moving over another buff/debuff icon -- I will continue to cast WS whenever I press my key. It is not until my cursor leaves this frame and returns that I can properly cast HW.

In version showfix-001, this same behavior is still present most of the time, but sometimes, seemingly at random, it will behave differently. After my first click on the GW buff icon (which results in WS being cast) it may allow me to cast HW on myself. Other times the first click does, in fact, cause HW to be cast (despite what I said about it being an insecure frame).

Please take a look at this video. I made this video with only Clique version showfix-001 enabled; I had no other addons enabled. I disabled all but three bindings to simplify things. I took many takes until all forms of the apparently random behavior happened to appear within the 30 seconds the unregistered version of Fraps allows in a single shot. In practice, I might repeatedly shift into GW form and try clicking on the GW buff icon and see the same behavior many times in a row. The most common behavior in showfix-001 is certainly the locked-into-global-mode behavior, which was my "primary" issue in earlier versions. However, I did sometimes observe the less common behavior several times in a row.

Also, in the video you will notice that I tried to move my cursor along the same path each time, for the sake of controlling as many variables as possible. I have tested other paths, I think that I was finding that it didn't seem to matter whether I moved in from below, swooped in from above, or came from the right across the WS buff icon.

I turned on the /framestack in case that might help with debugging. You can view the video in HD if that helps.

I have also tried all of these tests when my Global Clique bindings were removed and replaced with Blizzard action bar bindings. I haven't noticed any difference.

EDIT: I thought my choice of using GW might have caused strange behavior, so I went back and tested again using a buff (Riptide) that I let fall off after a certain amount of time (instead of forcing it to be removed when I cast). I found the same results. And since my Riptide buff doesn't go away when I cast my first spell, I discovered that sometimes when I move my cursor into my row of buff icons, I am in Default mode and I can heal to my heart's content while clicking on the buff icons. It's as if my binding mode (Global or Default) is set at random each time I move my cursor onto a buff icon in the compact frames.
Last edited by worstcase86 : 04-14-11 at 03:36 PM.
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Unread 04-14-11, 02:06 PM  
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Originally posted by worstcase86
I am afraid that I am seeing irregular behavior. I've linked a video at the bottom that shows what I'm talking about.

I will say that in showfix-001 I didn't notice any appreciable drop in framerate when I tried mousing over nameplates in a battleground and later Tol Barad, but I wasn't necessarily in the most populated areas.

I have been using one simple method to reproduce my "primary" issue of being locked into Global binding mode whenever a buff or debuff icon disappears beneath my cursor when using the default compact raid or party frames.

I am reproducing this using the default target frame, not the compact raid frames. It ensures I can test it all the time, without needing to be in a group. Regardless, the problem should still be the same.

I will first describe my issue in detail when using v1.4.0 and earlier, and then I will say what has changed in showfix-001.

Whenever I activate Ghost Wolf (GW) form, any spell that I cast afterward will break me out of it. When testing, I first use GW, and then I mouse over the GW icon in my raid frames (this must be done in a group of some kind in order to get the Blizz compact frames). I will then hit my key that casts Healing Wave (HW) via a "Default" Clique binding or Water Shield (WS) via a "Global" Clique binding. I believe you previously said that since a buff/debuff icon is an insecure frame, it cannot be interpreted by Clique as a frame associated with a target.
The specific frames we are talking about are important. I do not know about the compact raid frames buff/debuffs.

Consequently, Clique switches to Global mode, and pressing my key will cause WS to be cast. This takes me out of GW form, removing the buff icon that was beneath my cursor. If I understand all this correctly, everything up to this point is inevitable and can't be helped, however unfortunate it may be that buff frames are insecure.
Its not their security, its whether or not they have a unit attribute (they are inherently secure) but may not be set up as proper unit frame buttons. That is much more difficult. I do not have time to reproduce this with the compact unit frames while I'm away.

At this point, I begin to experience my "primary" issue. The icon has just disappeared beneath my cursor. As long as I keep my cursor within this unit frame -- without moving over another buff/debuff icon -- I will continue to cast WS whenever I press my key. It is not until my cursor leaves this frame and returns that I can properly cast HW.
This is precisely what I fixed, and the fix does work. The problem may be the specific configuration of buff/debuff buttons in the compact unit frames. I will say, if click-casting on those does not work, then there is a problem and that bug needs to be fixed.

In version showfix-001, this same behavior is still present most of the time, but sometimes, seemingly at random, it will behave differently. After my first click on the GW buff icon (which results in WS being cast) it may allow me to cast HW on myself. Other times the first click does, in fact, cause HW to be cast (despite what I said about it being an insecure frame).
It's not an insecure frame, sorry if I mislead you there. I can only go off of what I can reproduce and speak about specifically.

Please take a look at this video. I made this video with only Clique version showfix-001 enabled; I had no other addons enabled. I disabled all but three bindings to simplify things. I took many takes until all forms of the apparently random behavior happened to appear within the 30 seconds the unregistered version of Fraps allows in a single shot. In practice, I might repeatedly shift into GW form and try clicking on the GW buff icon and see the same behavior many times in a row. The most common behavior in showfix-001 is certainly the locked-into-global-mode behavior, which was my "primary" issue in earlier versions. However, I did sometimes observe the less common behavior several times in a row.
I cannot view Youtube here, my downstream bandwidth is about 10k a second, max. But if you're using the compact unit frames rather than the target frame, then we'll be doing different things right now.

Also, in the video you will notice that I tried to move my cursor along the same path each time, for the sake of controlling as many variables as possible. I have tested other paths, I think that I was finding that it didn't seem to matter whether I moved in from below, swooped in from above, or came from the right across the WS buff icon.

I turned on the /framestack in case that might help with debugging. You can view the video in HD if that helps.

I have also tried all of these tests when my Global Clique bindings were removed and replaced with Blizzard action bar bindings. I haven't noticed any difference.
I don't understand this last part. I do not know why you would disable Clique global bindings, and why you would replace them with action bar bindings. Very confused, actually. What *precise* behaviour are you seeing with the action bars which seem 'wrong'?
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Unread 04-14-11, 02:38 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Cladhaire
I am reproducing this using the default target frame, not the compact raid frames. It ensures I can test it all the time, without needing to be in a group. Regardless, the problem should still be the same.

The specific frames we are talking about are important. I do not know about the compact raid frames buff/debuffs.
I should clarify that this entire round of testing was done on the compact party frames.

I just now went back and I can confirm that I have been getting the same inconsistent cast-casting behavior on the compact raid frames.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
This is precisely what I fixed, and the fix does work. The problem may be the specific configuration of buff/debuff buttons in the compact unit frames. I will say, if click-casting on those does not work, then there is a problem and that bug needs to be fixed.
I just tested the focus frame, and yes, this seems to work wonderfully. I was assuming that I could treat the portraits, compact party frames, and the compact raid frames as equivalent spaces. Apparently, the compact frames are more complicated than that.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
I cannot view Youtube here, my downstream bandwidth is about 10k a second, max. But if you're using the compact unit frames rather than the target frame, then we'll be doing different things right now.

Originally posted by Cladhaire
I don't understand this last part. I do not know why you would disable Clique global bindings, and why you would replace them with action bar bindings. Very confused, actually. What *precise* behaviour are you seeing with the action bars which seem 'wrong'?
In the tests I described, I get precisely the same (apparently random) casting behavior (on the compact frames) regardless of whether my WS is bound through Clique as a Global binding or if it is bound on the action bar. I thought that if they behaved differently, that might provide some insight into the issue. If that last sentence is perplexing to you, it's probably because I have various incorrect assumptions in my head about how Clique and bindings in general work.

I prefer to have my non-targeted spells (e.g., WS) bound on the action bars instead of through Clique. I find it convenient to be able to move around spell buttons from time to time to temporarily change those bindings.

I hope this clarifies things for you.
Last edited by worstcase86 : 04-14-11 at 03:45 PM.
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