Updated: 09-18-22 11:45 PM
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Shadowlands patch (9.2.7)
Updated:09-18-22 11:45 PM
Created:05-03-16 02:30 AM
Categories:Data Broker, Data Mods, Miscellaneous, Utility Mods

Executive Assistant  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.4g
by: VincentSDSH [More]

Executive Assistant
Custom To-Do/Task List is Only the Beginning

An Executive Assistant helps you efficiently navigate a busy schedule, answers questions, and keeps information in easy reach. Executive Assistant, the addon, does this for the Player and extends the 'user configurable to-do list' concept a bit. Yet, for all one can do with it, its purpose is to do what the Player needs, be it complex or quite simple.

Executive Assistant operates at the Account Level, so you can quickly look at a Character and see Tasks they have/haven't completed. Or, quickly look at a Task, and see which Characters have/haven't completed it — even if you use the same name on multiple servers.

Tasks and Groups are only entered once. The Per-Character Visual Layout lets you quickly configure how the Tasks and Groups are used. The same simple system shows Tasks for Special Events (e.g. Holiday, Darkmoon Faire, etc) only when you choose.

Tasks can be automatically reset Daily or Weekly, At Each Login, Every 1-365 Days, or never. Or, be used only once. They may hide then appear on a Date you choose. They may also be Account Wide (e.g., Blingtron). You can manage Tasks in complicated groups but display them more simply. You can even enter Tasks from the command line — handy for reminders, shopping lists, or quickly filling in a new Group.

While the surface has barely scratched and marvelous combinations barely hinted, it is important to note that Executive Assistant's flexibility lets you use it as best fits your unique needs as a Player and how they express individually on each Character.

  • One-Click Access to All Characters on Account
  • View Tasks by Character or Characters by Task
  • Complete Tasks using the Task Window or DataBroker Tooltip (or both)
  • Click Map: Dynamically Assign DataBroker Object Actions & their Mouse/Key Combinations according to User Preference
  • Groups and Tasks are Only Entered Once
    • Global: Set a Global Default of Enabled or Disabled
    • Per-Character: Personalize Each Character by Choosing to Enable, Disable, or Accept the Default
  • Visual Configuration of a Character's usage of the available Groups & Tasks
  • Multiple Group Display Modes
  • Style Manager for Group/Task Special-Type Highlighting
  • Tasks may be Account Wide
  • Tasks may be Automatically Reset
    • At Each Login
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Every 1-365 Days
  • Tasks may appear on the Date you select — Reminders
  • Tasks may be One-Time-Use / Purgable when Complete
  • Tasks and Groups may be Hidden on Days You Specify
  • Zoom In / Zoom Out (quickly focus on part of a list vs the full list, while keeping the same collapse/expands)
  • Special Event Groups need only be displayed during the Event
  • Tasks may be entered from the Command Line
  • Groups may be made 'Invisible' (Child Groups and Tasks appear in the Parent Group)
  • Easy Reorganization Tasks and Groups can be Picked Up from one group and Put Down in another
  • Quest and Group Names are Color Code / Escape Code Friendly (see the Help section for usage)
  • File Cabinet Companion Addon for Backup and Restore of Group/Task Configurations (disabled by default)
  • Extensive In-Game Help and Information
In Addition
  • Intern Modules: Extend Executive Assistant functions and features.
    • Quest Intern: Keeps your Quest related Tasks in sync with Quest-Givers: Repeable Quest, Quest Hubs, and more [Download]
    • Occupied Intern: Adds two Task Types that auto-reset in user-selected Minutes or Hours [Download]
  • LibExecAssist: Allows 3rd Party Addons access to Executive Assistant functions [Download]

Getting Started
  1. Set Local Daily Reset Time and Local Weekly Reset Day
  2. Review the Click Map. Initial Actions/Key Combinations are:
    • Configuration: Left-Mouse
    • Task & Char Config: Right-Mouse
    • Help and Information: Shift + Right-Mouse
    • Click Map Configuration Dialog: Shift + Ctrl + Right-Mouse
  3. Add a Group, some Tasks, and Go Play

Is It Really That Easy?

To get started, YES; to adapt Executive Assistant to your needs, probably not.

In fact, you'll almost certainly notice a few things you'll want to change right away... but what those are will be unique to each user. Executive Assistant doesn't pretend there is an 'average user' and to the degree it makes initial selections, it is to show what's available.

Under Getting Started in the Help and Information, you will also find a section on First Considerations which addresses the most common first questions among beta testers.

New Users will find some Tasks created for them to walk them through the setup basics.

Aspirin Avoidance System
Developer: OK, here's some customization.
Developer: But... But... (wimper)

One of the downsides of the question "wouldn't it be awesome if...?" is that while it may be an awesome feature, people can usually only take so many features (awesome or not) at a time. Enter the Aspirin Avoidance System — a.k.a. Help and Information, so you can work through the features at your own pace.

The Help and Information will explain tabs, controls, and usages; it will also give tips on usage, useful tricks, and give you a quick-reference for the pesky icons, of which there are way more than I intended.

Per-Character Group and Task Management
Groups and Tasks need only be entered once then enabled or disabled for the characters that would use them — Groups and Tasks have user-selectable Defaults to speed the process along.

You can manage all your alts from any character. Select the 'Point of View' Character to adjust their unique perspective.

For the selected POV Character:
  • Yellow Checked boxes are Enabled
  • Blue Empty boxes are Disabled
  • Red X-ed boxes are Unavailable because a parent Group has been Disabled

Task Window and DataBroker Tooltip
Executive Assistant allows you to use either platform to complete Tasks, though they otherwise have different design functions. Each can be disabled on a per-character basis to adapt to UIs and character need.

The Task Window looks always at the currently logged in character and is intended for characters where an always-up list is preferable (with normal/mouse-over transparency, hide during combat, etc).

The DataBroker Tooltip has two Modes: Tasks by Character and Characters by Task and may toggle scope between Current Character and All Characters when in Tasks by Character Mode.

< Task Window :: Tooltip >

Tasks by Character Mode is the familiar list of Tasks a Character needs to do while Characters by Task lets you look at a Task and see which Characters have completed it (e.g., open 'An Important Task 003' and see that Alt001, Alt003, and Alt012 still need to do it)

< Characters by Task

Special Types
Special Types, like all Task and Group properties, can be set or removed at will and Executive Assistant will treat them accordingly. On-The-Fly settings can be set and changed via the DataBroker Tooltip or Task Window.

[Task] Account Wide: When completed by one character, the task shows as completed on all characters. While designed for the Blingtron family, it has strong utilitarian uses.

[Task] Purgable When Completed: This special Reset Type allows for One-Time-Use and can be Purged (if Completed) at the user's command. These are ideal reminders, shopping lists, notes, etc, and become very powerful when teamed with Account Wide and quite convenient with Command Line Task entry.

[Group] Zoom Group: Zoom In to a single Group when focusing on a set of Tasks. When in the Display Zoom Group Mode, this On-The-Fly setting lets you quickly and easily Zoom In/Out of any Group with a single mouse-click.

< Groups :: Zoomed In >

[Group] Invisible: Lets Child Groups and Tasks appear as if they were part of the Invisible Group's parent Group, allowing for good Task organization without needless visual clutter.

< Visible :: Invisible >

This is a simple demonstration; the Help and Information section explains an example of a Shopping List combining Character Specific lists, general list, and Any Character list in an easy-to-use way, that lets each Character see a seamless list.

[Group] Command Line Target: Lets Command Line entered Tasks know where to go. The Target Group is set On-The-Fly with a mouse click or, if you prefer, via Command Line.


Mix Special Types with Per-Character selection and nested groups and...well, you've got more combinations than I want to contemplate. You can create an elaborate to-do list of events and pass-through groups and actions tailored to each character or keep track of those pesky weekly quests or just setup Blingtron's daily account wide quest for two characters, or a simple per-character to-do list.

File Cabinet
Disabled by Default, the File Cabinet Companion Addon lets you easily Backup and Restore of Group/Task Configurations. Backup your Executive Assistant configuration and experiment in safety.

File Cabinet only needs to be enabled when it's being used so you can safely leave it disabled until it's needed.

What follows is some technical jiggery-pokery for folks who sit up nights contemplating addon jiggery-pokery.
  1. LibQTip: The included libQTip version has been modified and will work with — and not replace — the release version of libQTip.

    This was necessary to work around a long-standing libQTip issue but not actually fix it. LibQTip has a refresh-related bottleneck problem (confirmed by Torhol) and the repair would likely exacerbate it. The contained version is coded to offload excess space in a specified way rather than trying to spread it and ignoring cell maxSize.
  2. Lua String Class: ExecAssist extends the Lua String class and may not play well with other addons that also extend the String class in the extremely unlikely event that similar function names are used.

Bug Fix: for gametooltip and backdrops
Libraries updated

Bug Fix: frame tweak for Task Window handling frames to address a drag-frame issue some were having.

Repackaged due to packager failure to collect localization files.

Bug Fix: More fixes to handle CreateFrame() API changes
NEW FEATURE: Strata option added to TaskWindow (default: LOW) see Task Window -> Strata
NEW FEATURE: When displaying All Characters: Sort by Char Name, then Server Name (default: ENABLED) see ldb tooltip -> options section (last option group)
KNOWN ISSUE: Help Panel in-line color coding is inconsistent. This seems to be a change in how WoW is handling these types of strings as the coding is inconsistent but fails early on. If no solution or practicable workaround is found, this feature might be removed just for the sake of consistency.

Update: Shadowlands
Update: Libraries

NEW FEATURE: Set AutoHide Delay - change the time (in seconds) before the DataBroker Tooltip gets lonely and hides

Update: Battle for Azeroth (BfA)
Update: Libraries updated to current versions

1.1.9k Live and 1.2k Beta
NEW FEATURE: Customize the Scale, Width, and Height of the configuration window (Config Dialog Otions, Executive Assistant tab)
Bug Fix: Missing formatting data for first config tab.

Correcting error in file package (bad library)

Note for 1.1.9i apply to 1.1a -> 1.1.9i Live and 1.2-1.2i Beta
(Live and Beta use different back-end libraries so Live 1.1.9i and Beta 1.2i are the same Executive Assistant Code)

NEW FEATURE: 'Label for DataBroker' allows user to adjust the LDB Label since 'Executive Assistant' is quite long.
NEW FEATURE: "Ignore Character": This feature (available on the PoV display) will disable root groups for chosen characters as long as it is enabled. Newly created groups and groups moved into the root will be automatically disabled, effectively 'ignoring' all tasks. (Any tasks created from that character or redirected to them from the command line will not be accessible until "Ignore Character" is disabled. (Nota Bene: Groups will have to be enabled manually as ExecAssist has no way to know what should/shouldn't be active for the character)
NEW FEATURE: Partial-Matching in Command Line Task Redirection - uniqu, uniquechar, uniquecharname-th, uniquecharname-thoriumbrotherhood will all tag "Uniquecharactername - Thorium Brotherhood"
IMPROVED FEATURE: Server Name in Command Line Task Redirection - Removes the weakness in command line task redirection for multiple chars with the same name on different servers. All Characters can now be properly redirected to.
FUNCTION CHANGE: Command Line Task Redirection (/ea task >charName Task Label) handles both partial matching and server names (see above). The function change removes vulnerabilities related to the NPC feature. Nota Bene: redirector names are still a single, contiguous string of characters: "Mychar - Silver Hand" => "Mychar-SilverHand"; "Housekeeping Tasks" => "HousekeepingTasks" (Also note comparisons are forced to lower-case so proper capitalization is not required)
NEW FEATURE: Hide Character if No Incomplete Tasks (If not 'showing complete tasks'). Located in the LDB Tooltip configuration under the "'Tasks by Character' Layout Specific" group. (OFF by default)
NEW FEATURE : (for Power-Users) Ability to add 'NPC Characters,' categories that work like 'not logged in' characters in the databroker tooltip.
: Command Line Option: 'npc'
: Command Line Usage: /ea npc nameofnpc ; /ea npc nameofnpc - serverifyouwant ; /ea npc textofcateogryname
: NPC COLOR CONTROL: ldb tooltip tab, Style NPC section, NPC Color option

Bug Fix: 'Move to Root' reorganization option will now only be available on the non-root-group that is 'picked up'
Update: libraries (Ace3, libQTip, etc)
Help Corrected: Corrected 'Task Management' help section (format string has errant var order)

NEW FEATURE: Keybind to Toggle the Task Window. See in-game Key Bindings, Executive Assistant section.
Update: Changed the location of the Task Window 'Remember Toggle State' control and renamed it to 'Remember Toggle State Between Sessions.' The control is now inline with 'Use Task Window.' If Checked, a 'hidden' Task Window from the last seession will re-hide at Login; if Unchecked, the Task Window will always be shown at Login (only if 'Use Task Window' is enabled, of course)
Update: Added a new control (after 'Use Task Window' and before 'Remember Toggle State Between Sessions') to display the Show/Hide state of the Task Window. This is a convenience so the user (or *ahem* developer) doesn't have to wonder if the Task Window is hidden or just with 0-opacity and lost somewhere on the screen.

Update: Reduced LibQTip AutoHide Delay (If this produces issues, open ea_Tooltip.lua, search for tooltip:SetAutoHideDelay, alter the delay)
Update: GameTooltip color reassertion now forced on LDB obj MouseOut
COLOR="Red"]Bug Fix[/color]: Non-styled Tooltip showed Red instead of Default

Update: Improved Options opening when spawned from Interface Options Panel
Update: Updated PlaySound() calls for 7.3
NEW FEATURE: Independant Text Shadow controls for Tooltip and Task Window
NEW FEATURE: Alpha Enabled for Border and Background Colors

NEW FEATURE: Background and Edge Controls for ldb Display.

Update .toc to 7.2
Update Ace framework files to r1158
NEW FEATURE: !! Warning: This Feature if Experimental !! Option to Hide Task Window when 'Show Completed Tasks' is Disabled and All Tasks are Complete. WARNING: this will effectively DISABLE the ClickMap 'Toggle Task Window' feature as the Task Window Toggle State is constantly reset by *this* feature. Use at your own risk."

File Cabinet to 1.0
NEW FEATURE: File Cabinet now able to Import/Export portions of a Group/Task list as well as full backup/restores.
Executive Assistant updated to provide native support (FC is not an Intern)

Help Corrected: "/exa or /exa" now reads "/ea or /exa"
Bug Fix: Reset Time now Resets Time
Bug Fix: Reset Weekly now Resets Weekly and at the proper time
Bug Fix: Tooltip: Characters with no tasks are no longer displayed. Do Not Display Empty Groups is responsible for this. We've had a long chat about it, it now realizes that it is indeed part of its responsibilities, and it would like me to pass on its deepest apologies and promises not to stop doing it in the future no matter how badly the author writes the handling code.

Caveat to this: the currently logged in character will /always/ be shown, regardless of empty status

Bug Fix: Account Wide Tasks & Tooltip: Tooltip was not real-time updating Account Wide Tasks were clicked completed/uncompleted.

TOC Update for Legion
Bug Fix: :ldbClickMap() handler will no longer attempt to call the service function of a functionless service entry

Behavior Change:GameTooltip now hides when opening the clickmap configuration
Bug: Reset Reschedule setting improper offset leading to improper resets and occasional client-load issues as AceTimer needed an aspirin
Assorted other Teeny-tiny-Tweaks

Fixed Bug: Repaired bug when copying data from Global Task Window to Char Specific Task Window
Fixed Bug: Repaired several Char Specific Task Window control and response bugs
Fixed Bug: Repaired Purgable tag (comparitor was using 0.9.9L type-detection model)

Normalization: Timer Handling Logic has been normalized and optimized. This should be transparent to the user but at most it should cause a single hiccup in automatic reset dates.

NEW FEATURE: Width Constraint for Task Window: 3 modes: No Constraints, Maximum Width, and Fixed Width.

NEW FEATURE: Toggle Hide Task Window Control Buttons (Task Window Options) & ClickMap entry to toggle. Note that it only applies when the window position is locked; control buttons will always show when movable. When no Groups or Tasks are displayed, the window border will still be visible depending on the border style you elect to use.

NEW FEATURE: Color codes (well, any escape code really) can now be used with Group and Task Names. Codes are exposed to the user by swapping the escape "|" char and "//" (e.g. //cffff9966TEXT//r => |cffff9966TEXT|r). If the "|" char is used directly, it will not be considered an escape char and will print as typed. DO NOTE that the 'end color' tag will interrupt the config-only group name override-color but will display properly in the task window and tooltip.

Correction: Collapse Map Garbage (when groups deleted) now being properly cleaned up.

Fixed Bug: Reorganization: Group now cannot be put inside group in its own lineage

Fixed Bug: resolved problems with Task Window Options reacting badly when the Task Window was unloaded.

Feature Update: Internal Task Type Handling method refactored to allow modules to extend the number of Task Types.

Fixed Bug: (x2): Display Counts on Headers: Tooltip and Task Window. Code to 'update in place' instead of refresh the entire respective control would throw an error or not immediately visually update respectively. Both bugs have been fixed.

- Blizzard Addons Panel now closes when using the Blizzard Addons Panel Buttons to open ExecAssist Configuration / ClickMap

- ExecAssist Configuration dialog now closes when opening the ClickMap Configuration (from inside the Configuration Dialog)

Fixed Bug: Click Map "Key In Use" message was not always showing the in-use operation

Fixed Bug: "Hide Empty Groups" now properly obeyed again -- REALLY this time (Not Displayed = Not Counted)

NEW FEATURE: LibExecAssist -- library for managing Groups/Tasks/Completion for 3rd party Addons is available. Stand Alone example provided separately

PURPOSE: to allow full-featured Addons the ability to inject and control Tasks based on 3rd-party addon criteria to let users create a single notification-of-action location IN ADDITION TO the x-number of addons' individual different alert methods.

NEW FEATURE: Module plugins can now be added (referred to as "Interns" under ExecAssist naming conventions). Small framework adjustments were made to allow modules to inject Help, Click Map entries, Configuration, and custom controls.

PURPOSE: to provide new functions w/o bloating Executive Assistant and give the user some de-cluttering control. Some planned modules also add 'stub' features (e.g., the Quest Intern will pick up Daily and Weekly quests, let you make ExecAssist Tasks from them, and automatically mark them 'complete' when you turn that quest in. (ExecAssist natively resets the Tasks)

(embeddable library for 3rd party addons)
Fixed Bug: :AddGroup() properly accepts a nil for the 2nd arg
UPDATE: added 3rd para to Add Group (..., noProgeny<boolean>) to suppress creating the 1st child task

- Convinced the configuration dialog to update the status panel when tabs were switched. It's a cheat and a kludge and beautiful.

Fixed Bug: "Hide Empty Groups" now properly obeyed again

- Added sub-table selectability from Dialog short-calls

Fixed Bug: New Groups and Tasks autoselection repaired

- Fixed two places where AddonName was used when L.appName should have been

Fixed Bug: Header on Task Management page was being in advertently eaten by the pruner -- how the hell did I overlook that this long??

New Control: 'Remember Toggle State', Task Window Configuration. ENABLED by Default. Controls how the Task Window responds at login/UI reload.

- Minor optimizations and under-the-covers corrections

Fixed Bug: Moving Border. Users seeing issues with the Moving Border should find it behaving properly; it was a symptom of both usage patterns and an underlying resource handling problem that has been corrected.

Feature Change: Purgable Task Behavior as been altered to make more contextual sense. Previously they were incorrectly being treated as defacto Account Wide Tasks even when not flagged that way, which could be confusing.

When multiple characters use a Purgable Task, the Task will only be deleted when all using characters have completed it; when only a few have, the Task will be 'disabled' for those characters.

This should provide more overall intuitive behavior at the character level.

Caveat: This handling means a Purgable Task that is disabled for all characters will be deleted when Purgables are Purged.

NEW FEATURE: Calendar Automatic Task, allows for automatic resetting every n-Days. n=(1->365)

NEW FEATURE: Date-Based Reminder Task. Not displayed until the appointed day then appears as a Purgable Task

NEW FEATURE: Show or Suppress Login Alerts (These alerts tell you what types of tasks were reset)

Help for Special Types and Task Types reworked and expanded

Minor visual bug related to Reorganization has been squashed

NEW FEATURE: New Task Type: 'At Login' This Task will reset at -each- login (requested by onedeadhero to remind to check garrison missions and other each-login reminders)

Tweaks to dragFrame handling to see if it resolves s-conley's reported behavior (since I can't reproduce it natively)

Dialog Window Status Bar Text now Status Bar Texting

NEW FEATURE: A 'drag-handle' Border has been added to the Task Window when it is available for moving. This feature may be Disabled under the Task Window 'Window Positioning' options.
Chat-Frame alerts are also displayed when locked/unlocked via any method.
New Initial Task instructs user to lock the task window to get around that.

NEW FEATURE: Resizable Configuration Window. The configuration has been moved into an AceConfigDialog from the Blizzard Options panel; there are some inherent differences due to single- vs double-frame display capabilities but the pages themselves display the same and can be resized. (Additional details in the version update text file for the overly curious) Easy-Access buttons for config, help, and click map added to the Blizzard Options panel for Executive Assistant.

UPDATES: Collapse Map garbage collection strategy altered; now prunes char at login. Alpha-list made explicit rather than implicit.

TWEAK: Updated Help and Information & tooltip for Daily/Weekly Rests to denote it is local-time-zone to avoid any confusion that it might refer to the server.

Fixed Bug: decimal color to hex color sometimes return single-digit hex instead of double-digit (e.g., 9d -> 9h instead of 09h) causing the |cff[hex] to show instead of being converted to markup.

Fixed Bug: task window refresh was not re-fetching fonts so would not dynamically adjust to style-manager updates; font wasn't re-applied to zoom-group area

DESIGN CHANGE: Task Window Counts to use Header Font rather than Standard Font

Fixed Bug(es): Several fixes to zoom-group special type display (inherits color properly, hides when IN zoom group (redundant), etc.

Fixed Bug: Task Window Hide-In-Combat events were being set at login if the option was checked even use task window was disabled. Gave the code a good talking to about the responsible use of logic.

BUG: Accumulation error with sibling mapping repaired.

TWEAK: Help and Information Display re New Users was tweaked for layout
Fixed Bug: "Hide Empty Groups" now properly obeyed in DataBroker Tooltip, Characters by Tasks display mode

Now with 100% more Shared Widget Library

NEW FEATURE: Reorganization of Groups and Tasks. The method selected was a "reorg mode" which hides the normal controls and gives the user as close to drag-drop as I can get (pick up / put down)

Fixed Bug: Group Name Color now working again (nb: this was a regression).

LOCALIZATION: Cleaned up some errant strings related to new user controls

EXCESSIVE ORGANIZATION UNEXCESSIVIZED: category pages should carry controls properly (applies to Help and Information categories as well as Group Names under Task Maintenance.)
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Unread 08-08-16, 09:32 AM  
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Originally Posted by Aeliel
First of all, oh my god, I love you. The amount of paper you're saving me...

Secondly... feature request: an ability to set a minimum level for a task / group to show for characters. (Reasoning: there's a number of bosses I want to punch weekly / daily for mounts and whatnot, and a lot of alts. I'd like for the tasks to show automatically when a given alt is at or above the level you can comfortably solo the boss at, but otherwise be hidden, to avoid seeing a gazillion extra tasks when I level a new alt. Also useful for things like profession cooldowns, but that's just one task, not fifteen...)
Glad you're enjoying it.

So, essentially an "Auto-Enabled/Disabled For Char" based on Level (show if char >= X), though I can also see an (hide if char > X) as there are some useful dailies as one is leveling.

I could almost see adding it directly if it were just level but I can also see it for professions, reputation too -- in for a penny, in for a pound, as it were.

I'm working on an Intern (Minder Minder) which lets you 'Mind' Items, Reputation, and Currencies (e.g. get X currency, Check, now buy Y item, Check) and this might fit into that framework. It'd require an injected control at a level I don't use now (Group) but I don't think that'd be a problem.

No promises but I'm intrigued, and that's usually a good sign.

Originally Posted by Aeliel
Also, I'd love if there was a way to sync (non-character-specific) tasks between accounts, since I have two, but that's less essential since it's just for easing the initial setup of a mass of tasks.
That's a tall order. I'd sketched out a 'transportable group/task configuration' architecture so that someone could export, say, all the holiday events for someone else to import (File Cabinet is the proof-of-concept of it but there really hasn't been a call for it) but sync is a problem: the only reliable way is to use id numbers and that means shifting the 'sync' file between directories each time you do thing, which is messy and painful -- many times over if you've already got a running configuration on both accounts.

If you had master/slave accounts, it'd be easier (only create tasks on account A then copy the sync file to B and import) but it'd still be touchy, even if one only considered 'added tasks' and avoided 'deletes' -- I don't even want to contemplate how badly that'd confuse Intern modules.

PM me how you'd envision it working and we can talk; I might be overthinking it.
AddonsExecutive Assistant User Configurable To-Do ListLegible Mail Choose the Font for Your Mail
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Unread 08-13-16, 06:58 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Sharing v.s. Syncing

I've just discovered this Addon [and Legible Mail ] today and I'm SO excited to get it in-game, but am doing all the reading first.

An immediate thought:

Originally Posted by Aeliel
Also, I'd love if there was a way to sync (non-character-specific) tasks between accounts, since I have two, but that's less essential since it's just for easing the initial setup of a mass of tasks.
That's a tall order. ...

If you had master/slave accounts, it'd be easier ...
Share, not sync.

For example, I have the time and affinity for making lists. Two people I run with would love "Install this Addon, Import this List" but would never use it if they had to do all the organizing and typing themselves.

Things I've listed for them in the past:
  • World Event Achievement steps,
  • Transmog Set Pieces,
  • Mats for crafting.

Originally Posted by Aeliel
The amount of paper you're saving me...
^^^ This!
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Unread 08-15-16, 06:56 PM  
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Re: Sharing v.s. Syncing

Originally Posted by Noritam
Share, not sync.

For example, I have the time and affinity for making lists. Two people I run with would love "Install this Addon, Import this List" but would never use it if they had to do all the organizing and typing themselves
Yeah, that's what Aeliel was really getting at. It should be something I can address, since it was part of the original design logic, it just needs to be updated for the architecture changes that ExecAssist went through.

Blizzard's migraine-inducing zoom-nerf is altering my play/code balance atm but that should settle itself down in a week -- they'll let me play w/o migraines (in which case I won't have to rush to do things) or my sub will run out and I shall repose in hope they'll pull their collective heads out of their asses about accessibility issues.

HOWEVER that shouldn't impact maintaining my addons and I've already got the starter-account set up so I can test, etc. (My wife uses my addons so I've a vested interest in keeping them going well )
AddonsExecutive Assistant User Configurable To-Do ListLegible Mail Choose the Font for Your Mail
Last edited by VincentSDSH : 08-15-16 at 07:03 PM.
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Unread 08-18-16, 03:44 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Re: Sharing v.s. Syncing

Originally Posted by Noritam
For example, I have the time and affinity for making lists. Two people I run with would love "Install this Addon, Import this List" but would never use it if they had to do all the organizing and typing themselves.
While it's worked on, you can (sort of) get around the issue by pointing people at the command line.

Direct them to create a group with a precise name, point the command line at it, and then paste (via the Paste addon) a list that goes:

/ea task Gather the thing
/ea task Craft the item
/ea task Grind the rep
/ea task Kill the boss
Etc, etc, adjusting the command line modifiers as needed.

Of course this is extra work for you in setting up the paste list, but it works.

Originally Posted by VincentSDSH
Blizzard's migraine-inducing zoom-nerf is altering my play/code balance atm
Is the extra camera distance they implemented via hotfix (camera distance max factor goes to 2.6 now) still insufficient then? :/ I was having motion sickness issues with flying mounts myself (too much flapping up close), but the hotfix has fortunately helped. Still - sigh. It's all well and good that they have a Grand Design about how the game should look but when it makes people unable to play comfortably, they should just give it up. (And they can talk all they like about how raiders then feel obligated to have the camera pulled out to the max, but if they stopped designing bosses that are so large a player character barely reaches their toes, that would be less of an issue.)
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Unread 08-19-16, 03:31 AM  
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Re: Re: Sharing v.s. Syncing

Originally Posted by Aeliel
Is the extra camera distance they implemented via hotfix (camera distance max factor goes to 2.6 now) still insufficient then? :/
For me, it is. You can get to 39 w/ the "bandaid" and I need 43. You wouldn't think it's a big deal but that rotten thing twixt my ears sure thinks it is.
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Unread 08-25-16, 10:44 PM  
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Re: Re: Sharing v.s. Syncing

Originally Posted by VincentSDSH
Yeah, that's what Aeliel was really getting at. It should be something I can address, since it was part of the original design logic, it just needs to be updated for the architecture changes that ExecAssist went through.

Blizzard's migraine-inducing zoom-nerf is altering my play/code balance atm but that should settle itself down in a week -- they'll let me play w/o migraines (in which case I won't have to rush to do things) or my sub will run out and I shall repose in hope they'll pull their collective heads out of their asses about accessibility issues.

HOWEVER that shouldn't impact maintaining my addons and I've already got the starter-account set up so I can test, etc. (My wife uses my addons so I've a vested interest in keeping them going well )
Sharing - Excellent! Thank you so much

Re: zoom-nerf: Severe Vertigo Induction which seriously downgrades cognitive abilities, thus seriously downgrading Quality Of Life. [and hampers trying new things!]

/nod and /thanks to your wife
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Unread 08-25-16, 11:03 PM  
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Re: Re: Sharing v.s. Syncing

Originally Posted by Aeliel
While it's worked on, you can (sort of) get around the issue by pointing people at the command line.

Direct them to create a group with a precise name, point the command line at it, and then paste (via the Paste addon) a list that goes:

/ea task Gather the thing
/ea task Craft the item
/ea task Grind the rep
/ea task Kill the boss
Etc, etc, adjusting the command line modifiers as needed.

Of course this is extra work for you in setting up the paste list, but it works.

Looks/sounds simple but: you lost me at:
pointing people at the command line
I don't know what this means ^^

Direct them to create a group with a precise name,
  • an in-game group?
  • an extra folder in the WoW thingy-Ma-bobb? Program List maybe?

/ea task ... ... ... Kill the boss
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, where my brain went on holiday a decade ago, I could probably figure this out.

Here and now, ... ... am flummoxed.

Sorry. I know you're trying to help me and I feel vague tingly twitches at the back of my brain telling me that I should know how to do this, but ... nope.

Thank you for trying to help me
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Unread 08-26-16, 12:45 AM  
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Error 0x80010135: Path too long -- Extract ExecAss_libExecAssistExample_v1.13

Error 0x80010135: Path too long

Error Screenshot in my Flickr Album WoW-World of Warcraft

I can't get the image to insert, here is the link:
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Unread 08-27-16, 02:58 AM  
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Re: Error 0x80010135: Path too long -- Extract ExecAss_libExecAssistExample_v1.13

Originally Posted by Noritam
Well, I'd suggest d/ling the file again but there's no reason for you to use that particular addon unless you were planning to develop an addon or extend the functionality of an existing one.
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Unread 12-03-16, 05:59 PM  
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New error

I didn't login from about Tuesday before Thanksgiving till yesterday. (long weekend away) Since yesterday I've been getting this error when I put my cursor over the minimap button in order to bring up the list to click tasks off. There is at least 1 new addon since the last time I had an error, but it *was* working before I took my weeklong break.

Date: 2016-12-03 18:56:52
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Executive_Assistant\ea_Tooltip.lua line 860:
   attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
   [C]: ?
   (tail call): ?
   Executive_Assistant\ea_Tooltip.lua:282: displayTooltip()
   Executive_Assistant\ea_Core.lua:816: OnEnter()

  Swatter, v7.0.3 (<%codename%>)
  WowheadLooter, v60014
  ACP, v3.4.30 
  AdvancedXPBar, v7.0.0.160625
  Altoholic, vr174
  AltoholicSummary, vr174
  Analyst, v1.4.0
  Archy, v7.1.0.2
  AucAdvanced, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterBasic, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterOutlier, v7.2.5688.5459(7.2/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v7.2.5688.5585(7.2/embedded)
  AucScanData, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatHistogram, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatiLevel, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatPurchased, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatSales, v7.2.5688.5598(7.2/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatStdDev, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v7.2.5688.5613(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v7.2.5688.5575(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v7.2.5688.5666(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v7.2.5688.5599(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v7.2.5688.5686(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v7.2.5688.5629(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v7.2.5688.5576(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v7.2.5688.5651(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v7.2.5688.5633(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v7.2.5688.5631(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v7.2.5688.5588(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v7.2.5688.4979(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v7.2.5688.5347(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v7.2.5688.5672(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v7.2.5688.5654(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v7.2.5688.4828(7.2/embedded)
  AutoRepair, v
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BadBoy, vv7.1.23
  BadBoyCCleaner, vv7.1.1
  BadBoyHistory, v1.31
  BadBoyIgnore, vv7.1.1
  BattlePetCount, v1.8.11
  BattlePetTabs, v7.0.0.160625
  BeanCounter, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  BelowAverageItems, v1.23
  BindsWhen, v7.1.0.0
  CanIMogIt, v7.1.0.02
  ChatLoot, v1.6.1
  ClassicQuestLog, v1.2.8
  Comix, v6.2.3.0
  Compass, v1.0.6
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
  CritterEmote, v1.8
  DarkmoonProfessional, v7.0.3.1
  DataStore, vr61
  DataStoreAchievements, vr44
  DataStoreAgenda, vr24
  DataStoreAuctions, vr46
  DataStoreCharacters, vr37
  DataStoreContainers, vr54
  DataStoreCrafts, vr75
  DataStoreCurrencies, vr33
  DataStoreGarrisons, vr18
  DataStoreInventory, vr47
  DataStoreMails, vr47
  DataStorePets, vr40
  DataStoreQuests, vr39
  DataStoreReputations, vr38
  DataStoreSpells, vr28
  DataStoreStats, vr27
  DataStoreTalents, vr56
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  DragEmAll, v1.0.6
  Dresser, v7.0.0.160625
  Elephant, vr296
  ExaltedWithTheFloor, v2.
  ExecutiveAssistant, v1.0.2
  Exonumist, v7.1.0.0
  FactionAddict, v1.39
  FarmIt2, v
  FishingBuddy, v1.7.12a
  FlightMapEnhanced, v2.1.4
  Gatherer, v7.0.3
  GnomishVendorShrinker, v
  GoFish, v7.1.0.1
  Grail, v083
  GrailAchievements, v011
  GrailQuestsenUS, v22810
  GrailReputations, v007
  GuildRosterButtons, v5.0
  HearKitty, v1.7.4a
  HearKittySoundPacks, vVolume 2f
  HereBeDragons10, v1.16-release
  IgnoreMore, v1.1.1-40300
  InFlightLoad, v7.1.001
  KeepingTabs, v1.5
  KillTrack, vv2.11.2
  LagBar, v3.6
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.416(/embedded)
  LightHeaded, vwowi:revision
  Linkerize, v009
  Livestock, v2.5.2
  LootMsgShortener, v0.71
  MetaMap, v7.1.0.1
  MetaMapBWP, v7.1.0.0
  MetaMapFWM, v7.1.0.0
  MetaMapNBK, v7.1.0.0
  MetaMapQST, v7.1.0.0
  MetaMapTRK, v7.1.0.0
  MetaMapWKB, v7.1.0.0
  MicroMenu, v1.2.3
  MobKillCount, v7.1.0
  MountFarmHelper, v7.1.0
  MyMountspecial, v7.1.0.1
  NameplateColors, vv1.2.2
  Overachiever, v0.98
  Pawn, v2.1.8
  PetFarmHelper, v7.1.0
  PetLeash, v3.1.2
  PetTracker, v7.1.3
  PetTrackerBreeds, v7.1.3
  PetTrackerConfig, v7.1.3
  PetTrackerJournal, v7.1.3
  PetTrackerSwitcher, v7.1.3
  PetTrackerUpgrades, v7.1.3
  Postal, vv3.5.8
  ProfessionsComplete, v2.4
  QuickQuestItem, v3.0
  RangeDisplay, vv4.5.0
  RaresTip, vr10
  SanityCheck, vv1.69
  SayRandomQuote, v7.0
  SemlarPlates, v7.1.0.1
  SilverDragon, vv3.2.9
  SimpleDing, vv1.0
  SimpleGold, v5.5.0
  Skada, v1.5-14
  Skadacfi, v0.4c
  SkadaScroll, v1.5.3
  SlideBar, v7.0.3 (<%codename%>)
  SpeedyGonzales, v1.7.6
  StoreBeGone, v1.2
  Stubby, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  TabardAddict, v2.34
  TargetNameplateIndicator, v1.11
  TargetRole, v1.2.8
  TheUndermineJournal, v4.7.20161203
  TinyPad, v2.1.3
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.405(/embedded)
  TipTop, v2.16.2
  TokenSplainer, vr04
  TomTom, vv70100-1.1.0-49459b0
  TrackOMatic, v1.7.0
  WardrobeSort, vv0.2.2
  WhoFramedWatcherWabbit, v2.2.1
  Wholly, v060
  WowheadBagScanner, v1.11
  WoWPro, v7.1.0D
  WoWProAchievements, v7.1.0D
  WoWProDailies, v7.1.0D
  WoWProLeveling, v7.1.0D
  WowProProfession, v7.1.0D
  WoWProWorldEvents, v7.1.0D
  WoWTokenWatch, v1.0.3
  ZoneAchievementTracker, v7.1.0.0
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.1.0.70100 <none>
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Unread 12-04-16, 01:03 PM  
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Re: New error

Originally Posted by Barleduq
Message: ..\AddOns\Executive_Assistant\ea_Tooltip.lua line 860:
   attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
It's trying to send class-based color values but I'm not sure which field it's having an issue with: it's either the constant RAID_CLASS_COLORS (which I have a hard time thinking is mising) or charStem, which is the sub-table for the ExecAssist character data, while looking for the charClass (e.g., charStem.charClass). I'd have to guess it's the latter.

First: Make a safe-copy of the saved variables file for ExecAssist.

If you've used FileCabinet to keep a safe-copy, as you should, you can do a restore from that and it should play nice again.

Otherwise, it's probably one char that's garbled but it's going to be hard to determine which if every char is throwing that up. You can verify that that is the problem by deleting the saved var file and letting it create a new one then logging in all your normal chars.

If it were me, I'd do that then compare each charClass entry between the two files and see if I see any anomalies.
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Unread 12-23-16, 08:04 AM  
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If I had backed it up, I didn't recall, and I was cringing at the thought of having to recreate everything. But then I logged in to a couple of servers I hadn't logged in to in, forever - definitely before I'd installed this addon. And I noticed, in the course of just happening to mouse over the minimap button, that I wasn't getting errors. So, I hit backup on *that*, and then logged in to my usual server.... and I'm not getting errors anymore.

o.O The magic of new?

I'm not asking...
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Unread 08-18-18, 04:13 PM  
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Requirements: You must be the member of a Wow Communities group and have pinned that chat to a channel in your chat window (e.g. /4).

Immediately after logging in, type something into that Communities chat channel using the channel number (e.g. /4). Executive Assistant seems to 'eat' the message. The message will not be sent to the community, it just seems to disappear into the void. Hitting 'J' (default keybind) and loading the Community window will allow typing into this channel to work as expected, even if the Community window is subsequently closed.

I should also note that ElvUI had a similar bug a couple weeks ago that has been fixed. I do not know how the ElvUI bug was resolved.
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Unread 08-20-18, 11:00 PM  
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Re: Bug

Originally Posted by salusHyjal

Requirements: You must be the member of a Wow Communities group and have pinned that chat to a channel in your chat window (e.g. /4).

Immediately after logging in, type something into that Communities chat channel using the channel number (e.g. /4). Executive Assistant seems to 'eat' the message. The message will not be sent to the community, it just seems to disappear into the void. Hitting 'J' (default keybind) and loading the Community window will allow typing into this channel to work as expected, even if the Community window is subsequently closed
I can't reproduce this. Here are the steps I used (running just ExecAssist & BetterAddonList):
  • Member of Community
  • 'Add To Chat Window' selected
  • chat accessible via /chan#
  1. Load Game
  2. Log in
  3. enter "/<chan#> Test Message"
Expectation: text is chat window and community window
Result: "Test Message" shows in the chat window
Result: Open community, text shows "Test Message"
Analysis: results meet expectations

The only interaction that ExecAssist itself has with the command line is the /ea command lists (processed by the Ace3 libs) and no chat-channel interaction. There might be something a tad sideways Ace3-side but one would think that it would show up in an isolation test as described above. I'm sorry you're having the issue but I can't reproduce it or isolate it to ExecAssist.
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Unread 08-25-18, 11:19 PM  
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Is there a way to automate tasks for World Quests?

What I mean is, I'd like to specify several WQs, such as work orders, or any that reward gear, and whenever one of them is available, it would automatically create a task for it. Another way could be to create the tasks manually beforehand and hide them, to automatically reappear when the WQ is active.
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