Updated: 08-24-24 08:17 PM
File Info
The War Within (11.0.2)
Updated:08-24-24 08:17 PM
Created:04-13-10 07:49 AM
Categories:Rogue, Buff, Debuff, Spell, Casting Bars, Cooldowns, Combat Mods

SliceCommander  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 11.04
by: Tomate [More]

If you can toss a coin to your developer so I can buy The War Within to add hero talent tracking.

The description is not really accurate anymore.

SliceCommander is an addon designed to monitor all your rogue feature in PvE. The addon frame is divided into four different parts.

Energy Bar
The First part is the Energy bar. It has a combo point counter on its left side and an energy counter on the right one.
There is also three sparks showing three different thresholds on the energy bar.
These three thresholds can be used to let you know when to press a specific key instead of spamming it; you can for example set two sparks at respectively 35 and 55 energy to know when to use mutilate or envenom if you are Assa spec’ed. By default, the three thresholds are set to 25, 35 and 55 but you can change their value and you can also choose to play an audio alert for each one.

Combo Point Bar
The second part is the combo point bar. It displays five rectangles in a line, one for each combo point.
When you gain a combo point, the corresponding rectangle will be colored in yellow; it will turn green if a deadly poison stack corresponding to the combo point is applied.
There is also a combo point counter in the middle of the bar.

Timer Bar
The third part is composed by multiple bars; one for each following timer:
-Slice and Dice
-Vendetta and its cooldown
-Deadly Poison
-Envenom buff
-Tricks of the Trade cooldown
-Expose Armor
-Adrenaline Rush and its cooldown.
The spell’s icon is displayed on the left side and the timer itself on the right side of each bar; you can also choose to display or not the spell’s name on the bar.
Each bar is optional and can be hidden individually using the configuration menu.

The slice and dice and Rupture timers also share a special feature.
The add-on will deliver an audio alert when there is only 3s, 2s and 1s remaining either on Slice and Dice or Rupture, and audio rewards for refreshing them.

Configuration Menu
You can modify your settings through the configuration menu which can be accessed by typing "/sc" or "/slicecommander". Here’s an overview of what you can configure:
-adjust width, height and scale value of each type of bars.
-modify the texture of energy and timer bars.
-choose which timer bars are displayed.
-choose which sound is played for each alert.
-choose to display or not the name of the spell on timer bars.

This add-on should work with English, US, French, German, Spanish and Russian clients.
I will keep improving this add-on, so feel free to leave a comment.

I add translation, Currently only the following localization are implemented:

  • English
  • French
  • Chinese (Thanks to 老超@网易魔兽插件站 (@wowuicn))
  • German (Thanks to Baine)
  • Russian (Thanks to itekimasu)
I still need:
  • "esES": Spanish (Spain)
  • "esMX": Spanish (Mexico)
  • "koKR": Korean
  • "zhTW"

Todo list
  • Remove the use of specific sound, It should use built-in sound.

Version 11.04 [August 25rd 2024] For patch 11.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix issue when sound settings where never enabled.

Version 11.03 [August 23rd 2024] For patch 11.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • More fixes.

Version 11.02 [August 23rd 2024] For patch 11.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix shiv & cold blood settings not displaying.
    • Fix CD with charges which where not correctly tracked.
  • Additions:
    • Add Improved shiv / Arterial Precision debuff tracking (debuff is called Shiv so he has same name with SliceCommander).

Version 11.01 [August 12th 2024] For patch 11.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix CD bar not showing up.(nothing new just bug fixes)
    • Fix stack count on buffs not displaying on bars.

Version 11.00 [August 11th 2024] For patch 11.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Bump for 11.00.(nothing new just bug fixes)

Version 10.05 [December 3rd 2022] For patch 10.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix init issue with previous version. (A big thanks to Ghost37 for his help)

Version 10.04 [December 1st 2022] For patch 10.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix Serrated Bone Spike buff bar.
    • Fix Echoing Reprimand.
  • Additions:
    • Audacity icon & sound warning.
  • Changes:
    • All icons are now flashing.
    • Remove tukui border option.

Version 10.03 [October 26th 2022] For patch 10.0.2 (NOT FULLY TESTED)
  • Fixes:
    • Some new spells which were referencing to old spell IDs. (maybe some current convenant abilities will not work anymore)

Version 10.02 [October 26th 2022] For patch 10.0.2 (NOT FULLY TESTED)
  • Fixes:
    • Move spell settings in the right part of the setting panel.
  • Additions:
    • Keep It Rolling.
    • Atrophic Poison.
    • Atrophic Poison.
    • Shiv (was still missing).
    • Cold blood.
    • Deathmark.
    • Indiscriminate Carnage.
    • 7Th combot point color setting.
    • Vanish charge (not tested).
Please report if something is still missing.

Version 10.01 [October 26th 2022] For patch 10.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Fix issue with previous version that broke settings at each startup.

Version 10.0 [October 26th 2022] For patch 10.0.2
  • Fixes:
    • Mostly working version for patch 10.0, nothing new (coming soon).

Version 9.07 [February 24th 2022] For patch 9.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Update for 9.2.

Version 9.06 [December 9th 2021] For patch 9.1.5
  • Additions:
    • Debuff bar for infinite Serrated bone spike.
  • Fixes:
    • Fix spell placement in settings.
  • Changes:
    • Remove Toxic blade.
    • Remove Nightblade.

Version 9.06 [December 9th 2021] For patch 9.1.5
  • Additions:
    • Debuff bar for infinite Serrated bone spike.
  • Fixes:
    • Fix spell placement in settings.
  • Changes:
    • Remove Toxic blade.
    • Remove Nightblade.

Version 9.05 [November 28th 2020] For patch 9.0.2
  • Additions:
    • Add convents abilities. (only tested for night fae)
    • Add support for roll the bones buff duration variation (introduce by Count the Odds conduit).
  • Fixes:
    • Fix Find weakness bar not displaying.

Version 9.04 [November 9th 2020] For patch 9.0.1
  • Fixes:
    • Remove print debugs.
    • Fix an issue when sound setting is not enable.

Version 9.03 [October 31st 2020] For patch 9.0.1
  • Fixes:
    • Add missing libs.
    • Fix issue with character with no spec.
    • Fix issue with character without hearth of Azeroth.

Version 9.02 [October 29th 2020] For patch 9.0.1
  • Additions:
    • Add smoothing on bars.
    • Add flashing options on CD when it's up or on Spell when should be used.
  • Fixes:
    • Try fixing the removing of old spells.

Version 9.01 [October 16th 2020] For patch 9.0.1
  • Fixes:
    • Add missing Esscence : Reaping flames.
    • Fix the removing of old spells.

Version 9.00 [October 13th 2020] For patch 9.0.1
  • Fixes:
    • Update for shadowland.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 9.0.

Version 8.06 [March 23th 2019] For patch 8.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Issue with missing some localization.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 8.3.

Version 8.05 [September 28th 2019] For patch 8.2.5
  • Fixes:
    • Issue with target debuff that show other rogue ones.
    • CD spell sound firing at loggin.

Version 8.04 [September 25th 2019] For patch 8.2.5
  • Additions:
    • Add sound settings to let you fire a sound when a skill is ready.
    • Update sharedAudioMedia-sc ( to add skill name for this purpose.
    • Add Azerite essence CD bar.
  • Fixes:
    • Issue with patch 8.2.5.

Version 8.03 [July 25th 2018] For patch 8.01
  • Fixes:
    • Deadly poison bar not displaying.
    • Kick message note firing.

Version 8.02 [July 23th 2018] For patch 8.01
  • Fixes:
    • Fix an initialization issue which was cause by a merge.

Version 8.01 [July 20th 2018] For patch 8.01
  • Additions:
    • Add the macro /sc resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT to let user using windowed mod bypass resolution check
  • Fixes:
    • The mario mod option.
    • The playing sound function.
    • The Blade Flurry options.
  • Changes:
    • Update AceLib.

Version 8.00 [July 18th 2018] For patch 8.01
  • Additions:
    • Sprint buff and CD.
    • Gouge debuff.
    • Master Assassin talent buff.
    • Feint CD.
    • Ghostly strike CD.
    • Crimson tempest debuff.
    • Crimson tempest talent debuff.
    • Blade Rush talent CD.
    • Blinside buff.
    • Add Blade Flurry CD and stack.
  • Fixes:
    • A lot of things for 8.0 patch.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 8.0
    • Update AceLib.
    • Remove Canonball barage.
    • Remove Parley.
    • Remove Anticipation.
    • Remove Hemorrhage.
    • Enhance setting panel.
    • Update Assassination poison option.

Version 7.21 [November 30th 2017] For patch 7.3.2
  • Additions:
    • Shadowstep CD.
    • Evasion buff and CD.
    • Cloak of shadows buff and CD.
    • Riposte buff and CD.
    • Utility poison can now be specifically not tracked.
  • Fixes:
    • Reset setting button.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 7.3.0
    • Update AceLib.

Version 7.20 [July 13th 2017] For patch 7.2.5
  • Changes:
    • Max SliceCommander width could now be increase to 900.
  • Fixes:
    • Remove some debug display in initialization process.

Version 7.19 [June 27th 2017] For patch 7.2.5
  • Additions:
    • Loaded dice timer.
    • Color timer in green when you can refresh it using pandemic mechanic.
    • Empowered slice and dice with loaded dice are now noted on the bar.

Version 7.18 [June 14th 2017] For patch 7.2.5
  • Additions:
    • Toxic blade timer and CD.
    • Symbol of death CD
  • Changes:
    • Remove Agonizing poison.
    • Remove Enveloping shadow.

Version 7.17 [March 29th 2017] For patch 7.2.0
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 7.2.
    • Update AceLib.
  • Fixes:
    • Energy bar.
    • Blunderbuss icon.

Version 7.16 [February 7th 2017] For patch 7.1.5
  • Additions:
    • Kick CD bar.
    • You can now change font.
  • Changes:
    • Move counter spell under kick bar settings.
    • Update sound selection to use LibSharedMedia (remove all currently embedded sound).
    • Update texture selection to use LibSharedMedia.

Version 7.15 [January 22nd 2017] For patch 7.1.5
  • Additions:
    • Mantle of the Master Assassin crit buff.

Version 7.14 [January 11th 2017] For patch 7.1.5
  • Fixes:
    • Fix anticipation which now give again 10 combo points.

Version 7.13 [November 29th 2016] For patch 7.1.0
  • Additions:
    • Agonizing poison debuff timer.
    • Option to let user disable ticks indicators.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed Shadowstep option not displaying in assassination pannel.
    • Remove debug message.

Version 7.12 [October 27th 2016] For patch 7.1.0
  • Additions:
    • Blunderbuss icon.
    • Greenskin legendary buff bar.
    • RtB sounds.

Version 7.11 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Curse of the Dreadblades ability & CD.

Version 7.10 For patch 7.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Commit was not be done on AceHook lib.

Version 7.09 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Redone sound settings for a lot of spells.
  • Fixes:
    • Some initialization issue.
  • Changes:
    • Remove Rupture dot power indicator.

Version 7.08 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Spell link option on kick.
  • Fixes:
    • Pixel perfect code.

Version 7.07 For patch 7.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • The Pixel Perfect option is automatically disabled after applied to not force the value every time.

Version 7.06 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Pandemic warning on timer bar.

Version 7.05 For patch 7.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Some initialization issue.

Version 7.04 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Roll the bones buffs timer.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with kick options.

Version 7.03 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to disable Pixel Perfect interface scaling.
  • Fixes:
    • Protection to not set wrong scale value.

Version 7.02 For patch 7.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Setting reset with new version.

Version 7.01 For patch 7.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Scaling issue.
    • Fixed error with crippling poison.
    • Fixed error with Mario mod.
  • Changes:
    • Update included Ace3 lib.

Version 7.00 For patch 7.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to change each bar color.
    • Option to let user specify the timer of the show poison icon.
    • Option to tet user choose where to report in chat /say /party or /raid if we successful interrupted with kick.
    • Target health bar.
    • Subterfuge Bar.
    • Cheated Death Bar.
    • Alacrity Bar.
    • Marked for Death Bar.
    • Death from Above Bar.
    • Crimson Vial Bar.
    • Ghostly Strike Bar.
    • Grappling Hook Bar.
    • Parley Bar.
    • Cannonball Barrage CD Bar.
    • Between the Eyes CD Bar.
    • Elaborate Planning Bar.
    • Agonizing Poison.
    • Enveloping Shadows Bar.
    • Nightblade Bar.
    • Symbols of Death Bar.
    • Exsanguinate Bar.
    • Kingsbane Bar.
    • Goremaw's Bite Bar.
    • Kidney Shot CD Bar.
    • Blood of the Assassinated Bar.
    • Surge of Toxins Bar.
  • Changes:
    • New panel settings.
    • New Combo point bar with anticipation and Deeper stratagem.
    • New Hemorrhage debuff.
    • New Shadow Dance bar with charges.

Version 6.11 For patch 6.2.0
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 6.2.

Version 6.10 For patch 6.1.0
  • Changes:
    • Update the poison button feature: It's now only work with leeching poison when the talent is active and it is selected in the option.

Version 6.09 For patch 6.1.0
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 6.1.

Version 6.08 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Remove a debug message.

Version 6.07 For patch 6.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to enable SD bar and SD CD bar separately.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with hemorrhage dot timer bar.
    • Fixed error with distorted sound.

Version 6.06 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • initialization error.

Version 6.05 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with wrong applied poison with the button.
    • Fixed error with poison button apply Instant poison (Combat Perks).

Version 6.04 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with CP (I hope).
    • Re-use mp3s files.

Version 6.03 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with Combo points: It should now be retain correctly. Replace the use of GetComboPoint() by UnitPower("player", 4). (thanks to angoliant).

Version 6.02 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with custom mp3 file not playing since 6.0, all sound files are now ogg.
    • Fixed error with poison button because UnitAffectingCombat function never return nill anymore.
    • Fixed error with Haemorrhage timer because debuff timer now has the same id as the ability.

Version 6.01 For patch 6.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some errors with 6.0 patch.
    • Fixed errors when using without borders.

Version 5.22 For patch 5.4.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error when trying to create poison button to fast at login (for real this time).

Version 5.21 For patch 5.4.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error when trying to create poison button to fast at login.

Version 5.20 For patch 5.4.0
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 5.4.

Version 5.19 For patch 5.3.0
  • Additions:
    • The icon of poison reminder are now configurable.
    • The icon of poison reminder can now be click to re-apply poisons.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with new SliceCommander install.

Version 5.18 For patch 5.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with wow UI Scale setting to be checked.

Version 5.17 For patch 5.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Rupture dot power indicator.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 5.3.
    • Update AceLib

Version 5.16 For patch 5.1.0
  • Additions:
    • Wound poison now count for the icon poison warning.
  • Changes:
    • Bump toc for patch 5.1.

Version 5.15 For patch 5.0.0
  • Changes:
    • Armor reduction debuff timer bar will now always show even if it is applied by an other player.
    • Some code tweaking.

Version 5.14 For patch 5.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Anticipation features.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with sound settings.

Version 5.13 For patch 5.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the quick fix. (for real)

Version 5.12 For patch 5.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the quick fix.

Version 5.11 For patch 5.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error during first initialization.

Version 5.10 For patch 5.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Icons are now freely movable.
    • Icons size can now be change.
    • Add poison buff reminder function: An icon can be display 10 minutes before Deadly poison ends. It does not appear in fight unless it ends. It also does not appear when mounted. A sound can be associated to this reminder.
  • Changes:
    • Shadow blades CD bar display can now be set separately.
    • Vendetta CD bar display can now be set separately.
    • Update AceLib
    • The movable anchor has been re-size, you can now catch it from all the moving frame side.

Version 5.01 For patch 5.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with missing rupture declaration bar.

Version 5.00 For patch 5.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Dispatch timer bar.
    • Killing Spree CD bar.
    • Crimson Tempest timer bar.
    • Shadowstep CD bar.
    • Add Shadow Blades timer and CD bar.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed error with Find weakness debuff which is not displaying.
    • Fixed error with SotD icon buff which is not hiding correctly after FotD proc.
    • Fixed error with SliceCommander macro.
    • Fixed error with API function that have been remove.
  • Changes:
    • Update setting panel.
    • Remove the weapon enchant code since poison are buff.
    • Remove coloring CP with corresponding DP stack since DP does not impact envenom anymore.
    • Remove Cold blood bar since it does not exist anymore.
    • Change Expose armor timer to reflect the new armor debuff.
    • Update AceLib

Version 4.40 For patch 4.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Legendary proc feature.
    • Shadow of the destroyer proc counter with an icon, display on the energy bar, It appears when you reach 29 stacks.
    • Fury of the destroyer timer bar and sound proc.
  • Changes:
    • Some code tweaks.

Version 4.30 For patch 4.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Vanish CD bar.
    • Cold blood CD bar.
    • Global cooldown bar indicator: A thin red bar on the top energy bar.
    • Find weakness timer bar (not tested).
  • Changes:
    • Update Combo Point bar skin: CP are now colored from green to red and add an option to let them green colored when DP is up. When border are enable CP are now bordered not the entire bar. Each border are colored in green when DP is UP.
    • Rewrite the setting save format.
    • Rewrite the init bar function.
    • Rewrite the position bar function.

Version 4.24 For patch 4.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed Unknown error with wrong local variable.

Version 4.23 For patch 4.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Hemorrhage DOT timer bar.
    • Shadow dance timer and CD bar.
  • Changes:
    • Update ruRU localization.

Version 4.22 For patch 4.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue with getting CVAR value.
  • Changes:
    • Update missing version number.

Version 4.21 For patch 4.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Russian localization (thanks to itekimasu).
    • Some sounds options: You can change the sound channel and sound volume of current selected channel. (I hope it will fix all sound issue).

Version 4.20 For patch 4.3.0
  • Additions:
    • deDe localization, thanks to Baine.
    • Revealing strike timer bar.
    • Audio for Bandit's Guile.
  • Changes:
    • Toc bump for 4.3.

Version 4.14 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • zhCN localization, thanks to 老超@网易魔兽插件站 (@wowuicn).
    • The possibility to display health in value insteed of percentage.
    • The possibility to hide health bar when out of combat.

Version 4.13 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Player health bar with options.
    • Option for Bandit's Guile.

Version 4.12.1 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed issue with localization.

Version 4.12 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Localization feature.
    • French localization.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some string issue.
    • Fixed Envenom setting.
    • Fixed Vendetta CD display setting.

Version 4.11.0 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Pixel perfect to the frame.
    • Borders like those on Tukui interface.

Version 4.10.2 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the disable setting for kick warning which not work.
    • Corrected some string in the setting pannel.
  • Changes:
    • Replace the moving function with one integrated in SliceCommander.
    • Move some function in Config.lua.

Version 4.10.1 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a loading issue.

Version 4.10.0 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Feint timer bar
    • Feint CD bar
    • Kick warning feature, A configurable warning message can be display when your kick successfully interrupt a spell.
    • Re-Add Expose Armor bar (show only Expose Armor)
  • Changes:
    • Tweaking the code. Configuration panel is now in the Config.lua file. It should be more handy to maintain the code now.

Version 4.9.1 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed settings which always reset at login.

Version 4.9.0 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Bandit's Guile buff Tracking.
  • Changes:
    • Rewrite some function which now use loop.

Version 4.8.1 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed disable cd bar issue.

Version 4.8.0 For patch 4.2.0
  • Additions:
    • Real Garrote bar
    • Real Vendetta CD bar
    • Real Adrenaline rush CD bar
    • Real Deadly poison bar
    • Real Envenom buff bar
    • Real Kidney shot bar
    • Real Cheap shot bar
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed refresh issue with Rupture and Recuperate.
    • Fixed issue with font sizing.
  • Changes:
    • Rewrite the entire timer bar engine, Not based on Combat log anymore.
    • Remove reduce armor debuff on target monitoring.

Version 4.7.8 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the issue with Slice & Dice timer not refreshing with CttC talent.

Version 4.7.7 For patch 4.2.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed timer bar issue introduce with WoW patch 4.2 (like 4.1).
  • Changes:
    • Bump TOC.

Version 4.7.6 For patch 4.1.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed ComboPoints text display on the energy bar now still works when CP bar is disable.
  • Changes:
    • Remove ambiguous disabled scale option.

Version 4.7.5 For patch 4.1.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed timer bar issue introduce with WoW patch 4.1.
  • Changes:
    • Bump TOC.
    • Update ace3 Libs.

Version 4.7.4 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue when attempt to compare number with nil in some case.
    • Fixed missing libraries when try to run SliceCommander in stand alone.

Version 4.7.3 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Mario mod. (Playing Mario Star music when Adrenaline rush buff is up).
  • Changes:
    • Down the bit-rate of each MP3 files.

Version 4.7.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • an option to disable Adrenaline Rush CD bar.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed ToT show setting not working.
    • Fixed the Energy bar that should fade when it should.
  • Changes:
    • Update the PlaySoundFile call with new parameter. It should now always call with "Master" in the second parameter. It should work like it was before they change the function.
    • You can now select energy ticks up to 120 if your max energy value is 120.

Version 4.7.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed sound not playing issue.
    • Fixed move issue.
    • Fixed Blade Flurry icon.
  • Changes:
    • Remove Blade flurry options.

Version 4.7.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Ticks markers for rupture and Recuperate.
    • Adrenaline Rush CD timer and timer bar.
    • Blade Flurry icon.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the loading of the addon on other class.

Version 4.6.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug with threshold positionnement for real now.
    • Fixed some issues with vendetta bar of other rogue apply on you (PvP).
    • Fixed some other issues.

Version 4.6.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fix a bug with threshold positionnement.
  • Changes:
    • Remove SliceCommander.xml, the frame is now create in SliceCommander.lua.

Version 4.6.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Opacity setting.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed target change event not catching.
  • Changes:
    • The energy bar is not fadeout anymore when player is in combat.
    • The ability icon of each timer is not ON the timer bar anymore, it is at the left.
    • Added a border frame of 1 pixel around icon ability.
    • Script are not bound in SliceCommander.xml anymore.
    • Optimize the code a bit.
    • A lot of code refactoring (Remove about 550 lines).
    • The Backstab warning script (sound and icon display) is bound to UNIT_HEALTH event.
    • Renamed a lot of variables.
    • SaveVariable name is now SliceComander_Save not SliceCmdr_Save.
    • Remove the possibility to see all bleed effect on the target.

Version 4.5.4 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed rupture bar not hiding.
    • Fixed the energy bar re-appearing at new load.

Version 4.5.3 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed partially empty save_variable error.

Version 4.5.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed of the save_variable initialization error. (for real)

Version 4.5.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed of the save_variable initialization error.

Version 4.5.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Threat bar.
  • Changes:
    • A new setting panel, it should fix some random issue.

Version 4.4.4 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the vendetta CD bar overlapping issue.

Version 4.4.3 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the disappearing of the Rupture bar when garrot timer end.
  • Changes:
    • Enhanced the bar order function. This function should be more handy. You can now use which index you want and more than one time an index number. One of these two bar will appear first.

Version 4.4.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Seal off the memory leak.
  • Changes:
    • The "disable right click to move" option is now apply at the ticking of the box.
    • Update the "disable right click to move", a Red square appear on the left of the energy bar, and the energy bar should be display. You can move the frame by dragging the red square.

Version 4.4.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed missing Lib needed to run Slicecommander in standalone.

Version 4.4.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • You can now, choose to make the timer bar stating decrees as soon as timer start, not only at 6 sec of the end.

Version 4.3.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • You can now choose which bar to display and where including CP and Stun bars. (Order and Position)
  • Fixes:
    • Re-Fixed the offsetSize error.
  • Changes:
    • Slightly change the color of the bar.
    • Update the setting panel.

Version 4.2.3 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the playSoundFile error.

Version 4.2.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the offsetSize error.

Version 4.2.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the title of the Rupture panel (which was Vendetta settings).
    • Fixed a bug with the reset position button.
  • Changes:
    • Update how sound works. Thanks to blizzard, now we can't hear sounds play while sound is disable. So, now when SliceCommander play a sound, it in infirst re-enable sound, and play the sound after. Then it re-disable the sound.

Version 4.2.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Sound for the 35% target health warning.
    • Option to disable Vendetta bar.
  • Changes:
    • Update the sound settings panel to work with rupture rather than the old Hunger for Blood.
    • Update translation (work with spellID).
    • Add Faerie Fire to the Armor reduction timer bar.

Version 4.1.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • 35% target health warning for backstab with a small icon on the ennergy bar).
    • Option to enable this warning with Spec 1 / Spec 2.
    • Option to disable Slice & Dice bar.
  • Changes:
    • Update the default configuration.

Version 4.0.2 For patch 4.0.0
  • Changes:
    • Updated DE, ES, RU localization for new 4.0 ability (vendetta and recuperate).

Version 4.0.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a glitch with the stun bar which does not display as intended (for 4.0 Branch).

Version 4.0.0 For patch 4.0.0
  • Additions:
    • Permanent CP feature.
    • Recuperate timer bar.
    • Replace the old HfB timer bar with the new vendetta buff with CD functionality.
  • Fixes:
    • Bug FIX to make it works.
  • Changes:
    • Initial cataclysm feature released.

Version 2.0.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a glitch with the stun bar which does not display as intended.

Version 2.0.1 For patch 4.0.0
  • Fixes:
    • Make it work with Cataclysm.

Version For patch 3.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed poison weapon enchant which disappear.

Version 1.4.7 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Stun bar which monitor Keadny shot or Cheap shot.
    • options for this bar.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed bugs in beta 1 and beta 2.

Version 1.4.6 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to disable / enable Trick Of Tread timer bar.
    • Option to disable the fade out on energy bar when poison(s) are applied on weapon(s).
  • Changes:
    • Slightly enhanced poison timer bar display.

Version 1.4.5 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Texture bar.
    • Third spark energy threshold.
    • Two thin bars on energy bar which monitor Main hand and Off hand poison timer.
    • Options to enable/disable poison timer.
    • config option for the third energy threshold.

Version 1.4.4 For patch 3.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some bug with the envenom feature.
    • Fixed a bug which provided collapsing issues with the TotT bar.
  • Changes:
    • You can now click-through the entire frame when the right click to move option is disable.

Version 1.4.3 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to monitor the envenom buff instead of deadly poison. (it is a option you can monitor deadly poison OR envenom)
  • Changes:
    • The reset option button now have different settings. It has my currently addon configuration.

Version For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Spanish and Russian translation (not tested).
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug with TotT icon not showing.
    • Fixed German translation.

Version For patch 3.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug which has always be there, when you not log a rogue.

Version 1.4.2 For patch 3.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed the sunder armor bug.
  • Changes:
    • Some UI tweaks improvement.

Version For patch 3.3.0
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed Some Bugs

Version 1.4.1 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Option to display Spell text on the timer bars.
    • Option to disable sounds when you are out of combat.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some bugs with size resizing.
  • Changes:
    • Tweaked the interface, the icon is now inside the frame.

Version 1.4 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Some options to adjust the width of bars.
    • Added slash command /sc et /slicecommander.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some bugs.
  • Changes:
    • Modified the panel option.

Version 1.4.7 For patch 3.3.0
  • Additions:
    • Expose Armor bar which monitors Hight Armor reduction debuff (your expose armor if you make it, sunder armor or expose armor applied by other rogues).
    • Trick Of Tread CD bar.
    • The blizzard default status bar in the list of texture.
    • Option to enable/disable the Expose Armor bar.
    • Option to monitor only our current rupture instead of the max time of the currently apply bleed effect.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed some bugs.
  • Changes:
    • A few cosmetics changes, stylish icons, no transparency background.
    • Some tweaks in the code.
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Unread 11-09-22, 03:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Tomate
Thanks I'll fix those.
Been playing with the recent update, a couple issues I'm still seeing.

Serrated Bone Spike cooldown bar works, but not the dot bar. Might seem useless since the dot lasts forever, but I do find it helpful in AoE to make sure each target only gets 1 spike - and that bar did work through all of Shadowlands up until now.

Echoing Reprimand cooldown bar works, but the active effect bar is still buggy. No bar at all with the Reverberation talent. With the Resounding Clarity talent the bar appears, but doesn't seem to stick around for all 4 anima charged combo points - it disappears at some point randomly. With neither modifying talent it works properly. Having an active effect bar for Echoing Reprimand isn't super important, so this may not be a critical issue.

Kingsbane and Sepsis are working great now, thank you!
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Unread 11-08-22, 04:28 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Ghost37
Excited to see another update! A few new abilities not working quite right with assassination that I can see. Haven't tested the other specs yet.

No bar shows up for Kingsbane. Maybe you are referencing the Legion artifact trait spell id, and not the new Dragonflight talent?

Same situation for Serrated Bone Spike and Sepsis. The Shadowlands covenant versions work, but not the new Dragonflight talent versions.

In the general tree the Echoing Reprimand bar works if I take the "resounding clarity" talent that modifies it, but does not work with the "reverberation" talent, or if I take neither modifying talent. Maybe this one is on purpose?

Happy to report that the Deathmark and Shadow Dance bars are both working! Awesome
Thanks I'll fix those.
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Unread 11-08-22, 02:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Excited to see another update! A few new abilities not working quite right with assassination that I can see. Haven't tested the other specs yet.

No bar shows up for Kingsbane. Maybe you are referencing the Legion artifact trait spell id, and not the new Dragonflight talent?

Same situation for Serrated Bone Spike and Sepsis. The Shadowlands covenant versions work, but not the new Dragonflight talent versions.

In the general tree the Echoing Reprimand bar works if I take the "resounding clarity" talent that modifies it, but does not work with the "reverberation" talent, or if I take neither modifying talent. Maybe this one is on purpose?

Happy to report that the Deathmark and Shadow Dance bars are both working! Awesome
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Unread 10-26-22, 07:07 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Tomate
Yes sorry for that I'm still looking into it.
Settings are saving now with the 10.01 version, thank you!
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Unread 10-26-22, 04:54 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Yes sorry for that I'm still looking into it.
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Unread 10-26-22, 04:32 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Tried the update you just put out. It is not saving settings or bar positions. When I /reload the UI or log off and log back on all Slice Commander settings reset to the default every time.
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Unread 10-25-22, 11:58 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by Tomate
I have a working version on DF beta, but no new things are added for now.
I hope I will find time to work on it a bit more.
If no at least it will work like that.
Thank you! Looking forward to the update. Hopefully at least Deathmark gets added (and maybe Kingsbane?)
Last edited by Ghost37 : 10-26-22 at 12:01 AM.
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Unread 10-16-22, 06:48 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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I have a working version on DF beta, but no new things are added for now.
I hope I will find time to work on it a bit more.
If no at least it will work like that.
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Unread 02-24-22, 07:24 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Ghost37
Patch 9.2 has borked this addon for me
Hope you get a chance to look at it soon Tomate!
Yes sorry I did not get time to log on PTR, and fix the issue has I log in the patch day.
Just forgot to push the update.
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Unread 02-23-22, 11:30 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Patch 9.2 has borked this addon for me
Hope you get a chance to look at it soon Tomate!
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Unread 12-09-21, 01:06 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Just passing by to put a new version and stumble upon @soyolas comment.
I will look into it.

Too much to do I don't have time for now.
Last edited by Tomate : 12-09-21 at 01:48 PM.
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Unread 02-23-21, 09:05 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I have some requests/suggestions that I'd very much like to see on SliceCommander:

- Font size, color and position options for spell text and spell timers.
- Bar background color/opacity.
- Bar fill direction (right to left or left to right).
- Choose where the spell icon is displayed (left, right, or both sides).
- Smooth bars maybe based on this
- Vertical bars.
- ‘Hide out of combat’ options for Energy Bar, Combo Points, Thread, normal timer bar, and CD bars separately. Also option to allow poison icon to show during combat.
- Fully separated customizations options for Energy Bar, Combo Points, Your Health, Target Health and Threat bar, basically allowing each of those to be configured separately from the global options of the normal bars. (position, size, font, texture, etc)
- Attribute spell/abilities to user created groups with their own anchor points making it possible to fully customize and place them on the screen differently from other groups. (example: have selected long CDs grouped on the left side of the screen while having low CDs grouped on the right side, etc).
- Customization for ‘Flash when ready’ option (when enabled), like color, type, etc, maybe based on this

- Addition configuration options to Markers: ‘Energy Marker’, ‘Pandemic’ and ‘DOT/HOT’, like size, color, texture, etc.
- Allow to set custom Markers on all other bars besides the ones mention above.
- Currently when ‘Full Timer’ option is enabled for bars, it makes the movement of the ‘Pandemic’ and ‘DOT/HOT’ Markers on it laggy, as a solution I suggest implementing an option to show ALL the Markers on the bar at once in a static position when we have ‘Full Timer’ option enabled.
- Add a warning that disabling the ‘Pandemic’ and ‘DOT/HOT’ Markers requires Reload else it wont work.

Timer bars/CD bars:
- Option to define the threshold for when a bar should start to decrease when the option ‘Full Timer’ is disabled.
- Option to make the bars change to a selected different color when it reaches a user defined threshold, like the Pandemic threshold. (currently only the countdown text changes color when it reaches the Pandemic threshold, and you aren’t even allowed to choose said color)
- For abilities that have a higher CD than their uptime (example: Vendetta), and when you have both the normal timer bar and the CD bar enabled, add an option to only show the CD bar when the normal timer bar of said ability expires.
- For abilities that have a higher CD than their uptime (example: Vendetta), when ‘Flash when ready’ option is enabled for the normal timer bar and said bar expires, the addon is automatically switching to a ‘flash’ bar (suggesting that you should use the ability) even thou you can’t use the ability because it’s on CD. To solve this make the ‘flash’ show only for abilities that are out of CD.
- Allow entering a custom threshold for the ‘Flash’ option where instead of only showing the Flash when the ability is ready to use, it would always show the flash when the selected ability reaches the user defined threshold. So, for abilities that do not have a CD like Rupture it would show the flash let’s say 5s before the buff/debuff expires (giving the user enough time to prepare to refresh the ability if needed) and for abilities that do have a CD it would show the ‘flash’ lets say 5s before it’s ready to use (notifying the user what’s coming up soon!).

Warning settings:
- Under ‘Poisons Settings’ have addition warning options to print a message via chat or raid warning for when your poisons reaches the specified missing threshold.
- Change the displayed poison icon according to our selected poison options for each spec (currently it is always showing the same Deadly Poison icon) plus when the ‘poison button’ is enabled it would be better if it showed the ‘Lethal poison’ or the ‘Utility poison’ icon (whoever reaches the specified missing threshold first) allowing you to mouse left-click it to apply the poison the icon is referring to and then automatically switching to the other poison icon allowing you to also perform the same mouse left-click to apply the 2nd poison.
- Under ‘Your Health’ and ‘Target Health’ general settings have ‘Warning settings’ like we currently have for Kick, where you would make an announcement on a specified channel for when you or your target reaches a user defined HP threshold such as ‘Need Heals NOW’ or ‘Nuke NOW’, etc.
- When we have ‘spell sound notification’ enabled, allow the user to specify different custom thresholds to trigger sounds, instead of only relying on the pre-defined default thresholds that the addon currently has.

- Show targets in range of your AOE abilities (perhaps via an icon), the abilities would be Fan of Knives (including the improved range version with Flying Daggers PVP talent) and Crimson Tempest for Assassination, Blade Flurry (including the improved range version with Acrobatic Strikes talent) for Outlaw, Shuriken Storm and Black Powder for Subtlety.
- When ‘Target Health’ bar is enabled, add an option to show the target cast time when it’s casting a spell, maybe via a Marker overlay that will move over the Target Health bar according to the cast time speed (basically making the Marker travel/move from one corner of the Target Health bar to the other). Also set its color based on if a spell is interruptible or not.
- Implement ‘Focus Health’ bar.
- Give Combo Points an expiration timer (time that you have to use them before they expire) when you are out of combat.

QOL improvements:
- Order the spell/abilities on the addon GUI by name.
- Show the spell/abilities tooltips when mouseover it on the addon GUI.
- Show the spell/abilities current set position value on the addon GUI without the need of selecting each one manually.
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Unread 12-15-20, 09:11 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Possible problems:
- Can’t see the the ‘GCD Bar’ when enabled.
- ‘Refresh’ sound options are not triggering any selected sound. (I still don’t get what is the difference from having a ‘Refresh’ sound selected VS having an ‘Alert’ sound selected) ?
- What is the Blade Flurry icon for ? What makes it special to have it’s own icon ? Can we also create our own icons ?
- What is the ‘Pixel Perfect’ option used for ? Why does it say that it should be enabled ? When it’s enabled it makes all my UI very small and I am forced to change it back by enabling the UI Scale to 1.0 on the WoW graphic settings thus making the addon ‘Pixel Perfect’ option disabled again…

PS. Any chance to have this addon working for other classes besides rogue?
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Unread 12-15-20, 09:08 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Spells that are currently missing sound options:

- Adrenaline Rush > only has the CD Sound, missing the ‘buff’ sound options.
- Blade Flurry
- Kick
- Tricks of the Trade

Bars that are currently missing sound options:
- Target health
- Threat
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Unread 12-15-20, 09:05 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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@Tomate I took the liberty of compiling a list of spells that are live in the game and are currently missing from the Addon, thus should be implemented:

Missing GLOBAL spells:
- Wound Poison
- Crippling Poison
- Numbing Poison
- Shiv
- Blind > would be also useful to have ‘Warning settings’ like we have for Kick, where you would make an announcement when a Blind is applied and another for when Blind breaks.
- Sap > would be also useful to have ‘Warning settings’ like we have for Kick, where you would make an announcement when a Sap is applied and another for when Sap breaks.
- Shroud of Concealment > would be also useful to have ‘Warning settings’ like we have for Kick, where you would make an announcement when a Shroud of Concealment is applied and another for when Shroud of Concealment breaks.
- Kick > only has the CD bar, thus missing the 5s silence ‘debuff’ bar you gain from it.
- Tricks of the Trade > only has the CD bar, thus missing the 6s ‘buff’ bar that starts on your first attack.
- Vanish > only has the CD bar, thus missing the 3s ‘buff’ bar that you gain from using it.

Missing GLOBAL talents:
- Alacrity > this should be moved to global talent tab since it now ca be also chosen by Assassination.
- Cheat Death > only has the CD bar, thus missing the 3s ‘buff’ bar that you gain from it.
- Prey on the Weak

Missing GLOBAL PVP talents:
- Maneuverability
- Smoke Bomb

Missing ASSASSINATION talents:
- Hidden Blades
- Internal Bleeding
- Iron Wire
- Poison Bomb

Missing ASSASSINATION PVP talents:
- Creeping Venom
- Neurotoxin
- System Shock

Missing OUTLAW spells:
- Pistol Shot

Missing OUTLAW PVP talents:
- Boarding Party
- Cheap Tricks
- Dismantle
- Plunder Armor
- Take Your Cut
- Thick as Thieves
- Turn the Tables

Missing SUBTLETY spells:
- Rupture > now can also be used by Subtlety.

Missing SUBTLETY talents:
- Master of Shadows
- Night Terrors

Missing SUBTLETY PVP talents:
- Cold Blood
- Dagger in the Dark
- Shadowy Duel
- Veil of Midnight

REMOVED from the game entirely:
- Nightblade > was an Subtlety ability, should be removed.
- Toxic Blade > was an Assassination talent, should be removed.

> Can safely remove spells under the ‘Old settings’ tab ? (including the Blunderbuss and Shadows of the Destroyer which currently have icons in the addon as well)

NOTE: it would be much easier if we could manually add/remove new spells in the addon GUI by entering the SpellID or Spell Name. Very useful for tracking things like enchants, trinkets, legendaries, etc, that the addon does not support by default.
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