Updated: 09-23-24 03:13 PM
File Info
The War Within (11.0.2)
Updated:09-23-24 03:13 PM
Created:06-22-18 02:52 PM
Categories:nUI+ Full Version, nUI: Core

nUI [Retail]  Updated less than 3 days ago!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Xrystal [More]

Last year Scott made the decision to step away from nUI development and maybe even WOW itself. So that his baby would go forward without his assistance he placed the addon under Creative Commons license to enable others to carry on maintaining it. I was one of the people he asked if I wanted to be one of the developers going forward. At the time I wasn't playing the game at all due to funds but as per usual, expansion came along and it was time to get my characters up to speed, as well as my addons. So I monitored the CurseForge page and found disappointing customers, I then emailed Scott and had no reply. I decided I would take up the baton and try and keep it at least running with as few problems as possible, my skills are not on par with Scott so it may take me longer to identify some errors than it would for him.

Scott's Last Patch Notes
* Updated TOC for WoW
* Re-released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 Unported license

nUI is no longer author supported and is released to the public in the hopes that the
community will continue to support and grow nUI in the years to come. My sincere
thanks to everyone over the years who have helped make nUI what it is (was).

I will keep this maintained as long as I am able to and try to keep WOW non access to a period of working I will of course fix any errors that are identifiable without access, or available via lowbie access if money causes me to take another break.

Going Forward
Depending on the legalities of the license, I will either attempt to create a more robust version of nUI using the newer Blizzard API functionality or more likely attempt to create my own UI from scratch, that works in a similar vein to nUI for those that just can't play without it, I sure missed those InfoPanels

I've now been added as an author on the curse project for nUI so can you please post any bugs and issues there where possible so that they can be tracked that little bit easier. But feel free to post here if you are unable to.

Of course, like many others, we had problems with nUI that just couldn't easily be fixed or was getting too clunky to be worth using .. but the task of finding an alternative but similar UI is hard to come by .. so here are the ones I tried for a considerable while and will offer them as alternatives to enable you to play the game. All I believe are available via wow interface and may be enough for you to get by.

  • GW2_UI
  • SyncUI
  • SpartanUI
  • ElvUI

Latest Version Uploaded
WOW Expansion: The War Within
WOW Interface: 110002
WOW Version:

nUI [Retail]
> Release Versions for the Current Retail Servers
nUI [Classic]
> Release Versions for the Current Classic Servers

Classic / Retail
Due to my version numbering system I have decided to keep Classic and Retail versions separate but there may be multiple Beta/Alpha versions about but the file name will confirm which nUI/WoW version it is for.

* nUI_Viewport.lua
> An attempt at identifying the cause and solution to the viewport shifting during gameplay.
Latest theory is cut scene, so attempting to fix that with CINEMATIC_STOP event.

* Includes all the intermediate patches since

- Contains a f few random fixes - details in the addon's patches folder as there are a ton - and some key updates highlighted as follows:
- - Empowered Cast Bar Features added to the Cast Bar
- - Button Bag and Bag Bar Changes
- - Minimap Displayed Button Layout Changes - Menu System Part 1
- - Menu System Part 2 and Settings Panel Setup

I would highly suggest using the Menu System's reset to default option to ensure that all values have
their base values. It will cause a reload but should stop any random errors that occur due to these values not existing.
Apparently a null value stored in the saved variables file will overwrite a pre-set value.
Using the option will update the saved variable values between loading and saving them so will correct any oversights
caused by earlier updates to the game or changes Blizzard has done since.

The menu system consists of a small button with nUI's logo on it. It will default to the center of the screen
but you are able to move it to where you want.
The menu system doesn't have all the slash commands in it but it does have all the toggling ones.
Anything that will reload the UI automatically are marked with a (*). It also contains the aforementioned
Resetting to defaults option, which will hopefully mean no more needing a reset of the WTF files.
Although I still suggest that at least when a new expansion or major UI change has been done by Blizzard.
You can access the menu by right clicking on the menu button. Left clicking will take you to the settings panel.

The Settings Panel is accessible via the menu button or via the built in settings panel system.

I have separated them into sections with each section having their own defaults button that can be used
to reset 'Just these' settings rather than all settings. All Settings may or may not mean just the addons
or ALL options Blizzard and other addons as well.
It also has an apply setting where, depending on your current view will show the visual change as if it was
being done, with the option to cancel the change. Reload ones might not show this as some times the change
happens after the reload.

The main things in this change is that the bags will always open up in the bottom right ( above the area where the bag bar is by default.)
The Button Bag will always appear at the bottom, with the open bags above going up and then left ( as per Blizzard )
This allows people to move the bag bar to where they want.
The Bag Bar is always in expand mode now with the helps of a Blizzard function hook.
And finally, when in combat, don't get distracted by a button bag wanting to be opened as it will no longer let you open it.
It always kicked an error anyway. And you can always check that bugsack error after the fight rofl.

The most observant dracthyr amongst may have noticed no cast bar appearing when doing an empowered ability.
This fix does it's best to simulate the Blizzard one by changing the bars colour as each stage ticks. It's not
100% perfect but it seems to do the job reasonably well.

Not much here but I noticed the Landing Page button was right where the Indicator frame which contains the mail button
and crafting orders button. So, moved the landing page button to a spot on the left ( assuming you have chosen to show it ).
And the Indicator frame was changed from it's default horizontal layout to a vertical layout.

* Includes the changes made in intermediate patch and ... the following
additional changes

* nUI_Button.lua
> Removed nUI's grid overlay ( used when dragging spells to the bar ) as Blizzard has it's own

* nUI_BagBar.lua
* nUI_Bags.lua
* nUI_Integration.xml
> Given some flexibility to how the bag bar can be used. It's not perfect but an improvement
> We can now have the bag bar in the top or bottom areas. It then positions the first bag you open
> just above the infopanel area and then does it's usual right to left display.

> Removed nUI_Bags.lua from the Integration xml file and moved its useful functionality into
> nUI_BagBar.lua

> /nui bagscale will now scale the open container frames rather than the buttons themselves.
> It will not redraw the frames but will reflect the change when you open the next bag.
> Although the wording is somewhat incorrect, the range is 0.5 to 1.0 with 0.75 as the default

* nUI_Movers.lua
> Added the BankFrame to the movable frame collection

* Includes all the intermediate patches since

I was hoping to get an empowered cast bar added into the mix, but it's hit a bump in the road
The visual and audio queues are there though even if you can't see a bar.
When I tried showing a bar for the empowered spells it stopped it from appearing for regular spells.

* nUI_UnitHolyPower.lua
> Added the orbs to the hud and update the unit frame versions
> Both are using frame pools to ease recreation when needed
> For some reason, sometimes it logs you in with only 3 holy power available, I suspect a
spec/talent update issue so monitor MAXPOWER and SPEC CHARGE to cater for that situation

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
> Adjusted sizing and positioning elements for holy glyphs on the unit frame

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Set up the holy glyphs as an element in the hud
> Noticed duplicate deathknight rune elements so removed the extra one

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added a template to use to create a simple glyph for the unit frame version

This is the last of the special power bar updates but, all my characters are level 70, so
I haven't tested those levelling up who may not have access to these bars until a higher level.
Please let me know if you come across these problems and I will look into updating it. But,
in most cases a reload should resolve the problem.

* nUI_UnitEssenceOrbs.lua
> Added the orbs to the hud, and updated the unit frame ones
> Noticed that there was a talent that increased the max orb count, so turned this
> into a framepool and utilised MAXPOWER and SPEC CHANGE events to update the orb count
> display

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
> Adjusted sizing and positioning elements for essence orbs on the unit frame

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Set up the essence orbs as an element in the hud

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added a template to use to create a simple orb for the unit frame version

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Castbar.lua
> Raised the casting bar so that it isn't hidden or hiding another hud element

NOTE: The nUI Casting Bar doesn't utilise the empowering abilities. I will see if I can build it into the channelling texture
on the button itself or create an Empowering Bar or maybe both. It depends on how easy it is with just 3 functions and 3 events
to identify everything.

For now, using the skill again at key moments will utilise the empower level appropriate. Sound seems to help identify the stages.

* nUI_SoulShards.lua
> Did some tidying up and ensure that only Warlocks will create the shard bar

* nUI_UnitTotems.lua
> Added the totem icons to the hud ( sorry no right click destroy facility)
> Updated the unit frame versions

* nUI_UnitGhoul.lua
> Added the ghoul icons to the hud
> Updated the unit frame versions

* nUI_UnitRunes.lua
> Added the rune icons to the hud
> Updated the unit frame versions

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
> Adjusted sizing and positioning elements for totems and runes on the unit frame

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Added Shaman Totems to element list
> Added Runes and Ghoul to element list

* nUI_SoulShards.lua
* nUI_ArcaneCharges.lua
> Converted unit frame version to a framepool
> Added the hud version as a framepool

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
> Adjusted sizing and positioning elements for shard and charges on the unit frame

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Added SoulShards to element list
> Added ArcaneCharges to element list
> Adjusted positioning of the various frames so that they are more central

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added a frame template for the frame pool system for the soul shards and arcane charges
> used on the unit frames

* nUI_UnitHarmonyOrbs.lua
> Converted unit frame version to a framepool
> Added the hud version as a framepool
> All Monks monitor the frames status but only the WindWalker displays it

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Added HarmonyOrbs to element list
> Some of the Hud file elements were connected to the wrong Hud frame - so corrected

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added a frame template for the frame pool system for the harmony orbs used on the unit frames

* nUI_UnitComboPoints.lua
- Oops forgot to tell it to leave the create a frame process if not a druid or rogue
> Added an else condition to return an non existent frame if not a druid or rogue

* nUI_UnitComboPoints.lua
> Updated to separate the Druid and Rogue Combo Point functionality where needed with the
bulk as common code
> Replaced nUI Combo Points with Blizzard Combo Points, with animation happening on the hud versions
- One last test highlighted things didn't work when you first log in, so ..
> Switched to Frame Pools for the combo points, so that we can set up the frame as usual, but create
the frame pools at that time, and then set up the combo points when the UNIT_MAXPOWER event triggers
that updates the number of max combos in the case of increases due to talents which the rogue has
I added the same check for druids just in case, but it didn't trigger for mine

* nUI_UnitSkin_***Player.lua ( not 25 or 40 )
> Updated the ComboPoint element to resize the frame

nUI_UnitSkin_***Target.lua (not 25 or 40 )
> Removed references of ComboPoint element from the target files
- I forgot to do this when I did it on the Solo version in an earlier patch

* nUI_HUDSkin_***+_Player.lua
> Added ComboPoint element with a hud option to differentiate functionality as needed

* nUI_Units.xml
> Set up the unit frame version of the combo buttons as templates for use in the frame pool system
> Which are a cut down version of the Blizzard template which is used for the hud version

It appears the latest patch has done something with the power system and now if you log in in cat form,
while being in boomkin spec. It will set up the unit frame as if you were in that form.
This was causing me to tear out my head for hours today thinking I had broken nUI rofl
It can be rectified by doing a quick shapeshift, which triggers the update correctly.

* nUI.lua
> Hook into the Blizzard UpdateShownState function belonging to the PetFrame.
- This should fix the issues where the Pet Frame shows up, probably after going through portals.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Shifted the bar dimming block so it leaves straight away if we are not button dimming
> Correctly commented out overlay.updateCooldown function, how it didn't error out I don't know
> Added a NORMAL coloring mode to the status coloring ( OOR, OOM, USABLE, CDC1, CDC2)
> Added alpha values to the default status coloring table
- Noticed that if the buttons faded while the target was out of range, and then you removed
your target, it would set the whole button to a dimmed state, regardless of the icon and cooldown
> To correct the above, I set the alpha of the whole button to the same as the icon and cooldown
per the tests.

/nui bar dimming and /nui bar dimalpha 0.3 doesn't seem to have any effect ( at least during my tests)
Please let me know which class/spec/ability if you see this dimming working. Thanks.

* nUI_UnitRange.lua
> Always update range status - mainly because we don't have an event to use at the right time

* Includes all the intermediate patches since

* nUI_UnitSkin_SoloToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_PartyToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid10ToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid15ToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid20ToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid25ToT.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid40ToT.lua
> Added Range Element to these frames for target of target rangechecking

This is handy for those with macros that handle both target and target of target
For the action bars range lookup, it will prioritise based on your macro
For example: I have a chain heal macro that checks the target first for helping, then targetoftarget
Now, the macro won't work if the target goes out of range and is friendly, but, if your target is the enemy
and their target is friendly, it will respond to the targetoftarget status.
This also means that there is a target of target change update in process. So, if the target, changes target,
your appropriate target of target buttons will update its usability status.
A quick test using the events and it seems to work.
This will also, hopefully, mean that the intermittent fading out and not fading back in situations are resolved.

* nUI.lua
- Forgot that removing the PowerBars.lua file meant no one was hiding the Blizzard frames
> Made those HideDefaultFrame changes now

* nUI_Bars.xml
- Also forgot to remove the old PowerBars.lua file from this files list
> Made that change now

* nUI_UnitHarmonyOrbs.lua
- The Harmony Bar was showing for non Windwalker monks

* nUI_ComboPoints.lua
- Added check for DRUID and ROGUE
- Added check for UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM to handle switch to and from feral and keep the combo points

NOTE: Hopefully that's everything working as expected now
I did a quick run through on all the characters and made any corrections as needed

* nUI_UnitSkin_SoloPlayer.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_SoloTarget.lua
> Moved Combo Point element from target to player frame
> Added the other elements

* nUI_UnitSkin_PartyPlayer.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid10Player.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid15Player.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid20Player.lua
> Found spots for the elements to appear as well
> tested on PartyPlayer and assumed to look and work the same in the others.

* nUI_unitComboPoints.lua
> Also monitor events:

* nUI_unitHarmonyOrbs.lua
* nUI_unitEssenceOrbs.lua
* nUI_unitSoulShards.lua
* nUI_unitArcaneCharges.lua
* nUI_unitHolyPower.lua
> Clones of unitComboPoints with some slight variants in texture and variety

* nUI_unitRunes.lua
> Clone of unitComboPoints with some changes
> added PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED to the event watching
NOTE: I only ever saw RUNE_POWER_UPDATE trigger during testing

* nUI_UnitTotems.lua
* nUI_UnitGhoul.lua
> Clones of unitComboPoints with totem specific changes
> The UnitPower events and functions aren't required
> Unholy Death Knight doesn't have a Ghoul Totem as their Ghoul is an active pet

* nUI_Unit.lua
> Added creation of these elements

* Localization.enUS.lua
* Localization.enGB.lua
> added localized text as per combo points ( used in notifying callbacks but don't see it displayed anywhere )

* nUI_Hud.lua
> Temporarily removed the death knight rune cooldown check from the hud
> Will return it when these power bars are added to the hud itself.

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added the new files to the list

* nUI_PowerBars.lua
> Removed from the addon

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
> Compare faction names not name to id *slaps head*
- Earned factions during game play should set the watched faction and switch the bar if it is active

* AuraButtons.lua
> Display message in chat frame if in combat when trying to use the aura button slash command

* nUI_PowerBars.lua
> Hid Blizzards AlternatePowerBar - in the hopes it will stop the intermittent error
- AddOn 'nUI' tried to call the protected function 'AlternatePowerBar:Hide()'

* nUI_PowerBars.lua
> Removed references to AltPowerBar stuff as this is handled by nUI ( hopefully )

* nUI_UnitAltPower.lua
> Copy of UnitPower but with extra functionality and naming for AltPower
> Fade out alt power bar if current spec doesn't have an alt power ( extra )
> Check for alt power existence ( extra )
> STAGGER has different functionality
- Max Value is Health
> EBON_MIGHT has different functionality
- Cur Value is gained via a specific aura and is counted down
- Max Value is set to 20 but aura timing decides where it starts counting down from

* nUI_Units.xml
> Added nUI_UnitAltPower.lua to the list of files ( after UnitPower )

* nUI_Unit.lua
> Added the creation call for the Alt Power Bar if there is an AltPower element in the layout

* nUI_UnitSkin_SoloPlayer.lua
* Others to Add once test is successful on solo
> Added AltPower Element which is a copy of Power Element
> Added AltPctPower label to the label section

* nUI_UnitSkin_PartyPlayer.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid10Player.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid15Player.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid20Player.lua
> Added AltPower Element as a copy of the Power Element minus the text display
> Moved the Spec ( humanoid / critter etc ) element so that is sitting close to the top of the portrait frame
> Moved the Portrait Frame so that it is higher up the unit frame to provide room for a 3rd bar
> Moved the Stats Frame ( where the numbers are ) so that they sit between portrait and bars

* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid25Player.lua
* nUI_UnitSkin_Raid40Player.lua
> Added AltPower Element as a copy of the Power Element
> Removed the curPower portion of both Power Elements
> Adjusted Anchors for health and power so that they weren't centered
> Adjusted Power Element to be on the left side, Alt Power Element on the right side

I have only added this new element to the player frame as, I suspect it is a player only access
And, would be fiddly to make changes for all frames and make checks for player each time.
Where I have had to make a choice between primary or secondary (alt) power I opted for primary
as the active power.
I have not added this to the HUD. This is because each bar added is specifically created and I don't
want to use a bar that would go to another element in the hud.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Right Button Clicks were causing a message box to appear.
> Applied a few lines of code from the Frame Load function of Blizzards Action Button file
> It now self, focus and target casts where applicable.

* nUI_SysInfo.lua
> Use the C_AddOns namespace for addon related functions

- Includes all the changes made since version

And ..

* nUI_InfoPanel_BattlefieldMinimap.lua
* nUI.toc
> Setup Blizzard_BattlefieldMap as a dependancy
> Handle the possibility that the infopanel is attempting to setup before the Battlefield Map is active

NOTE: If you are indoors there is a chance the map will not load until you leave the room. Such as an inn.

-- ( Tested on PTR )
* nUI_UnitAura.lua
> UnitAura function now changed to C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataByIndex
> UnitDebuff function changed to C_UnitAuras.GetDebuffDataByIndex(unit_id, i , "RAID") for dispellable

* nUI_InfoPanel_BattlefieldMinimap.lua
* nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua
* nUI_InfoPanel_Omen3.lua
* nUI_InfoPanel_Recount.lua
* nUI_InfoPanel_Skada.lua
* nUI_BrokerDisplay.lua
* nUI_ChatFrame.lua
* nUI_RotationHelper.lua
* nUI_Movers.lua
> Use the new IsAddOnLoaded and LoadAddOn functions
> InfoPanel plugins had an added level of checking for the addon in question being loaded in case it
> loads before nUI.

* nUI_KeyBinding.lua
* nUI_Location.lua
> Use the new LoadAddOn functions

* nUI_UnitPower.lua
* nUI_UnitThreat.lua
> Remove reference to IsAddOnLoaded as it isn't used

* nUI.lua
> Removed check for Aura Bars plugin

* nUI_Button.lua
* nUI_UnitCasting.lua
* nUI_CooldownBar.lua
> Use the namespace version of GetSpellInfo function
> Replace BOOKTYPE_SPELL with "spell" where needed

* AuraButtons.lua
> Forgot to add a combat check in before executing the slash command
> Because the reload of the UI can only be done in response to a hardware event by the player
> The command can't be queued up for post combat execution.
> On PlayerLogin there is a message saying whether the button plugin is active or not.

* SlashCommands.enGB.lua
* SlashCommands.enUS.lua
> Added generic in combat message for slash commands that can't be executed while in combat.

* nUI_UnitRange.lua
> Corrected an issue in createRangeList where I forgot to transfer the correct variables to the
OOR display range check code later on
> Also forgot / erroneously removed from BuildSpellBookTable the fact that the spell had a name.
This is because the range list is indexed on the name ( for some reason )

* nUI_Button.lua
> Reverted back to dimming the cooldown layer, this is what happened back in before I
took over.
> Now that the spellbook data is correctly updated so that the rangecheck can use it, the buttons
OOR range colouring appears to work too.

* nUI_Movers.lua
> Added PlayerSpellsFrame to the movable frames collection so we can get access to the button
bars when wanting to put abilities on the bars.

* nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua
> Noticed that the combat log ( chat frame 2 ) had the same edit mode override issue
> So, hooked into the same funciton OnExitEditMode to reapply our changes.
> Also, going through portals messed it up as well - so PlayerEnteringWorld needs to handle this as well..
> But, also need to check for combat status and use Regen Status to monitor when it is safe to proceed.

* nUI_ChatFrame.lua
> While working on the combat log portal issues ( while doing the TWW Events ) I noticed the chat frame
> did the same, so did a similar check using PlayerEnteringWorld and Regen/Combat status checks.

NOTE: I suspect there isn't a way to automate the process of accessing edit mode to
trigger the fix to occur. So, if you want the chat frames fixed, just open edit mode
and close it to trigger the chat frame fix.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Checked for nil remain value on durations when checking for zero just in case

* AuraButtons sub folder in Layouts folder ( Now moved out of the Layouts folder )
> AuraButtons.lua - almost a copy of the nUI_AuraButtons plugin addon
- Added new option setting - nUI_Options.auraButtons
- Included hud skin adjustment to remove the equivalent Aura[2] buttons from the hud
- That removal might be wrong as Scott never did it himself. So it might get removed from the process.

* SlashCommands.lua
* SlashCommands.enUS.lua
* SlashCommands.enGB.lua
> /nui aurabuttons slash command added to switch between aura lists and buttons

* Incorporated changes made in ..

- A few fixes and the reintroduction of the hud's cooldown bar which appeared to have disappeared at some point
- Details in the sections below

If this is the first time using nUI since the pre-expansion I would highly suggest renaming your WTF folder to
ensure a clean experience, the game will recreate stuff it needs. If you notice something missing after this
you should be able to reset it or copy it across from the old folder.

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
> GetFactionByIndex and SetWatchedByIndex needed to be changed to reflect the namespace
* nUI_Button.lua
> Don't display keybind info on button if no ability there.
> Don't dim the cooldon clock/text
> Remove nUI's action button cooldown code and replace with Blizzards. This helped clear off the buff/debuff
durations at an adequate time.
> With a large chunk of the cooldown unused by the addon it helped narrow down what was needed to stop the texts
from overlapping.
> Found a font that should fit in both the action buttons and this cooldown frame.

Whenever there is an ACTION_BAR_COOLDOWN update for any of the action buttons it sets up the cooldown on the
cooldown layer on the button. During the update cycle for the buttons, nUI checks for any aura's linked to the
buttons and if it finds any it turns off the cooldown counter layer so that the duration layer (cdc2) is visible.
Once the duration count has finished, it turns on the cooldown counter layer again.

This means that while there is a cooldown and duration counter active, you will not see the countdown swipe animation
until the duration timer is finished. This display switch over only happens if you have bar durations active ( the default )

/nui bar duration

* nUI_CooldownData.lua
> Moved some code around so that the active cooldown list can have sections
> added as they are identified, but the rest is the same
- Inventory Cooldowns ( ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN )
- Recharge Cooldowns ( UPDATE_SPELL_CHARGES )
> Recharge Cooldowns can have several after each other based on the charge count

* nUI_HudLayout_NoBars.lua
* nUI_HudLayout_PlayerTarget.lua
* nUI_HudLayout_HealthPower.lua
> Changed Cooldown Bar parent to nUI_MasterFrame as the old version causes issues with the
> new cooldown bar and the original cooldown bar stopped working at some point

* nUI_Bars.xml
> Removed old Cooldown bar from the list

* nUI_Hud.lua
> Create cooldown Bars for each of the hud layouts based on the new code and functionality

* SessionData folder containing ..
> SpellBookData.lua - Handle creation of a spell book table
> InventoryData.lua - Handle creation of an inventory table
> SessionData.xml - file to hold the various files that may be added here

* Cooldowns folder containing ..
> CooldownData.lua - Utilises SpellBookData and InventoryData tables to create a list of active cooldowns
> CooldownBar.lua - Utilises the CooldownData list to fill its cooldown bar with active cooldowns
> Cooldowns.xml - File to hold any files related to cooldowns
NOTE: In theory, the nUI_Button.lua file should be able to utilise the CooldownData list to ensure it's
buttons react to their cooldowns correctly. But that's for another day
NITE: This does not take into account recharge cooldowns

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
> GetNumFactions() replaced with C_Reputation.GetNumFactions()
> Cater for characters that haven't been watching a faction for a long while

* nUI_Movers.lua
> Fix PlayerPowerBarAlt's default location as it was connected to a non existent frame

* nUI_ChatFrame.lua
* nUI_UnitLevel.lua
> Some time after a player level up the chat frame is misaligned after sending the level up
message so, have tried to correct after the fact. Where level up can be in combat a check for
that is needed before trying to change anything. It's not perfect but it's an improvement.

* nUI.lua
> Make sure that the Blizzard cooldown display is toggled on and nUI's is toggled off

* nUI_Button.lua
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Utilise Blizzards cooldown functions to access the font settings and display
- duration = cooldown:GetCooldownDisplayDuration()
- cooldown:SetCountdownFont("GameFontNormalSmall2")
NOTE: If this becomes a permanent thing, I will attempt to create a custom font
to use on the countdown to work with nUI's button dimming system, as at the moment
when there is a cooldown the button is dimmed. For some reason it doesn't include
the icon but the text is very faint and I haven't figured out a way to change that yet

NOTE: nUI's cooldown slash command has been turned off. Bear in mind this will
display an invalid command message if you do try to use it.

KNOWN ISSUE: Durations don't always disappear when they reach 0.0. A reload should
fix it if it gets annoying. But during testing it did randomly decide to disappear
when it should, but I couldn't find the block of code that did that.

* nUI_Minimap.lua
* nUI_ButtonBag.lua
* SlashCommands.lua
* SlashCommands.enUS.lua - Other locales have some set up but not all
* nUI_Layout_Dashboard.lua
> Adjusted the minimap size slightly - see below
> Adjusted the minimap connected buttons size slightly - see below
> The above was done as the space around the minimap in raid25/raid40 unit panel display
was not enough to fit the minimap buttons comfortably.
> Added ExpansionLandingPageMinimapButton to the slash command system to allow users to choose
whether to keep the button in the button bag or next to the map. /nui landingpage
> Resized the minimap buttons ( 30 to 20 )
> Adjusted positioning of the Tracking frame to outside the minimap

NOTE: This is in preparation for a more flexible and visual minimap button map/bag selection.

NOTE: Reminder of minimap button toggles
> /nui landingpage - Show the Landing Page in its allotted spot by the minimap
> /nui calendar - Show the Calendar in its allotted spot by the minimap

* nUI_MicroMenu.lua
> Removed from Mover System, as we are using Blizzards menu and positioning tool alongside nUI's values
> Removed old button setup code as no longer needed
> Adjusted the sizing of the buttons to reflect the largest button in case they aren't consistent

NOTE: The Buttons in theory should still scale alongside nUI's scaling system.

* nUI_UnitRaidSort.lua
> Noticed that the raid sorting slash command and functionality was using the localized values
> rather than using the base language version when storing and comparing with the stored value.
> Also added a display of current status if no arguments supplied

NOTE: This might involve the need to re-execute the slash command if you have used it since
your last WTF refresh and you were using one of the supported locales

* nUI_UnitFeedback.lua
> corrected the display message after using the slash command
> Also added a display of current status if no arguments supplied

* nUI.lua
> Removed commented out code relating to the old viewport code as it was moved into
> its own file

* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Removed commented out code relating to totem bar and boomkin bar slash commands
> Removed commented out code relating to the bar switching that included the bars
> nUI has on permanent display.

* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
* nUI_Button.lua
> Moved the BlizzardHooking function to before the initialisation of the button. So that
it is only called once, instead of 3 times depending on the situation. Apparently Blizzard
doesn't like it anymore. Only affects the initial log in, but should only be hooked once

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
- Possible Blizzard Bug
- GetWatchedFactionData returns personal values
- GetFactionDataByID returns warband values
> Used GetWatched to get the factionID for the faction being watched
> Used the watched faction ID to get the warband values for it

Rename the WTF folder so that a new one is created.
If you don't want to do the whole WTF folder at least delete the files for nUI
Account Wide Values : WTF > Account > ACCOUNT_NAME > SavedVariables
Character Values : WTF > Account > ACCOUNT_NAME > SERVER > CHARACTER > SavedVariables
If just removing the nUI files doesn't correctly set up nUI ( with just nUI installed )
then, try renaming the WTF folder and letting it rebuild that as well. If that works
then something in the other files were messing nUI up.

Scaling has changed in some way in 11.0. At least something has affected how nUI displays
that appears to be affected by it. nUI appears to work with 100% uiScale setting which it
automatically sets when you first log in. If you try and adjust it, it messes things up and
you have to do a reload of the UI. I have added uiScale settings to the layout file to allow
custom layouts to work around a different uiScale setting.

For the last few months I have made some changes, most have been superficial but others
haven't. I suggest you browse back through the patch notes until you hit the version you
last used to see what's been done since. There is also a tidy up post on curse that explains
my plans for nUI in the near future.

Blizzards UpdatePressAndHoldAction function calls SetAttribute during combat
which is not allowed with addons. Some characters might see it more than others but
doesn't seem to cause many issues apart from triggering the error.
It appears to be linked to abilities with charges.
Reload the UI if you start seeing issues after to reset the restricted environment.

* Incorporated the Keybinding related changes from

-- - Keybinding Tooltip Addition for buttons
* nUI_Keybinding.lua
> Added addon wide function to get keybinding keys for a given button, currently only used in this file
> Adjusted to use the Blizzard Options Keybinding values rather than nUI's custom alternative

* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Added access to nUI Keybinding frame for easier set up of keybinds
NOTE: Some bars may still need to be added, like the PetBar. Once this has been tested
and appears to be working as expected, I will do another update for any of the bars that
don't seem to work for whatever reason it is.

* nUI_Tooltips.lua
> Added tooltip postcall to add nUI keybinding information
> It should display what keybinds it currently has or whether it has none
> And also, the mouseover keybind to access the nUI keybinding frame

* nUI_Integration.xml
> Put nUI_Keybinding.lua back into the addon loading process

-- : The War Within Pre-Patch PTR
Based on

* nUI_PetBar.lua
> Update Autocast changes

* nUI_CooldownBar.lua
> Update Spellbook Changes

* nUI_UnitRange.lua
> Deal with Spell Namespace and SpellBook Changes

* nUI_Minimap.lua
> TrackingFrame renamed again

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
> Deal with Reputation Namespace Changes

Had to activate the Blizzard Option to use UIScale but keep it at 100% for the default nUI setup.
There are some minor dashboard positioning issues, but the micro menu is quite bad, so will likely
need to alter the base frame size.
If the UIScale is set to minimum 65% the Console area is almost perfect along with the objectives frame ( for me at least ) .

* nUI_MicroMenu.lua
> Removed block of code that rescaled/resized the micromenu buttons
> Without it, the 100% useUIScale setting works fine ( even if big - might have to look into a scalable UI at some point )

* nUI_Movers.lua
> Added ProfessionsBookFrame and ProfessionsFrame to the mover system and removed TradeSkill and CraftUI off.
> Although if this was to be a cross version addon, they may have to be reinstated if they don't move the new UI to the Classic versions

* nUI_HUD.lua
> Correctly scaled the font by including the base scale variable

* nUI_Layout_Console_HUDSelector.lua
> Resize default button Size and font Size

* nUI_Viewport.lua
* nUI_Layout_Misc.lua
> Corrected SlashCommand callback function ( darn copy and paste errors rofl )
> Raised the default offset to 150
> Using /nui hud vofs x will allow personal adjustments with 0 resetting to default

* nUI.lua
* nUI_Layout_Misc.lua
> Added uiScaling Setup to the Layout files to allow layouts to define the scaling settings of the UI
> Default Layout requires Enabled and 100% scaling

NOTE: Although nUI presets the settings to the layouts values, and reverts any changes to it back to the skin's values,
It doesn't update the settings screen with the reset and the PetBar gets messed up along with the HUD.
A reload is the only solution but cannot be done automatically, it involves a user interaction
I tried to trigger a button to push but it triggers when the addon sets the initial values as well .. so not a solution.

-- - Out of Range Dimming
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Out of Range dimming now works more accurately with the use of a Blizzard Function
> ActionButton_UpdateRangeIndicator which allows us to use similar tests and results to
> dim the button accordingly.
> Also an adjustment to the previous patch as the main action bar had issues

NOTE: This doesn't seem to want to work with cooldowns however. While InCombat or a target
it will stay undimmed but out of combat and no target it will dim as expected.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Adjusted nUI's overlay.updateCooldown function to set up alpha status if there is a timer text
> or not. But, it doesn't stop the abovementioned rules from kicking in and replacing it.

-- - Keybind Clicking
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> When I moved nUI's personal keybinding entries in the Bindings.xml file and thus the settings
> page, it also removed access to the pushed status update process.
> This resolves that issue - hopefully

Based on
Earlier Patch Notes are in the addon's Patch Notes folder
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Unread 09-26-20, 02:48 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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thanks for the suggestion. I am running WOW BFA retail, not Classic or any betas.

I disabled all of the additional Add Ons that I also had loaded along with nUI, and just enabled errors upon inspection of other players.

Enabled each of my other Add Ons separately, checking for errors after each reload, and found that when TipTacTalents was enabled, that same LUA error would appeared.

While TipTacTalents hasn't been updated in a couple of years, and it doesn't enhance my game play much, I can do without it, but this didn't happen before I added nUI to my arsenal, so could there be some coding wires crossed?

thanks for keeping this add on alive. I'll try to donate as soon as I can

Originally Posted by Xrystal
Just to clarify, you were using it on the current regular game ? Not in Classic, PTR or Shadowlands Beta ?

You have no other addons installed at all ? The reason I ask is because the error is not showing where in nUI it is triggered which usually means another addon may have caused it. If you do have other addons installed can you do what you did without any addons running and then with just nUI running. If it still only happens with nUI running then come back here with the steps you did to get the error.

Unfortunately with no error in nUI itself I can't see where the problem is in nUI to fix it.


A quick google found this report from last year on the official game forums.
The offending addon appeared to be Exorsus Raid Tools but seeing as they mention Azerite Pieces, it could be something in nUI that is causing the problem.

My Test:
Logged into Retail WoW with just nUI installed, no error. Walked up to a player and inspected them .. no error. There must be another factor involved .. so clarify what out of the ordinary is happening or in place.
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Unread 09-26-20, 02:58 PM  
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It's hard to say. There could be a conflict situation involved. Or it could be something that a reload triggered after the other addon was added. I'll take a look at some point to see if I can identify the cause, just in case the other addon doesn't require updating, or it gets updated and people want to use it. If it is something that can't be sorted out I will see what the other addon does and see if it is something I can add as a feature to nUI with little to no conflict with the rest of the addon.

ElvUI apparently had a similar problem related to one of it's modules. But even those without any UI changing addons were having the problem.

It appears that when the InspectFrame is opened it attempts to call a function that requires a unit. Somewhere along the lines the notify frames update window is called by which point the unit in question ( mouseover ) is possibly no longer valid but is still being used without validating it.

Someone did find a solution to this ( for the ElvUI users ) so will see if I can identify what that is to see if it is something you can add to the tiptactalents addon yourself or see if the addon developer is still actively working on it ( it was updated for BfA so quite possible ) and can work out where they need to fix it...

Alternatively, based on what this particular addon does ( display talent info in the tooltip display ) I can see whether it is something I can add into nUI after the expansion has hit and nUI is in a stable updated mode.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 09-26-20 at 03:36 PM.
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Unread 09-26-20, 04:09 PM  
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I added the highlighted line in ttTalents.lua file and the error goes away now when I mouseover. At some point it seems INSPECTED_UNIT is cleared by Blizzard causing the Blizzard update to loop without a unit reference so, just prior to letting Blizzard know we are going to request an inspect make sure that the current unit or the player unit is used to when Blizzards inspect frame runs its update routine.

Lua Code:
  1. -- OnUpdate -- Sends the inspect request after a delay
  2. ttt:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(self,elapsed)
  3.     self.nextUpdate = (self.nextUpdate - elapsed);
  4.     if (self.nextUpdate <= 0) then
  5.         self:Hide();
  6.         -- Make sure the mouseover unit is still our unit
  7.         -- Check IsInspectFrameOpen() again: Since if the user right-clicks a unit frame, and clicks inspect,
  8.         -- it could cause TTT to schedule an inspect, while the inspection window is open
  9.         if (UnitGUID("mouseover") == current.guid) and (not IsInspectFrameOpen()) then
  10.             lastInspectRequest = GetTime();
  11.             self:RegisterEvent("INSPECT_READY");
  12. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
  13.             if not INSPECTED_UNIT then INSPECTED_UNIT = current.unit or "PLAYER" end
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  15.             NotifyInspect(current.unit);
  16.         end
  17.     end
  18. end);

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 09-27-20 at 10:00 AM.
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Unread 09-27-20, 10:38 AM  
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Ah I think I found the reason why nUI triggers the problem generated in Blizzards code ..

nUI's mover system loads Blizzard addons with frames we want to add to the mover system. Once the Blizzard_InspectUI addon is loaded, and an addon using the inspect functionality is active it triggers this problem unless the one using the inspect functionality covers for the eventuality that the INSPECT_UNIT may be null every time they call the inspect frame up.

Looking at nUI's code it appears it has the code to display talent information on the tooltip if the data is available.. it also hooks into the NotifyInspect function and has a specialisation icon on the unit frame .. going to see if I can see this working without the extra addon.

Had a look and there is an empty function which I can only assume is due to redundant/non working code being taken out. I tried adding the NotifyInspect functionality directly into nUI to make the rest of the talent/spec information work and I came across the same problem that isn't resolved by the addition I made to tiptactalents. I suggest for now you utilise that addon with the extra line of code I added that stops the error and see how that works for you in the interim.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 09-27-20 at 11:29 AM.
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Unread 10-05-20, 10:19 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Priest can't see mana bar

Any ideas why I can't see my mana bar on the priest? if I unload the addons it shows fine but only the health and power for shadow priest when everything is loaded. (current regular retail version, latest updates through twitch desktop app) Also just tried loading the nUI only and same thing.

I have done the UI reset and then redownloaded the game. Not sure what to do and I don't see a search to see if this was mentioned before. (sorry if I missed it)

Last edited by Atalon : 10-06-20 at 02:52 PM.
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Unread 10-06-20, 05:28 AM  
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I think Wow replaces the mana bar with the power bar when you switch modes. The same happens with druids. I don't think Scott thought of adding the visible mana bar as it is never used during that form if I remember rightly.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 10-06-20, 02:52 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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There are several priest spells that require mana. I first realized this because as I was healing myself in a fight I heard it say out of mana. Then after checking Shadow Mend, power word spells and a couple others all still use mana in the shadow form. in the second screenshot without any mods from my other post you can see the The health bar, insanity bar (currently black as I was out of combat for a bit), and then the mana bar below.

Here is screenshot of the Shadow Mend spell and it's mana cost. I will try to edit the other post to make the separation of the screenshots easier to see.

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Unread 10-06-20, 03:51 PM  
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Ah, maybe since I played my shadow priest they added some mana usage ones.. I recalled everything in shadow form used the power orbs.

I'll jump on my priest and see what I can see and work out a solution that doesn't involve a rewrite of the unit frame system.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 10-06-20, 03:57 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Thanks, that would be wonderful if you find something.
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Unread 10-06-20, 04:11 PM  
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Aha .. we did add a new bar that did the job but for some reason it isn't visible so looking into that. It's a separate bar added to the mover system and is usually just under the menu bar at the top of the screen. You should see it when you first log in but then when you get in combat it disappears rofl.

Okay, it is still visible but where you didn't know where it was or may have moved it so that it was positioned behind a frame the actual display wasn't visible. Once you have found it use /nui movers to access the mover system and move the rectangle for that frame to where you prefer it to be. For now put it in a clear area so that there is less chance of it being covered up.

After pre-patch arrives and I can apply the shadowlands beta version and make sure that all works fine I'll look into making the frame an overlay of some sort so that it doesn't go under frames.

Give it a go and let me know your thoughts.

PS. The name of the window is nUI_XAlternatePowerBar

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 10-06-20 at 06:01 PM.
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Unread 10-06-20, 06:14 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Yep it was right at the top of the screen just under the game menu. I have moved it to a more visible place. thanks
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Unread 10-11-20, 02:26 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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FYI I was trying out a shaman to see if I would like it and it does the same thing as the shadow priest with the mana bar.
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Unread 10-11-20, 03:06 AM  
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Originally Posted by Atalon
FYI I was trying out a shaman to see if I would like it and it does the same thing as the shadow priest with the mana bar.
Hmm it should have been working with the same block of code but I'll take a look at my shaman.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

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Unread 03-30-21, 05:56 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn

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Not loading for hunters.

NUI isnt loading properly for hunters. Only NUI is loaded so i know it is the problem.
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Unread 03-30-21, 08:46 PM  
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Re: Not loading for hunters.

Originally Posted by mscott998
NUI isnt loading properly for hunters. Only NUI is loaded so i know it is the problem.
Sorry for the delay

My main is a hunter and was playing it yesterday. Have you got any other existing characters to try ? Create a new hunter ? see what happens then.

If you haven't already make sure you have the latest and buggrabber addon loaded in case there are loading errors that are happening in your case.

Can you make sure that no addon is loaded by selecting all and then deselecting all, then selecting nUI ( and the aforementioned bug tracking addons). I noticed with Shadowlands that any new addon placed in the folder is automatically loaded, even if not explicitly ticked.

Another option is that if you have used custom addons before some of your WTF files may have corrupted including those that nUI uses. So I would suggest because you said it affects hunters, go to your hunter's wtf > account > server > character folder and rename the nUI.lua file in that folder. See if the rebuilt file fixes the problem. If not work back and find any nUI.lua file ( I think the next will be at account level ) and do the same test.

If none of these work... send a screenshot to [email protected] and I will see if I recognise the problem.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 03-30-21 at 08:47 PM.
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