Updated: 09-04-16 06:48 AM
File Info
Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:09-04-16 06:48 AM
Created:09-03-10 08:52 AM
Categories:Minimalistic Compilations, Graphical Compilations

FreeUI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 9.0.2
by: Haleth [More]


FreeUI is a minimalistic all-in-one UI. It's suitable for any playstyle and is designed to draw attention to important elements and reduce the visibility of the things you don't care about. A simple in-game setup interface with an optional tutorial gets you started in no time. Paired with its crisp Aurora window theme, low memory and CPU footprint, FreeUI is a solid interface for whatever you do.


Drag the included addons to your AddOns folder as usual. Make sure the !Install addon is loaded before logging in for the first time with FreeUI on any character. You will be given the option to take a brief tutorial, or install the UI.

After the first installation, generally it is not necessary to run anything other than the chat installation on other characters.


When updating the UI to a newer version, you generally only need to replace the files that have changed from the latest build on my GitHub. If you run into issues, however, it is recommended that you try a clean install.


Options are available through the in-game options UI, which can be accessed from the game menu or by typing /freeui. You can also edit FreeUI/options.lua with a text editor to edit the options directly.


Before you ask any questions (which I will gladly answer), please consider this first to help me save some time:

  1. Read the tutorial included in the installer which you can bring up by typing /freeui install.
  2. Check FreeUI/options.lua to see if there already is a setting for what you want to ask/suggest.
  3. Read the FAQ and known issues below.
Q: How can I add more action bars?
A: Esc -> Interface -> Action bars.

Q: How can I move the unitframes/castbar or resize the party/raid frames?
A: Install oUF_MovableFrames or check FreeUI/options.lua.

Q: Where is the ToT (Target of Target) frame? I only see a name.
A: Enable it in the unitframes section of the options.

Q: What's that thing that shows buffs/debuffs on some classes?
A: Its the buff filter. Open FreeUI/options.lua and scroll down a little for the configuration (examples are included).

Bug reports

Please report all issues at my GitHub.


All rights reserved unless explicitly stated otherwise. Some code in FreeUI is taken with permission from other addons; please respect the authors of these addons as well.


FreeUI could never have been coded all by me and thus I would like to thank the following people for their addons, permissions, and/or support.

Allez, AlleyKat, Alza, Caellian, Haste, p3lim, Shantalya, Tukz, tekkub, Tuller, Wildbreath, Zork

I would also like to thank the WoWInterface community for being generally awesome.

Notifications sound effect obtained from

Track changes at


Fixed combo points
Fixed buff tracker errors
Fixed error text showing error codes instead of message
Lots of theme updates and fixes (thanks Gethe and others for maintaining Aurora now)


Fixed death knight rune bar
Removed deprecated shadow orb tracker
Fixed auction UI and spell book frame errors


Updated for patch 7.0.0. Note that full support is not ready yet and some features are disabled.


Updated for patch 6.2.4.
Restyled garrison report tab 4 if MasterPlan is enabled.
Fixed new auction item button texture not being styled properly.


Added frequent health and power updates for power text on player frame
Changed objective tracker item count font to match rest of UI
Updated oUF with bug fixes


Updated for patch 6.2.2.


Updated/fixed minimap dungeon difficulty text.
Fixed rare alert sound.
Fixed alt power bar tooltip error.
Restyled calendar difficulty dropdown.


Fixed objective tracker issues.
Fixed garrison mission alert frame.
Restyled garrison shipyard alert.


Fixed a vendor frame error.


Updated for patch 6.2.


Theme updates

Updated auction UI for patch 6.1.2.
Restyled death recap frame.

Bug fixes

Fixed rogue buff reminder still appearing when poisons are already applied.
Fixed an error related to quest reward highlights.
Fixed quest frame material textures sometimes appearing.


Theme updates

Improved Master Plan support.

Bug fixes

Fixed toy box taint errors.
Fixed a StaticPopup error.
Fixed a bug with bag sorting options.


General changes

Follower defeated debuffs are now no longer shown on healer raid frames.

Theme updates

Restyled new work order frame controls.
Restyled heirloom tab buttons.

Bug fixes

Fixed toy box text colours changing back to their defaults.
Fixed collections micro menu button.
Fixed Blizzard bag sorting options not being disabled when using the all-in-one bag.


Updated for patch 6.1.


General changes

Added interrupt tracking for hunter and warlock pets.
Added darker background to rune bar.
Added holy shield tracking for Holy specced paladins.
Updated Chinese option localization.

Unit frames

Added option to disable raid frames but keep the party frames.


Added option to disable tooltip styling.
Added option to show class on tooltip.
Added option for PvP status.

Theme updates

Restyled loot upgrade alert frame.
Restyled floating garrison mission tooltip.
Restyled garrison mission mechanic tooltips.
Restyled GMOTD scroll bar.
Disabled garrison mission start button animation.

Bug fixes

Fixed not being able to open the garrison mission report with key bindings.
Fixed eternal flame tracking for holy paladins.
Disabled UI scale option while in combat.


Added return value to ReskinIcon API.


General changes

Moved garrison report button to the menu bar (bottom right corner).
Updated oUF auras.
Updated oUF tag library.

Theme updates

Restyled garrison building frame.
Restyled garrison alert frames.
Restyled garrison monument UI.
Restyled LFG list invite dialog.
Removed garrison report watermark.

Bug fixes

Fixed talent frame error for hunters.
Fixed garrison follower button highlight.


General changes

Rare alerts should no longer be triggered while in a garrison, preventing spam during invasions.

Theme updates

Restyled bonus objective header and progress bar.
Restyled garrison report UI.
Restyled most of the garrison mission UI.
Restyled garrison work order frame.
Restyled several garrison tooltips.

Bug fixes

Fixed loot alert frame spec icon background sometimes appearing when it should not (Blizzard bug).
Fixed loot alert frame icon sometimes appearing behind its background.
Fixed 'No recent achievements' text on achievement UI appearing when it shouldn't.


New features

Added Chinese options UI localization by solor.

General changes

Updated oUF framework.

Unit frames

The power text on the player frame is now coloured by power type.

Theme updates

Restyled LFG list application dialog.
Restyled LFG list role icons.
Removed LFG list 'Nothing available' borders.
Restyled addon list 'Load AddOn' buttons.

Bug fixes

Fixed bag slot outline disappearing when moving the cursor over a bag slot when using the 'Always show item slots' option.
Fixed the quest log/map and mount/pet journal links in the micro menu.
Fixed error that occurs when opening the mount journal while in combat.
Fixed counter bar (Darkmoon Faire timer) not appearing sometimes.
Fixed an error related to fonts for Chinese locales.
Removed alDamageMeter leftovers.


New features

Added an optional new style for bags that can be enabled instead of the all-in-one bag, making appearance of the default bags consistent with the rest of the UI.

General changes

Improved stability by cleaning up code and reducing global variables being leaked, which should fix some instances of UI actions being blocked by FreeUI.
Added radio buttons instead of check boxes to some parts of the options UI, allowing for more than 2 choices.
Added highlight to new categories/options in the options UI.
Added an option to bags that lets you hide the bag slot buttons when the all-in-one bag is disabled.
The threat meter is no longer automatically disabled when the FreeUI unit frames are disabled.
The tooltip that shows you the money on your alts is now available even when the all-in-one bag is disabled.

Bug fixes

Cooldown spirals on the right action bars should now be properly hidden when the bars are hidden.
Fixed alert frames sometimes not being styled.

Removed features

Removed alDamageMeter. A new damage meter will be added in the future. For those who miss it, it is still available in the FreeUI archives of version 8.0.2 and earlier.



Updated eclipse bar layout and underlying oUF element. Eclipse bar now updates faster and text is coloured based on the current lunar/solar status.
Split the druid mana bar / druid eclipse bar option into two separate options.

General changes

Added new instance difficulty/size texts to the minimap icon.

Theme updates

Restyled addon list scroll bar.

Bug fixes

Fixed action button range colouring not working.
Fixed cooldowns appearing on hidden action bars.
Fixed buff tracker duration overlay.
Fixed archaeology digsite progress bar randomly moving around.


General changes

Updated oUF.


Reverted the bag slot order change added in the previous version.

Theme updates

Restyled new archaeology frame next/previous page buttons and page text.
Restyled new 'Enable mouse sensitivity' checkbox on the interface options frame.

Bug fixes

Fixed oUF aura duration overlay.
Fixed error that occurs when moving the mouse over a loot roll frame.
Fixed reagent bank unlock button frame level, preventing it from appearing behind reagent bank buttons.


Patch compatibility

Updated for Warlords of Draenor pre-patch (6.0.2).

General changes

Added quality coloured item borders in more places. Quality colours now use the new Blizzard system modified to look like the old FreeUI one.
Refactored and cleaned up a lot of code.


You can now sort bags by clicking the sort button in the bottom-right corner.
You can access the new bag-specific settings for sorting by clicking the gear icon on the bag slots (visible by hovering the cursor above the bag frame).
You can now see which items belong to a certain bag by hovering over its bag slot.
Bag slots are now coloured by quality.
The bag search box is now always visible.


A notification now appears when bags are full (can be turned off in options).
A new notification sound has been added.

Unit frames

Minor improvements to unit frame layout and performance.

Theme updates

Improved and polished the appearance of several panels, for example the encounter journal.

Bug fixes

Action bars: fixed pet action button hotkey font and positioning.
Action bars: fixed pet action bar overlapping menu bar button.
Bags: fixed several issues related to bag item positioning and restyling when adding or removing bag and bank slots.
Fixed an error when playing as shaman while unit frames are disabled.


This update includes several improvements to the UI layout and the ability to choose a custom colour scheme.

New features

Added the ability to choose a custom colour scheme for the UI. It is available in the in-game options under the Appearance category.
The panel along the bottom of the screen now features several buttons for quick access to some functions which are shown when moving the mouse over the panel. Options for this have been added to the in-game options.
A button to switch between talent specializations has been added to the bottom panel.
A quest indicator has been added to the target frame. It appears when the target is important for a quest or scenario.

General changes

The gap between the UI and the edge of the screen is now slightly smaller to provide a better focus on the game world.
Moved the stance bar to above the bottom action bars.
Action bars are at the bottom of the screen are now dynamically positioned based on which are enabled.
Increased the size of the chat frame.
Moved the vehicle seat indicator to above the minimap to prevent it from overlapping with the quest tracker.
Buff tracker table in options.lua now uses tables for spell IDs and can have an unlimited amount of spell IDs per slot.

Theme updates

Redesigned some parts of the in-game options UI.
Restyled the currency frame collapse/expand buttons.

Removed features

Removed Tol Barad timer.

Bug fixes

Fixed healer raid frames overlapping with extra action bar.
Disabled on-demand DBM loading, which didn't work anymore because of changes in DBM.
Fixed the background of the headers of the currency frame when collapsing/expanding them.
Minor bug fixes related to animation speed and smoothness.


General changes

Updated oUF.

Bug fixes

Fixed challenge mode flag appearing in the top right corner of the screen.


General changes

The micro menu can now be opened by clicking the bottom left corner of the screen, rather than clicking and holding the bottom right corner. The chat menu is now opened by right-clicking the bottom left corner (instead of left-clicking).

Updated oUF.

Theme updates

Extra auction house tabs added by addons should now also be restyled.


General changes

Updated oUF.

Bug fixes

Fixed Quest info required money text colour.
Fixed MyRolePlay tooltip support.


Bug fixes

Fixed Russian font support.
Fix an error when mousing over the stats panel when bags are disabled.

Theme updates

Restyled spec icon on loot won alert frame (even though it doesn't really work in the default UI).


General changes

Added Tigereye Brew to monk buff tracker.

Bug fixes

Fixed DBM setup. If you're having issues with DBM bars, type /freeui install and run the DBM section again.


Bug fixes

Fixed alDamageMeter not using new font system.
Fixed focus/pet/ToT frames clipping with text when increasing font size.


General changes

Fonts are now customizable using the in-game options, in a new tab called 'Appearance'. You can change the default pixel font to the one used for the chat frame, and you can control size, shadow and outline options all from within the game. If you have a custom font file you like to use, all you need to do now is replace the default font, then use the in-game options.

alDamageMeter can once again be moved by dragging it while holding the Shift key.

Removed Reload UI button from options, replaced it with a Credits button (Credits tab is gone).

Bug fixes

Fixed the appearance of the PvP frame Honour reward icon.
Fixed options not saving when you change text in an edit box and then click Okay instead of pressing enter.


General changes

Updated for patch 5.4.7 (removed superfluous realm names from chat).

Bug fixes

Fixed world state frames not always being styled properly.


General changes

The realm-wide money tooltip that appears when you mouse over the money in your bags now groups characters per faction, and shows the total money per faction along with the grand total.

Healer raid frames are moved slightly up, and player and target frames now have fixed horizontal positioning when auto-positioning is enabled to prevent them from overlapping.

Bug fixes

Fixed DBM bar appearance for newer DBM versions.


General changes

Added KayrChat button support.
Added /fps command to limit max fps.
Updated oUF.


General changes

Added an option, enabled by default, to automatically calculate unit frame positions. This should be better for lower resolutions.
Updated oUF.

Bug fixes

Fixed automatic invite accepting for guild members.
Removed cast bar cast text shadow.

7.0.6 minor update

General changes

Removed new Store button on the game menu.

7.0.5c bug fixes

Bug fixes

Fixed player frame disappearing (was an unfinished feature released by accident).

7.0.5b minor update

Theme updates

Restyled 4th row of barber shop buttons.
Restyled LFR frame scroll bar.

7.0.5a bug fixes

General changes

Added in-game store to the micro menu.

Bug fixes

Fixed name plate text not appearing when FreeUI name plates are disabled.
Fixed realm names appearing for every member in the guild roster.

7.0.5 patch 5.4.2 update

General changes

Updated UI for patch 5.4.2.
Updated oUF.

Theme updates

Blizzard unit frame options are now restyled if FreeUI unit frames are disabled.
Restyled ignore frame scroll bar.

7.0.4 minor update

General changes

Improved character data reset option.

Theme updates

Restyled Model Preview frame.
Restyled Product Choice frame (basics).
Restyled Recruit A Friend frame.
Restyled Recruit A Friend button.
Removed calendar RSVP buttons 'flash' texture.
Removed conquest tooltip scale fix now that Blizzard fixed it.

7.0.3b minor update

Theme updates

Fixed new guild ranks in guild control panel not being restyled.
Restyled floating combat text 'shield' option checkbox.

7.0.3a bug fixes

Bug fixes

Fixed errors caused by patch 5.4.1.

7.0.3 minor update


Added Selfless Healer to buff tracker. Appears only at 3 stacks.

General changes

Added an option to the buff tracker that lets you set the minimum amount of stacks in order for the buff to show up.
Minor nameplate performance improvements.
Removed group disband slash command.

Bug fixes

Fixed PVP frame arena reward icon (it showed honour instead of conquest).
Fixed a few grammar mistakes in the options UI.

7.0.2 minor update

General changes

Added faction-coloured health percentage text to arena and flag carried frames, similar to the target frame.
Code to detect Kukuru in the rare alert module has been removed because it is no longer needed.

Bug fixes

Arena preparation frames are now properly disabled when the arena frames are disabled.
Fixed second raid finder reward not being restyled.
Fixed buyback item name not being cut off if the name is too long.

Theme updates

Restyled Encounter Journal dropdown button.

7.0.1b bug fixes

Bug fixes

The oUF framework is now disabled when the unit frames are disabled through the options.

7.0.1a bug fixes

Bug fixes

Fixed arena preparation frames colour and text position.
Fixed several issues in the options UI.

7.0.1 minor update


Enrage is now tracked for Arms warriors.

General changes

Increased notification banner width so longer text can fit.

Theme updates

Improved Loot History frame.

Bug fixes

Fixed auto repair module (it actually works properly now).
Fixed item socket borders.
Fixed Item Socketing frame border.
Fixed Item Socketing frame title position.

7.0 major graphical update

General changes

alDamageMeter no longer resets its mode to 'Current' after each fight.
Minor performance improvements.

Theme updates

Added a new window style without shadows around the borders.
Text on tabs no longer moves up or down, and is now always in the middle.
Adjusted tab positions across the UI.
Restyled character and transmogrify flyout arrows, with shiny colours.
Restyled transmogrify item 'glow'.
Restyled Inspect PvP frame.
Restyled Inspect talent frame role icon.
Restyled talent frame role icons.
New talent spec tab style.
Talent spec tab role text colour now changes depending on whether it is your current spec.
Improved installer typography.

Bug fixes

Fixed taxi frame shadow texture at the top.

6.7.3 minor update

General changes

Updated alDamageMeter.
A notification now appears if you lack money to auto repair your equipment.

Bug fixes

Fixed transmogrify confirmation popup being tiny.

6.7.2 minor update

General changes

Rare alerts are now no longer shown for Kukuru's Treasure Cache.
Auto repair now uses player funds if guild repair fails.

Theme updates

Reduced archaeology progress bar size.

Bug fixes

Fixed a lua error that could occur when using MyRolePlay.

6.7.1 minor update

General changes

Added an alert (via raid warning and sound) when Timeless Isle rare mob icons appear on the minimap. This can be disabled in the in-game options.

6.7a minor update

Theme updates

Restyled a new option in the floating combat text options.

Bug fixes

Fix a bug with tooltips when mousing over pets during pet battles.
Fix bags incorrectly opening when the transmogrifying frame is shown.
Fix icon backgrounds not or incorrectly appearing when scrolling through the currency frame.

6.7 patch 5.4 update

General changes

Updated for patch 5.4.
Added category for tooltip options to in-game options UI.
Added option to show titles in tooltips.

Theme updates

Restyled new archaeology progress bar and digsite completion alert.
Improved exit vehicle button.
Added icons to options UI categories.
Changed colour of skill up chat text.

Bug fixes

Fixed the word 'says' being cut off in chat messages beginning with 'says'.

6.6 major update


Added Recklessness buff tracking.
Removed Shout tracking because the icon would be persistent if people suddenly change buffs while your shouts are on cooldown.

General changes

Quest rewards with the highest vendor value are now highlighted on the quest completion frame. This can be disabled in the options UI.
Improved name plate performance, and name plates now dynamically turn grey when a mob is tagged.
Minimap mail text can now be hidden by clicking on it.
Options that have a slider in the options GUI are now only saved to the WTF folder when you actually move the slider.
Abbreviated item level on tooltips when a modified item level is shown.

Unit frames

Added option to disable absorb amount on unit frames.
Increased dps/tank raid frame height.
PvP icon on the player frame is now coloured by faction.

Theme updates

Restyled queue status frame role icons.
Restyled equipment flyout frame next/previous page buttons.
Restyled achievement frame categories.
Restyled Loss of Control icon.
Restyled DBM update reminder.
Changed skill level up colour.
Changed DBM range radar range text font.
Adjusted send mail name frame height and position.

Bug fixes

Fixed name plate cast bars sometimes appearing in a wrong size or position.
Fixed tooltip colours for non-agressive NPCs. They wrongly appeared as agressive.
Fixed PvP icon appearing in the wrong position when max health isn't shown.
Fixed the 'unequip item' button in the equipment flyout sometimes wrongly having its border coloured.
Fixed item upgrade currency icon background always being shown.
Fixed quest reward name frames sometimes being cut off on the right side.
Removed battleground scroll frame fix because it is no longer needed.
Fixed spell book text colour in some situations.

6.5.3 minor update

General changes

alDamageMeter will now no longer reset to 'Current' instead of 'Overall' after each fight if 'Overall' is selected.

Theme updates

Added a border to DBM range radar and changed the header font.

Bug fixes

Fixed action bar flyout buttons when the option to show key bindings is enabled.

6.5.2 minor update

General changes
  • GM/Web ticket buttons on the minimap are now repositioned automatically depending on which are shown.
  • Updated raid frame menus so setting focus now works from raid frames too.

Theme updates
  • Restyled DBM website/forum button.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed name plate castbar shadow texture.

6.5.1 minor update

General changes

Fixed (hopefully) and re-included alDamageMeter.

Theme updates

Restyled toast frame tooltip.
Repositioned IncludedBattleGroundsDropdown so it doesn't overlap with the PVP frame.

6.5a minor update

Theme updates

Restyled specific scenario frame scroll bar.
Changed watch frame scenario objective font.

6.5 patch 5.3 update

General changes

Updated for patch 5.3.
Key binding text is now abbreviated, and has a white colour.
Player faction and PvP status now appear on the same line on the game tooltip.

Theme updates

Changed the highlight colour on buttons.

Bug fixes

Fixed talent frame learn button sometimes turning white.

6.4.2 important bug fixes

General changes

Saved options database is now automatically cleaned to remove deprecated or corrupt variables.
Disabled world map player arrow tooltip.
Improved watch frame positioning and performance.
Updated license to 2013.

Bug fixes

Fixed talent frame taint.
Fixed pet battle action buttons.
Fixed interrupt announcing when in a raid instance without a raid group.
Fixed an issue with Looking for Guild role icons.
Fixed an oUF bug.

6.4.1a hotfix

General changes

Removed Battle Pet Tabs support from the main addon. It is now available as a plugin instead (available here).

Bug fixes

Fixed the colour of the icon border in the pet journal team slots.

6.4.1 minor update

General changes

Debuffs on enemy targets cast by that target are now always shown.

Theme updates

Added a new DBM bar style, with icons.

Bug fixes

Fixed a rare chat frame bug.
Fixed the arena team dropdown menu.
Fixed a few minor issues related to role icons.

6.4 major update

Known issues

Damage meter is removed until I find a working alternative (or it is fixed).
Setting focus on yourself from the raid frames causes a taint error. For now, set it from the player frame.

General changes

Added a new font. Give feedback! You can change back to the old font by changing the 'font' entry in the table in core/api.lua to Hooge0655 instead of PFRondaSeven.
Added experimental support for ruRU locale.
Overhauled the interrupt module with new in-game options that can be changed without reloading.
Updated oUF. Focus can now be set and cleared from dropdown menus.
Added a new, more convenient way of handling UI reloads in the in-game options, including a popup that appears when clicking Okay when a reload is required.
Changed the new 5.2 map player arrow to be less annoying.
Reduced boss name width.
Improved guild bank tab switching performance.
Added bubble and forbearance tracking on healer frames.
Re-added the old /vol command for setting master volume.
Loot frame can no longer move off the screen.

Theme updates

Added custom LFG role icons, with textures by Tonyleila.
Added a new style for arrow highlighting.
Added a shadow outline to chat bubble font.
Improved archaeology frame side tabs. Better late than never!
Improved the watchframe expand/collapse button.
Restyled dropdown list expand arrows.
Restyled guild bank item count text.
Restyled conquest frame win reward icons.
Added a 'minimize' button for popup menus which is shown when needed.
Added a 'disabled' texture for close buttons.

Bug fixes

Fixed hunter buff reminder.
Fixed name plate cast bar scaling for 'small' mobs.
Fixed a bug related to the auto role setting module that could cause taint while in combat.
Fixed a bug in the interrupt module.
Fixed some stupid action button code, making it more efficient and enabling the extra action button background even after a UI reload.
Fixed the small animation that would show up on one of the (hidden) bag buttons when looting an item.
Fixed the background of the top achievement button in the achievement scroll frame.
Fixed a bug related to quest npc model positioning.
Fixed a bug related to the map panel where dropdown menus would have an incorrect frame level.
Fixed a rare issue where button gradients would appear atop of the button instead of in the background.


General changes

Quest objectives on the map can now be viewed while in combat, thanks to Blizzard fixing a long-standing taint issue.
Greatly improved the auto role select module, with new options (under the Automation category) for setting your role based on your current specialization and printing chat messages based on what the module does.
Improved interrupt module. More options are coming in a later version.

Theme updates

Fully restyled quest choice frame.
Restyled scenario completed rewards.
Restyled lfd/scenario frame bonus valour icon.
Restyled honour frame win reward icons.
Removed merchant frame highlight texture.

Bug fixes

Fixed the absorb bar on healer unit frames.


Theme updates

Restyled unavailable frame.
Restyled bonus rep button.
Changed map bar frame font.

Bug fixes

Fixed pet battle action buttons.
Fixed arena team button highlight.
Fixed a font object that still used the default font.


General changes

Updated for patch 5.2.
Greatly improved the pet battle UI, and fixed related bugs.
Added absorb amount to healer unitframes (untested).
You can now click the bottom-left corner of the screen to set volume.
Roles are now automatically set during a role check when playing a pure dps class.
alDamageMeter reports are now more properly formatted.
Brew Explosion is now shown during the Ook-Ook encounter.

Class-specific changes

Mage: Added Rune of Power tracker.
Monk: Added a new Stagger Bar, and Chi updating is now faster.

Theme updates

Added support for BattlePetTabs.
Close buttons are now sleeker.
Button highlights are now more uniform.
Changed a lot of fonts to the FreeUI font.
Improved loot history frame.
Restyled bonus loot won frame.
Restyled movie frame close dialog.
Restyled pet battle queue popup.

Bug fixes

Fixed interrupt module.
Fixed a serious memory leak in the equipment flyout.
Fixed inspect frame updating.
Fixed bugs when switching profiles.
Fixed pet action bar disappearing when the pet dies.
Fixed minor mount/pet list glitches.
Fixed time manager/stats tooltip position.


Mage: Alter Time and Arcane Power are now tracked, and Dalaran Brilliance can now be used as an alternative to Arcane Brilliance in the buff reminder.

Added a timer on the bottom panel that times the queue popup.
Quest items that start a quest now have an extra highlight on the loot frame.
Items on the loot roll frame can now be compared with equipped items as soon as shift is pressed, rather than requiring shift to be pressed when the mouse enters the frame.
There is now a clickable text on the bank frame that lets you buy new bank slots, rather than a /command.
Healing reduction debuffs are no longer shown on the target (unless they are your own).

Theme changes:

Restyled transmogrify confirmation popup.
Account wide achievements in the achievement summary are now also coloured when account-wide.
Restyled level up feature icons.
Removed time manager shadow.

Bug fixes:

Fixed name plate tapped colour.
Fixed item compare tooltip overlapping.
Fixed flyout buttons on right bars when bars are shown on mouseover only.
Fixed bonus roll frame progress bar.
Fixed quest required money text colour.
Fixed buttons on the macro frame overlapping.


Mage: Stealable buffs on the target now have a blue border.

Added a grid that shows bag slots when dragging an item. There's also an option to have it shown at all times.
Added a new category in the in-game options for bag settings.
Bonus reputation chat messages are now shortened.
Alt power bar is now again gradient-coloured.
People with an addon that supports the MSP-protocol (e.g. MyRolePlay or TotalRP) can now see an 'MSP' tag and 'currently' description in the tooltip of people who use an MSP-supporting addon.

Theme changes:

Improved help frame and in-game options tabs.
Improved radio buttons.

Bug fixes:

Fixed interrupt module.
Bag bar is now hidden when bags are disabled.
Units that give quest/loot credit for everyone attacking can no longer be shown as tapped on the unit frames and tooltip.
Fixed class trainer buttons sometimes not being styled.
Fixed a bug when resetting data for a specific character.
Module options in the in-game options are now properly hidden when the module is disabled.


Fixed a bug where bank bags would not appear correctly when adding new bank bags when not all of the default bag slots are used.
Grey items that are part of equipment sets are no longer sold automatically along with other grey items.
Player names in instance chat are now also coloured by class after setting up the chat.
Restyled black market selected texture.
Added a tooltip to player alt power bar (untested).
Updated oUF auras.


Fixed a bug with the chat frame that caused the combat log to be shown in reverse order, amongst other things.
Fixed an old bug where arrow textures pointed to the wrong addon.
Restyled raid finder/scenario frame scroll bars.


Updated alDamageMeter.
Changed new chat bubble font.
Fixed the 'small' nameplates.
Fixed auction UI.
Fixed a bug with real ID.


Updated for patch 5.1. Nameplates might still look weird at times.
Coloured alt powered bar by alt power type. May or may not work.
Added option to disable arena/flag carrier frames.
Added option to remove individual character data in the in-game options.
Fixed a bug with missing loot frame.
5 boss frames can now be shown, up from 4.
Removed VP tracking on bags.
Realm gold text is now comma separated.


Added selection highlight to healer raid frames.
Changed resurrect highlight on healer raid frames to an icon.
Filtered Touch of the Titans debuff on healer raid frames.

Restyled equipment set checked/highlight texture.

Fixed an important bug with action bars.
Fixed DBM range check and info frames.
Fixed a bug when initially learning talents.


Fixed a bug with mage buff reminders.


Added notification system with a banner and sound. Notifications for mail, calendar events and guild events have been added and can be toggled in the in-game options.
Added awesome custom minimap queue icon.
Pets in the pet list are now coloured by quality.
Black Market items are now coloured by quality.
Equipment flyout items are now coloured by quality.
Merchant item names are now coloured by quality.
Added an undress button to SideDressUpModel as well.
Added options for combat text and nameplates.
Paladin: added Righteous Fury reminder.
Paladin: added sacred shield tracking to healer raid frames.
Monk: added Tiger Power to buff tracker.
The option 'limit raid size' can now be changed on the fly.

Theme changes:

Restyled chat config frame.
Restyled bonus roll frame.
Restyled cancel cinematic popups.
Restyled FloatingPetBattleAbilityTooltip.
Restyled currency frame scroll bar.
Restyled quest greeting separator.

Bug fixes:

Fixed an error when Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames has been disabled by an other addon.
Fixed buff tracker for paladin and monk in some situations.
Fixed brown level text on talent frame.
Fixed minimap scaling.
Fixed a few button pushed textures around the UI.
Fixed bank slot purchase text being cut off.
Quests on the map will no longer automatically be tracked after combat if they weren't tracked before combat.


Added various pet battle improvements and fixes.
Fixed automatic invite accepting.
Loot frame now doesn't show when there is no loot.


Theme changes:

Updated pet battle UI with minor improvements and fixes.
Restyled random scenario rewards.
Restyled BattlePetTooltip.

Bug fixes:

Fixed an old bug that breaks links when linking existing links (sup dawg).
Fixed a bug when linking account-wide quests.
Fixed a bug that would enforce certain unitframe options to be set through the in-game GUI, though their in-game controls have not been implemented yet. They can now be set from options.lua again.
Fixed a bug related to the event handler that would occur when switching resolutions in some situations.
Alt power text is now always an integer.
Fixed chat bubbles in some situations.
Fixed watchframe font on very large screens.
Map coordinates are now always displayed in front of quest POIs.
Fixed quest greeting scroll bar.


Fixed duplicate OnUpdate scripts.


Fixed extra action button pushed texture.


Used fancy code to make the bags more square-shaped.
Restyled inspect talent frame.
Restyled gossip frame friendship bar.
Restyled tradeskill subskill bars.
Improved criteria alert frame.
Improved extra action button.
Fixed archaeology page text colour for new races.
Fixed a bug with pet battle weather duration appearing in the middle of the screen.
Fixed a bug with gradient frame levels.


Added a brand new in-game options UI with many new options. You can choose a global or character-specific profile. The options can be accessed through the game menu or the /freeui command.

Added a special druid mana bar.

Updated alDamageMeter.
Updated oUF.

Nameplates now have custom class colours for all classes.


Added Adrenaline Rush and Holy Avenger to buff tracker.
Minimap dungeon difficulty text now correctly shows scenarios and challenge modes.
Unitframe health updating is now more efficient.
Changed loot quest highlight.
Cleaned up chat bubble code.

Bug fixes:

Fixed interrupt module.
Fixed the show/hide situations of the raid and world marker.
Fixed the guild control UI.
Fixed a bug with missing loot frame.
Fixed a bug with the watchframe moving after toggling the UI.
Fixed a bug with corners script.
Fixed right action bars showing after leaving a vehicle.
Fixed spellbook tabs in some situations.
Fixed raid frames bugging when 6th slot is empty.
Fixed many bugs related to the guild roster.
Fixed item socketing scroll bar.
Fixed a bug when people use an addon to hide loot won alerts.
Fixed a bug with friend frame scrolling.
Fixed plus/minus icons positions.


Changed the friends frame so that the old broadcast input field is back.
Removed trinket plugin.

Theme changes:

Restyled money won alert.
Improved MissingLootFrame.
Tweaked PVE frame buttons.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug with the loot history frame when everyone passes on loot.
Fixed instance difficulty '25' and '10H' texts being swapped.
Fixed the buff frame moving when a ticket banner appeared.
Fixed a few alert frame backdrop frame levels and animations.


Fixed override action bar. This fixes the Darkmoon Faire bars.
Fixed the loot history expand buttons.
Changed winning roll font on loot history.
Moved spec/class text on arena preparation frames slightly.


Fixed a critical bug with the last update.


New features:

Rewrote the buff reminder. It now tracks raid buffs for all classes along with self buffs. It will intelligently remind you of what to buff. For example, as a Paladin, if there is no mastery or stats buff in the raid, you can buff anything. If there is a stats buff, you have to buff mastery, and vice versa.

Bug fixes:

Fixed master loot.
Fixed minimap instance difficulty text.
Fixed extra action button style.

Theme changes:

Restyled master looter frame, improved glyph frame, loot history frame and consolidated buff tooltip.


DBM styling was moved to the main addon. Don't forget to delete the !dbm folder!
DBM styling is now more efficient. The DBM boss health bars and option frame are now also styled.
Added an option to disable auto UI scaling, because of a Blizzard bug with screen resolution detection.


Button cooldowns no longer show for spells with charges until all charges are depleted.
Optimised the buff tracker and added new paladin spells.
Added Eternal Flame to the raid buff tracker.
Improved micro menu toggling.

Bug fixes:

Fixed player buffs not showing at logiln.
Fixed a bug in oUF.

Theme changes:

Changed the world marker appearance.
Trade frame portraits are hidden again.
Restyled FloatingBattlePetTooltip.
Restyled a new mac checkbutton.
Removed map search box text shadow.


Fixed the sFilter customPoint option.


Fixed the event handler, preventing it from breaking on certain resolutions.


Fixed the tabard slot being hidden.
Fixed real ID class colours.
Fixed instance size text outline.


Removed warrior module which was obsolete and caused a lua error.


Updated for patch 5.0.4. If you are still on patch 4.3.4, download version 4.4.2a from the archive instead.


Added a new file for overriding options (profiles.lua), allowing you to create profiles. It is fully documented and will most likely never need to be updated, so it can be copy-pasted every time you update the UI so you can easily keep your settings.
The oUF library included in FreeUI now supports standalone plugins such as oUF_MovableFrames.


Added a basic in-game GUI which so far only allows boolean (true/false) changes. Work in progress!
Added an optional target of target frame.
Added a micro menu. Click and hold the bottom right corner of the screen.
Added guild ranks to tooltips.
The clock at the bottom of the screen now follows AM/PM and local/realm time settings.
Restyled time manager. It is now toggled by clicking the info text at the bottom and can be used to change the time settings.
Added auto-positioned slots for sFilter options.
Quest items are now highlighted on the loot frame.
Added an undress button to the dressup frame.
Added better inspect frame item glow updating.

Bug fixes:

Mail 'get all' button now no longer gets stuck when a mail includes multiple items, and skips over GM mail too.
Fixed chat copy bugging out when there are textures (such as real ID icons) present in the chat frame.


Added an option for the 20 minute break timer (which I added by accident), disabled by default. Might expand on it in a future version.


Added CounterBar oUF plugin by p3lim (currently only usable at Darkmoon Faire).
Holy power colours on action buttons are now more consistent; blue for unusable; faded for less than three holy power on non-linear scaling spells; normal for full holy power or more than 0 on linear scaling spells (when it is optimal to use).
oUF updates.
Fixed a hideous bug on holy power that has existed since start of Cataclysm that caused the update code to run 3 times on each update.


Theme changes:

Added class colours to check boxes.
Reskinned tutorial frame.
Reskinned 2 more buttons on merchant buyback frame.
Dropdown arrow highlight now also uses class colour.
Added smooth updates on the progress bar on installer.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a tradeskill frame texture and positioning issue.
Fixed some accidentally removed input box code.
Fixed some stuff with the new dropdown list code.


Fixed dropdown highlights in some situations.


Quest tracker is no longer movable, but now positions itself automatically based on screen size and whether or not the right bars are shown.
Minimap tracking dropdown is now anchored to the cursor.

Theme changes:

Revamped dropdown lists with a new highlight texture and reskinned radio- and checkbuttons.
Reskinned radio buttons on the GM survey frame.
Reskinned a calendar scroll bar.

Bug fixes:

Map sliding panel is now in front of the action bars on low resolutions.
Fixed threat meter position and width.
Added a fix for addons which inherit GameTooltip's look.
Fixed a texture on the tradeskill frame and GM survey frame.


Better dropdown lists.
Made slider backdrops less wide.
Added transparent backdrops to nameplates.
Changed looks of GuildTextEditFrame.


Fixed some guild frame positions.


Updated guild control UI.


Added size options for bags and bank.
Moved action bar settings to their own table.
Cleaned up bag/bank code for efficiency.

Bug fixes:

Fixed hotkey appearance.
Threat meter now properly moves based on target height.


Small fixes to guild rewards frame.


Reskinned the new button on the GM frame.
Minimap zone text is now cut off at the border.
Removed minimap quest/archaeology 'waffle' circle.


World map now has a button to show the extra panel rather than it appearing on mouseover.
Added smooth updates for unitframes.
Added a small spark to the eclipse bar.


Default combat text option is now automatically disabled to hopefully prevent issues with other addons.

Theme changes:

Added a border around merchant currency icons.


Mail text now shows the sender on mouseover.
Realm money/currency list when mousing over gold is now sorted alphabetically.

Attempt to fix the following issues when using a clean install or after resetting variables:
- Unitframe layout variables would be initialised, but not applied to oUF until a reload, causing both layouts to be active resulting in irregular behaviour.
- A lua error would display on some computers and network setups related to gold text.


Moved a few minimap icons to avoid overlap.
Replaced bg icon with text.
Better debug messages.
Code cleanup.

Bug fixes:

Thunderstruck glow is no longer reset every time UNIT_AURA fires.

Theme changes:

Tweaked input box size and reskin calendar mass invite frame.
Disabled buttons no longer glow on mouseover.
Reskinned language dropdown.


Added a sliding panel to the world map with map options.
Added map searchbox by Wildbreath.
Added a few debug outputs for missing items (rather than lua errors) to improve maintainability.
Added a new API: ReskinRadio.
Reskinned the new report stuff.
Reskinned the achievement comparison window.
Fixed digsite tracking position when in a dungeon.


Added a thunderstruck tracker for warriors.
Adjusted the size and position of the vehicle exit button based on player width and height.
Adjusted rune and soulshard bar size based on player width.
Added and corrected a few debuffs in the filter.
Attached focus debuffs to the frame.

Bug fixes:

Fixed health sometimes not being set to 0 for dead units.

Theme changes:

Calendar is now 140% more shiny.
Reskinned CalendarInviteStatusContextMenu.
Reskinned bg popup close button.
Reskinned VoiceChatTalkers.
Increased the opacity of disabled arrow buttons.


Attempt to fix the achievement popup.
Fixed the flyout buttons.
Fixed the trainer frame disabled texture.

Minor changes to the trainer frame.


Reskinned achievement popup.
Minor bug fixes.


Paladin: Added Judgements of the Pure to sFilter for Holy only.

Added an option for spec to sFilter.
Moved the healer raid frames down slightly.

Added a new function, CreateGradient, which plugins can use to create the gradient background used on text fields (when ReskinInput cannot be used).


Actually reskinned the Scroll of Resurrection frame.


Fixed the shapeshift bar.


New features:

Added basic in-game options panel.

Theme changes:

Reskinned the Scroll of Resurrection frame.
Reskinned LFGDungeonReadyDialogCloseButton.


Updated buff and button code.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug that prevented the Interface options or Video options frame from being fully skinned when opened directly rather than through the game menu button.
Fixed a few minor bugs with guild bank and void storage searching.
Fixed material textures showing up on the quest panel.
Prevented alDamageMeter from throwing errors when FreeUI is temporarily disabled.
Fixed hotkey text position.


New features:

Switched to a more efficient saved variable structure. Use /freeui reset to clear the old ones (recommended).
Valor points, as well as the amount earned this week, are now shown for each character on the money tooltip.
Added buttons for helm/cloak on the character frame.


Removed 'Set Focus' from dropdown menus (oUF).
Moved the streaming icon back to its original position.

Theme changes:

Reskinned the graphics API dropdown.

Bug fixes:

Fixed the search function on non-English locales that would cause the bag search to be active at all times.
Fixed a visual bug with quest log scrolling.


Re-added class colours for dps/tank mode.
5-man raids are now shown as a party instead.
Changed LFD role icons.
Instance size/difficulty text is now coloured green when in a guild group.
Tiny improvement to stats performance.

Theme changes:

Reskinned calendar event AM/PM dropdown and made dropdowns a little wider.
Moved the Raid Frame Raid Info button.
Removed pushed texture on Trade Frame buttons.

Bug fixes:

Attempt to fix a bug which could cause glyph changes to become blocked.
Fix auto loot display switching, and apply it to any raid.
Fixed a bug with guild roster button backdrops.
Fixed AuctionProgressBarText postion.


Added auto detailed loot info switching when entering/leaving LFR. Can be toggled in options.
Item quality colour on void storage (mirrored from oGlow)
Minor changes to extra action button
oUF updates
Moved a few files

Theme changes:

Reskinned Void Storage Purchase frame

Bug fixes:

Fixes to ItemTextFrame

Files changed:

++ scripts/automation.lua
++ scripts/disable.lua
-- scripts/events.lua


Searching the guild bank will now properly show/hide item quality glow.

Theme changes:

Improved item socketing frame.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug with money tooltip text colour.
Attempt to fix reforging frame buttons from becoming unclickable.

Files changed:



Added Dungeon Deserter and Mistletoe to the list of debuffs to be hidden on healer frames.
Reverted "Attempt to workaround a Blizzard bug which prevented interaction on certain interface elements after a while." because it doesn't work.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a logic error related to cast bar interrupt icons.
Fixed a bug related to the power bar separator line.
Fixed a bug where game icons on the friends frame could keep their background after disappearing.

Files changed:

options.lua (hideDebuffs table)


Theme changes:

Reskinned LFD and LFR specific instance checkboxes.
Reskinned expand/collapse buttons.

Bug fixes:

Fixed an old bug related to the reputation frame bars.
Fixed an old bug related to Tradeskill frame icon.

Files changed:



Fixed a bug where clicking a link to an item in the Encounter Journal would cause that item's background to be white.



Added a lot of options to the unitframes, including names, power bar and unitframe dimensions and number of buffs and debuffs.

Files changed:



Tooltip mods are now only applied on English locale.

Bug fixes:

Attempt to workaround a Blizzard bug which prevented interaction on certain interface elements after a while.
Fixed a bug that showed all boss casts to be interruptable.
Bug fixes on action bars for certain classes.
Fixed a bug related to alDamageMeter title.

Theme changes:

Complete makeover of the Encounter Journal.
Reskinned MissingLootFrame.
Reskinned the map dropdown that shows in dungeons/raids and moved it.

Files changed:



Updated alDamageMeter.
Reskinned extra action button, now that it works.

Theme changes:

Reskinned checkboxes on new role popup.
Reskinned mail frame money button.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug with extra action bar (#4).
Attempt to fix a bug where button backdrops would not hide after a while.

Files changed:



Theme changes:

Improved trade frame.
Reskinned a new role popup.

Bug fixes:

Attempt to fix extra action bar (#3).
Attempt to fix a bug with taint from action buttons.
Fixed spell flyout buttons not being styled properly.

Changed files:



Bug fixes:

Attempt to fix bugs with extra action bar (again).
Fixed bugs with dungeon/raid completion alert.

Changed files:



Changed bag search box to use the new Blizzard bag search system, allowing for more accurate string matching and searching through equipment manager sets as well.

Bug fixes:

Attempt to fix bugs with extra action bar (untested).
Fixed cooldown text showing on healer raid frame buffs (they shouldn't).
Fixed a bug that would cause an error related to money text when using FreeUI for the first time.
Fixed various issues with the Friends and Raid frame.
Fixed a few bugs with the side dressup frame.

Changed files:



Updated for patch 4.3.

Druid: Eclipse bar colours have been inverted to make more sense than Blizzard default. Now, the glow and text will be coloured by the type of eclipse you have (and thus type of spell you need to cast). The bars will look like you are effectively using solar energy if you are casting solar spells, and vice versa. Sorry if this takes some time getting used to.


Repositioned Minimap tracking dropdown to no longer be cursor-dependent, because of the odd way it would otherwise work in 4.3.

Theme changes:

Reskinned options panel (with awesome new slider), as well as the new UI elements such as Void Storage.

Bug fixes:

Updated oUF with bug fixes.

Changed files:

A clean install is required.


Bug fixes:

Boss alt power bar should now properly push down boss buffs.
Updated oUF with bug fixes.

Changed files:



Installer/tutorial has had its code cleaned up and text rewritten to be more simple.
Chat tabs are now hidden unless you mouseover the chat frame.
Real ID links will now be coloured by link type.
The popup saying you have unsaved talent changes should no longer show.
Chat frame is now bigger for people on a high resolution.

Bug fixes:

Fixed some checkboxes on the world map.
Fixed bugs with tradeskill frame.
Stats tooltip is once again shown to the left of the bags if they're open.
Fixed position of the achievement frame header.
Fixed a bug with the channel list scroll bar.

Theme changes:

Added a background for item tooltips in socketing frame.

Files changed:



Files changed:


Bug fixes:

Fixed alDamageMeter.
Fixed some unitframes stuff.
Fixed a rare bug where the quest frame could have a backdrop when starting a quest from a parchment or scroll.


New features:

The layout chooser window has been removed and replaced with two slash commands (/freeui dps and /freeui heal(er)) for faster layout switching.


Updated alDamageMeter and increased the bar width slightly.

Bug fixes:

Realm-wide money was only updating when mousing over the money text in the bags. This has been corrected.
Bag search was wrong for the first 28 bank buttons: this has been fixed.

Files changed:

- scripts/layout.lua


New features:

You can now see how much gold you have on all characters on your realm (providing you have logged on them before) by mousing over the money text on your bags.
A command has been added to reset saved settings, /freeui reset.

Bug fixes:

Attempt to fix world map 'show quest objectives' checkbox.
Fixed PoM tracking.
Fixed chat bubble border scaling.

Theme changes:

Reskinned encounter journal instance buttons.

Files changed:

options.lua ('myBuffs' table)


Very high screen resolutions are now supported, thanks to Aprikot.
Added a sort of GM ticket button to the minimap (inspired by Tukui).
FreeUI now recommends you to disable Aurora if it's enabled, and won't load the theme code.


Added debuff type colouring to healer raid frames.

Action bars:

Changed checked texture so it looks better and is also class coloured.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a small error with alDamageMeter that pops up when switching modes.
Priests will now correctly have the Weakened Soul debuff shown on the raid frames.
Health of dead units should now 'correctly' display zero, and dead units now have a black gradient colour on healer unitframes rather than red.
Fixed the standalone castbar position.
Fixed a couple of minimap text positions.

Files changed:



Fixed the totem bar. Non-shamans don't need this update.



Buff durations and no buff consolidation CVars are now forced by the UI.

Theme changes:

Better option panel styling.
3 option frame categories which are unused by FreeUI are now hidden to avoid confusion and remove unnecessary clutter.

Bug fixes:

Fixed rune bar.


NOTE: It is recommended that you remove 'FreeUI.lua' in every WTF/Account/ACCOUNTNAME/REALMNAME/CHARNAME/SavedVariables folder prior to updating, because of the transition to a new saved variables system.

New unitframes and bottom panel style.
evl_Combo has been removed and replaced by my own combo points script.
Enormous code cleanup saving a lot of CPU usage and removing unnecessary RAM usage.


Added a maelstrom weapon tracker similar to the holy power display.


Aurawatch has been removed. Instead, the default buff system is now used and two filter have been added to options.lua; one for your own buffs, one for anyone's buffs.
Debuff highlight has been removed. Instead, debuffs now have their border coloured by type.
Arena frames are now placed under the player frame.
Layout chooser has a new look.
New type of threat highlight.
The debuff filter for healer unitframes has been updated with additions by sorrykari.
Added Strength of Soul to the dangerous buff list.
Removed some dupe castbar and raid target icon code.


The search function now supports searching for slot types. For example, typing 'trinket' will highlight all trinkets.


Enemy paladin and shaman nameplates now use the FreeUI class colour.


Added item glow to guild bank frame.
Interrupts are now only announced in raids.
Amani charms are no longer auto-rolled on (English locale only for now).
Party/raid frame size can now be set in the options.
Added a simple handler for saved variables to prepare for an upcoming ingame config.
All FreeUI saved variables (2 so far) are now stored in 1 table.
Shortened the message displayed when your repair bills are too high to auto-guild repair.
Changed some fonts.
Bottom panel width is now relative, rather than calculated.
Moved capture bar and score text to their own file, out of the minimap file.


A ton of code is now much more efficient thanks to a major code cleanup.
Cooldown code is now more efficient because it no longer takes scaling into account (since all button scales have been normalized).

Theme changes:

Calendar frame makeover.
Reskinned guild challenges and dungeon completion rewards.
Reskinned some minor archaeology stuff.
Reskinned Trainer frame skill bar.
Reskinned achievement UI status bars.
Reskinned profession frame status bars.
Friends frame now has dimensions that are more like the original, to avoid buttons overlapping on the Raid frame.
Spellbook button backgrounds are now dynamically shown/hidden.
Removed Real ID invite button.

Bug fixes:

Fixed an important bug where an OnUpdate script started when looting BoP loot while solo would never be stopped.
Fixed a bug that could occur when opening the loot frame (mirrored from Butsu).
Fixed debuff position updating on healer unitframes.
Fixed arena trinket plugin.
Fixed Inspect frame item quality colouring.
Fixed auto-accept for real ID friends using a workaround because real ID faction info is bugged in the API.
Fixed the bug that caused legendary items to not have their border coloured appropriately.
Fixed quest reward highlight.
Fixed the tab position on the character frame for classes with pets.
Fixed a bug with LFD rewards.
Fixed (more or less) the war game button.
Fixed guild bank and inspect frame tab position.
Fixed glyph header stuff.

Files changed:

Every files has been changed. Srsly.


New theme (again), to compromise between the old theme and the visibility of the second one.
Removed LynStats, replaced with my own stats text.


Clarified some of the tutorial text and updated it for the latest features.
Moved the loot frame stack count slightly to match other buttons in the UI.

Bug fixes:

Fixed bag/bank scaling when the bank frame is opened while a UI panel is showing.
Fixed interrupt announcer causing an invalid channel message when used in arena.
Fixed guild roster class icon backgrounds showing when they shouldn't.
Fixed a bug where output text in the keybinding UI would be wrongly hidden.


Action buttons now use backdrops instead of additional frames with backdrops.

Theme changes:

Full achievement UI reskin.
Reskinned paper doll frame flyout buttons.
Added a few gradient colours to status bars to make them less ugly.

Files changed:

- scripts/lynstats.lua
+ scripts/stats.lua



Added a search function. Mouseover just below the bags to show the search box.
Icon quest highlight now uses the quality highlight rather than reusing the original Blizzard texture.
Improved a few functions.


Added resurrect icon for party and raid frames.
Power text for druids will now always display mana, regardless of form when the UI is loaded.
Options for unitframes position are now less confusing and more consistent.
Names on healer party/raid frames have been re-added and can now be disabled in the options instead.
Unitframes colours can now be changed from the C.classcolours table.
Pet now shares the player's health bar colour to avoid a bad colour combination.

Action bars:

Styled Flyout buttons, because Tukui team is epic.
Tweaked vehicle exit button.
Various improvements to hunter-specific code.


Updated currency appearance.
Changed default Watchframe position.
Changed exp/rep bar look slightly.
Interrupt module no longer announces when not in an instance.
World marker no longer shows if you are in a raid but aren't raid leader/raid assist.

Code improvements:

Re-added CreateBG function for more efficient borders.
Buff/debuff borders are now textures rather than separate frames.
Bag/bank item borders are now textures rather than separate frames.
Cleaned up buff frame code.

Theme changes:

Reskinned TradeSkillRankFrame.
Reskinned Quest reward highlight.
Reskinned merchant currency frame icons.
Reskinned guild roster class icons.
Reskinned talent buttons.
Reskinned pet talent stuff.
Added highlight texture to currency frame.
Changed a few frames in the GuildUI to look more elegant and save space.
Changed cap bar look slightly.
Fixed pet frame.
Fixed checkbox texture appearing behind its border.

Bug fixes:

Hopefully fixed the alt power bar for the last time.
Fixed debuff highlight.
Fixed a large number of taint issues related to unitframes, colours, tooltips and world map.
Chat frame scroll down button now properly shows/hides when keyboard scrolling is used.

Files changed:



Reskinned QuestFrameGreetingPanel.
Fixed conquest point bar backdrop offset.

Files changed: scripts/theme.lua


Fixed interrupt module announcing to party when in raid.

Files changed: scripts/interrupt.lua


Shaman: Complete totem bar makeover with proper skin.
Priest: Buff reminder now supports Inner Will.


Healer raid frames now display up to two debuffs, with a blacklist for debuffs that should be hidden.
Healer raid frames are now wider by default.
Healer raid frames now no longer display a name.
Unitframe background is now slightly less transparent.
Added a pvp icon to player frame. Can be disabled in options.
Debuff highlight now automatically detects talent tree changes for magic dispels.
All buff filters now use spell IDs rather than names, to provide compatibility with all locales.


Interrupt module no longer announces in Tol Barad or battlegrounds.
Changed pvp cap bar to have gradient colours.
Changed cooldown count to be properly centered.

Bug fixes:

Fixed alt power bar.
Fixed an error with interrupt module in battlegrounds.
Fixed character and inspect frame item updating. Inspect frame has been reversed to previous version for technical reasons.
Fixed guild xp bar.
Fixed score frame.
Fixed bottom panel width for very large displays.

Theme improvements:

Reskinned zone map.
Reskinned conquest point bar.
Reskinned framestack tooltip.
Reskinned exit vehicle button.


Code cleanup.
Removed more unused oUF items.

Files changed:

A clean install is recommended considering nearly all files have changed.


Hopefully, fixes to Alt Power bar


Yay, 3.2.1!


Alt Power bar is now embedded into the player unit frame and automatically updates debuff position upon showing/hiding.
Max health text is now replaced by Alt Power bar text when you have Alt Power.
Added gradient colour to AltPowerBar rather than class colour.
Eclipse bar text is now hidden when at 0 solar/lunar power or when not in combat.
Eclipse bar now automatically updates debuff position as it shows/hides.


Re-added updated alDamageMeter.
Added support for currency display on bags.
Added Real ID class colouring (yay!).
Added class colours to who frame.
Added more options to the class specific section in options.lua.


Changed chat frame scroll down button to show when not scrolled down.
Changed right actionbars mouseover to no longer have dead spots, and to show both bars when mousing over one.
Changed loot roll position to move a little to the left if right bars are shown.
Changed 'no item in slot' to be hidden again.

Bug fixes:

Fixed taint error on raid frames.
Fixes to buff frame.
Fixes to chat frame copy.
Fixes to fonts.

Theme updates:

Reskinned Watchframe items.
Reskinned watchframe collapse/expand button.
Reskinned mail attachments.
Reskinned Valor point and guild rep bar cap markers.
Improved AuctionProgressFrame.

Files changed:



Fixed interrupt announcer.
Fixed a rare tradeskill frame error.
Fixed the map animation bug.
Fixed a bug with world map POI tooltip.
Fixed a minor glitch with the LFD frame.


Who needs default raid frames?
Fixed broken friends list class colours.
Fixed coding error on scripts/errors.lua line 6.
Fixed all font sizing issues.


FreeUI no longer replaces Blizzard interface files. You can now delete the additional folders in your Interface folder.
FreeUI no longer replaces Blizzard font files. You can now delete the Fonts folder in your WoW folder.
FreeUI now has an updated theme.

A 'performance' section has been added to options.lua where you can set update intervals.
World map cursor co-ordinates update interval has been halved by default.
Chat bubble update interval has been doubled by default.
Removed a ton of redundant code from theme.lua.

Blizzard raid frames are now forced to be hidden on login.

Visual improvements:
Major theme code overhaul.
New tab appearance.
Reskinned Guild registrar frame.
Reskinned Barber shop frame.
Reskinned new channel creation frame.
Reskinned check boxes.
Reskinned Merchant repair buttons.
Reskinned more arrows and input boxes.
Reskinned Auction frame bids.
Reskinned QuestInfoSkillPointFrame.
Improved Guild rewards frame.
Improved trainer frame.
Improved Glyph frame.
Cleaned up Tabard frame.
Changed Raid info appearance.
Fixed a few frame level issues.
Fixed some issues with Mac options frame.



The bag frame will now update automatically when bags are added or upgraded. No more need to /rl every time.
Reskinned bag and bank bag buttons.

Slash commands:

Added a new /freeui command, which will print a list of UI-specific functions.
/bank purchase, /wf, /install and /role have been removed and moved to the /freeui command.
Added a /vol command to set the master volume (0-1).
Added a command to initiate a role check. /rolepoll or /rolecheck.


Healer layout has been changed. Party/raid frames and target position have been switched for less eye-strain.
Raid debuff display has been removed because it sucks.

The following spells have been added to the debuff whitelist: Ragezone, Deadzone.
The following spells have been added to the buff whitelist: Alliance Flag, Horde Flag, Shadowform.


Interrupt module, real ID link colouring

Removed the following modules:

Archaeology timer, audio alert


core.lua, slash.lua and scripts/colours.lua have been moved to a new 'core' folder.
Added map coords for player and cursor position (cursor position from Tukui).
BoP loot is now automatically accepted when solo.

Bug fixes:

Nameplate cast bar icon will now show again.
Removed DBM huge bar which was wrongly showing. Re-installing DBM options is needed.
Fixed an old bug where rested xp bar would show despite not being rested.

Visual improvements:

Reskinned scroll bars, close buttons, dropdown menus, arrows and input frames.
Much better talent frame skin.
Reskinned arena/battleground start timer.
Reskinned token frame and reputation frame.
Reskinned calendar create event frame.
Reskinned GuildControlUI.
Reskinned capture bar.
Reskinned LFD rewards.
Reskinned valor points bar.
Reskinned mount and pet buttons.
Reskinned quest frame items.
Reskinned guild xp bar, rep bar, rewards frame and perks buttons.
Reskinned vendor frame buttons.
Reskinned archaeology frame progress bars.
Reskinned lua errors.
Reskinned chat bubbles.
Reskinned 11th GM survey question.
Reskinned nav bars. Thanks to Tukui team.
Reskinned character frame tab buttons.
Reskinned Send mail frame buttons.
Reskinned TokenPopupFrame.
Reskinned Real ID friend game icons. Who said I can't do lua?
Reskinned key binding buttons.
Reskinned Guild bank popup frame.
Reskinned Calendar event select frame.
Reskinned DBM range check.
Removed friend button backdrops.
Tabs are now more awesome.
Improved tradeskill frame.
Improved macro frame.
Improved New equipment set popup.
Cleaned up Help frame.
Cleaned up Guild frame.
Cleaned up Looking For Guild frame.
Cleaned up achievement frame.
Cleaned up Honor frame scroll bar.


Shaman: Earth Shield has been added to the raid frames buff tracker.

Added more debuffs by the raid debuff filter by default.
Further tweaked bags to restore pre-4.1 behaviour.
Fixed healer unitframes.
Fixed a small bug with guild bank UI.
Autorepair now warns you if you can't withdraw enough money from the guild bank to cover your repairs.
Updated alDamageMeter.
Removed old unitframes code.


Reskinned auction frame items. You'll love this.
Reskinned mail inbox items.
Fixed: Nameplates.
Fixed: Bag toggling.


New core:

- Now uses namespaces rather than globals. (thanks to nightcracker)
- File structure completely changed.
- Function and colour system changed.

Rogue: Poison tracker now checks for thrown weapons (can be toggled in options) and doesn't alert you when in a vehicle.
Bandit's Guile (3 levels of Insight) has been added to sFilter by default.
Warrior: Shout reminder should now be properly centered.

Unitframe improvements:

Added: Arena unitframes with oUF_Trinkets included.
Added: An option to display a debuff at the center of healer unitframes (enabled by default). Filter can be customized in options.
Changed: Added a few CC spells to debuff filter.

Buff/debuff filtering improvements:

There is now a 'dangerousBuffs' table in options.lua that you can edit. This will determine which buffs are shown on enemy players (target & arena).

Minimap cleaned up:

Changed: Tol Barad timer moved to the panel, text colour changed depending on class.
Changed: World marker is now just the flag icon and has been moved to the bottom left of the minimap.
Changed: Minimap border is no longer coloured based on mail or calendar invites. Instead, a mail text has been added at the bottom.

LynStats updated:

Latency display now shows both home and world latency.

Performance improvements:

DBM boss frame restyle script has been removed since it's unused. 'Huge bar' removed and added a limiter to the restyling code. All of this is an attempt to resolve the CPU issues.
Drastically reduced the amount of select() and GetRegions() calls.

Visual improvements:

Reskinned the new character frame.
Reskinned Arena team creation frame.
Reskinned Help frame.
Reskinned GM Survey frame.
Reskinned ReadyCheckFrame.
Reskinned RolePollPopup.
Greatly improved Guild bank frame.
Cleaned up Mail Frame.
Cleaned up tradeskill frame, especially when used with the Guild UI.
Cleaned up PVP frame.
Cleaned up Glyph frame.
Improved QuestNPCModel backdrop and positioning.
Changed AuctionDressUpFrame to save screen space and match the QuestNPCModel/GuildNewsBossModel look.
Rekinned GuildNewsBossModel.
Reskinned GhostFrame.
Reskinned a few search boxes.
Reskinned QuestLogCount.
Reskinned Broadcast Input frame.

Positioning improved:

Changed: Default position of sFilter tracked spells should now be properly centered.

Loot strings changed:

Guild money string shortened.
All loot strings now use coin icons, rather than texts.


Changed: Castbar 2 is now movable in the options.
Changed: Player power value is now positioned based on health value.
Changed: BN toast position updated.
Archaeology timer updated to match the new 3 sec cooldown on Survey.

Bug fixes:

Fixed threat indicator not showing.
Fixed an old bug that would mark the player cast icon as 'not interruptible' after having targeted a unit casting a non-interruptible spell.
Fixed a taint error related to tooltips.
Fixed an invalid Mage spell ID.
Fixed combo points size.


Added: Shapeshift bar (disabled by default)
Added: Option to have right action bars on mouseover
Added: Option to use guild funds for repairs
Added: Options for autorepair and autosell
Changed: Left action bars are now on the right again, vertical position and horizontal spacing fixed
Changed: Minor totem bar improvements
Changed: GuildInstanceDifficulty is now hidden
Changed: Health % is now displayed on boss frames (which are now 10px longer)
Changed: Limited width of boss names
Changed: Reskinning code is now global so you can use it in other addons
Reskinned RaidInfoFrame


Raid positioning fix


Added: A window to change the unitframe layout, /role to show ("healmode" option removed).
Added: Boss frames with health/power bar, name, health value, cast bar and buffs (type /testui to test, /rl to clear)
Added: A small timer that displays the cooldown of your Survey spell (can be toggled in options.lua)
Added: World marker at the top of the minimap (= hijacked default button). Can be used while in party.
Added: AltPowerBar
Added: Option to always have Tol Barad timer shown regardless of level
Added: Realm specific settings in options.lua
Changed: Reworked action bar and cooldown text scaling.
Changed: Made button reskinning more efficient.
Changed: Tweaked debuffed highlight filter for certain classes and added a talent check.
Changed: Unused oUF elements removed to cut down on memory usage.
Changed: Removed raid frame manager.
Changed: Improved talent frame tab display.
Changed: AlwaysUpFrame font restyled.
Changed: Changed the look of the seperate cast bar slightly.
Changed: Moved power text on the player unitframe slightly to the right to match health pools over 100k.
Changed: Moved the ticket frame so it doesn't overlap with the damage meter anymore.
Changed: Threat meter position is now based on that of the target.
Changed: Removed seconds from Tol Barad timer, making it 60x more efficient.
Changed: Cleaned up action bar code.
Changed: Reskinned more parts of the Archaeology frame related to rare artifacts.
Fixed: A taint error related to tooltips that could cause certain macros to stop working.
Fixed: Right-click whispering in WhoFrame.


Paladin: Removed Inquisition from list of special power abilities in range checker.

Added: Tol Barad timer. Can be turned off in options.
Archaeology fixes.
Combo points position is now based on target frame position.
Shortened 'auction sold' message.
Changed count font on loot.
Changed Calendar day button outline to a 1-pixel line.
Cleaned up Achievement frame.
Reskinned GuildTextEditFrame and GuildLogFrameCloseButton.


Paladin: Updated list of holy power spells for range coloring.

New: Butsu replaced with my own lightweight loot styling script.
New: Item quality coloring now also works on the inspect frame.
New: Unitframe positioning can now be changed in options.
New: Minimap instance difficulty should now be class colored when in a guild group.
Changed vehicle exit button, now requires alt key to be pressed
Changed quest tracker font.
Changed corners to have tooltips.
Tweaked experience bar.
Tweaked tooltips.
Fixed alDamageMeter loading (updated).
Fixed party and raid frame names not updating when someone joins or leaves the group.
Fixed vehicle exit button and buff reminder position.
Fixed QuestLogFrame button positioning, thanks Sojik.
Fixed Minimap zone text position.
Fixed castbar frame level.
Reskinned QuestNPCModel.
Rekinned PetPaperDollFrame.
Reskinned TabardFrame.
Reskinned LFDRoleCheckPopup.
Reskinned AuctionProgressFrame/AuctionProgressBar.
Reskinned Real ID friend request buttons.
Improved spellbook skill tab buttons.
Removed GuildLevelFrame.
Code cleanup.


Now using Roth's rBuffFrameStyler, player buffs can be right-click canceled again.
Switched to alDamageMeter, setup is not required.
Improved unitframe positioning on lower resolutions.
Improved debuff highlight display, added an option to toggle the filter too in options.lua (dbh_filter).
Improved installer with additional tutorial information.
Changed click detection on unitframes back to releasing the mouse button since RegisterAttributeDriver was fixed in 4.0.3.
Marking now required both alt and shift to be pressed.
Fixed taint related to oUF party/raid frames when someone joins while in combat.
Fixed taint related to rangechecker by replacing it with a modified tullaRange.
Fixed colour system interfering with other addons. Now using a custom colour table within the FreeUI table (FreeUI.classcolors).
Fixed guild display.
Fixed action bar position (properly centered now).
Fixed a lot of overlapping backgrounds.
Reskinned enter dungeon frame and some buttons related to lfd.
Reskinned CompactRaidFrameManager
Reskinned character and inspect frame slot buttons.
Reskinned pet stable frame.
Reskinned inspect frame parts.
Reskinned ReputationDetailFrame.
Reskinned minor buttons.
Major code cleanup, especially in the unitframes.


Druid: Eclipse bar has been upgraded with colored text and colored glow, depending on which spell type you should cast.
Warlock: Soulshard bar is now 1 pixel in height in order to be less distractive.

Added: Loot now automatically anchors under the cursor after each item looted.
Added: Dps are now also marked.
Added: Right-clicking the bottom left corner now toggles the chat menu.
Added: Bottom right corner changed: Left-clicking toggles TinyDPS, right-clicking toggles DBM.
Added: Power bar background for units that use rage is now darker for better visibility in bright areas.
Added: !Install now prevents name plates from growing/shrinking.
Added: !Install now hides the Blizzard raid frames.
Fixed: Now using CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS instead of RAID_CLASS_COLORS to avoid taint.
Fixed: Taint error when opening world map in combat with the blob frame shown (workaround)
Fixed: Temporary enchant display when you have 3 temp enchants.
Fixed: Spellbook profession and companion textures and text colours.
Reskinned StackSplitFrame.
Reskinned ItemSocketingFrame.
Reskinned ItemTextFrame.
Reskinned add friend frame.
Reskinned friends of friend frame.
Reskinned colour picker frame.
Reskinned new macro frame.
Reskinned raid reset window on calendar.
Reskinned World map POI frame tooltip.
Code cleanup


Warrior: Added a notification when Thunderstruck is at 3 stacks rather than showing the icon through sFilter. Also updated shout reminder with new spell IDs.

Added small instance difficulty text to the top left of minimap.
Added a small role indicator to party/raid frames (tank and healer only).
Updated TinyDPS.
Fixed an unnecessary spawn function in the oUF layout which would cause some frames to appear twice, which is very inefficient.
Fixed taint error when opening spellbook while in combat.
Fixed spell book text colours.
Fixed pet bar position, width and height as well as cooldown button position.
Fixed spellbook tabs for players with 5 tabs.
Fixed compact raid frame toggle button showing while in a raid.
Fixed invisible minimap cluster intercepting mouse clicks in the top right corner.
Fixed stat backdrops in character frame.
Reskinned trade frame.
Reskinned calendar.
Reskinned world state score frame (battlefield score).
Reskinned new gear set frame.
Reskinned 'add' button on channels pane and buttons on raid pane.
Reskinned friend list tooltip.
Reskinned achievement frame tabs.
New minimap arrow because the old one bores me.


Death knight: New runes display.
Druid: Eclipse bar is now working.
Warlock: New soul shard display.

Brand new installer with more install options (for example to keep your chat settings) and a tutorial for new users.
New /install command to enable and load (if not already loaded) the installer.
New optional cast bar for casters, enabled in options.
Updated TinyDPS, re-run install (you can skip all options except TinyDPS).
Updated oUF.
Updated yClassColor.
Fixed text color on quest and gossip frame.
Fixed oUF_DebuffHighlight not loading.
Fixed shift-click marking.
Fixed invalid spell IDs for mages.
Added Clique as an optional dependency for !FreeUI.


Druid: Experimental Eclipse bar support. Fully untested, need feedback.

Action bars updated and working.
TinyDPS updated (you may have to rerun !Install).
TinyDPS is now movable.
If TinyDPS is shown, a new ticket will spawn to the right of it.
Exp bar updated despite having not the slightest clue what's changed.
!Install now turns off consolidate buffs so you don't have to.
Priest sFilter now tracks different Chakra states by default.
Warrior sFilter now tracks Thunderstruck by default.
Chat font changed, at least until I figure out how to fix the UI scale.
Cleaned up theme code.
Reskinned quest frames.
Reskinned gossip frame.
Reskinned open mail frame.
Reskinned achievement frame.
Reskinned macro frame.
Reskinned gear manager.
Reskinned guild info frame and its buttons.
Tweaked inbox display.
Added shadow, tabs and reskinned buttons to guild bank frame.
Talent learn and reset buttons are now reskinned.
Fixed frame level of the AH window.


Updated oUF and its layout, party and raid frames should be working now.
Shorter cooldowns are now tracked as well.
Restyled inspect frame.
Fixed mail inbox look.
Revert send mail frame to parchment until I get a better idea.
Talent frame now has a shadow.
Hide glyph frame background artwork.
More tooltip typo fixes


Live release for 4.0.1.
Reskinned most of the Blizz frames, still WIP.
The auto-accept invites feature can now be turned on and off in options.lua.
Added option to choose between 3 different window themes; thin border, glass and class colour.
Added an option to anchor the tooltip to the cursor (disabled by default) - thanks Gibslpsg.
Fixed temp buff positioning.
Tweaked the width/height of bank a little.
Removed option to put minimap in the top right.
Fixed the TinyDPS issue with settings not applying.
Fixed the position of the minimap border so it no longer overlaps part of the minimap.
Minimap no longer creates an unnecessary frame to handle border coloring.
Fixed a typo in tooltips
Action button spacing is now true 1 pixel, by scaling with actionbar scale.
Raid debuff display has been removed.
Updated oUF.
oUF_ReadyCheck has been removed since an updated version has been included by default.
Warrior shout tracker now checks for Strength of Earth and Horn of Winter rather than Blessing of Might.


Fixed TinyDPS.
Added a /command to instantly load the install addon (/freeui)
Added tooltips to 'hot corners' for clarification.
Fixed exp/rep bar width.


Changed totem bar.
Fixed temp buff position.
config.lua renamed to options.lua, and moved a few lua files from the core to the scripts folder.
Efficientified (?) watchframe code, thank you Seerah.
Blizz rune bar is now hidden even when DK module is disabled (request).
Added a pulsating glow code to certain UI elements (pulse code by nighcracker):
- menu buttons on mouseover
- unitframes on mouseover, finally no more missing highlight
- "hot spots" in bottom left and bottom right corner of the screen
- more might come in the future, though it won't be used excessively.
Made the Aero animation a little smoother by allowing windows to fully scale/fade and increasing the duration of the animation slightly.
Added an option to use the old unitframe style while heal mode is enabled.
Updated TinyDPS
New window border style with shadows and 1-pixel gap to create a 'glass' look
Changed the bags code slightly to have its own backdrop instead of a frame attached to it.
Amount of bag columns now dynamically scales with the number of bags.
Changed the function in the bags that determines the amount of slots to be more efficient.
Simplified some minimap code.
General code cleanup.


Fixed a logic error in the AuraWatch that bugged the raid frames if you played a druid/paladin/priest/shaman but heal mode was off.
Changed right bar button spacing, moved right bars to the left to avoid overlapping with the quest tracker, and cleaned up some action bar code to be more efficient.
Embedded Aero by Alza. Can be turned on and off in config.lua.
Changed temp buff position.


Added a leave vehicle button next to the player frame, rActionBarStyler code.
Fixed party frame position for healers
Player is now shown in party when heal mode is enabled
Fixed debuff highlight
Fixed target frame in heal mode
Moved the DK rune bar


Added new type of unitframes for healers heavily inspired by/copied from nin, showing health deficit instead of health. Deficit is gradient colored and power bar is class colored. Changed the raid frame position and reverted the action bar changes.
Added detailed health deficit text for healers, which shows name if no health is lost. Dead/ghost/offline text is colored.
Fixed a bug that would disable oUF_AuraWatch, also tuned the position and size.
New threat and debuff highlight indicator
Reduced number of target buffs by 8.
Added option to show hotkeys on action bars.
Changed raid cooldown position
Removed unused dbm.lua file


FreeUI 2.0:

!FreeUI is now an all-in-one addon. TinyDPS and DBM are still included as optional addons.
Rewrote the way that UI globals are handled. Media paths and settings now use tables, rather than creating new globals.
Rewrote the config file. Easier to use, and expanded.

Improved healing mode:

Added oUF_AuraWatch for party and raid frames. Only enabled if heal mode is enabled.
Improved heal mode, moves action bars to the bottom to free up space for raid frames. Now also has an option for 2 / 3 bars.

Visual style:

Added custom window styles based on code by Karudon (Theme).
Added a background for the chatframe which you can toggle on and off by clicking the bottom left of the screen (hidden by default). It's useful when in bright areas.
Restyled the toast frame.
Restyled the ticket button.

Revamped xp/reputation:

Removed the XanEXP and XanReputation modules and replaced them with saftXPBar, a very simple bar near your minimap. Shift click to link to party or raid. Option to show text in config file.


Added low health/mana alerts. Can be turned on or off in config file ('audio_alert')
Added aRaidCooldowns by Alza. Click to announce.
Added dead/offline text on raidframes.


Warrior: Added two slash commands ingame which let you change between battle and commanding shout mode on the go. This is saved. The setting in the config file has been removed.


Switched to a 1-bar system in DBM.
Added a border around group loot frame.
Changed the leader and master looter icons to single letters.
Added a command to disband a group, /rd.
Slightly changed the mount macro so you can force using a ground mount when the alt key is down.
Made the WG timer text smaller.
Moved TinyDPS to topleft, freed up space for aRaidCooldowns.


Fixed combo points, enabling them for all classes.
Fixed the bug that would cause leader and master looter icon to be hidden if the unit was in range.
Fixed the officer chat not being class colored after installation
Fixed LynStats tooltip not showing when your mouse is at the very bottom of the screen
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Unread 02-08-19, 11:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Sure would like to see this updated. Was my favorite back in the day
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Unread 04-11-18, 10:11 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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How do you get a healer layout like before on FreeUI?
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Unread 01-22-18, 06:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Would it be possible for you to update this for 7.3? Seeing as 7.3 might last many months... please?
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Unread 09-20-17, 11:15 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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need up for 7.3
Thank you for the magical work.
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Unread 04-03-17, 05:42 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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I know you're no longer really playing WoW, but I just love it so much that I have to ask.. any chance you might work on updating this for 7.2?
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Unread 12-10-16, 06:55 PM  
Baron Von Clop
A Kobold Labourer

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Is development on this UI dead? I logged multiple bugs for 7.1.5 back in October but it's gone ignored.
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Unread 10-26-16, 06:42 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there an update for FreeUI coming soon with the recent WoW patch?
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Unread 09-25-16, 08:32 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hmm, it's probably nothing, but... Is there a way to make hots a bit bigger on party/raid frames? I'm blind af.
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Unread 09-17-16, 03:47 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Very nice ui, is there a way to move the minimap?
Last edited by rockdude16 : 09-17-16 at 05:10 PM.
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Unread 09-11-16, 04:36 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Lucar
How do I show the name of keybinds and macros in the skill bar?

Sorry my english

Press "ESC" and you will find under FreeUi/Actionbars the option.

Do anybody know, were i find the procressbar for the questracker, which shows how many procent of the quest is done?
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Unread 09-05-16, 05:39 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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How do I show the name of keybinds and macros in the skill bar?

Sorry my english
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Unread 09-02-16, 08:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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For those who have problems with the display of the combo points.

Open the combo.lua file located in "Interface\AddOns\FreeUI\scripts" and edit:
  • line 16: "local points = GetComboPoints(UnitHasVehicleUI("player") and "vehicle" or "player", "target")" to "local points = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_COMBO_POINTS);"
  • line 33: "combo:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBO_POINTS")" to "combo:RegisterEvent("UNIT_POWER")"
  • and line 38: "elseif event == "UNIT_COMBO_POINTS" then" to "elseif event == "UNIT_POWER" then"

That works fine for me! I hope i could help you, bye!
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Unread 08-22-16, 05:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I was wondering if there was a way to make combo points display like Holy Power does, because currently my combo points only refresh when selecting a new target making them a chore to keep track of on long encounters.

Thank you for releasing the Legion update even though you're not currently playing. I'm not sure I can use a different UI, I'm quite fond of this one.

Edit: Found the fix for it. In scripts/combo.lua changing UNIT_COMBO_POINTS to UNIT_POWER in both instances it occurs made it work.
Last edited by Lytal : 08-22-16 at 06:15 PM.
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Unread 08-07-16, 08:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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The displaying ERROR_MESSAGE is always a number.
The reason is the event UI_ERROR_MESSAGE's arguments changed.

Change this code:
script/errors.lua line 38:
Error:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, error)
Lua Code:
  1. Error:SetScript("OnEvent", function(_, _, _, error)
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Unread 07-27-16, 02:44 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Haleth
I've added basic support for patch 7.0.0 in the latest update, but some features are still disabled (or might be broken).

I don't really play the game anymore so I can't do more than this right now. If I get back to playing in the future I might provide a more thorough update.
you make me sad in my pants hope that you will come back soon!
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