Updated: 03-18-18 11:27 PM
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:03-18-18 11:27 PM
Created:03-18-18 11:27 PM


Version: 1.0
by: Ethnic [More]

Everything below is the ElvUI download link. This probably won't contain all of the stuff. For the record, I usually don't play with all of these addons in the above file on, but if you'd like you can. To import everything below into ElvUI, type /elvui - Go to profiles - click "Import Profiles" and copy and paste everything below into that. Hope it works lol.

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["text"] = {
["enable"] = true,
["showName"] = false,
["showLevel"] = false,
["ENEMY_NPC"] = {
["healthbar"] = {
["height"] = 20,
["text"] = {
["enable"] = true,
["format"] = "CURRENT_PERCENT",
["width"] = 160,
["castbar"] = {
["height"] = 14,
["powerbar"] = {
["height"] = 4,
["enable"] = true,
["buffs"] = {
["enable"] = false,
["baseHeight"] = 14,
["eliteIcon"] = {
["enable"] = true,
["HEALER"] = {
["healthbar"] = {
["enable"] = false,
["powerbar"] = {
["enable"] = false,
["castbar"] = {
["height"] = 14,
["powerbar"] = {
["height"] = 4,
["enable"] = true,
["buffs"] = {
["enable"] = false,
["baseHeight"] = 14,
["healthbar"] = {
["height"] = 20,
["text"] = {
["enable"] = true,
["format"] = "CURRENT_PERCENT",
["width"] = 160,
["lowHealthThreshold"] = 0.2,
["clampToScreen"] = true,
["showNPCTitles"] = false,
["loadDistance"] = 60,
["targetScale"] = 1.2,
["classbar"] = {
["enable"] = false,
["CustomTweaks"] = {
["PushedColor"] = {
["Color"] = {
["a"] = 0.30000001192093,
["r"] = 0.57647058823529,
["g"] = 0.50980392156863,
["b"] = 0.78823529411765,
["RaidControl"] = {
["hide"] = true,
["AFKPetModel"] = {
["pet"] = "Abyssius",
["BagControl"] = {
["Open"] = {
["Char"] = true,
["Close"] = {
["Char"] = true,
}:rofile::Lorelean - Frostwolf

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Unread 03-19-18, 10:37 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
contramundi's Avatar
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can you post some screenshots of the actual ui so people know what they are importing?
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Unread 03-19-18, 12:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Yes ok but what is it.
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