Updated: 04-02-23 11:24 AM
File Info
Dragonflight patch (10.0.7)
Updated:04-02-23 11:24 AM
Created:12-22-14 06:03 PM
Categories:Group, Guild & Friends, Chat Mods, Miscellaneous

Global Ignore List and Spam Filter  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Iceypop [More]


Global Ignore List is a quality of life addon that provides a greatly enhanced (unlimited) character ignore system, and has a robust chat/spam filtering engine to eliminate gold sellers/spammers, guild recruitment, community recruitment, annoying trends like Thunderfury, non-latin text, and more. All of these can be enabled or disabled as you please or you can even create your own:

Global Ignore also gives you full access to its chat filtering engine so you can create your own filters whether they are as simple as a single word or complex statements that requirement boolean evaluations.

* Unlimited ignore list size, synchronized across all characters, factions, and servers
* Account wide ignore system
* Ability to ignore players, NPCs, monsters, and entire servers
* Ability to set notes for ignored entries, and expiration times for automatic removal from ignore
* Chat spam filtering with robust chat spam filter editor, allowing players to create their own custom filters.
* Default spam filters catch the majority of gold sellers and spammers (defaults for English servers) including gold spam, Guild recruitment, community invites, Asian languages, political spam, and so on.
* Warnings to prevent inviting or being a member of a group with a player on your ignore list
* Automatic decline of duels and party invites from ignored players
* Greatly improved UI over the default
* Enhancements to existing UI such as being able to ignore by right clicking target or from raid frames
* Small and efficient created with pure WoW API only (no libs like ACE)

Type /gi in game for chat help, or open your ignore list for features and options


* Unfortunately I cannot add guild-wide ignores. Blizzard does not supply guild information with the chat data and they've limited the ability for addons to collect their own data on guilds (Census addons were causing server lag). If I can find a way to do it properly in the future I will try to add it in.

* There is a bug where WoW sometimes reports all members of the ignore list as "Unknown" during login which prevents GIL from synchronizing your character ignore lists. If this happens, GIL will print a message duing login and then attempt to synchronize when you open the GIL UI. You can also force a sync by a chat command line.

* There is an issue where WoW reports the wrong server name when ignoring someone from right clicking chat. When a character with no server name is reported, GIL will search the members of your current raid, battleground, instance, and so on to try to find someone with that name. It will check your chat tab history and search for any reference of the name in order to determine the server. If no data is found during this search, GIL will ultimately assume the person is on your server.

* Account wide ignore only works for up to 50 accounts per character due to a WoW limitation. GIL uses logic to select the "best" 50 players on a per-character basis, in an attempt to maximize usefulness of account wide ignore limitations. No other ignore addon can do this. This is significant because it prevents you from messages, duel requests, being grouped in a dungeon, BG, or LFR queue system for not only their main character but for their alts that you don't know about too. GIL will also perform all of those same checks and warnings for non-account wide ignore.



GIL has a series of default spam filters that will be periodically updated as
new annoying chat spam is encountered, but it also allows you to create your
own custom chat filters! Filters can be edited by double clicking them, or
added and deleted with UI buttons.

Each chat filter consists of a series of tags which define what to "search" for
in each chat message. When one of these tags is "TRUE" in a chat message, then
the message will be filtered. The filter system also allows for built in logic
to create complex filters, but more on that later.

Tags are enclosed within [] characters and can be used to filter items, spells,
achievements, word matches, partial word matches, and any link. The following
tags are available to perform each of those types of filtering:


The word tag looks for a whole word within the chat message. The word to search
for must be provided within the tag with an equals sign such as: "[word=anal]".

Word and partial word matches are case insensitive, so ANAL anal and AnAL will
all match the tag shown above.


The contains tag is similar to the word filter, but performs a partial match of
a word instead of a whole word match. If for example, you see people spamming
analanalanal [Thunderfury], then you might want to add a tag with something like
[contains=analan] so that it will catch people who do that sort of spam.


The link tag matches if the chat contains any linked content at all, which can
mean a spell, item, achievement, etc.


The spell tag allows one to filter out specific spell links or all spell links
from chat. If the spell tag exists with no equals, then it will filter when
the message contains ANY spell link at all. For example "[spell]". If the
equals sign is provided and followed by a Spell ID, then only that specific
spell ID will be filtered. Such as "[spell=17]" would filter any message with
the Power Word Shield spell linked in it.


The item tag allows one to filter out all item links or specific item links.
This tag works in the same way that the spell tag does. For example "[item]"
will filter if any item at all is linked, whereas "[item=19019]" would filter
any chat message that contained a link for Thunderfury.


The talent tag works just the same as the spell and item tags.


The achievement tag works just the same as the spell and item tags. For the
sake of trying to keep this short and refer you to the item and spell examples


The pet tag works just the same as the spell and item tags. For the
sake of trying to keep this short and refer you to the item and spell examples


The icon tag allows filtering based on raid icons in the chat text. The
"[icon]" tag by itself will result in a filtered message if the chat message
has any icon at all in the text. A number can also be provided to filter
based on if a message has a specific number or greater of raid icons. For
example "[icon=3]" would filter if the message has 3 or more raid icons in


This tag allows filters to be created to filter out community Join requests.
No other data is used for this tag; If you wish to filter anything that
contains a Join request, simply include this tag


This tag allows filters messages that contain Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters
for those who play on English servers that have a strong native Asian speaking


This tag allows filters to test that a line of text contains only a specific number
of words. For example: [words=2] would be true only if the text contained only two


This tag allows filters to test that a line of text sourced from a specific channel
number. For example, channel 1 would be zone, 2 would be city/trade, and so on. If
you wanted a filter to apply only to trade chat you could do "[channel=2]" somewhere
in your filter.


Spaces can be used in a [Contains] tag by escaping the character by putting a
forward slash before the space (\). Other characters can be escaped the same
way: parenthesis (), brackets [], and backslash. For example:

[contains=Filter\ this]

Here are some other examples:

\( would mean (
\) would mean )
\[ would mean [
\] would mean ]
\\ would mean \


Chat filters can include some logical evaluations by enclosing tags within
parenthesis and using boolean "and or not" keywords. This is really what can
tie everything together and allow for some pretty nice filters to be created.

For example, here is the default "Anal" spam filter which comes with GIL:

([word=anal] or [contains=analan]) and [link]

The parenthesis and the or keyword allow the filter to specify that if the
chat message has a complete word match of "anal" OR it contains a partial
word match with "analan" AND the chat message contains any link meaning
any item spell or achievement, then the filter is TRUE and the message
will be filtered by GIL.


The following commands are accessible by typing /gignore or /gi in the chat box:

/gi - Show a list of available chat commands

/gi gui - Open GIL ignore list GUI

/gi list [days] - Show a list of all players on the global ignore list, along with their server, faction, and the date they were added to the list. An optional number of days can be added if you'd like to only show people who have been on the list for [days] or more days

/gi clear - Clear the global ignore list. Please understand that clearing this list means that you are clearing everything on all characters that you've previous logged in as! You will need to provide a follow up confirmation command before the clear will work

/gi add player_name - This provides a way to add a player to the list, but the Blizzard UI and /ignore works too! You can optionally add a reason as well. If a server name is involved all spaces should be removed. For example: /gi add mytoon-Area52 this is an ignore reason

/gi ignore player_name - This provides a way to add a player to the list, but the Blizzard UI and /ignore works too! You can optionally add a reason as well. If a server name is involved all spaces should be removed. For example: /gi add mytoon-Area52 this is an ignore reason

/gi remove player_name - This provides a way to remove a player from the list, but the Blizzard UI and /unignore works too! GIL also applies a number to each person on the list (see the list function) and the number can be used to remove too.

/gi delete player_name - This provides a way to remove a player from the list, but the Blizzard UI and /unignore works too! GIL also applies a number to each person on the list (see the list function) and the number can be used to remove too.

/gi filter on|off - If on, GIL will check all incoming chat messages and compare them to the ignore list. If a message is found from someone on the ignore list, the chat message will be filtered. This provides a "simulated" ignore effect if the ignore list grows beyond 50 characters.

/gi showmsg on|off - GIL will synchronize the list upon logging into a character, and any actions taken will be printed into the chat window unless this option is turned off. For example, if a person is added or removed from the ignore list a message will be printed in the chat.

/gi sameserver on|off - Synchronize only with same-server characters. If on, only characters on the same server and faction will share ignore lists. If off, characters on the same faction but on different servers will share ignore lists. Remember! There is a limit of 50 ignored players, so using cross-server ignore lists can really make you hit the limit quickly if you have an itchy ignore finger!

/gi prune days - This will remove all persons from the list that have been on the list more than [days] days. For example "/gi prune 90" would remove anyone who has been ignored for 90 or more days. You will need to provide a follow up confirmation command before the clear will work

/gi expire character days - Sets expiration for [character] after a number of [days]

/gi npc npcname - Toggle NPC ignore for npcname

/gi server servername - Add or remove a whole-server ignore


Fixed bug in Chat filter editor list where it would sometimes not display the filters correctly when selecting/scrolling the list

Added new default filter to filter out Power Leveling sellers

Fixed a bug when ignoring NPCs using the Unit Menu

The Options tab now is a scrolling window so that more options can be added!

Added a new section called User Interface options which now allows UI hacks to be enabled or disabled for those that experience issues with them.

There is now an option to disable the ignore list synchronization warning message when it fails during login

=> 10.0.7

Updated for new patch

Disabled all UI hacks temporarily because a few people are reporting problems that I cannot reproduce. I am planning to add them back in the next update probably with an option to disable them in the settings for those who may have issues.


Fixed issues with LFG tool, requiring completely reworked right click ignore menu and other changes


GIL is now integrated into the LFG tool GUI for Raids and M+

LFG groups whose leader is on your ignore list will be listed with a red font color. Thanks to wildmandnd for the suggestion and a first crack at how to do it!

GIL will now show that the LFG tool leader is ignored in the tooltip when you mouse over the listing

GIL will now show the ignored player's note in the LFG tool's tooltip when you mouse over a listing

When right clicking a listing in the LFG tool, you will now see the Leader's name and the option to ignore or remove them


Added a "Blocked" column to the chat filter editor which shows the number of times the filter has blocked something without editing the filter. Thanks to xruptor for inspiring me to add this in finally.

Blocked count and overall blocked count now update in real-time when the chat filter tab is open. You can watch the filter blocked count climb on a busy server if you get sick of watching paint dry!

Added a new default filter for "Tradeskill sellers" to filter out tradeskill spam. This is off by default.

Removed the default gold seller filters as they no longer seem to be relevant.

Added some more text into the localization

When sync default chat filters is enabled, filters will now be added, removed and updated as the default changes automatically. If you disable a default filter with syncing on, it will not be reenabled but they will still update.


Added new [journal] tag to filter all boss links for Dungeon/Raid journal

Added new [guild] tag to filter all guild links

Added new [trade] tag to filter all tradeskill links

Added new [mount] tag to filter all mount links

All new tags (journal, guild, trade, and mount) are included in the [link] filter which makes things like the Anal spam filter better (or any filter that uses link tag)

Added new default Mythic+ Seller filter which is disabled by default

Added new IDs to the default filters, so that defaults can be added, removed, and updated in the future based on community feedback.

Reverted the UI strata back to "DIALOG" from "MEDIUM". Added extra checking in filtering to handle invalid link formats, and other minor changes.

GIL now detects the current WOW version (which is why the classic version isn't updated alongside this release). I will be experimenting with one single GIL version that works with everything in the future.


Now filters "Unknown friend response" error message during login

Additional checks for invalid character names

Updated to use proper C_PartyInfo references used by latest API


Updated for Dragonflight
Fixed UI crashes
Changed strata of UI from DIALOG to MEDIUM to provide better layering with other UI elements


Fixed the prune function which could cause the game to freeze for a period of time if there were ignored NPCs or guilds on the global ignore list


Some players have reported an error where the Blizzard ignore list seems to be returning a blank value for a person on the ignore list so I've put a check in to try to prevent issues when that happens.

=> 9.0.5

Updated for 9.0.5 version
Increased max failed sync attempts to 2 instead of 1 before removing a character. At some point occasional failures started happening and this aggressively low number could cause characters to be prematurely removed.
Increased the max length of a chat filter to 1000 characters, up from 500. Someone actually hit that limit for a chat filter!

=> 9.0.3

Updated for Shadowlands live patch
Fixed issue with Copy Character Name causing an error
Attempted to improve performance on system message processing that could cause some micro stuttering with super larger ignore lists

=> 9.0.2

Added filter for American Politics (disabled by default)
Added some German translations by LadyBellaSilver
Forgot to update the version in the TOC for the last release!

=> 9.0.1

Updated for new prepatch. Very little testing has been done so there could be problems.

=> 8.2.5

Added some localization options

=> 8.2.1

Added option to never apply spam filters to Guild chat. This option is turned on by default in the options tab

=> 8.2.0

Fixed a residual 8.1 issue that was causing GIL to fail to remove players on synchronization

Updated to 8.2

=> 8.1.4

Spaces can now be used in a [Contains] tag by escaping the character similar to parenthesis, brackets, and backslashes ie "[contains=Filter\ This]"

=> 8.1.3

More updates related to the annoying undocumented changes Blizzard made in 8.1

=> 8.1.2

Fixed Blizzard UI ignore button and chat command for ignore which was broken by the 8.1 update

=> 8.1.1

Added a new UI hack to work around Blizzard's new "feature" that no longer creates ignore events when you're at 50 ignores and you try to ignore by right clicking chat.

=> 8.1.0

Updated for WOW 8.1

=> 8.0.3

Changed the way the Synchronization list works on login. In the past there was a lot of strange things going on to avoid some WoW bugs but I am hoping those have been fixed now. The worst that could happen is you may get more messages that the list could not Synchronize on login.

Changed the way some of the message filtering works upon login to hopefully make things slightly cleaner.

Major changes when adding people to ignore by right clicking chat. WoW has a bug where it sometimes does not report the server name which causes almost all complaints with the addon. I reported it during Legion but it was not fixed for BFA and I was not in Beta to know before release. So now whenever GIL gets an add/remove ignore request without a server name, it will search the members of your current group, raid, battleground, and current chat tab text for any evidence of the person. If a reference to their name is found it will use that server. This was a lot of work and there may be issues so please be aware that this version could either be buggy or it could fix all known issues in a single swoop lol :)

=> 8.0.2

GIL will now pop up a dialog box to warn you when an ignored player joins a party you are in, or you join a party with an ignored player. This dialog box will automatically close after 15 seconds if it is not closed before that since people can join in mid-combat.

GIL will print a warning and list of players to the chat window if you join a party with ignored players, or if an ignored player joins a party you're already in.

Fixed a bug which could cause the ignore functions to not work properly when ignoring from the party frames

Fixed a bug that could cause the "You are inviting an ignored person to your party" confirmation box to not display when inviting by typing a chat command

=> 8.0.1

Added a new tag [community] which can be used to block Community Join requests in chat. A new default filter has been created for this, but it will default to being turned off.

By request: Added a new tag [nonlatin] which can be used to block Japanese/Chinese/Korean language. This was requested to add the functionality of another addon called "BlockChinese" by Ketho. If you're not interested in all of the features of GIL and just want the Chinese blocking, be sure to check out their addon! Added a default spam filter to do this, but it will be disabled by default.

Filters can now include brackets and parenthesis in the contains and word tags but prefixing them with a forward slash.

Updated the default Guild Recruitment filter to be better at doing its job

=> 8.0.0

Updated for Battle For Azeroth

=> 7.1.4

Updated to include filtering of Instance chat channel. I am unable to login to Wow and test it at the moment, but hopefully this will work.

=> 7.1.3

GIL now has a "sync" chat command to force the ignore list to synchronize. IE: /gi sync

If the ignore list is unavailable for synchronization during login, GIL will now detect it, print a message, and attempt to automatically sync the ignore list whenever the GUI is opened.

Filters now can be enabled or disabled within the filter editor

Added new filter for guild recruitment spam which defaults to being turned off. If you want to use it, edit the filter and turn it on in the filters tab.

More localization work completed

Updated for 7.3 release

=> 7.1.2

Ignored players who attempt to invite to a group will now be automatically declined by GIL even when not on the account wide ignore list

Ignored players who attempt to duel will now be automatically declined by GIL even when not on the account wide ignore list

Players are now given a warning and confirmation box when sending party invites to an ignored player

Fixed some issues when ignoring by right clicking on a target frame or raid frame which could cause GIL to ignore the target instead of the right clicked person.

Minor localization work

=> 7.1.1

Updated default spam filters

Fixed a problem where the Test button in the filter editor was not case insensitive, causing some tests to report the wrong result

Added a help button into the filter editor for the filter box

=> 7.1.0

Updated default spam filter

Fixed a problem where NPCs with inconsistant casing in their names would not be properly be ignored

=> 7.0.6

Fixed a problem where a filter that had an error in it could cause all chat to not be filtered

Updated default spam filters

=> 7.0.5

Fixes problems with shift click linking

=> 7.0.4

Updates to default spam filters

Completely redid the Spam Filter editor! So many shiny new things:

When editing a spam filter, the total number of spammers blocked by that filter will now be shown

Reworked the Filter input box in the filter editor to allow for a larger input area

Cleaned up the display of the filters in the Chat Spam tab so they do not wrap down to the next line.

Added a chat link resolver where items can be linked into the box and converted into a GIL tag

Shift clicking any chat link inside the Spam Filter box will automatically insert a GIL tag for that particular item, spell, achievement, pet, etc.

Added an awesome filter testing system built right into the Spam Filter editor! You can now enter examples of chat text and press the Test button to test applications of the filter you're building. It will also tell you if it thinks there is an error in your filter.

=> 7.0.3

Added [talent] tag and talents now factor into the [link] tag

=> 7.0.2

Accidentally left some debug stuff turned on

Fixed a typo which could have caused some issues on startup

=> 7.0.1

Added a new [icon] tag that can be used to evaluate raid icons

Added a new [pet] tag that can be used to evaluate battlepet links in chat

Rewrote the word matching to fix many situations where the word matching would fail, such as when icons and words were used together like {star}test{star}. GIL will now see "test" as its own word even though its sandwitched in between two icons with no space. The same works for all link types (spells, items, achievements, etc)

Statistical tracking for the various chat filters is now completely accurate. In the past it was overestimating a bit.

Now should use about 250% less memory when under high stress and overall less CPU cycles in general

Added some more startup code to try to work around the "Unknown" problem with WoW's API. This problem could have caused the ignore list to get deleted, or the addon not to load

=> 7.0.0

Updated for new expansion and pre-patch 7.0!

Added some more code to hopefully prevent the "Unknown" problem in non English languages.

Words will now have punctuation stripped from the end of them before applying the word-matching chat filters to them

=> 6.2.19

Added back in the old startup code which seemed to better prevent things from turning bad better than the new approach whenever Blizzard's API returns Unknown for everyone

Updated default spam filters to fix a typo

=> 6.2.18

This update adds some new default spam filters. I sat on a high pop server in Orgrimmar and created filters until I saw no spam. I blocked 1283 spammers during that time!

=> 6.2.17

Fixed a bug in the chat filter system where certain items could cause an error message

=> 6.2.16

Fixed a typo in a variable name that could allow "Unknown" characters to be added to the ignore list and maybe other unknown things.

=> 6.2.15

GIL was not playing nice with a certain addon or two since the 6.2.12 update. This should hopefully be fixed now!

=> 6.2.14

Changed the way the addon starts up. This may end up causing problems but it also may end up fixing a problem that a couple people seem to have with the latest couple of versions. If anyone experiences problems please let me know so that they can be addressed!

Added a new default spam filter for a gold spammer

When editing a spam filter, GIL will now always save the contents of the editor when the Save Filter button is clicked, even if you haven't pressed ENTER yet.

New option to "Automatically Synchronize Default Spam Filters" will create or update your spam filters to include all of the latest default spam filters. I will be creating new default filters as I encounter spammers that are not already covered.

=> 6.2.13

Just a small update to (hopefully) fix a problem one person seems to have when loading

=> 6.2.12

I've begun doing some more localization work, starting with German but that is not in this version. I hope to have it done by the 7.0 patch update. If anyone would like to help with a translation please let me know.

Added a chat spam filter system that allows you to define your own chat filters so that only exactly what you want to filter is filtered! This of course can be disabled if it is not desired.

Completely revamped all of the code to be much cleaner and easy to work with

=> 6.2.11

Removed the "Attach window to friends list UI" option because it wasn't very useful and some found its reason to be confusing

Removed the ability to disable chat filtering

When responding with the "You are being ignored" message, GIL was sending one "You are being ignored" message back to the person on ignore for each chat tab you had. If you had many tabs, it would basically spam the person you have on ignore! :P This has been fixed so it only sends the message once.

I hope to have fixed an EPIC bug that was preventing GIL from filtering chat on some servers that have two or more words in their name.

Added a server name translator for all US/EU servers to make the server name column look pretty, instead of things like "Theforgottencoast" you should now see "The Forgotten Coast".

=> 6.2.10

Redesigned the way GIL detects deleted characters when maintaining the account-wide ignore list. This is a big improvement over the old system assuming there are no quirks!

=> 6.2.9

Relaxed the automatic character deleted removal from the ignore list, just in case there are quirks after someone mentioned weirdness.

Began work on the spam filtering but I've disabled it for now until its in better shape. But you'll still see the tab in the UI for now.

=> 6.2.8

Fixed problem where a person could still show up in chat when on the same server and with a larger ignore list size. I broke this during the UI revamp but wasn't able to get to it do to holidays. Sorry everyone.

=> 6.2.7

The /gi npc chat command can now remove NPCs by list number

The GIL UI ignore list wasn't always being updated when ignoring NPCs and entire servers. These quirks should be fixed now.

=> 6.2.6

GIL can now track character name changes and characters who've been deleted from the *account wide* ignore list. Players will be added added to and removed from the Global ignore list as expected when these situations are identified. Blizzard doesn't have a mechanism for this type of tracking within addons, so GIL does it own historical tracking to determine these things. Because of this, it may take a couple of logins before GIL decides to take certain actions against certain character names.

Added a new option to toggle off name change and deletion tracking just in case anyone wants it to work like it did before this version. But this option may go away in the future if the new system is a hit.

GIL now filters "Player is already ignored" messages for the first 60 seconds of login

Fixed some bugs that could cause the GIL UI list not to be updated when adding/removing players

=> 6.2.5

Fixed a error that would occur after setting the default expiration using the Options tab (chat command still worked). If you've changed it from the default 0 value then please double check the value again after installing this version, as GIL may reset the value if it was stored incorrectly in the settings by the previous version.

=> 6.2.4

The "Open/attach window with Blizzard Ignore list" options were always set to true regardless of what you changed it to. It should now work as expected.

=> 6.2.3

NPCs can now be added and removed from Ignore by clicking on their portraits!

Renamed "server" chat option to "sameserver" and better described what it actually does

GIL can now ignore entire servers. Use /gi server servername to add or remove a server by name or list number

GIL now responds with a "You are being ignored" message in cases when WoW itself will not.

Fixed a small display bug on the ignore list UI

NEW GUI! By default the new GUI opens with the Friends/Ignore list but this can be changed in the options. The GUI can also be started by typing /gi gui in chat too.

=> 6.2.2

Fixed a bug with removing players using right click on their portrait

Added a filter for the "You can't ignore more players" message but I was not able to properly test this.

=> 6.2.1

Localization! All text has been localized, which means that GIL can be translated to languages other than English! I will need volunteers though, as I only speak English and broken Spanish.

Possibly fixed some weirdness with right clicking a portrait to ignore

Extended the amount of time GIL filters the "ignore" messages on login to 60 seconds, up from 15. This should help with any spam some people would randomly get during login but be aware all ignore messages will be filtered for the first 1 minute of each login

You can now set expiration time using list numbers instead of name. So /gi expire 40 365 will expire the 40th person on the /gi list after 365 days.

=> 6.2.0

Updated for Patch 6.2

=> 6.1.8

Right clicking a target UI and selecting "set focus" was causing an error. Focus worked when using /focus or hotkey or macro, but not from the unit right click menu. I had to completely redo the way the target ignore option works but it should be fixed.

Fixed a bug when attempting to ignore by typing /ignore with a current target

=> 6.1.7

The list chat command now shows reasons/notes for each player if one exists

=> 6.1.6

GIL can now optionally ask you for the ignore note when a person is ignored. This is on by default but it can be turned off by with /gi asknote off and turned on with /gi asknote on

The right click menu in the ignore UI now has a "Reset expiration" option

Pressing enter while editing the ignore note now does the same thing as the Save button

Pressing escape while editing the ignore note now does the same thing as the Cancel button

Pressing enter while editing the expiration days now does the same thing as the Save button

Pressing escape while editing the expiration days now does the same thing as the Cancel button

=> 6.1.5

/gi add now checks the current target and will ignore them if there is no player name supplied

/gi npc now checks the current target and will ignore it if there is no NPC player supplied

=> 6.1.4

The speed of the screen updating when scrolling around the ignore list UI has been greatly improved

GIL now ignores the "Player not found" chat messages for 10 seconds after GIL is loaded, instead of the first 10 seconds after login

GIL can now ignore non player characters (NPC and monsters) yells, emotes, says, tells, and party chat

New command /gi npc npcname adds or removes an NPC character from the ignore list. Example: "/gi npc snurk bucksquick"

New /gi list option "NPC" will show a list of all ignored NPC characers. Here are some examples of the list command:

"/gi list" List all characters on global ignore list
"/gi list npc" List all NPC characters on global ignore list
"/gi list 30" List all characters on ignore list from 30 days or more
"/gi list server" List all characters ignored from the current server
"/gi list Area52" List all characters ignored from the Area 52 server

=> 6.1.3

An "Ignore" option is now added to the targeted player menu while in a Raid group

An "Ignore" option is now added to the targeted player menu while in a party

GIL now has an automated expiration system which allows players to be automatically removed after a specified number of days. This can be set using the UI or chat commands, and a default value for all newly added ignored players can be set too!

"/gi defexpire days" can now be used to set the number of days that newly ignored players will remain on the list before they are automatically removed.

"/gi expire character days" sets the number of days in which the character should remain on the list. So for example "/gi expire mytoon 30" will set character mytoon to be automatically removed after being on the list for 30 days.

Right clicking in the ignore tab UI now brings up a drop down menu that allows the note to be edited, the expiration days to be set, or the person to be removed from the list. Double clicking still provides a quick way to set their note.

The /ignore and /gi add commands now allow a note and expiration days to be supplied. A simple /ignore works as it always has, but now you can also supply the days after the name followed by a note. Here are some examples:

"/ignore mytoon" This will ignore mytoon with the default configured expiration time
"/ignore mytoon 30" This will ignore mytoon with a 30 day expiration time
"/ignore mytoon this person is mean!" This will ignore mytoon and set their note to "This person is mean!"
"/ignore mytoon 30 this person is mean!" This will ignore mytoon, removing them after 30 days, and setting their note to "this person is mean"

GIL has now been tested and fixed to work with multiple language character sets and unicode/high ASCII characters!

GIL now longer shows "You can't ignore more players" when ignoring a character when the list is larger than the Blizzard maximum

GIL will no longer show itself adding characters during each login when the list is larger than the Blizzard maximum number of ignores

GIL should no longer spam your chat window with "Removing Unknown" on some occasions during login

GIL will now filter out the ignore "Player not found" message from chat during the first 10 seconds of logging in

=> 6.1.2

The ignore by clicking on portraits option had to be scaled back due to Blizzard blocking the add-on when it attempts to modify Blizzard's internal menus. This happened during dismissing pets, preventing hunters from dismissing until they disabled the add-on. The ignore feature is still there and works, but it just always says "Ignore" now, and serves to toggle the state of ignore for that person. Better than nothing I suppose, but not as nice as it was.

=> 6.1.1

/gil now works same as /gi and /gignore

The /gignore add and /ignore functions can now specify a reason for ignore, for example
"/ignore mytoon-Area52 this person is annoying". If a server has a space in the name just leave the space out.

The default ignore list UI now shows the days a person has been in the ignore list

The default ignore list UI now shows the reason/note in the ignore list

Double clicking on a character name in the ignore list UI allows the note to be edited

Mousing over a name in the ignore list UI now shows a tooltip with character name, faction, how long they've been ignored, their note/reason, etc.

/gi ignore now does the same as /gi add

/gi delete now does the same thing as /gi remove

Right clicking a target portrait now gives an "Ignore" option in the option list

=> 6.1.0
Updated for new 6.1 patch. I'm also working on some UI stuff too for future versions but progress has been slow mostly due to raiding! :)

=> 6.0.4
The /gi list command will now round the number of days a person has been on the ignore list to the nearest whole number

If you try to ignore yourself, you will now get a message telling you that you can't!

GIL should now be able to ignore login and logout messages even when you have more than 50 people on your ignore list!

The /gi list command now assigns a number to each person in the list and the /gi remove command can now remove people by number making things much easier when you have to deal with people using special characters in their name. Removing by name should still work too!

=> 6.0.3
Added a chat filtering option which (if enabled) will filter chat messages and remove people on the ignore list if a message from them is found. This allows a way to get around the 50 player ignore limit per character! This feature will be on my default but it can be turned off by typing /gi filter off.

=> 6.0.2
When ignoring a player by right clicking their name in chat and selecting ignore on a server that has a space in the server name, the addon would fail to synchronize and ignore the player. Sorry :(

The gi list chat command can now have the server name passed to it. Here are some examples:

/gi list : Shows all people on the ignore list
/gi list 90 : Shows a list of all people on the list for 90 or more days
/gi list Area 52 : Shows a list of all people on the list from server Area 52
/gi list server : Shows a list of all people on the list on the current server

=> 6.0.1
The list command now shows the number of days the person has been on the ignore list instead of a date

The list command now optionally can take a number of days and it will only list players on ignore for that many days or longer. For example "/gi list 30" would list only people who have been on the list for 30 or more days while "/gi list" would show all people on the list.

Added a new command called prune. This will allow you to remove people in bulk who have been ignored for a specified number of days. For example "/gi prune 30" removes all people who have been ignored for 30 or more days.
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Unread 12-08-18, 07:39 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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working filters

Not many are posting any working filters....

I rarely use ignore at all and limit it to 1 day; if the spam gets to be a problem after that I create a filter to just not see it anymore.

This is my catch all one for groups selling raid/mythic/rbgs/achievement. This may catch stuff that you may want to see if so just remove the "or [contains=" section you want to see or you can just turn the filter off.

Since I installed this addon and started tweaking filters I have stopped seeing 50k spam in 30 days.

title: sell raids/mythics/etc
([contains=wts] or [contains=sell]) and [contains=heroic] or [contains=mythic] or [contains=aotc] or [contains=arena] or [contains=battle] or [achievement] or [contains=rbg] or [contains=+] or [contains=carries] or [contains=carry] or [contains=speed]

title: bad guild title spam
([contains=start] and [contains=year]) or ([contains=ruiner] and [contains=est]) or ([contains=wts] and [contains=speed]) or [contains=/8m] or [contains=m+] or [contains=mythic+] or ([contains=eyepug] and [contains=castle]) or ([contains=sold] and [contains=prof])

title: Filter item sanctions - basically windseeker and alani
[item=19019] or [item=90655]

title: Filter TL web domains and 8/8 - 8/8 catches a lot of raid/dungeon/mythic+/island sells
[] or [] or [] or [contains=8/8]

title: pst - for the few raid/dungeon/etc that dont get caught by other filters
([word=for] or [contains=more] or ([contains=more] or [contains=additional]) and ([contains=info] or [contains=detail])
Last edited by RLD : 01-11-19 at 03:13 PM.
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Unread 01-03-17, 05:43 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Hi! I'm getting this error.
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'GlobalIgnoreList' tried to call the protected function '<unnamed>:ClearAllPoints()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573>
[C]:: in function 'ClearAllPoints'
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:1425: in function 'WorldMapFrame_SetOverlayLocation'
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:1448: in function 'WorldMapFrame_UpdateOverlayLocations'
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:496: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:422>
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'GlobalIgnoreList' tried to call the protected function '<unnamed>:Hide()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573>
[C]:: in function 'Hide'
FrameXML\WorldMapActionButton.lua:58: in function 'Clear'
FrameXML\WorldMapActionButton.lua:67: in function 'Refresh'
FrameXML\WorldMapActionButton.lua:19: in function 'SetMapAreaID'
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:418: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:381>
[C]:: in function 'Hide'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2358: in function 'SetUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2385: in function 'MoveUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2416: in function 'HideUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2090: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2082>
[C]:: in function 'SetAttribute'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2884: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2871>
[C]:: in function 'HideUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3052: in function 'CloseWindows'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3091: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3081>
[C]:: in function 'securecall'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3702: in function 'ToggleGameMenu'
[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1>

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
Last edited by Deadlyz : 01-03-17 at 10:59 AM.
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Unread 08-21-16, 02:41 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Still getting this error. Feels like my ignore list doesn't sync at all.

Is it possible to set a timer to sync lets say 20 sec after login?

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
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Unread 08-06-16, 07:01 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Deadlyz

It seems that error pops up randomly: sometimes when I first log in, sometimes when I reload UI.. but not every time.
Okay thank you. Unfortunately this isn't something that can be avoided as far as I can tell. There is a WoW bug where on occasion WoW will report every person on the account ignore to be "unknown" meaning their name has changed, they've been deleted, or they've server transferred...

In many cases, this would cause GIL to remove them from your ignore list, which of course is super bad if those characters really haven't been deleted! So this check has been put in place to detect when all of the characters are being reported as deleted, and if it happens, GIL will not try to add or remove players upon login as it normally does.

Everything else will continue to work as expected with the ignore filtering and spam filtering and everything will return back to normal the next time to log in when the error doesn't occur.

I am looking at better ways to handle things, but its a touchy situation because if I get it wrong I could end up erasing everyone's ignore list - so I have to be very careful!
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Unread 08-04-16, 12:35 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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It seems that error pops up randomly: sometimes when I first log in, sometimes when I reload UI.. but not every time.

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
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Unread 08-03-16, 06:15 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Deadlyz
How do I enable "sync"?

Does this happen every time or just that one time? There is a bug in WoW that can be pretty detrimental, so when GIL detects that bug it doesn't sync the ignore list with that character until the next log in.

I've just changed it to give a better description in the next version:

NOTE: Ignore list synchronization has been skipped for this login due to a WoW bug that occurs on occasion during login. The ignore and spam functions will continue to work as expected.
Last edited by Iceypop : 08-03-16 at 06:24 AM.
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Unread 07-27-16, 06:11 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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How do I enable "sync"?


My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
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Unread 06-17-16, 11:46 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Deadlyz
Thanks for a quick fix. The addon seems to be working fine now!

All addons enabled, no errors so far
Glad to hear! You are very welcome! Thanks for sticking it out! lol
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Unread 06-17-16, 11:28 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Originally Posted by Iceypop
I think I have finally solved the issue and I am submitting a new version now.

Thank you once again for being so responsive and helpful! Please let me know how the .15 version works for you once its approved!
Thanks for a quick fix. The addon seems to be working fine now!

All addons enabled, no errors so far

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
Last edited by Deadlyz : 06-17-16 at 11:28 AM.
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Unread 06-17-16, 11:01 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I think I have finally solved the issue and I am submitting a new version now.

Thank you once again for being so responsive and helpful! Please let me know how the .15 version works for you once its approved!
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Unread 06-17-16, 10:00 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Originally Posted by Iceypop
EDIT 2: Someone sent me a message and said the addon seems to fail when TinyPlatesWidges is also loaded, so I will have to download it and try to make them work together. Do you happen to use this addon too?
I'm using Aloft and GIL works fine with it.

update: Disabled addons (except for GIL and Bugger) > no errors. Enabled addons back > no errors!
Looks like the problem is fixed. Thanks

update 2: Meh, relogged and got this error:
8x GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:255: attempt to concatenate field 'EXP_NVR' (a nil value)
GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:255: in function 'IgnoreList_Update'
FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:325: in function 'FriendsFrame_Update'
FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:374: in function <FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:369>

buttonWidth = 298
(for index) = 2
(for limit) = 19
(for step) = 1
count = 2
playerExp = 0
daysExp = -436
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = FontString {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 436.11624999996
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate field 'EXP_NVR' (a nil value)"
BlizzardIgnoreListUpdate = <function> defined @FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:502
daysUI = <table> {
 1 = FontString {
 2 = FontString {
IgnoreButtonEnter = <function> defined @GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:82
IgnoreButtonLeave = <function> defined @GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:119
IgnoreButtonClick = <function> defined @GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:128
IgnoreButtonDoubleClick = <function> defined @GlobalIgnoreList\GIL_BlizzardUI.lua:123
expUI = <table> {
 1 = FontString {
 2 = FontString {
reasonUI = <table> {
 1 = FontString {
 2 = FontString {
headerUI = <table> {
 1 = FontString {

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
Last edited by Deadlyz : 06-17-16 at 10:11 AM.
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Unread 06-17-16, 07:31 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Deadlyz
I've re-downloaded the addon, this time from WoW Interface.
This is great detail! Thank you so much for continuing to help!

Unfortunately, without the localization text being loaded, no part of the addon is going to work because it doesn't have the "language text" needed to do much of anything. I am wondering if there is some type of conflict with another add on. Would you be willing to disable all addons except for this one, to see if that changes anything?

I'll keep working on trying to figure out how this could be happening to you, and I'll see if I can get another update ready today with any luck.

EDIT: I just submitted another update to try. I hope this one will give us some progress! Fingers crossed!

EDIT 2: Someone sent me a message and said the addon seems to fail when TinyPlatesWidges is also loaded, so I will have to download it and try to make them work together. Do you happen to use this addon too?
Last edited by Iceypop : 06-17-16 at 09:51 AM.
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Unread 06-17-16, 06:33 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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I've re-downloaded the addon, this time from WoW Interface.

Disabled Prat 3 chat addon and both BadBoy anti spam addons. Still getting the error.

41x ...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1431: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[C]:: in function 'format'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1431: in function 'AddIgnore'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:399: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:363>
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:654: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:506>
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:702: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:662>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Damienxx-Argentdawn"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
Talked to an NPC and got this error:

2x ...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1431: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[C]:: in function 'format'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1431: in function 'AddIgnore'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:399: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:363>
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:654: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:506>
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:702: in function <...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList.lua:662>
[C]:: in function 'LoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:343: in function 'UIParentLoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:497: in function 'Garrison_LoadUI'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1660: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:825>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Damienxx-Argentdawn"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
I thought maybe I was getting all those errors because I had "Damienxx-Argentdawn" on my ignore list.

When I tried to remove him I got this error:

1x ...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1478: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[C]:: in function 'format'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1478: in function 'DelIgnore'
FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:1115: in function <FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua:1112>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Damienxx-Argentdawn"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
When I tried to ignore some goldseller:

1x ...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1478: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[C]:: in function 'format'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1478: in function 'DelIgnore'
...terface\GlobalIgnoreList\GlobalIgnoreList-6.2.13.lua:1518: in function 'AddOrDelIgnore'
FrameXML\UnitPopup.lua:1636: in function 'func'
FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:760: in function 'UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick'
[string "*:OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
Last edited by Deadlyz : 06-17-16 at 06:53 AM.
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Unread 06-17-16, 06:23 AM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Originally Posted by Iceypop
Are you using something to install the add on for you? In the World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\GlobalIgnoreList folder there should be 6 different files most prefixed with "GIL_", including the "GIL_Localization.lha".

If I delete the "GIL_Localization.lha" file I get what seems to be the same errors, but I am still not able to figure out how to get these errors to happen otherwise. Is it possible these other files could be missing?

I am sort of at a loss at how this could be happening but I will continue to research.

I update my addons using the Curse Client.


My last movie: Rogue Sweethearts
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Unread 06-17-16, 05:05 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Iceypop
Thank you. Were you doing anything in particular when this happened?

When I type /gi in chat I get this:

That's what I see in chat when I log in.
Thank you!

I see what is happening. Its not loading the information from the "GIL_Localization.lua" and so it cannot display any of the language to the chat window. But this is something that happens with the add on automatically, its not something I have control over.

Are you using something to install the add on for you? In the World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\GlobalIgnoreList folder there should be 6 different files most prefixed with "GIL_", including the "GIL_Localization.lha".

If I delete the "GIL_Localization.lha" file I get what seems to be the same errors, but I am still not able to figure out how to get these errors to happen otherwise. Is it possible these other files could be missing?

I am sort of at a loss at how this could be happening but I will continue to research.

Last edited by Iceypop : 06-17-16 at 05:08 AM.
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