(897 b)
Updated: 11-07-11 11:10 AM
File Info
Updated:11-07-11 11:10 AM
Created:11-07-11 11:10 AM


Version: 1.00
by: molgaar [More]

Set current tab binding to target nearest enemy player when entering battleground , arena, Elwynn forest and Durotar. Binds back to target nearest enemy in all other zones.

This addon update bind when "zone changed new area" so if player is currently in combat during that time, the update on bind will fail.
example, if u enter bg, and in loading screen someone start killing you, it will keep the last bind. So if u need it more bullitproof you can just stay in Durotar or Elwyn forest when queue pop.
For arena and rated bg's this wont be a problem since you wont enter combat in loading screen there.

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