Updated: 08-25-24 03:44 PM
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The War Within (11.0.2)
Updated:08-25-24 03:44 PM
Created:09-19-14 07:56 AM

Classic Quest Log  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.1.7
by: Gello [More]

This addon restores the old quest log with the familiar list of quests on the left and details on the right.


  • This addon is not for Classic WoW. Classic WoW already has the classic quest log. This addon is for retail servers to restore the "classic" style of quest log.

This addon's initial behavior is to commandeer your quest log key binding and micro button to toggle the new log. It should be a familiar enough experience once you log in.

If you decide you want to keep using the new default log alongside this addon, you can:
  • Open the map via key binding (M is default key) will display the new map+quest log hybrid.
  • Click 'Show Map' in the upper right of the Classic Quest Log, it will jump to the map of the quest's zone with the attached new style quest log.
  • If that's not enough and you only want to use the Classic Quest Log occasionally, go into Key Bindings -> AddOns -> Classic Quest Log and set a binding to toggle this addon's window. Once a binding is set, it will revert the behavior of the default quest log binding and quest micro button to its map+quest default behavior.

There are a few minor changes from the true old quest log:
  • Instead of saying (Completed) or (Daily) beside each quest name, they are now represented by icons just like the new log.
  • Instead of adhering to the "panel" rules, it can be anywhere on the screen and dragged around.
  • There's a toggle at the bottom of the window to show quest levels.
  • There's also a toggle to show tooltips of the quests. If you don't know what the quest icons mean, the tooltip will tell you.

08/25/2024 version 3.1.7
- Fix for some new reward types not showing up in details (such as the ensemble rewards in Stormrider's Honors)

08/13/2024 version 3.1.6
- Added 'Your Warband previously completed this quest.' to quest details if a character on your account has completed it.
- Added option 'Hide Warband Completed Notice' to options to hide this new detail
- toc update for 11.0.2 patch

08/04/2024 version 3.1.5
- If an item reward has an appearance (visible armor or weapon slot), ctrl+click of the reward will show a preview in the Dressing Room
- Fix for some badges like PvP not showing

07/28/2024 version 3.1.4
- Reworked how badge icons are displayed in the log, details and tooltips
- Added new quest badge icons for Important, Campaign, Legendary and Warband quests
- Added option 'Hide Extra Icons On Log Panel' to hide all but important badge icons on the left panel (Log)
- Added option 'Hide Extra Icons On Detail Panel' to hide all but important baddge icons on the right panel (Detail)
- Removed option 'Show Extra Quest Details' (its functionality is being handled by 'Hide Extra Icons On Detail Panel' now)
- Fix for potential lua error when reward currencies are added to reward choices
- Removed Dragonflight-specific code that's no longer used

07/24/2024 version 3.1.3
- Fix for error when shift-clicking a spell reward

07/23/2024 version 3.1.2
- toc update for 11.0.0 patch

07/14/2024 version 3.1.1
- Fix for currency reward API changes in The War Within clients

06/10/2024 version 3.1.0
- Updated to support The War Within beta
- Note: 'Load out of date AddOns' (in topright of the game's addon dialog) must be enabled for this version of the addon to load in the beta

05/12/2024 version 3.0.2
- Added option 'Add Quest ID to Tooltips' to add the questID to the quest tooltips
- Added option 'Use Larger Scale' to scale the window to 125%
- When a change in the game's UI Scale or this addon's 'Use Larger Scale' makes the window extend beyond the screen's edges, the window will automatically resize to fit within the screen
- Rearranged options to group similar options together
- Fix for lua error when selecting quests with a War Mode bonus

05/08/2024 version 3.0.1
- Fix for black text color of number/amount overlay on reward icons

05/07/2024 version 3.0.0
- Rewritten to use modern scrollframes, reduce potential taint by minimizing shared resources with the default UI, make it easier to maintain, and provide a more polished experience without changing the overall 'classic' look and feel
- While the 'Show Resize Grip' option is enabled, the window is now resizable in both width and height from a resize grip in the lower right corner of the window
- Window elements will adjust due to size of the window, such as panel buttons adjusting width and quest details wrapping to fit
- The window can now remain on screen at the same time as the map and default quest frames
- The details section (right half) of the window now builds out all quest details (objectives, description, rewards, etc.) within the addon rather than borrowing the default QuestInfoFrame
- The details section now uses themed backgrounds when the quest has a theme defined by Blizzard
- Experience and money rewards are now displayed like all other rewards with an XP or gold icon and an amount, similar to the rewards section of the default map+quest log
- The Show Map button will now go to the actual map for the quest and ping the quest location (when applicable) rather than the map for the waypoint/poretal to get there
- The Show Map button is now disabled when the selected quest does not have a map associated with it
- When a quest is abandoned, the next quest in the log will be selected afterwards, rather than jumping to the first quest in the log
- When there are no quests in the log, buttons are properly disabled and the details section has the spiderweb-themed background instead of the log section
- When picking up a new quest, the new quest is now automatically selected in the log
- Reworked and moved the party sync button to the top of the window
- During party sync, disabled quests are now selectable and their details will explain why they're disabled
- Added option 'Show Extra Quest Details' to show quest types such as account/faction, daily/weekly, and completed/failed at the top of the quest details
- When a quest has a portrait to display, rather than showing a popout window with the model and related text, a 2D-rendered portrait will appear in the topright of the quest details with a mouseover tooltip of the related text
- Added option 'Show Default Portraits' to show the old style popout windows when a quest has a portrait to display, rather than the new 2D-rendered portraits
- Clicking on a quest in the objective tracker (while 'Override Objective Tracker' enabled) will now scroll to the quest in the log
- Moved the Options button to the topright of the window next to the Show Map button
- Added option 'Override Quest Log Key Bind' to summon Classic Quest Log with whatever you've bound to the Toggle Quest Log option in Keybindings -> Interface Panel
- Added option 'Override Quest Log Micro Button' to summon Classic Quest Log with the 'micro' button on the main menu bar
- Removed the now-redundant option 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log' which is replaced by the above two options
- Added the keybinding to open/close the window separate from the default quest keybind, reached from Keybindings -> AddOns
- The quest micro button now more closely matches behavior of the default quest micro button: pushes when pressed, appears pushed when quest log on screen, and disables when micro buttons disabled
- When a campaign has advanced enough for a progress summary, the little book button will always appear besides the campaign headers in the quest list to summon the progress summary details
- The campaign progress summary details is now themed for the campaigns it summarizes
- Rather than a close button at the top of options or the campaign progress details, the main window's Close button will turn into a Back button to return to the quest details
- The campaign header tooltips are now built within the addon and now displays a percentage progress for each chapter that has been started
- The dialog to confirm abandoning a quest is now built within the addon and will no longer dismiss when a background quest event happens (unless the abandoned quest is dropped by an outside source)
- While the option 'Show Quest Tooltips' is disabled, holding Shift while the mouse is over a quest or campaign header in the log will show its tooltip
- Added option 'Hide Campaign Extras' to hide the campaign progress on quest headers and themed backgrounds to quest details, so all quests appear the same
- The option 'Use Custom Scale' is removed (if you want it back please tell me what scale you used)
- Added option 'High Contrast Mode' to replace the background art (including themed backgrounds to quests) with more solid textures to make text easier to read
- The window size and position is now saved between different characters
- Added option 'Per-Character Window Placement' to remember window size and position separately for each character
- Opening the window will automatically scroll to the currently selected quest
- Picking up a quest while the window is on screen will scroll to the quest picked up
- When the window is shown for the first time in a session, you will return to the most recently selected quest still in the log rather than the first quest in the log
- When completing a quest that's currently selected, the most recently selected quest still in the log is selected next instead of the first quest in the log
- For prior Classic Quest Log users, when options are reset on first run of version 3.x, summoning the window for the first time will mention that options have been reset

- Due to many changes to this addon, most of this addon's settings are reset to their default values the first time you log into Classic Quest Log 3. You can go to the Options button in the topright corner of the window to update available options.
- If you'd like Set Custom Scale option back, please tell me what scale you used before.

2.3.12 03/19/2024
- toc update for 10.2.6 patch

2.3.11 01/16/2024
- toc update for 10.2.5 patch

2.3.10 11/16/2023
- Fix for log background texture when quest log is empty

2.3.9 11/08/2023
- Fix for log background texture

2.3.8 11/07/2023
- toc update for 10.2 patch

2.3.7 09/05/2023
- toc update for 10.1.7 patch

2.3.6 7/20/2023
- The ESC key to dismiss window is now handled by UISpecialFrames to work around new lockdowns by Blizzard in 10.1.5. (options/lore panels will not close with ESC for now)
- Lowered frame strata of the classic quest log micro button

2.3.5 07/11/2023
- Due to changes by Blizzard in 10.1.5, while in combat any key will dismiss the window if it's on screen
- toc update for 10.1.5 patch

2.3.4 05/03/2023
- Updated for 10.1 client
- Added compartment launcher support
- toc updated for icon and 10.1.0 patch

2.3.3 03/21/2023
- toc update for 10.0.7 patch

2.3.2 01/25/2023
- Max quest count now displays as 35
- toc update for 10.0.5 patch

2.3.1 12/10/2022
- Removed Dark Background option in an effort to further reduce this addon being in the execution path or potential cause of taint.
- Clicking the quest log micro button will once again summon this addon if 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log' is unchecked.

2.3.0 12/06/2022
- Reworked how this addon overrides the default quest log to reduce taint.
- There is no longer a seperate binding for this addon's quest log. It now securely overrides the default Toggle Quest Log bind under Interface Panel keybindings.
- If you had previously set a bind to Classic Quest Log and left the default unbound, your Classic Quest Log bind will move back to the default bind.
- The quest log micro button (in lower right of screen) will no longer summon this addon but will now summon Blizzard's quest log. There is no longer an attempt to override that behavior.
- Added option 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log' to not override the quest log binding under Interface Panel keybindings.
- Added a /cql slash command to show/hide this addon.
- Added broker launcher button to show/hide this addon from supporting info bar addons like TitanPanel.
- Added option 'Show Minimap Button' to display a minimap button to show/hide this addon.

2.2.2-BETA 12/03/2022
- Experiment to see if binding method was cause of taint issues. This addon's binding has been removed and instead opening the default quest log via default quest log binding or the micro menu button (bottomright of screen) will instead open this addon instead.

2.2.1 10/25/2022
- Update for Dragonflight clients

2.2.0 10/04/2022
- Update to support Dragonflight clients
- Beta/PTR users will need to load out of date addons for this to work until the update for the Dragonflight pre-patch

2.1.1 08/16/2022
- toc update for 9.2.7 patch

2.1.0 05/31/2022
- Added option 'Use Custom Scale' with a slider to change the scale of the window

2.0.11 05/31/2022
- toc update for 9.2.5 patch

2.0.10 05/22/2022
- Added wago and curse project IDs to toc

2.0.9 05/12/2022
- Fix to make wowup recognize the wowinterface provider. (May require a rescan of folders in wowup)

2.0.8 02/22/2022
- Updated toc for 9.2 patch

2.0.7 11/02/2021
- Updated toc for 9.1.5 patch

2.0.6 06/30/2021
- Fix for lua error when a quest with a portrait model is displayed.
- Fix for texture issues in lore/options header.

2.0.5 06/29/2021
- Updated toc for 9.1.0

2.0.4 03/13/2021
- Updated toc for 9.0.5

2.0.3 10/24/2020
- Temporary workaround for LightHeaded until LightHeaded is updated for 9.0/Shadowlands.
- Clicking an objective (while option 'Show From Objective Tracker' is enabled) of a quest within a collapsed header will now show this addon's log and expand the header it's in.

2.0.2 10/16/2020
- Code changes to make this addon easier for others to skin.

2.0.1 10/14/2020
- Fix for shift+click of a quest in the log throwing a lua error and not tracking/untracking a quest as intended.

2.0.0 10/13/2020
- Rewritten for Shadowlands to support newer questing features and take advantage of the new quest API.
- Campaign quest headers are now collapsible and styled to be closer to the map's campaign headers.
- Chapter progress is displayed on campaign quest headers.
- Mouseover of campaign quest headers will now display the campaign tooltip.
- If a campaign has lore built up, mouseover of campaign quest headers will also display a Lore book button. When clicked it will display the 'story so far...' in the details panel.
- The log can now contain multiple campaigns.
- Quests with special backgrounds/themes will now use those special backgrounds in the detail panel.
- Added a Party Sync button that appears when party syncing is possible or ongoing.
- Options have moved into the details panel instead of a little popup window.
- Added option 'Show From Objective Tracker' (enabled by default) to open Classic Quest Log rather than the map when you click an objective listed beneath the minimap.
- Dark Background option now uses a dark marble texture that should still achieve the high contrast effect of the previous solid/flat dark texture.
- Improved handling when there are no quests in the log.
- For easier maintenance, code is broken out to separate files.
- The automatic skinning for ElvUI/Aurora are removed.

1.4.7 03/14/2020
- Fix for quest portrait models not appearing on quests that have them.
- Updated toc for 8.3.

1.4.6 10/12/2019
- On Classic WoW clients a popup dialog will warn that this addon is not for Classic WoW.
- Fix for lua error about QuestNPCModel.

1.4.5 08/29/2019
- Clicking an objective will not summon both the quest log and map: out of combat, it will summon the quest log, in combat it will summon the map.

1.4.4 07/06/2019
- More temporary workarounds while a more substantial rework is in the works.
- The Undock Window option is always enabled and can't be turned off for now.

1.4.3 07/04/2019
- Fix for many SetPoint issues. (Likely not all, a more durable fix is in the works.)
- Updated toc for 8.2.

1.4.2 12/24/2018
- Added a header above war campaign quests in the left pane of the quest log.
- Updated toc for 8.1.

1.4.1 07/07/2018
- Fix for Lua error when attempting to display quest portraits.

1.4.0 06/09/2018
- Update for Battle for Azeroth client.

1.3.4 08/29/2017
- Fix for PlaySound when sharing a quest in 7.3.
- toc updated for 7.3.

1.3.3 08/07/2017
- Fix for coming 7.3 PlaySound change

1.3.2 05/25/2017
- Quest NPC portraits will now display when a quest with a portrait is selected.

1.3.1 05/13/2017
- While using ElvUI or Aurora, a new option 'Use Classic Skin' is available to prevent skinning for those UIs.
- Reworked internal quest selection/update process.
- Fix for the abandon quest dialog dismissing without an obvious reason.
- Fix for quest detail pane scrolling to top without an obvious reason.

1.3.0 05/12/2017
- The Solid Background option changed to Dark Background. It now makes the details portion light text on a dark background.
- ElvUI skin is applied if ElvUI is enabled.
- Aurora skin is applied if Aurora is enabled.

1.2.11 04/12/2017
- When shift+clicking a quest on the objective tracker to stop tracking it will no longer summon the quest log.

1.2.10 04/09/2017
- Clicking an objective in the objective tracker will summon the quest log instead of the world map.

1.2.9 03/28/2017
- toc update for 7.2 patch

1.2.8 12/01/2016
- Fix for +/- buttons on quest headers not properly indicating if the header is collapsed.

1.2.7 10/27/2016
- Fix for quests not linking to chat.
- Fix for 'missing header!' and extra quests:
- Quests flagged as hidden will now be hidden.
- Headers that contain only hidden quests will be hidden also.

1.2.6 10/24/2016
- toc update for 7.1 patch.

1.2.5 09/18/2016
- Added open and close sound to the window.

1.2.4 09/09/2016
- Fix for hitting 'Close' button breaking the 'panel-ness' of the window.
- Fix for number of groupmates on a quest remaining when a quest category is collapsed.

1.2.3 08/05/2016
- If the default quest frame is up while summoning Classic Quest Log, the default quest frame will be hidden.

1.2.2 07/19/2016
- 7.0 release

1.2.1 07/14/2016
- Added option 'Solid Background' to make the background behind text solid to improve readability.
- Hitting ESCape while the little options window is open will close options without closing the whole quest log.
- Fix for opening map or details window from another source sometimes breaking Classic Quest Log's panel behavior.

1.2.0 06/10/2016
- Like the original quest window, the default behavior of the Classic Quest Log is now to dock on the left and move over as default UI panels appear.
- Added Options button to bottom of the window with the following options:
- Undock Window: This will allow dragging the window around the screen.
- Lock Window Position: While the window is undocked, this will prevent moving the window unless Shift is held.
- Show Resize Grip: This will allow resizing the height of the quest window.
- Show Quest Levels: This is the old option to show levels alongside listed quests.
- Show Quest Tooltips: This is the old option to show tooltips when you mouseover listed quests.

1.1.1 05/28/2016
- Quest tooltips are more complete.

1.1.0 05/12/2016
- toc update for 7.0 Legion beta
- Fix for lua error at QuestInfo.lua:45

1.0.6 06/22/2015
- toc update for 6.2 patch

1.0.5 02/24/2015
- toc update for 6.1 patch

1.0.4 02/21/2015
- Headers are collapsable.
- Expand/Collapse All button.
- Fix for bug where a separate key binding is defined but addon is still overriding default key/button.
- Multiple quest update events within one frame will update the log once instead of for each event.

1.0.3 10/14/2014 fix for error when grouped
1.0.2 10/12/2014 fix for blank reward icons, log hides when default standalone quest panel shows, 6.0 patch
1.0.1 09/19/2014 initial release
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Unread 07-20-23, 11:02 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Latest update appears to have fixed it.
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Unread 07-20-23, 03:13 AM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by Jorb
Having an issue where having the addon installed can make the quest log button overlap other UI elements if moused over.

Here it is with the button behind my bags, but the ! now deciding to be OVER my bag on mouseover.

Enabling 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log' fixes the issue, but also causes it to be very inconveniant to access the addon's version of the quest log, so it's not really a solution.
The next update will lower the frame strata, but the bags and the micro buttons exist at the same frame strata and their frame levels are not very far apart. Overlap will still be possible, especially on non-interactive parts of container backgrounds. "Fixing" this would potentially break many more things.
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Unread 07-19-23, 10:37 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Having an issue where having the addon installed can make the quest log button overlap other UI elements if moused over.

Here it is with the button behind my bags, but the ! now deciding to be OVER my bag on mouseover.

Enabling 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log' fixes the issue, but also causes it to be very inconveniant to access the addon's version of the quest log, so it's not really a solution.
Last edited by Jorb : 07-19-23 at 10:40 PM.
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Unread 12-06-22, 06:07 AM  
A Molten Giant
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A note on today's update (2.3.0):

If you enable 'Don't Override Toggle Quest Log', then there is no longer a key binding to summon the window. And since the quest micro button no longer summons this addon, then you need to summon the addon in an alternate way. Because of this, a few new ways were added to summon this addon:
  • The /cql slash command
  • A broker button if you have TitanPanel or other infobar addon enabled
  • A minimap button if you enabled 'Show Minimap Button' in options.
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Unread 10-19-20, 03:38 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally Posted by Gello
Originally Posted by fuba
But i found another Bug that is from Classic Quest Log -> everything else disabled now ^^

Collapse a Tracked Quest and click "this" quest at the Quest Tracker will open the "default" Quest Log instead of Classic Quest Log!
Oh yeah that one is a legitimate bug. I'll get that fixed thanks.
Thank you
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Unread 10-18-20, 04:31 AM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by fuba
But i found another Bug that is from Classic Quest Log -> everything else disabled now ^^

Collapse a Tracked Quest and click "this" quest at the Quest Tracker will open the "default" Quest Log instead of Classic Quest Log!
Oh yeah that one is a legitimate bug. I'll get that fixed thanks.
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Unread 10-17-20, 08:08 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally Posted by Gello
If you turn off all other addons besides this one, you'll probably see the behavior stop.

There are addons out there like ConsLegion that aren't content to loop through the quest log to get information, but they actually select each quest in the log as it loops through. I don't know if it's a belief that they need to do this to get information, copy-paste of bad code, or what. But I do know it means the last quest in the log will always be selected after a quest-related event and I get blamed for it lol.
nah it's not a blame at all, was just a question
But you are right it is NOT Classic Quest Log, im sorry for that!

But i found another Bug that is from Classic Quest Log -> everything else disabled now ^^

Collapse a Tracked Quest and click "this" quest at the Quest Tracker will open the "default" Quest Log instead of Classic Quest Log!

Easy to reproduce:
Track ANY Quest -> Collapse ALL Quests in Classic Quest Log -> Click ANY Quest on the Quest Tracker -> see the result.

Found the addon that loops through all the Quests...
It is "ProjectAzilroka" :/
I'll report it to him, thanks for the clue of the loop, this way it was easier to find
Last edited by fuba : 10-17-20 at 08:24 PM.
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Unread 10-16-20, 09:10 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by fuba
Here a little Video where you can see the Quest Selection seems bugged:
The Selected Quest will always be the "last" quest in the log and also Click a Quest from the Quest Watch Frame does not jump to the right quest, always the "last" in quest log.

maybe you can take a look into it?
If you turn off all other addons besides this one, you'll probably see the behavior stop.

There are addons out there like ConsLegion that aren't content to loop through the quest log to get information, but they actually select each quest in the log as it loops through. I don't know if it's a belief that they need to do this to get information, copy-paste of bad code, or what. But I do know it means the last quest in the log will always be selected after a quest-related event and I get blamed for it lol.
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Unread 10-16-20, 06:13 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Here a little Video where you can see the Quest Selection seems bugged:
The Selected Quest will always be the "last" quest in the log and also Click a Quest from the Quest Watch Frame does not jump to the right quest, always the "last" in quest log.

maybe you can take a look into it?
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Unread 10-15-20, 07:07 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Re: Re: Re: Re: ElvUI Skin for Shadowlands Version

Originally Posted by Gello
You can hook cql:PLAYER_LOGIN with ClassicQuestLog.PLAYER_LOGIN; but you need to catch it between when this addon loads and before PLAYER_LOGIN. Possibly you can hook the OnShow of ClassicQuestLog and if flag isn't set then do one-time stuff and set a flag?

I've named ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame and ClassicQuestLogLoreScrollFrame (the latter isn't evident if you're not on a campaign, but may require skinning if you haven't seen it yet).

If you'd like you can name them in your copy, or PM me an email address and I can email you this.
Ok, im done with that now.
The whole Skin now is a "Standalone" Addon with a Dependencie of "Classic Quest Log"

Best way is you release or send me your new Version with XML files changed and i will take a look into it!

by the way, i found a strange bug but it's hard to describe...
sometimes if i expand any quest header and mouseover or click a quest from another header after, the LAST quest in the questlog will get selected automatically!

also it seems the TOC
Lua Code:
  1. ## Dependencies:
does not allow spaces because it will get split in "Classic", "Quest", "Log" by the Wow Client :/

Last edited by fuba : 10-15-20 at 07:36 PM.
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Unread 10-15-20, 06:10 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Re: Re: Re: ElvUI Skin for Shadowlands Version

Originally Posted by fuba
the "spaces" seems not the Problem!
I already tried this but i can not hook your "cql:PLAYER_LOGIN()" function becasue of ... reasons :/

Also to "name" the options scroll frame in the xml is important it seems, else it can not be skinned because of ... another reasons -> i dont know? :P

But i will try it later!
You can hook cql:PLAYER_LOGIN with ClassicQuestLog.PLAYER_LOGIN; but you need to catch it between when this addon loads and before PLAYER_LOGIN. Possibly you can hook the OnShow of ClassicQuestLog and if flag isn't set then do one-time stuff and set a flag?

I've named ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame and ClassicQuestLogLoreScrollFrame (the latter isn't evident if you're not on a campaign, but may require skinning if you haven't seen it yet).

If you'd like you can name them in your copy, or PM me an email address and I can email you this.
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Unread 10-15-20, 05:41 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Re: Re: ElvUI Skin for Shadowlands Version

Originally Posted by Gello
Originally Posted by fuba
hi there,

i've done the ElvUI skin for the Shadowlands version of your Classic Quest Log
Thanks for doing this.

I'm more than willing to add those BackdropTemplates to the xml. Do you know of any other changes that would have to happen for you to make this a separate addon?

I know one of the issues with this addon is the spaces in the name make it awful to work with as a dependency. I was considering changing its name to Old Quest Log (or OldQuestLog as its AddOn name). Would it help to accelerate that plan?
the "spaces" seems not the Problem!
I already tried this but i can not hook your "cql:PLAYER_LOGIN()" function becasue of ... reasons :/

Also to "name" the options scroll frame in the xml is important it seems, else it can not be skinned because of ... another reasons -> i dont know? :P

But i will try it later!
Last edited by fuba : 10-15-20 at 05:42 PM.
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Unread 10-15-20, 03:35 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Re: ElvUI Skin for Shadowlands Version

Originally Posted by fuba
hi there,

i've done the ElvUI skin for the Shadowlands version of your Classic Quest Log
Thanks for doing this.

I'm more than willing to add those BackdropTemplates to the xml. Do you know of any other changes that would have to happen for you to make this a separate addon?

I know one of the issues with this addon is the spaces in the name make it awful to work with as a dependency. I was considering changing its name to Old Quest Log (or OldQuestLog as its AddOn name). Would it help to accelerate that plan?
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Unread 10-15-20, 10:51 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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ElvUI Skin for Shadowlands Version

hi there,

i've done the ElvUI skin for the Shadowlands version of your Classic Quest Log

but there is a little to do (really not much!)

change in "options.xml" this:
Lua Code:
  1. <ScrollFrame parentKey="options" parent="ClassicQuestLog" inherits="UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate" hidden="true">
to this:
Lua Code:
  1. <ScrollFrame name="ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame" parentKey="options" parent="ClassicQuestLog" inherits="UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate, BackdropTemplate" hidden="true">

change in "main.xml" this:
Lua Code:
  1. <Frame name="ClassicQuestLog" parent="UIParent" toplevel="true" clampedToScreen="true" enableMouse="true" movable="true" resizable="true" inherits="ButtonFrameTemplate" hidden="true">
to this:
Lua Code:
  1. <Frame name="ClassicQuestLog" parent="UIParent" toplevel="true" clampedToScreen="true" enableMouse="true" movable="true" resizable="true" inherits="ButtonFrameTemplate, BackdropTemplate" hidden="true">

change in "chrome.xml" this:
Lua Code:
  1. <Frame parentKey="countFrame" inherits="InsetFrameTemplate3">
to this:
Lua Code:
  1. <Frame parentKey="countFrame" inherits="InsetFrameTemplate3, BackdropTemplate">

and add a new file, i called it simply "ElvUISkin.lua" and add the following:
Lua Code:
  1. local cql = ClassicQuestLog
  3. function cql:SkinForElvUI()
  4.   local E, L, P, G = unpack(ElvUI)
  5.   local S = E:GetModule("Skins")
  7.   cql:StripTextures()
  8.   cql:SetTemplate("Transparent")
  10.   S:HandleCloseButton(cql.CloseButton)
  12.   for k,v in pairs({"abandonButton","pushButton","trackButton","closeButton","optionsButton","syncButton"}) do
  13.     if[v] then
  14.       S:HandleButton([v])
  15.     end
  16.   end
  18.   ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame:StripTextures()
  19.   S:HandleScrollBar(ClassicQuestLogScrollFrameScrollBar)
  21.   ClassicQuestLogDetailScrollFrame:StripTextures()
  22.   S:HandleScrollBar(ClassicQuestLogDetailScrollFrameScrollBar)
  24.   cql.options:StripTextures()
  25.   ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame:SetTemplate("Transparent")
  26.   ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,a)
  27.   S:HandleScrollBar(ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrameScrollBar)
  29.   for k,v in pairs({"LockWindow","ShowResizeGrip","ShowLevels","ShowTooltips","SolidBackground","ShowFromObjectiveTracker"}) do
  30.     local cb = ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame.content[v].check
  31.     if cb then S:HandleCheckBox(cb) end
  32.   end
  35., true)
  36. = true
  38.   ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame.expandAll:StripTextures()
  39.   ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame.expandAll:ClearAllPoints()
  40.   ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame.expandAll:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', cql, 'TOPLEFT', -1, -50)
  42.   hooksecurefunc(ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame, "UpdateListButton", function(self, button, info)
  43.     if ((not button) or (not info) or (type(info)~="table")) then return end
  45.     if info.isHeader then
  46.       local isCollapsed = ClassicQuestLogCollapsedHeaders[info.title]
  47.       button:SetNormalTexture(isCollapsed and E.Media.Textures.PlusButton or E.Media.Textures.MinusButton)
  48.     end
  49.   end)
  51.   hooksecurefunc(ClassicQuestLogScrollFrame, "UpdateLog", function(self)
  52.     local quests = cql.log.quests
  53.     local numEntries = #quests
  55.     if numEntries ~= 0 then
  56.       cql.log.expandAll:SetNormalTexture(cql.log.somethingExpanded and E.Media.Textures.MinusButton or E.Media.Textures.PlusButton)
  57.     end
  58.   end)
  60.   -- i personally like the "default" close button more then the ElvUI Skinned Close Button at this Position!
  61.   --S:HandleCloseButton(ClassicQuestLogOptionsScrollFrame.content.close)
  62. end

Preview #1:

Preview #2:

Preview #3:

This should make an ElvUI Skin without touching the Original files, except the changes in the XML files are needed because of missing inherits for "BackdropTemplate" and one name was missing!

hopefully i don't forgot anything!

maybe the Quest Count Text needs a little adjustment?!

AHH and OFC you need to load it...
i totally foregot about to add
Lua Code:
  1. if IsAddOnLoaded("ElvUI") then cql:SkinForElvUI() end
in your "main.lua" in -> function cql:PLAYER_LOGIN()

and also add the "ElvUISkin.lua" in your TOC, but i'm sure you aware of it ^^

greetings, fuba
Last edited by fuba : 10-15-20 at 01:55 PM.
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Unread 10-14-20, 03:11 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by MysticalOS
This is triggered when trying to shift click a quest to untrack it. the untrack button works, so it just seems the shift click was overlooked
3x Classic Quest Log\log.lua:267: attempt to call method 'ToggleWatch' (a nil value)
[string "@Classic Quest Log\log.lua"]:267: in function `ListButtonOnClick'
[string "*:OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
Thanks for the report! I'll take a look.
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