Updated: 12-01-11 09:41 AM
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Updated:12-01-11 09:41 AM
Created:07-10-10 08:05 AM

oUF Arp  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.37
by: Tobbe8716 [More]

oUF_Arp has been tested with oUF 1.5.x (required!).

But this will probably work for this expansion and maybe the next to.

If someone is interested in continuing the work PM.

Preview (Youtube)
Small walkthrough of the oUF

Also check my UI, Arp UI


* Moveable Frames - via oUF_MoveableFrames by haste
* Player, Target and Focus Castbars
* Combo points, Death Knight Runes, Soul Shard, Holy Power and Eclipse Bar
* Healthbar background is colored by class or (if it's an NPC) by reaction
* Built-in aggro highlight
* Built-in debuff highlight
* Vehicle support (incl. raid and party)
* Panels avalibe and customizable through the lua file, ...see setup below. (disabled by default)
* Easily Customizable frames sizes, fonts, textures, features ...see setup below
* Player and Target Castbars highly configurable ...see setup below
* Featured hankthetank's raid icon textures
* Portraits

Supported Frames

* player
* player pet
* target
* target of target
* focus
* party
* raid
* boss
* mt

Plugin Support

* oUF_SpellRange
* oUF_Smooth Update
* oUF_MoveableFrames - highly recommended
* oUF TotemBar


The layout's setup code below can be found in "AddOns\oUF_Arp\Arp_Config.lua". You can edit and save your changes via Wordpad, Notepad or something similar. I recommend getting Notepad++

Default settings

local addon, ns = ...
local cfg = CreateFrame("Frame")
local mediaFolder = "Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Arp\\media\\"	-- don't touch this ...

-- Colors --
	cfg.maincolor = {25/255, 25/255, 32/255}				-- raid health bar, castbar color
	cfg.sndcolor = {168/255, 132/255, 106/255}				-- font color, ...
	cfg.trdcolor = {90/255, 110/255, 120/255}				-- castbar color
	cfg.backdropcolor = {26/255, 25/255, 31/255}			-- backdrop color	
	cfg.brdcolor = {94/255, 79/255, 79/255}					-- border color
	cfg.iconcolor = {69/255, 54/255, 54/255}				-- icon border color
	cfg.solidHPBGcolor = false								-- use a custom background color for the healthbar, instead of class/reaction colors
	cfg.hpBGcolor = {216/255, 207/255, 105/255}				-- custom health background color, requires cfg.solidBGcolor = true

-- Media --
	cfg.tex = mediaFolder.."Bar2"							-- bar texture
	cfg.Auratex = mediaFolder.."simplesquare_roth"			-- border texture for buffs/debuffs
	cfg.glowtex1 = mediaFolder.."border_default"			-- Thick border
	cfg.edgesize = 15										-- border size
	cfg.insets = 3											-- insets

	cfg.NameFont = mediaFolder.."FRIZQT__.ttf"				-- font used for text (names)	
	cfg.NumbFont = mediaFolder.."ARIALN.ttf"				-- font used for numbers		
	cfg.NameFS = 15											-- name font size
	cfg.NumbFS = 15 										-- number font size
	cfg.NumbFS1 = 28										-- Hp font size
	cfg.NumbFS2 = 16										-- Pp font size
	cfg.CastFS = 12											-- castbar font size	
	cfg.ComboFS = 20										-- combo point font size
	cfg.FontF = "THINOUTLINE"								-- "THINOUTLINE", "OUTLINE MONOCHROME", "OUTLINE" or nil (no outline)
	cfg.fontFNum = "THINOUTLINE"		
	cfg.playerHPy = 28										-- Y for player health position
    cfg.targetHPy = 28										-- Y for target health position
-- Switches -- true/false (on/off)--
-- General settings --
	cfg.Numberzzz = 0						-- 0 will display 18400k as 18k, 1 = 18.4k, ....
	cfg.FadeOutAlpha = 0.6 					-- alpha for out of range units (oUF_SpellRange plugin, required)
	cfg.ArpUI = false						-- only enbale while useing arp ui
	cfg.usePortrait = false					-- show/hide player, target, focus portrait
	cfg.pAlpha = 0.3						-- portrait alpha (transparency)	
-- CastBars --
	cfg.useCastbar = true					-- show/hide player, target, focus castbar
	cfg.movecb = true 						-- Moveble Castbars
	cfg.xposp = 0						    -- castbar player X position
	cfg.yposp = 38							-- castbar player Y position
	cfg.yposp2 = 58							-- castbar if you have a stance bar (Y position)
	cfg.cbpp = 'oUF_ArpPlayer'    			-- parent frame ('oUF_ArpPlayer', 'UIParent' or something else)
	cfg.anchor = 'CENTER'					-- anchor for both castbars
	cfg.anchor2 = 'TOP'			    	    -- anchor for both castbars
	cfg.cpheight = 19						-- castbar player height
	cfg.cpwidth = 240						-- castbar player width
	cfg.xpost = 0							-- castbar target X position
	cfg.ypost = 38							-- castbar target Y position
	cfg.cbtp = 'oUF_ArpTarget'    			-- parent frame ('oUF_ArpTarget', 'UIParent' or something else) 
	cfg.ctheight = 19						-- castbar target height
	cfg.ctwidth = 240						-- castbar target width
	-- Focus Cast
	cfg.looseCBF = true						-- castbar is place outside the frame
	cfg.yposf = 33							-- castbar focus Y position
	cfg.xposf = 0							-- castbar focus X position
	cfg.cpheighf = 19						-- castbar focus height
	cfg.cbtf = 'oUF_ArpFocus'				-- parent frame ('oUF_ArpFocus', 'UIParent' or something else)
-- Combo Points --
	cfg.xcombo = 22					-- X position 
	cfg.ycombo = 0					-- Y position
	cfg.combonf = 8					-- font size +
-- player --
	cfg.PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame = false	-- put players buffs below the player frame instead of next to the minimap (cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true, required)	
	cfg.pPervalue = false					-- % your HP

-- Class bar - Holy Power, Soul Shards, Runes --
	cfg.useClassBar = true					-- show/hide class bar
	cfg.ClassBarHeight = 10					-- height of Deathknight rune bar and Totembar (oUF_TotemBar plugin required) for shamans
	cfg.useeclip = false					-- enable eclipseBar
-- Target --
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false 		-- only show buffs casted by player (target and focus)
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false		-- only show debuffs casted by player (target and focus)
	cfg.tPervalue = true					-- % targets HP
	cfg.usetdb = true						-- Use Debuffs
	cfg.usetb = true						-- Use Buffs

-- Focus --
	cfg.oSPlayerBuffs = false				-- Only show player buffs
	cfg.oSPlayerDebuffs = false				-- Only show player debuffs

-- Raid & Party --
	cfg.RaidandParty = true	 				-- set to false to disable raid frames
	cfg.raidxpos = -4.5						-- Moving Raid X pos
	cfg.raidypos = 5						-- Moving Raid Y pos
	cfg.columns = 5							-- Groups in Raid 8 Max
	cfg.rscale = 1							-- scale
	cfg.HidePower = false					-- Hide Power (ex. Mana)
	cfg.groupspace = -15
-- Boss --
	cfg.BossFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable boss frames	
	cfg.bxpos = -20							-- Moving Boss X pos
	cfg.bypos = -150						-- Moving Boss Y pos
	cfg.bPervalue = true 					-- Boss % value
-- Main Tank --
	cfg.MTFrames = true	 					-- set to false to disable main tank frames

-- Aura Specific --
	cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = false			-- hide blizzard buff, debuff and weapon enchant frame
	cfg.HideAuraTimer = 59					-- spell timer is shown for shorter durations, than set value, hidden otherwise
-- Textures --	
	cfg.usetextart = false					-- enable panels
-- bars
	cfg.bars = true							-- show/hide bars
    cfg.panelscale = 1.0					-- scale
	cfg.barwidth = 428						-- Width bars
	cfg.barheight = 40						-- Height bars
	cfg.lineHeight = 5						-- Line Height
	cfg.bar1x = -340						-- x pos bar1
	cfg.bar1y = 4							-- y pos bar1	
	cfg.bar2x = 340							-- x pos bar2
	cfg.bar2y = 4							-- y pos bar2

-- info 
	cfg.useinfobar = true					-- show/hide info texture
	cfg.infobarw = 320						-- Width
	cfg.infobarh = 	16						-- Height
	cfg.infobarx = -4						-- chat and info x pos
	cfg.infobary = 4						-- chat and info y pos

-- chat 
	cfg.usechatbar = true					-- show/hide chat texture
	cfg.chatbarw = 320						-- Width
	cfg.chatbarh = 	16						-- Height
	cfg.chatbarx = 4						-- chat and chat x pos
	cfg.chatbary = 4						-- chat and chat y pos	

-- stance
	cfg.usestance = true 					-- show/hide stance texture
	cfg.sbarwidth = 206						-- Width
	cfg.sbarheight = 14						-- Height
	cfg.sbxpos = 0							-- x pos
	cfg.sbypos = 16							-- y pos
-- minimap
	cfg.usemini = true						-- show/hide minimap background
	cfg.miniheight = 148					-- Height
	cfg.miniwidth = 148						-- Width
	cfg.manchor = 'TOPLEFT'					-- Anchor
	cfg.mxpos = 7							-- x pos
	cfg.mypos = -7							-- y pos
-- framesize --
	-- height
	cfg.heightP = 28		-- player
	cfg.heightT = 28		-- target
	cfg.heightF = 25		-- Focus	
	cfg.heightM = 18 		-- MT, boss frames
	cfg.heightS = 25 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet
	cfg.heightPA = 14		-- party, party pet - arena
	cfg.heightR = 22		-- raid
	cfg.heightCB = 8		-- class bar

	-- width
	cfg.widthP = 240		-- player
	cfg.widthT = 240		-- target
	cfg.widthF = 200		-- Focus	
	cfg.widthM = 140 		-- MT, boss frames
	cfg.widthS = 40 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet, party pet
	cfg.widthPA = 200 		-- party - arena
	cfg.widthR = 60 		-- raid
	cfg.widthCB = 240		-- class bar
	-- hp|pp height, pp|info offset (optional)
	cfg.heightPP = 14
	cfg.PPyOffset = 5
ns.cfg = cfg	-- don't touch this ...
oUF Nivea by Dawn

* TOC update
* Added focus target movable castbar and options

* Added pp.colorReaction = true
* Updated TOC info

* Removed BarFader due to its out of date and not working atm
* Removed Uninterruptble border
* Cleaned config abit

* Added Power bar to raid frames (can be disabled through config)
* Added Red Border for casts that cannot be interrupted

* Fixed bugg with targeting raid frames

* Fixed boss multi targets (disabled power bar)

* Fixed classbar fail

* Change back the Hp Text placing
* Corrected so all edgesizes are controlled by cfg.edgesize
* Added options in arp_config

* Update for 4.2
* Fix ALOT (hopefully all issues when resizing frames)
* Corrected alot of code calculations
* Removed unused code
* New borders, border color and new icon borders thank to zork

* TOC bump
* removed pet happy

* Fixed Raid Icon and Ready check on raid frames
* Added so the text goes red again below 25% Hp

* % added to boss
* count added to non player owned debuffs and buffs
* some options removed
* some options added
* removed coloring of hp text
* removed alot unused textures
* alot of small changes, havent update in a while so I cant rember everything I've done :S
* and yeah recolored the theme ;)

* Made count bigger on buffs/debuffs
* Added Buffs and Debuffs in the upper right corner (enable by deactivating blizzards buffs ( cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true)), options for moving and anchor added to.

* Added Portrait for player, target and focus
* Fixed name and removed power text on focus

* Removed ALOT of unused stuff...
* New raid frames
* Added separete options for chat and info texture
* Eclipse bar added (not tested, but it probly works ;) ) (disable by default)
* New tags
* "WARNING" old config files cant be copy pasted over, alot of changes in the config file. Just copy the values no the whole sentences

* Added options to removed buffs and/or debuffs on target and focus
* ...

* Removed magic highlight from druid and palla. Add them manually if your a healer
* Added panels from my UI
* New pics
* ...

* Inc spacing between buffs and debuff, removed coloring
* Change fo texture
* Cleaned up castbar code
* Added ready check
* Lost hp is class colored as deafult
* more ...

* Fixed icon texture misspelled >.<
* If raid and party is enabled it will also remove blizzard new raid frame
* Updated dispell for classes
* Added config to enable healer tags. Disabled by default
* Fixed bugg when you where useing buff and debuffs on playerframe when not having classbar

* Fixed boss x and y cord, forgot to add the cfg ;)
* Removed ready check ( wasnt working anyways )

* Fixed druid mana tag

* Added % on target and player
Default settings
cfg.pPervalue = false -- % hp shown (player)
cfg.tPervalue = true -- % hp shown (target)
* Fixed a tag
* Totembar works fine now
* Removed trash code

* Recoded "WARNING old config file cannot be transfer" ( copy paste setting ftw ;) )
* New options Pbuffs and Pdebuffs under player frame (looks the same as target buffs and debuffs)
* MTframe added
* bloblablo ...

* Fixed Raid Icons
* Small stuff

* 4.0.1 update LOTS of random shit

* Changed castbar border to fit the rest of the frames
* Added some options for my UI

* Added options to disable party and raid frames
* Added Boss frame and options for it
* Removed unused stuff in cfg and arp.lua

* Added support for oUF TotemBar
* Removed some more thrash code

* Fixed bugg with 2 party frames spawning
* Party/Raid will now grow from right to left (old, left to right)
* Removed some thrash code

* Aura filtering enabled, Check Arp_AuraFilterList for what spell are seen on party and raid frames.
* Shortend player and target castbar slightly
* Raid and Party frames are now the same
* Raid and Party now spawn horizontaly
* Some options added to config

* Added some more castbar options to the config
* Achored Castbar to their frames (player and target)
* Buffs/Debuffs default number increased to 9 from 8
* Debuff now anchor under the buffs
* Focus target anchor to the left
* Changed texture from 1 to 2 (5 textures included)
* Changed colour on Druid mana

* Removed some trash code
* Better fix for Dkrunes, Dkrunes active by default again
* Renamed textures

* The new oUFSpellRange now works fine
* Fixed problem with pet covering runes as a DK
* DKrunes disabled by default
* Added combo points cfg

* Added oUF HealComm4 support
* Increased size on castbars as default
* New Party Frames
* New alternative party frames (as they where before, enabled by cfg.smallpf = true)
* New alternative raid frames (smaller enabled by cfg.smallrf = true)
* Added my font
* Probly some random small crap to ;)


* Fixed bugg so you can now disable both castbar and icon from the config
* Fixed bugg with combo points
* Fixed so focus debuff appears in the right place
* Added alot of options into the Arp_config.lua
* Option added to have the castbar inside the health frame (cfg.movecb = false) to activate
* Moved default location for Player and Target castbars spawn to above the UFs.
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Unread 07-08-11, 05:32 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by neo-data

I have a problem updating to the new version. i had a older version from ouf_Arb (before patch 4.1) and must update now to the current

this is my old look

and this is my new

my Problem is the borderlook

edit: Ok i have the borders but the text is now the Problem

Where can i find the posion for the text?
How do you get these unitframes to look like that? Any chance of sharing the textures and lua coding?
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Unread 07-05-11, 07:41 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Tobbe8716

And the borders of the frame turn green with posion, purple curse, blue magic and yellowish with disease. These frame are not intended for healers tho but this is the default PALADIN = { Poison = true, Disease = true, }, so you have to add magic to that aswell then for it to show, like this.....

Pic of debuff highlight......
Looking at your screenshots full size, I can see the coloring, though it's quite muted. But I definitely can't see it in my UI. Maybe my gamma setting is too dark or something. I'll play around with it a bit and see what I can do. Thanks!
Last edited by Iseabail : 07-05-11 at 07:41 PM.
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Unread 07-05-11, 01:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Found my problem, thanks anyways, going to retract my previous comment.
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Unread 07-05-11, 11:10 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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I see, okay.

Didnt really look that close on the pic >.<

This is really easy to fix but might take some time.

Go to
World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\ACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables

Find SatrinaBuffFrame.lua (make sure its not the BAK file)

Skip past the spells that are saved, find this section.
					["layout"] = {
						["point"] = {
							"BOTTOM", -- [1]
							-158, -- [2]
							309, -- [3]
Tip search for 309 after the spells.
309 is the Y value how high up on the screen the buffs are anchored. Replace all 309 with maybe 330 and see where they land. Btw paladin is the first profile that comes but you might wanna change all if you intend to use some more profiles.

WARNING: SavedVariables cannot be change while ingame tho charscreen works, so edit the file, save then log on. If you need to adjust more log out and edit, save, log on again.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 07-05-11 at 11:12 AM.
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Unread 07-05-11, 07:04 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by Mastapennlol
Hey there, thanks again for the help. I have another question; though it might be a bug for me or a mix up with the toc/lua files.

The player and target buffs and buff timers are just hidden under my frames and looks bunched up when I use those abilities like Inquisition (I'm a Paladin by the way.) I use needtoknow to track Inquisition only, but I can't find the code to bring the buffs/buff times above my health % that was shown in your ui video on youtube.

Is there a way I can try to find the codes and edit them?

That another addon in my ui compilation Arp UI, SatrinaBuffFrame. You can probly take the saved variables from my WTF and get it that way, just copy paste both of the files from the SavedVariables folder into your wtf and choose profile paladin ingame.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 07-05-11 at 07:07 AM.
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Unread 07-05-11, 03:14 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey there, thanks again for the help. I have another question; though it might be a bug for me or a mix up with the toc/lua files.

The player and target buffs and buff timers are just hidden under my frames and looks bunched up when I use those abilities like Inquisition (I'm a Paladin by the way.) I use needtoknow to track Inquisition only, but I can't find the code to bring the buffs/buff times above my health % that was shown in your ui video on youtube.

Is there a way I can try to find the codes and edit them?

Last edited by Mastapennlol : 07-05-11 at 03:15 AM.
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Unread 07-04-11, 02:10 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by Iseabail
First, thanks for the great layout, I really like it.

A couple minor issues...

First, I set cfg.useClassBar to false because I use a separate addon for tracking my holy power, but it is not hiding the class bar.

Second, perhaps I'm missing a configuration somewhere, but should the player, target and raid frames show a border or highlight of some kind if afflicted with a dispellable debuff? I have played around with the new border edgesize and offset configs, and I think I can now see a very pale colored border around the raid frames now, but as a healer I need brighter indication of the debuff. Am I doing something wrong?
I failed with the coding update on the way. 1.32 shouold fix that problem.

And the borders of the frame turn green with posion, purple curse, blue magic and yellowish with disease. These frame are not intended for healers tho but this is the default PALADIN = { Poison = true, Disease = true, }, so you have to add magic to that aswell then for it to show, like this.

-- debuff highlight
local CanDispel = {
	PRIEST = { Magic = true, Disease = true, },
	SHAMAN = { Curse = true},
	PALADIN = { Poison = true, Disease = true, Magic = true, },
	MAGE = { Curse = true, },
	DRUID = { Curse = true, Poison = true},
Pic of debuff highlight

Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 07-04-11 at 02:32 PM.
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Unread 07-04-11, 01:55 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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First, thanks for the great layout, I really like it.

A couple minor issues...

First, I set cfg.useClassBar to false because I use a separate addon for tracking my holy power, but it is not hiding the class bar.

Second, perhaps I'm missing a configuration somewhere, but should the player, target and raid frames show a border or highlight of some kind if afflicted with a dispellable debuff? I have played around with the new border edgesize and offset configs, and I think I can now see a very pale colored border around the raid frames now, but as a healer I need brighter indication of the debuff. Am I doing something wrong?
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Unread 07-04-11, 04:25 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by Mastapennlol
Thanks for making some really elegant-looking unit frames. I downloaded these today and liking them over the last ones I got.

I have a question though; is there anyway to add/edit portraits to the player and target unit frames? I don't really see where to edit the codes at since I'm using notepad++ and didn't see anyone ask this question yet.
Open Arp_config.lua

cfg.usePortrait = false				-- show/hide player, target, focus portrait
Change false into true

Save, if you have the game running /reload and the new setting should take affect

Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 07-04-11 at 04:26 AM.
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Unread 07-04-11, 04:23 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by neo-data

I have a problem updating to the new version. i had a older version from ouf_Arb (before patch 4.1) and must update now to the current

this is my old look

and this is my new

my Problem is the borderlook

edit: Ok i have the borders but the text is now the Problem

Where can i find the posion for the text?
The old borders and textures exist in the old ouf_Arp's and I anchored the hp text a bit dirrently in the latest update but I might revert back to the old

These lines might not be accurate due to your edit but somewhere around there.

Player line 747
self.Health.value:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.Health, "TOP", (cfg.widthP/2-cfg.NumbFS1), 0)
Target line 978
self.Health.value:SetPoint("BOTTOM", self.Health, "TOP", -(cfg.widthT/2-cfg.NumbFS1), 0)

Change these into these and it should be as they where before.

self.Health.value:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.Health, "RIGHT", -1, 25)
self.Health.value:SetPoint("LEFT", self.Health, "LEFT", 1, 25)
EDIT: You probly need to adjust edgeSize aswell for the border to look good if you havnt allready done that. I've added a option for that in the arp_config tho I see I missed to edgeSizes on hp and pp.

The new update has the right placing and some more stuff but its probly easier for you to just do what I told you above due to you have your own edit

Old border value
edgeSize = 4
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 07-04-11 at 06:48 AM.
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Unread 07-03-11, 05:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks for making some really elegant-looking unit frames. I downloaded these today and liking them over the last ones I got.

I have a question though; is there anyway to add/edit portraits to the player and target unit frames? I don't really see where to edit the codes at since I'm using notepad++ and didn't see anyone ask this question yet.
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Unread 07-03-11, 10:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I have a problem updating to the new version. i had a older version from ouf_Arb (before patch 4.1) and must update now to the current

this is my old look

and this is my new

my Problem is the borderlook

edit: Ok i have the borders but the text is now the Problem

Where can i find the posion for the text?
Last edited by neo-data : 07-04-11 at 01:26 AM.
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Unread 05-13-11, 08:35 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by theArchitect
Beautifully elegant unit frames. Am loving it.

One thing. I read through the comments and see how to remove the class colour of the health bar and how to specify my own custom colour.

How do I do this for Mana? When I disable the class colouring for Mana I get a white bar. I am a bit of a traditionalist and would like it to be blue.
I guess you allready know where the line is.

change this
pp.colorClass = true
into this
pp.colorPower = true
Arp UI oUF_Arp
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Unread 05-12-11, 05:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Beautifully elegant unit frames. Am loving it.

One thing. I read through the comments and see how to remove the class colour of the health bar and how to specify my own custom colour.

How do I do this for Mana? When I disable the class colouring for Mana I get a white bar. I am a bit of a traditionalist and would like it to be blue.
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Unread 04-30-11, 02:03 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Update for 4.1

Originally posted by lordobsidian
Are you planning to release a 4.1 update? missing the proper UI functionality badly
Its working I just havent bumped the toc file. Planning on updating it later today tho.

EDIT: Btw you arent playing a hunter are you? Saw that the new ouf has taken away happyness thing maybe that caused some error anyways the update will be up in a few hours.

EDIT: Update is up now.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 04-30-11 at 03:51 AM.
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