Updated: 10-22-12 04:32 AM
File Info
Updated:10-22-12 04:32 AM
Created:10-22-12 04:32 AM

Wolf UI

Version: 1.0
by: 0zWolf [More]

Wolf UI 1.0

Wolf UI...because icons are ugly.

I have striven to make this UI using off-the-shelf addons. There is no changes to the source of the mods used (see the list below) so updating them should not have adverse affects.

The only significant changes are in-game custom scripts for a couple of elements around the unit frames (primarily replacing status icons with text).


  1. Backup your Interface and WTF folders.
  2. Delete the Interface and WTF folders.
  3. Unpack the archive into your World of Warcraft installation directory.
  4. Go to WTF/Account and change ACCOUNTNAME to your own account name.
  5. Start the game.


This compilation and it's layout was tweaked to a 1920 x 1200 resolution and while most anchoring was made using the screen edges, no guarantees are made. It should work on any 16:10 resolution with UI scaling if needed...but still no guarantees.

Extra Action Bars

If you type "/bt" into chat, Bars 3 and 4 are already configured to show on either side of the center action bars. Bars 5 and 6 are configured to appear on the right hand side of the screen. Just check the Enabled option to turn them on.


I have configured the standard 5-man party unit frames for normal grouping but Grid should appear in a vertical breakdown on the left-hand side instead of unit frames when raiding. That being said, I haven't tried it in anger yet.

Included Mods

- Aurora (including Aurora Missing Textures)
- Bartender4
- Bazooka
- Broker Everything
- Masque/ButtonFacade (using Masque Caith theme)
- Fontifier
- Grid
- kgPanels
- Mapster
- MikScrollingBattleText
- OmniCC
- Prat
- Quartz
- QuestHubber
- Raven
- SexyMap
- SharedMedia
- Skada
- ST Unit Frames
- TBag
- TidyPlates
- TidyPlates Simple
- TinyTip

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