Updated: 05-24-12 09:51 PM
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Updated:05-24-12 09:51 PM
Created:01-01-12 09:21 PM


Version: 4.3.021
by: VagrantEsha [More]

What is it?

Have you ever accidentally sold something, only to find out too late that you have, and that there's no way to get it back? Have you worried about this and stressed out a bit too much whilst selling things, just to be absolutely sure you don't sell your valuables? Have you triple-checked the things you're destroying just to make sure that you're not destroying a valuable whilst cleaning out your bags? If this sounds like you, then this mod is for you.

How does it work?

Essentially, you can build a list of items that you want protected by Vault, and then, when you go to a vendor, if you accidentally sell an item, it'll buy it back for you right away, tell you that it did, and play a sound to warn you that you're not paying attention to what you're selling. If you try to destroy an item that's in your Vault, then Vault will stop you from doing so.


The elements of Vault are split up into modules. This is so that you can pick and choose the parts that you want and only those parts. You can enable/disable modules via the addons menu at the character select screen, or if you prefer, you could just remove the folders entirely. Pick and mix, use what you want, the choice is yours.

In this section, I'll go through the various modules that vault has, and what they do.

-- AntiDestroy Module

This module stops you from destroy items in your vault. If you drag an item outside your bag and it's in your vault, then vault will automatically clear your cursor and warn you, thus keeping your valuable items safe. This only affects items in your vault, so to keep what you want safe, simply add it to your vault and never worry about accidentally destroying your best items ever again!

-- AntiSell Module

This module checks what you're selling to vendors. If you try to sell an item that's in your vault to a vendor, then it will automatically be bought back for you. Even if an addon tries to sell all greys, this module will ensure that any item that's in your vault remains in your bags, and not with teh vendor. So to protect your items, just add them to your vault list, and never worry whilst selling at a vendor again!

-- Slash Command Module

The commands for this are as follows:

/vault [Item Link] - adds or removes an item from the vault as a toggle.
/vault check [Item Link] - checks whether the item is already in the vault or not.
/vault wipe - removes all your current character's items from the vault.
/vault restore - restores your vault from its last backup state.
/vault help - brings up a printout with this information.

Not supplying an item link works the same as the latter option, there. It just gives the player a help printout.

-- DataBroker Module

To add or remove an item, drag the item to the DataBroker plugin and click on it to to do so. It acts as a toggle, so to remove the item you do the same thing. To remove the item from your cursor when you're done, press esc or right-click (same as the default UI).

The DataBroker plugin has a tooltip which contains a list of all the items already in your vault, so just mouseover it to find out what you have in your vault. And finally, this module also has features pertaining to the database: If you wish to clear the database, hold alt, then click the plugin. If you wish to restore your database from a backup, hold alt and shift, then click the button.

-- Blizz Options Module

To access this, head into the Interface options panel and click the AddOns tab. Scroll down in the left panel until you see Vault and click on it there.

You are presented with three elements.

The first of which allows you to add an item. There's a button present where, if you drag an item to it and click on it, it'll add that item to the vault. You can dismiss the icon from your cursor with either esc or right-click (same as the default UI).

The next element is a list of items in your vault - this will show up as blank if there are none. To remove an item from your vault, just click one of the item names in this vault. The list should update immediately to reflect this.

Finally, the last two elements pertain to database control. The first button will allow you to empty your current character's vault, and the second button will allow you to restore your vault from its last backed up state.

-- Tooltip Module

This adds 'Vault Protected' to your item tooltip where the item is in the vault. So, if you have an item in the vault, and you mouseover an item, right below the item name you'll see 'Vault Protected,' if the item is not in the vault, then that text will not be there.

I have also taken this opportunity to make the tooltips a little easier to read by putting a blank line under the title in both instances. If this is something that people don't like, I'll remove it. I actually find it makes the tooltips easier to skim though, but maybe that's just me subjectively.

-- Other Modules

I don't have any others at this moment in time, and with the Blizz Options, DataBroker, Tooltip, and the Slash Command modules, I think I've covered all the bases. I'm very open to suggestions, however, and if you'd like to see a new module coded, then poke me, and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks To:

I'd like to offer my thanks to everyone in the comments section, here. It's been a long road for Vault with a lot of experimentation. I'll keep trying to make it better, and hopefully without so many bugs.

But the users of my mod have been polite, patient, and just really stand up people. I appreciate that.


None currently known.

- 4.3.021

* Fix: Should fix issues with databases not updating to the new database style.

- 4.3.020

* Hotfix: I accidentally broke StaticPopup, so some buttons on popup dialogues were broken. If you experienced this issue, this version will fix it. Sorry about that.

- 4.3.019

* Note: Due to the restructuring that happened in Vault 018, please remove your Vault folder before installing this version if you hadn't done so with 018.

* A bug was fixed regarding near-clone IDs that could have Vault get confused about what was in your vault or not. If you've mysteriously had Vault insist that an item is protected when it isn't showing up as such, then this update will fix that issue.

* New module that stops items from being destroyed if they're in your vault. This new feature essentially renders the need to use Blizzard's item restore unnecessary! If you use Vault to protect all your valued items, you'll now never accidentally sell them or destroy them!

* The selling functionality has now been separated out into its own module, so if you only want the functionality which stops you from accidentally destroying items or vice versa, then you have that choice.

* The confirmation dialogues for the Blizz Options module wipe button tended to appear behind the options dialogue sometimes, depending on where on your screen it was. This isn't great design. So I've taken the confirmation dialogues away for now, they work on first click.

* In relation to the above, the BlizzOptions, SlashCommand, and DataBroker modules all now have a way to restore your Vault database. It keeps a backup of the session vault, so if you accidentally wipe it (as a friend of mine did) or you mess it up somehow, you can just restore from that backup.

* A number of other bug fixes and optimisations to deal with possible erroneous Vault item lists. And just a general code cleanup overall. Getting Vault to where I want it to be, now.

- 4.3.018

I've reorganised the folder so that disabling modues is easier, you no longer have to delete them, you can instead just turn them off in the Addons menu panel before logging in.

Please delete the Vault folder before upgrading to this version. Thanks.

- 4.3.017

I've added a tooltip module. This adds 'Vault Protected' to the tooltips of items which are in your vault so that you can see that even when selling.

- 4.3.016

So, I tried loading Vault on its own to see if I had the embeds right. Everything but the Blizzard Options module - of course. So I've fixed up the embeds for that.

So now Vault will load on its own without issue. I had a FUN TIME going through AceGUI to see exactly which elements were necessary and which weren't, because I'll be damned if I'll load files that I don't need to. :|

There's even a part in AceConfig that tries to force you to load AceConfigCmd and that's just not cool. They really need to modularise that stuff so that AceConfigCmd is optional. Well, that's dealt with.

I kind of wish that there were a library for Blizz Options stuff out there that wasn't like pulling teeth.

- 4.3.015

Had a useless line of code in the Blizzard Options module. It was bothering me.

- 4.3.014

Ffff. I screwed up the zip. The previous version was actually working for me, so there are no changes in this. I just happened to screw up the zip. Derp. I blame it being version 13. So it is no longer version 13!

- 4.3.013

Small optimisation for the Blizzard Options Module. I realised that there was one table I could nil once I was done with it (once the options frame closed). No need to leave that hanging around in memory if it's not being used.

- 4.3.012

In this version I've made the Blizzard Options Module a bit more responsive. Essentially, the following will occur:

- Add button will update to notify you of a successful addition.
- Add button will tell you if you're trying to add an item that's already in your vault.
- Wipe button tells you that your vault has been successfully wiped.
- Buttons return to their original names when the Blizz Options frame closes.

I already had the add button tell you if you were clicking it without an item on your cursor, so it wasn't a big issue to update the module to include this extra functionality.

Oh, and in the previous version, the add button would work like an add/remove toggle, that was an unintended 'feature' that isn't in this version - this version behaves how you would expect it to, given what the UI says.

- 4.3.011

I wasn't satisfied with the quarter-arsed way I implemented the slash command system for controlling Vault, and I also wasn't happy that the slash command stuff was part of the core mod. So I ripped that out, redid it, modularised everything, and now? Now there's a prettified and far better slash command system, and a Blizzard Options module (AceConfig-3.0 based) too, because I could.

See the description for details!

- 4.3.010

I dislike code detritius, and I noticed that there were a couple of variables lying around from teh previous rewrite that were no longer being used, so I got rid of those.

There was also an issue with supplying /vault with no link. It's supposed to give you instructions as to what to do with the mod, as is /vault help, but instead it just threw an error. Whoops. This was due to me not passing things properly to my own inform function thanks to having had a 'derp' moment.

So that's 010.

- 4.3.009

Vault's DataBroker component had the same icon as Atlas. I've remedied this by using a different lockbox icon. INV Box 04, the purple one, if you're curious!

I also took the time to poke the code and make sure that I replaced all my tabs with eight spaces, to make for ease of reading in viewers other than Windows notepad. (I keep forgetting that, and I like to keep my mods as readable as possible so that if people want to poke stuff to see how it works, they can do that with the least amount of hassle.)

- 4.3.008

I'm going from a clean slate with this version, as the last couple of versions have seen some bug or another getting in the way. However, I've done a lot of testing of this version. At one point I got a little nuts and decided to just sell my entire bag by right-click spamming.

The code is so solid now that it bought back every item in my list, and it left the items that weren't in my list sold. So right now? I can't see any issues. And after a bumpy road, I finally feel I've reached the end of what I can do with Vault.

From here on out I suspect the only changes will be minor ones as they're necessary, if any. But after having rapidly sold my entire bag and having seen Vault buy back things without any errors, and having done a good hour or two of testing sitting at a vendor and sell-spamming, I can't imagine that any bugs will arise.

If they do, I'll fix them in short order. But right now I'm feeling pretty good about this.
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Unread 01-23-12, 04:14 PM  
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No worries!

Since the rewrite Vault has been in a slightly volatile state and that's not a good thing for a vault to be in. Thankfully it seems like I've finally hammered out the bugs and actually managed to retain the thing I was proud about - that it actually buys back the correct and only the correct items now if you spam right-click selling through bags.

Yeesh, I've worked hard on this but I feel it's worth it. I can't prevent selling but this is still pretty good. This is the closest we can get to a flawless system. Unless I've missed any bugs but... I shouldn't have now, not with the testing I did. @_@ But yeah, we can't lock ourselves out from selling but at least we can get immediate buybacks.

And it's the same for me, really. I cart my favourite clothes around with me in my bags, and I'd be very upset if I did something stupid like selling some of them and then reloading the UI - thus losing the chance to buy them back. As soon as I realised the risk of this, I understood the necessity for something like this.
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Unread 01-24-12, 11:36 AM  
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So how is Vault working out for everyone?

I thankfully have a friend who's actually a QA guy, and he keeps finding bugs in my stuff, much to my chagrin. Thankfully, Vault has survived his tests and so far it seems rock solid.

If it is, I may leave Vault where it is for now and work on other projects. I can't think of anything else I could--or more importantly, should--do with it feature-wise at this point. So the only thing left was polish.

So that said, hopefully Vault is in working order now and I can move on to other things.
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Unread 01-25-12, 06:09 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I tested both the slash command and the Data Broker on different toons, as well as the "buy back" function, and everything works fine for me I only tend to confuse the Data Broker icon with Atlas Loot's, as they both use this brown box, but that's hardly an issue. It only tells me I use too many addons
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Unread 01-25-12, 11:18 AM  
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Oh! Atlas does? I can easily fix that, though! That's an easy fix.

There is another style of lockbox available, I'll just change the icon to use that.

And thanks for reporting back. My friend and I have been using this for a while now and we've had no issues. I can't believe it finally came down to having to use a for loop to iterate like that, it's a good solution but not the extremely eloquent one I wanted.

Still, what matters now is that I've had a number of people telling me it works perfectly, and that's what counts.

What this tells me is that I'm too OCD about how I do things. *coughs.*


Got a new version up using the purple lockbox. This was something I needed to poke because Atlas is fairly popular, and it would be annoying to have two identical icons.

I haven't seen the purple one used quite yet, though. But if it has, let me know. If it happens that all of them have been used somewhere (which may be the case!) then I'll do something fun and actually create my own coloured icon for this. >_> Totally not the first time I've had to create DDS icons. I had to do that when I was modding Torchlight.
Last edited by VagrantEsha : 01-25-12 at 11:37 AM.
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Unread 01-25-12, 12:00 PM  
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Wow, thanks a lot! Now I don't confuse those two any more, and as a rogue, I definitely approve of lockboxes

I haven't seen any DataBroker plugin yet that also uses the purple box (and I use a lot of them), but if I ever do, I'll make sure to tell you.
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Unread 01-25-12, 01:21 PM  
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I had changed it to "Trade_Archaeology_ChestofTinyGlassAnimals" because it is cute, but your change makes sense for people who don't want to fuss with things.
(\ /)
( . .) <( if you say 'plz' because it's shorter than 'please' then I'll say 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes' )
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Unread 01-28-12, 11:07 AM  
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I hate to be the bringer of bad news again *ducks* But with the current version, it seems that Vault is broken for me. The Data Broker icon doesn't show a list any more in its tooltip, I can't add any items by dragging them on it, the slash command + link doesn't seem to work and although Vault is activated, I can't seem to find any Interface options for it. Plus I tried to sell some items I knew I had protected, and they were sold and not rebought (I bought them back manually, no worries )

I checked with a toon who had all addons deactivated safe for Vault, and he doesn't even have an Interface-> Addons option (i.e. the game seems to think he has no addons activated).
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Unread 01-28-12, 12:09 PM  
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Yep. Found out last night. I screwed up the zip.

I learned something, though! Post-release QA checks! I should redownload my own version and test it.'s interesting having a QA guy as a friend. >_>

But anyway, I'll have a new one up as quickly as possible!
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Unread 01-28-12, 03:44 PM  
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Oh! Also.

Namtar. Don't fret, seriously, bug reports are never bad news. They're informative and helpful. I just need to get my act together with uploads, because I can't believe I didn't notice that there was something funky up with that zip.
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Unread 02-01-12, 08:33 AM  
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Okay, in this case I'm glad to be of some help! Sometimes I wish I could give more precise reports instead of just stating "X does Y and Z doesn't do A", but alas, I know nothing about addon writing.

Just wanted to add that everything works fine again
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Unread 02-12-12, 07:18 AM  
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I have a strange little issue at the moment. There's one grey item (Ripped Wing Webbing, in German it's "Zerfetztes Flügelnetz") that Vault keeps buying back. It tells me that it's protected, but neither did I add it to my vault nor can I see it in the Data Broker tooltip. I tried to delete it from my vault by dragging it up to the Broker plugin, but it only got added this way. Then I deleted it the same way, and it still gets bought back every time. All other grey items could so far be sold like usual.
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Unread 02-12-12, 04:50 PM  
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It sounds like something weird has happened to your database along the way, between versions most likely, and you have two options here.

1.) You can do this:

/script VaultDB = nil

That will essentially clear your database completely.

2.) You can do this:

/dump VaultDB

If you do that, copy what it reports back with and paste it here. I can likely fix the DB for you and give you a means to restore it without the damaged element.

If your database is relatively tiny, it might be easiest for you to do just do the first option and then readd things manually.

If you do the first option and this happens again, do the dump thing and report back, and I'll try and figure out what's going on.
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Unread 06-07-12, 07:26 PM  
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Bug with Enchanting and Gems

Not sure if this is being followed anymore....

However, I have had numerous issues with Vault when trying to enchant or gem items. I have narrowed it down the the Anti-Destroy module. When that is disabled (though the rest of the modules are enabled), I am able to gem or enchant items.
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Unread 06-11-12, 12:19 AM  
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Ahhh... the items you're trying to use for enchantments are stuff in your Vault. It should be accounted for, in that it should only run if it's going to show you the dialogue asking if you want to destroy a normal or good item...

But that's clearly not the case for you. I'll look into it. I'm particularly proud of Vault as my best effort yet, so I'm going to continue improving it as best I can.
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Unread 06-20-12, 06:27 AM  
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I think the addon covers a very important area, so yes I hope you continue with it.

I've been enchanting lower level stuff without any issues, but have not enchanted an endgame piece since I posted. Not sure if there is any difference between the two, honestly. But to reiterate the point that you picked up, none of the pieces that I was trying to enchant (example: lvl 378 Offhand) were in my Vault.

I'll continue to look into it.
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