Updated: 06-30-21 04:21 PM
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Chains of Domination (9.1.0)
The Burning Crusade Classic (2.5.1)
Shadowlands patch (9.0.5)
Classic Patch (1.13.7)
Updated:06-30-21 04:21 PM
Created:01-31-12 07:34 PM

Wholly  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 084
by: Nimhfree [More]
Version 084
*** Requires Grail 116 or later ***
Switched to a unified addon for all of Blizzard's releases.
Enables displaying a requirement of a renown level independent of covenant.
Transforms the Wholly map button into one with just "W" and puts it at the top left of the map.
Reintroduces some ability to filter Blizzard map pins in Retail.
Changes retail interface to 90100.

Version 078
*** Requires Grail 109 or later ***
Updates the Classic interface to 11304 to match the latest Blizzard release.
Updates getting NPC locations to newer API use in Grail.

Version 077
Adjusts the position of the breadcrumb frame to look better in Classic.
Adds support for Heart of Azeroth level requirements.

Version 076
Updates the Classic Wholly quest panel to have a right side.
Changes the colors for turn in pins to be white and yellow to match the NPCs in the world.
Updates preferences to allow control over displaying turn in map pins that are complete or incomplete.
Corrects issue where map button does not appear upon first login for new character.

Version 075
*** Requires Grail 104 or later ***
Fixes a problem where the search edit box was not created properly.
Shows quests that are turned in to a zone in the Wholly quest panel.
Adds the ability to show map pins for quest turn in locations.

Version 074
Makes it so the Wholly map button does not move when TomTom is installed.
Makes it so the Wholly map button moves when Questie is also loaded.
Makes the Wholly quest panel appear much nicer in Classic.

Version 073
Makes it so lack of NPC name for item drops no longer causes a Lua error.
Makes it so NPCs are colored red if they are not available to the player.
Adds the ability to display the NPC comments in the Wholly quest tooltip.

Version 072
Fixes a problem where the open world map in Classic errors when changing zones.
Fixes the problem where the Wholly map button was not appearing and working properly in Classic.
Fixes the problem where exclusive classes in Classic were failing because of Retail classes.
Adds the ability to have the Wholly information appear in a tooltip when hovering over a quest in the Blizzard quest panel.
Adds the ability to have the Wholly tooltip contain the quest title and description in Classic, with the description in white.

Version 071
Updates Interface in TOC to 80200.
Adds a little defensive code to avoid a Lua error.
Makes it so achievements are not loaded in Classic.
Makes it so some of the UI elements are not used in Classic.
Adds the ability to show a message in the chat indicating a breadcrumb is available.
Corrects issue where map pins could be the wrong type.

Version 070
Updates Interface in TOC to 80100.
Allows map button to work with Titan Location.
Adds a little defensive code to avoid a Lua error.

Version 069
Updates Russian localization by dartraiden.
Removes quest level for those quests that have no real level, and changes the display to show variable level maximums as appropriate.
Updates a bunch of localizations from users who provided input on:

Version 068
Corrects the issue where the map was caused to change unexpectedly.
Corrects the problem where TomTom arrows were not being added properly with the new TomTom.
Updates Latin American Spanish localization by danvar33.

Version 067
*** Requires Grail 096 or later ***
Corrects the problem where some dungeons are not listed.
Updates French localization by deathart709 and MongooZz.
Updates Russian localization by RChernenko.
Updates Spanish localization by neinhalt_77.
Made it so we can handle Blizzard removing GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() and GetCurrentMapAreaID().
Updates Italian localization by luigidirico96.
Groups the continents together under a heading.
Disables ability to hide Blizzard map items because Blizzard API has changed.
Updates Simplified Chinese localization by dh0000 and Aladdinn.

Version 066
*** Requires Grail 93 or later ***
Adds the ability to display prerequisites for Class Hall Missions.
Adds support for Allied races.
Updates Russian localization from mihaha_xienor.
Updates Spanish localization from raquetty.

Version 065
Corrects a timing problem where the notification frame might be sent events before initialized properly.
Adds a binding to toggle Loremaster quests.
Updates technique to hide flight points on Blizzard map.
Adds ability to hide dungeon entrances on Blizzard map.
Updates Russian localization from iGreenGO and EragonJKee.
Updates German localization from Adrinator and Haipia.

Version 064
Updates the Interface to 70300.
Updates the use of PlaySound based on Blizzard's changes based on Gello's post.

Version 063
Updates the Interface to 70200.
Adds support for artifact level prerequisites.
Updates Spanish (Latin America) localization.
Updates French localization by sk8cravis.
Updates German localization by RobbyOGK.

Version 062
Updates Spanish (Spain) localization by annthizze.
Adds support for Grail's ability to detect withering in NPCs and therefore quest requirements.
Updates Brazilian Portuguese localization.
Updates French localization.
Updates Korean localization.
Updates Spanish (Latin America) localization.
Adds support for world quests to have their own pin color.

Version 061
Adds ability to show "available" prerequisite used for world quests.
Updates German localization by Broesel01.
Updates Korean localization by netaras.

Version 060
Adds the ability to control the display of World Quests, including a key binding.
Adds a Legion Repuation Changes section.
Fixes the problem where the coordinates would cause issues in instances.

Version 059
Fixes the problem where hiding Blizzard map POIs in combat causes Lua errors.
Adds the ability to control the display of Blizzard story line quest markers.
Updates French translation by coldragon78.
Updates Traditional Chinese localization by gaspy10.

Version 058
Adds the ability to control the display of some Blizzard world map icons.
Fixes the placement of the Wholly world map button so it appears when the world map is opened.
Fixes presenting a window when attempting to load an on-demand addon fails.

Version 057
Changes the ability to display quest rewards without the need for Grail to have the information.
Updates Traditional Chinese localization by gaspy10.
Adds the ability to display prerequisites for classes.
Updates Spanish (Spain) localization by Ehren_H.
Changes the Interface to 70000.

Version 056
Updates German localization by pas06.
Adds the ability to filter quests based on PVP.
Adds the ability to support Grail's ability to indicate working buildings.

Version 055
Updates Traditional Chinese localization by gaspy10.
Updates Spanish (Spain) localization by ISBILIANS.
Corrects the problem where the map location is lost on UI reload.

Version 054
Adds support for Adventure Guide
Updates German localization by potsrabe.

Version 053
Adds the ability to filter pet battle quests.
Adds the ability to display a quest as a bonus objective, rare mob, treasure or pet battle.
Adds the ability to have the quest filter work for NPC tooltips.
Updates German localization by Rikade.
Updates prerequisite displays to match new Grail features.

Version 052
Adds support to display new group prerequisite information.
Corrects the issue where NPC tooltips were not showing drops that start quests.
Updates Spanish (Latin America) localization by Moixe.
Updates German localization by Mistrahw.
Updates Korean localization by mrgyver.
Updates Spanish (Spain) localization by Ertziano.
Corrects the problem where the drop down button in the Wholly window does not update the follower name properly.
Adds the ability to display quest rewards.
Splits up zone drop downs that are too large.

Version 051
Adds support to control display of bonus objective, rare mob and treasure quests.
Adds Wholly tooltip to the QuestLogPopupDetailFrame.
Updates French localization provided by aktaurus.
Breaks out the preferences into multiple pages, making the hidden preferences no longer hidden.
Adds ability to control the display of legendary quests.
Updates Russian localization provided by dartraiden.
Changes the Interface to 60200.

Version 050
Adds support for garrison building requirements.
Updates Russian localization provided by dartraiden.
Updates German localization provided by DirtyHarryGermany.
Updates both Chinese localizations provided by FreedomL10n.

Version 049
Adds the ability to display quests that reward followers.
Updates some Korean localization provided by next96.
Updates some German localization provided by DirtyHarryGermany.

Version 048
Fixes a problem where Wholly does not load properly when TomTom is not present.

Version 047
Updates Traditional Chinese localizations by machihchung.
Updates Portuguese localizations by DMoRiaM.
Updates French localizations by Dabeuliou;
Changes level for pins to display over Blizzard POIs.
Changes level for pins so yellow/grey pins display over other colors.
Changes default behavior to only show in tooltips faction changes available to the player, with hidden WhollyDatabase preference showsAllFactionReputations to override.

Version 045
Updates various localizations by Nimhfree.
Updates to support changes in WoD that Grail supports. *** Requires Grail 065 or later. ***
Adds hidden WhollyDatabase preference ignoreReputationQuests that controls whether the Reputations section of quests appears in the Wholly panel.
Adds hidden WhollyDatabase preference displaysEmptyZones that controls whether map zones where no quests start are displayed.
Changes the Interface to 60000.

Version 044
Corrects the Lua error that happens when attempting to tag a quest when no tag exists.
Fixes the map icons to look cleaner by Shenj.
Updates Russian localizations by vitasikxp.

Version 043
Handles Grail's change in AZ quests to handle pre- and post-063 implementation.
Adds the ability to mark quests with arbitrary tags.

Version 042
Updates Russian localizations by dartraiden.
Corrects the search function to use the new Grail quest structures.
Makes it so quests that are pending or obsolete do not appear when the option indicates unobtainable quests should not appear.
Changed display of profession requirements to only show failure as quest prerequisites now show profession requirements consistently.

Version 041
Adds the capability to set the colors for each of the quest types.
Changes to use newer way Grail does things.

Version 040
Updates Russian localizations by dartraiden.
Adds a workaround to supress the panel that appears because of Blizzard's IsDisabledByParentalControls taint issue.
Updates Simplified Chinese localizations by dh0000.

Version 039
Fixes the problem where tooltips for map pins were not appearing correctly.
Fixes a Lua error with the non-wide Wholly quest panel's drop down menu.
Fixes a Lua error when Wholly is used for the first time (or has no saved variables file).
Adds a preference to control display of weekly quests (which are not classified as such until Grail 058).
Adds a color for weekly quests.
Enables quest colors to be stored in player preferences so users can changed them, albeit manually.
Fixes the problem where the keybindings or buttons not on the preference panel would not work the first time without the preference panel being opened.

Version 038
Fixes the problem where tooltips that show the currently equipped iLevel cause a Lua error.
Adds a preference to control whether tooltips appear in the Blizzard Quest Log.
Corrects the problem introdced by Blizzard in their 5.4.0 release when they decided to call API (IsForbidden()) before checking whether it exists.
Makes the attached Lightheaded frame work better with the wide panel mode.
Corrects a problem where a variable was leaking into the global namespace causing a prerequisite evaluation failure.
Attempts to make processing a little quicker by making local references to many Blizzard functions.

Version 037
Fixes the problem where tooltips do not appear in non-English clients properly.

Version 036
Updates Russian localizations by dartraiden.
Removes the prerequisite population code in favor of API provided by Grail, requiring Grail 054 or later.

Version 035
Updates Chinese localizations by Isjyzjl.
Adds the ability to show equipped iLvl prerequisites.
Corrects the display problem with OR within AND prerequisites introduced in version 034.
Makes opening the preferences work even if Wholly causes the preferences to be opened the first time in a session.

Version 034
Changes the tooltip code to allow for better displaying of longer entries.
Adds some Korean localization provided by next96.
Changes the Interface to 50300 to support the 5.3.0 Blizzard release.
Adds the ability to control the Grail-When loadable addon to record when quests are turned in.
Adds the ability to display when quests are turned in, and if the quest can be done more than once, the count of how many times done.
Updates support for Grail's new representation of prerequisite information.

Version 033
Adds a hidden default shouldNotRestoreDirectionalArrows that can be present in the WhollyDatabase saved variables to not reinstate directional arrows upon reloading.
Adds the ability to show when a quest is obsolete (removed) or pending.
Adds support for displaying Q prerequisites and for displaying pet "spells".
Changes the technique used to display reputation changes in the tooltip, *** requiring Grail 048 or later ***.
Adds support for Grail's new representation of prerequisite information.

Version 032
Fixes a problem where the Achievements were not working properly unless the UI was reloaded.
Adds the ability to display NPCs with prerequisites, *** requiring Grail 47 or later ***.
Makes the X code prerequisite display with ![Turned in].
Adds the ability to display phase prerequisite information.
Adds some Spanish translations based on input by Davidinmoral.

Version 031
Updates some German localization provided by bigx2.
Updates some Russian localization provided by dartraiden.
Adds ability to display F code prerequisite information.

Version 030
Changes to use some newly added API Grail provides, *** requiring Grail 45 or later ***.
Updates some Spanish localization provided by Davidinmoral.
Updates some French localization provided by Noeudtribal.
Reputation values that are not to be exceeded now have "< " placed in front of the value name.
Allows the key binding for toggling open/close the Wholly panel to work in combat, though this function will need to be rebound once.
Fixes a map pin problem with the addon Mapster Enhanced.
Changes the faction prerequisites to color green, red or brown depending on whether the prerequisite is met, can be met with increase in reputation or is not obtainable because reputation is too high.
Adds support for Grail's new "Other" map area where oddball quests are located.
Adds support for Grail's new NPC location flags of created and mailbox.
Updates some Portuguese localization provided by marciobruno.
Adds Pet Battle achievements newly provided by Grail.

Version 029
Adds support for Grail's T code prerequisites.
Adds Simplified Chinese localization provided by Sunteya.

Version 028
Switches to using Blizzard's IGNORED string instead of maintaining a localized version.
Adds basic support for putting pins on the Omega Map addon.
Changes the display of the requirement for a quest to ever have been completed to be green if true, and not the actual status of the quest.
Updates the TOC to support interface 50100.
Replaced the calls to Grail:IsQuestInQuestLog() with the status bit mask use since (1) we know whether the quest is in the log from its status, and (2) the call was causing Grail to use a lot of memory.

Version 027
*** Requires Grail 41 or later ***
Adds the ability to display requirements for spells that have ever been experienced.
Adds the ability to specify amounts above the minimum reputation level as provided in Grail 041 and later.
Updates some Traditional Chinese localization provided by machihchung and BNSSNB.
Adds the ability to display requirements from groups of quests, both turning in and accepting the quests.
Changes spell prerequisite failures to color red vice yellow.
Changes preference "Display holiday quests always" to become a "World Events" filter instead, making World Events always shown in their categories.
Changes world events titles to be brown (unobtainable) if they are not being celebrated currently.
Adds the ability to Ctrl-click any quest in the Wholly quest panel to add waypoints for EVERY quest in the panel.
Corrects the incorrect rendering of the wide panel that can happen on some systems.
Adds keybindings for toggling display of map pins and quests that need prerequsites, daily quests, repeatable quests, completed, and unobtainable quests.
Adds the ability to display maximum reputation requirements that are quest prerequisites.
Changes the maximum line count for the tooltip before the second is created, to be able to be overridden by WhollyDatabase.maximumTooltipLines value if it exists.
Adds the ability to Ctrl-Shift-click any quest in the Wholly quest panel to toggle whether the quest is ignored.
Adds the ability to filter quests that are marked ignored.

Version 026
*** Requires Grail 40 or later ***
Adds support for displaying special reputation requirements currently only used in Tillers quests.

Version 025
*** Requires Grail 39 or later ***
Adds support to display quest required friendship levels.
Fixes the problem where NPC tooltips would not be updated (from changed addon data) upon reloading the UI.
Adds support to display prerequisites using Grail's newly added capabilities for OR within AND.
Adds support for quests that require lack of spells or spells ever being cast as prerequisites.
Adds a filter for Scenario quests.
Delays the creation of the dropdown menu until it is absolutely needed to attempt to minimize the taint in Blizzard's code.
Fixes an issue where considering bugged quests unobtainable would not filter as unobtainable properly.

Version 024
*** Requires Grail 38 or later ***
Updates some Russian localization provided by dartraiden.
Adds support for quests that require skills as prerequisites, requiring Grail 038.
Updates some Italian localization provided by meygan.

Version 023
Updates some Korean localization provided by next96.
Updates some German localization provided by DirtyHarryGermany.
Updates from French localization provided by akirra83.
Adds support to indicate account-wide quests, starting with Grail 037 use.

Version 022
*** Requires Grail 36 or later ***
Corrects the problem where NPC tooltips may not be updated until the world map is shown.
Changes how map pins are created so no work is done unless the WorldMapFrame is being shown.
Adds the ability to show that quests are Scenario or Legendary.
Changes the artwork on the right side of the wide panel.
Fixes the problem where the search panel was not attaching itself to the Wholly quest panel.
Updates some Korean localization provided by next96.
Makes it so Legendary quests appear orange while daily quests that are too high level appear dark blue.
Adds two new sort techniques, and also a tooltip for the sort button that describes the active sort technique.
Adds the ability to show an abbreviated quest count for each map area in the second scroll area of the wide quest panel, with optional live updates.
Fixes the problem where the Wholly world map button can appear above other frames.
Makes changing the selection in the first scroll view in the wide version of the Wholly quest panel, remove the selection in the second scroll view, thereby allowing the zone button to properly switch to the current zone.
Adds a Wholly quest tooltip for each of the quests in the Blizzard quest log.
Updates searching in the wide frame to select the newly sought term.

Version 021
*** Requires Grail 34 or later ***
Makes it so Mists of Pandaria reputations can be handled.
Makes it so starter Pandarens no longer cause Lua errors.
Corrects the problem where removing all TomTom waypoints was not clearing them from Wholly's memory.
Corrects locations for Wholly informational frames placed on QuestFrame in MoP beta.
Updates the tooltip to better indicate when breadcrumb quests are problems for unobtainable quests.
Adds the ability to display profession prerequisites (in the prerequisites section vice its own for the few that need it).

Version 020
*** Requires Grail 33 or later ***
Corrects the problem where quests in the log that are no longer obtainable do not appear properly.
Adds the ability to show daily quests that are too high for the character as orange.
Adds Spanish localization provided by Trisquite.
Moves the Daily quests into the Other category.
Adds the experimental option to have a wide quest panel.
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Unread 07-20-12, 06:23 PM  
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Re: Re: Re: Wedging/freezing ?

Originally Posted by Barleduq
Originally Posted by Nimhfree
Originally Posted by Barleduq

I was in Shattrath. When I started moving around to collect the dailies to do, my entire WoW would freeze - for longer and longer. First time was about 10 seconds, next was a bit longer -- not sure exactly, cause I was counting in my head, but approximately. I was on the Terrace of Light, and every time I passed one of the 'bridges', or got close to a (daily) quest giver, or right-clicked on a daily quest giver, it would completely freeze, till I was getting the 'you have been disconnected'/'you have been connected to' messages. I disabled Wholly and all three Grail pieces (I have an addon that lets me do that without logging the toon out) and reloaded the UI. It stopped happening.

I'm currently running WoW under Wine on Linux - if you need those details, let me know and I'll add them in.
Are you using Carbonite by any chance? This sounds like what was happening with Carbonite users. If so, you can download the prerelease of Wholly mentioned in the entry just before yours. If not, can you tell me other addons you are using?
Carbonite is one I *don't* use. I have a pile of addons: ACP, Altoholic, Analyst, Archy, Auctioneer, AutoRepair (not on here, from curse), Badboy, Compass, Critter Emotes (this makes a non-combat pet say things), Datastore, DragEmAll, Dresser, Elephant, Engravings, Faction Addict, Fishing Buddy (tho I don't use the fubar or other 'bars'), Gatherer, IgnoreMore, Holiday Helper, InFlight, KeepingTabs, Lagbar, Lightheaded, MoMoCritterEmote (this helps with the /love /kill achievements), Postal, QuestCompletist (which I'm looking to replace with this set if it works better.. ), RangeDisplay, SilverDragon, Simplegold, SpeedyGonzales, Swindler Preventer, Tabard Addict, TomTom, TrackoMatic, Wowhead Looter, Zone Achievement Tracker.
First of all, is this MoP beta or live in which you have the problem? Secondly, do you get it only when you accept a quest, or are you getting it as you are near a questgiver without interacting with it? You can try to isolate the issue by keeping Grail active, but not Wholly. The Grail-Achievements and Grail-Reputations you can keep disabled. They should not influence anything by themselves since Wholly loads then on demand. If you can reproduce the problem with Grail only I can try to isolate it, and likewise if you need Wholly it can be isolated to that. Which specific versions of Grail and Wholly are you using?
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Unread 07-20-12, 07:04 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Wedging/freezing ?

Originally Posted by Nimhfree
First of all, is this MoP beta or live in which you have the problem? Secondly, do you get it only when you accept a quest, or are you getting it as you are near a questgiver without interacting with it? You can try to isolate the issue by keeping Grail active, but not Wholly. The Grail-Achievements and Grail-Reputations you can keep disabled. They should not influence anything by themselves since Wholly loads then on demand. If you can reproduce the problem with Grail only I can try to isolate it, and likewise if you need Wholly it can be isolated to that. Which specific versions of Grail and Wholly are you using?
Live, and whatever was available here on Wow interface as of about 20-24 hours ago. I only had it on for a few minutes, and only really on the one toon, an L84 draenei hunter running around in Shattrath to collect dailies that I've done many times before. I was getting the freeze every time I passed under one of those bridges that arc over the terrace from the building the Naaru is in. There are many daily quest-givers in that area, but they're not necessarily right next to each other - there was at least once where I was going under one of those bridges that there was not a quest giver on the other side, and it still froze. (it's possible there was a quest giver that was no longer showing as I'd done the quest... like the skyguard NPC next to the flight point.)

It definitely happened when I passed under one of those bridges. I believe it happened when a quest giver came into my field of view. And it happened when I interacted with the quest giver. After it had happened a total of about 10 times, and I'd gotten disconnected/reconnected about 5, I turned off the 'new things' e.g. Wholly and Grail both, and it stopped happening at all. The freezes were ranging in time from 10 seconds to over 3 minutes.

After I'm done with what I'm doing on this toon, I'll re-enable and try other toons, other areas, and other swaps. I'm willing to help isolate, but I want to get some fun in tonight also.
Last edited by Barleduq : 07-20-12 at 07:08 PM.
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Unread 07-22-12, 04:49 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wedging/freezing ?

Originally Posted by Barleduq
After I'm done with what I'm doing on this toon, I'll re-enable and try other toons, other areas, and other swaps. I'm willing to help isolate, but I want to get some fun in tonight also.
As I have not been able to reproduce this issue on my own, I would imagine it has to do with interaction with some other addons you are using.

If the problem is similar to the one Carbonite was causing, a bunch of WORLD_MAP_UPDATE events were being sent, and the prerelease version of Wholly on should fix that issue. So the first thing I would suggest is to load that version and see if the problem still happens.

If that does not fix the problem, could you get yourself in a situation where the hang is about to happen and turn on Blizzard's event tracing. You can do this with the slash command "/eventtrace" which will open a window listing the events that happen. And then put yourself into the situation where the addons hang. If you can note any excessive events perhaps I can see whether any of them are impacting Grail and/or Wholly.
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Unread 07-26-12, 03:44 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wedging/freezing ?

Originally Posted by Nimhfree
As I have not been able to reproduce this issue on my own, I would imagine it has to do with interaction with some other addons you are using.
That may well be, but no *other* addon was giving me problems, and the problem only showed up when I logged in after installing Wholly/Grail. *shrug*

I just downloaded the pre-release, and tried to reproduce the problem. Unfortunately, I've already done the dailies on the toon I was on when I experienced it, wherein before I'd just logged in and was going around collecting the daily quests. I logged in a couple of other toons and took them to Shattrath; one of them had never been there at all, so many things would have been new data for that character. I was seeing some intermittent jitters in the video, most often as the screen was about to display a new area name (as, when you're flying over a zone, and the names come up on your screen as you go over places like a lake or a town or something). I wasn't able to catch if my bandwidth was lagging; nor did anything show up on eventtrace, at all. (not sure if that's good or not, surely there were some events for the system? I don't know...) I wasn't seeing anything laggy when I went around the ring of the Terrace of Light on either of the other toons.

I'll reboot my machine before I login again, to give it a 'fresh' start, most like the time that I had that problem, and we'll see if it starts again.

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Unread 08-29-12, 08:19 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Error when going into a new area

Was on my way from chillwind camp to SM to level a guildie..

Message: [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn "Wholly" tried to call the protected function "CompactRaidFrame1:Show()".
Time: 08/29/12 22:14:19
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `Show'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:276: in function `CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:234: in function `CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:96: in function <Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:43>

Locals: <none>
It's not an addiction!! It's a hobby that's got me by the balls.
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Unread 08-30-12, 06:54 AM  
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Re: Error when going into a new area

Originally Posted by Vytae
Was on my way from chillwind camp to SM to level a guildie..

Message: [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn "Wholly" tried to call the protected function "CompactRaidFrame1:Show()".
Time: 08/29/12 22:14:19
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `Show'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:276: in function `CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:234: in function `CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll'
Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:96: in function <Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:43>

Locals: <none>
We can continue this discussion in the ticket you created for it on curseforge.
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Unread 09-06-12, 05:49 AM  
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Thank you!

... for having this (and Grail) updated. It's been *very* useful, and I'm happy to be able to continue to use it!

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Unread 11-11-12, 10:16 AM  
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I am fairly new to using add-ons, so please forgive me if this is a silly question...

I have downloaded Grail, tomtom, and Wholly and they all are in my add-on folder on my hard drive (wow folder-interface-addons). When I boot up wow I can see the add-on for tomtom and it looks fine. I can see Wholly, but it says "dependency missing". I cannot see the add-on for Grail at all.

I would really like to use Wholly. I am missing many quests in many different regions; it would help me get a lot of quest achievements.

I would really appreciate any help/advice.

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Unread 11-11-12, 11:34 AM  
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Re: Help

Originally Posted by emeraldrose
I am fairly new to using add-ons, so please forgive me if this is a silly question...

I have downloaded Grail, tomtom, and Wholly and they all are in my add-on folder on my hard drive (wow folder-interface-addons). When I boot up wow I can see the add-on for tomtom and it looks fine. I can see Wholly, but it says "dependency missing". I cannot see the add-on for Grail at all.

I would really like to use Wholly. I am missing many quests in many different regions; it would help me get a lot of quest achievements.

I would really appreciate any help/advice.

When you unpack and install the Grail addon it should make three folders in the Interface/Addons folder:


These should be sitting along side the TomTom and Wholly folders as well. If this is not the case, that would explain why you are not seeing them in game. If they are present, then when you start WoW, you should look to the bottom left of the screen for the Addons button and click it to manage your addons. Here you should make sure all three Grail addons are active.
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Unread 11-11-12, 06:50 PM  
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Re: Re: Help

Originally Posted by Nimhfree

When you unpack and install the Grail addon it should make three folders in the Interface/Addons folder:


These should be sitting along side the TomTom and Wholly folders as well. If this is not the case, that would explain why you are not seeing them in game. If they are present, then when you start WoW, you should look to the bottom left of the screen for the Addons button and click it to manage your addons. Here you should make sure all three Grail addons are active.
Ahh!!!!! Thank you very much. It solved that problem as well as explained why I couldn't get other add-ons I had downloaded to work. Thanks!!!
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Unread 12-16-12, 09:07 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Question TomTom Waypoints & Carbonite

Carbonite has an option to emulate TomTom by accepting /way waypoint creation, but does not react in the same fashion as TomTom when waypoints are reached or cleared.

As a result, if I have Wholly create waypoints for quests, they continue to be loaded whenever I log in or reload my interface. The only solution I've found for this is to manually edit my saved variables file to erase the waypoint locations. Is there a way to clear the list of waypoints that Wholly remembers for login within the game independently of TomTom?
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Unread 12-16-12, 01:04 PM  
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Re: TomTom Waypoints & Carbonite

Originally Posted by Doskious
Carbonite has an option to emulate TomTom by accepting /way waypoint creation, but does not react in the same fashion as TomTom when waypoints are reached or cleared.

As a result, if I have Wholly create waypoints for quests, they continue to be loaded whenever I log in or reload my interface. The only solution I've found for this is to manually edit my saved variables file to erase the waypoint locations. Is there a way to clear the list of waypoints that Wholly remembers for login within the game independently of TomTom?
Actually there is no way from within Wholly as I was relying on TomTom to remove the waypoints properly (by coming close, manually erasing, etc.). I am not a Carbonite user, so am unaware of what that does with respect to simulating TomTom. Wholly detects the presence of TomTom looking for specific API it provides. If you do not have TomTom loaded, but Carbonite is providing that API, but not the rest for removing the waypoints there is going to be a big problem. Do you know how Carbonite removes waypoints?

As a workaround is it possible to remove (i.e., not use) the waypoint simulation from Carbonite and actually run TomTom?
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Unread 12-17-12, 06:38 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: TomTom Waypoints & Carbonite

Originally Posted by Nimhfree
Actually there is no way from within Wholly as I was relying on TomTom to remove the waypoints properly (by coming close, manually erasing, etc.). I am not a Carbonite user, so am unaware of what that does with respect to simulating TomTom. Wholly detects the presence of TomTom looking for specific API it provides. If you do not have TomTom loaded, but Carbonite is providing that API, but not the rest for removing the waypoints there is going to be a big problem. Do you know how Carbonite removes waypoints?

As a workaround is it possible to remove (i.e., not use) the waypoint simulation from Carbonite and actually run TomTom?
I could do that, yes, but I just don't like TomTom, and the Carbonite functionality is in most respects more robust (allowing for multi-node routing, for example, which TomTom does not and other addons fail to provide for as efficiently) without any degradation on performance. (Indeed, while the feature can be turned off display-side, my reading of the code suggests that it would still consume system resources on top of those consumed by TomTom...) Regrettably, the code for how Carbonite manages its waypoint system is ... murky at best, and I would not enjoy the same ease-of-use that I do now were I to employ TomTom instead, so I don't really consider that a viable solution in my specific case.

From what I can tell based on observed behavior, Carbonite is coded to interpret TomTom Waypoint Creation into its own waypoint system (it translates "TomTom.AddMFWaypoint" calls), but not to respond with simulation of subsequent TomTom functionality for any other waypoint interaction. The relevant Wholly code that seems to invoke past waypoints at UI load starts at line 2447 of the Wholly.lua file, from what I can see, in a function called "_ReinstateDirectionalArrows" - is there a way to call either of the subsequent functions from within the game ("_RemoveAllDirectionalArrows" starting on line 2466 or "_RemoveDirectionalArrows" on line 2475)? I haven't been able to find one, but I may be blind or silly. ^_^;

I can understand, from a development perspective, that in the process of writing code for use with a 3rd party API it's not unreasonable to expect the entire API to be present if one component is. I also, however, don't think that an expectation of some provision for the management of local database assets is particularly unreasonable. The integration of waypoint creation suggested to me the potential for a capacity for waypoint removal from within Wholly, rather than relying on the need to interact with the TomTom waypoint directly after initial creation... I was hoping for some functionality that allowed the removal of waypoints in a fashion similar to how they are created (as an ease-of-use measure in the event that a user clicked "The Wrong Quest" by accident when meaning to click "The Right Quest Here Underneath It"), or failing that some debug mode that could be activated allowing for database waypoint control. If, as it seems, no such functionality exists, I certainly don't expect you to add it just for me, though.
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Unread 12-17-12, 08:10 PM  
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Re: Re: Re: TomTom Waypoints & Carbonite

Originally Posted by Doskious
From what I can tell based on observed behavior, Carbonite is coded to interpret TomTom Waypoint Creation into its own waypoint system (it translates "TomTom.AddMFWaypoint" calls), but not to respond with simulation of subsequent TomTom functionality for any other waypoint interaction. The relevant Wholly code that seems to invoke past waypoints at UI load starts at line 2447 of the Wholly.lua file, from what I can see, in a function called "_ReinstateDirectionalArrows" - is there a way to call either of the subsequent functions from within the game ("_RemoveAllDirectionalArrows" starting on line 2466 or "_RemoveDirectionalArrows" on line 2475)? I haven't been able to find one, but I may be blind or silly. ^_^;
Wholly does not offer ways to manually invoke any of the "removal" routines, but you can do them manually yourself from the command line. However, that is not going to get you the functionality you seek. Basically, when Wholly stores internally the waypoints it creates, it is actually storing the uid that TomTom returns upon waypoint creation. This uid is key because it is used when TomTom tells Wholly what to remove, but more importantly used when Wholly tells TomTom what to remove. You see, Wholly can put more than one waypoint into TomTom with a single click on a quest. And when one of those waypoints in that group is removed all will be removed. So, even if one were to add new functionality to Wholly to be able to update its internal structures to remove the waypoint for the NPC that starts a quest, without the API from Carbonite to remove the waypoint that was added originally, the solution is only half complete.

Originally Posted by Doskious
I can understand, from a development perspective, that in the process of writing code for use with a 3rd party API it's not unreasonable to expect the entire API to be present if one component is. I also, however, don't think that an expectation of some provision for the management of local database assets is particularly unreasonable. The integration of waypoint creation suggested to me the potential for a capacity for waypoint removal from within Wholly, rather than relying on the need to interact with the TomTom waypoint directly after initial creation... I was hoping for some functionality that allowed the removal of waypoints in a fashion similar to how they are created (as an ease-of-use measure in the event that a user clicked "The Wrong Quest" by accident when meaning to click "The Right Quest Here Underneath It"), or failing that some debug mode that could be activated allowing for database waypoint control. If, as it seems, no such functionality exists, I certainly don't expect you to add it just for me, though.
My initial thoughts on waypoint handling was to leave as much as possible to TomTom because it already has the needed functionality built in. I did find I did not like TomTom's model for persistence, so Wholly adopts its own that works with TomTom. I relied on TomTom removing waypoints as it can do specific ones, zone-wide and all quite well. Because of this design choice, specific API is required to exist with TomTom (or things that pretend to be TomTom). And once I was able to make the design work, no more was done for Wholly. However, I imagine I could make it so Wholly can "undo" waypoints that were added by doing some special type of click on the associated quest (or breadcrumb, etc.). But even if Wholly were augmented to allow this, it would work with TomTom because of the needed API, but if Carbonite does not provide the needed API it will not remove waypoints from Carbonite. And if Carbonite does not have the same routines that it calls when waypoints are reached or removed (in whatever manner Carbonite allows its users) that TomTom uses, when Carbonite removes waypoints Wholly will not be properly updated to reflect this.

Basically Wholly does not support Carbonite for waypoints, and any functionality Carbonite has for this is because of its limited TomTom "support". For Wholly to properly work with Carbonite, I will need to know how Carbonite really handles its waypoints and have Wholly interact with that system.

Also, Wholly does not put map pins on Carbonite's map, and until Rythal is done with the new mapping system, I imagine there will be no support for that. Perhaps it will be possible, but I do not know how Carbonite's maps work either.
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Unread 12-17-12, 09:39 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Re: Re: TomTom Waypoints & Carbonite

Originally Posted by Nimhfree
Wholly does not offer ways to manually invoke any of the "removal" routines, but you can do them manually yourself from the command line. However, that is not going to get you the functionality you seek. Basically, when Wholly stores internally the waypoints it creates, it is actually storing the uid that TomTom returns upon waypoint creation. This uid is key because it is used when TomTom tells Wholly what to remove, but more importantly used when Wholly tells TomTom what to remove. You see, Wholly can put more than one waypoint into TomTom with a single click on a quest. And when one of those waypoints in that group is removed all will be removed. So, even if one were to add new functionality to Wholly to be able to update its internal structures to remove the waypoint for the NPC that starts a quest, without the API from Carbonite to remove the waypoint that was added originally, the solution is only half complete.

My initial thoughts on waypoint handling was to leave as much as possible to TomTom because it already has the needed functionality built in. I did find I did not like TomTom's model for persistence, so Wholly adopts its own that works with TomTom. I relied on TomTom removing waypoints as it can do specific ones, zone-wide and all quite well. Because of this design choice, specific API is required to exist with TomTom (or things that pretend to be TomTom). And once I was able to make the design work, no more was done for Wholly. However, I imagine I could make it so Wholly can "undo" waypoints that were added by doing some special type of click on the associated quest (or breadcrumb, etc.). But even if Wholly were augmented to allow this, it would work with TomTom because of the needed API, but if Carbonite does not provide the needed API it will not remove waypoints from Carbonite. And if Carbonite does not have the same routines that it calls when waypoints are reached or removed (in whatever manner Carbonite allows its users) that TomTom uses, when Carbonite removes waypoints Wholly will not be properly updated to reflect this.

Basically Wholly does not support Carbonite for waypoints, and any functionality Carbonite has for this is because of its limited TomTom "support". For Wholly to properly work with Carbonite, I will need to know how Carbonite really handles its waypoints and have Wholly interact with that system.

Also, Wholly does not put map pins on Carbonite's map, and until Rythal is done with the new mapping system, I imagine there will be no support for that. Perhaps it will be possible, but I do not know how Carbonite's maps work either.
Everything you've said makes perfect sense!

I know that Carbonite is a massive pain in terms of inter-operational functionality with other addons that impact the world map in some way. As I said, I wasn't looking for you to add anything to Wholly, just enquiring if something was there that I missed. (Sorry if that wasn't apparent from my initial post.) I do, from time to time, open the standard non-carbonite worldmap to examine Wholly's node pins, and I've often wished for Carbonite support, but it'd be excessively unreasonable to enquire about that with Carbonite in its present state of development flux, and my eyes did that old-timey cartoon cash register spinny-numbers-no-sale effect when I started poking around in the Carbonite mapping code to investigate what might be necessary if I wanted to try my hand at coding an interaction myself. O.o So ... yeah. Anyway, thanks for the prompt answers even though it wasn't what I was hoping for, at least I know now and I can stop wondering if there was a setting I missed... ^_^
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