Updated: 01-07-10 06:07 PM
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Updated:01-07-10 06:07 PM
Created:08-26-09 11:47 AM

RhadaTip Dps/Hps Tooltip Enhancer  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.0.3
by: tylerdurden2 [More]

RhadaTip Dps/Hps Tooltip Enhancer 3.0.3

  • What does RhadaTip do?
  1. Item V.S. Item comparisons (to know how much dps this new badge item will grant to you, how many dkp you should bid on this newly dropped raid loot, etc).
    1.1 Item V.S. Item comes with an auto filling socket mechanism.
    1.2 RhadaTip support trinkets comparisons.
  2. Full gear evaluation, and projected full gear value (as the result of swapping the tooltipped item with the currently equipped item).
    2.1 This means that the item comparison is always accurate. Limiting the scope of the comparison only to the two items themselves will produce highly inaccurate results (as a consequence of passing the hit cap, breaking a tier set bonus etc).
    2.2 Thus, RhadaTip supports the hit (soft/hard) cap, the expertise hard cap, and tier set bonuses.
  3. One-button-optimizer for the whole gear. Clicking this button, RhadaTip will scan your equipped items plus all the items in your bags, compute which combination will result in the highest gear xPS value, and equip it.
  4. The comparison between items and setups can go n items ahead of your current gear, up to the best in slot configuration if you want, by using the combination of RhadaTip and WoWEquip.
    4.1 This is extremely useful. An item that is a small dps gain at the moment, might be a good dps gain (or a dps loss, for that matter) after having changed another item. As an example, an item drops (ie. a new pair of bracers). It is a small dps gain for you at the moment. You are only two emblems away from getting a new pair of legs. Before passing or bidding dkp, you might be interested in knowing what kind of dps gain those bracers would net to you also factoring in the new pair of leggings that you are about to get. Using RhadaTip and WoWEquip, that is possible.
    4.2 This is also much more useful for the average raider than a simple BiS list. The best in slot list is actually quite useless considering that those items are only the highest dps items when you combine them all together, and less than 0.00001% of the raiders will ever get them before the next tier is released.
    4.3 Easy, on the fly comparisons between your full gear set and that one of other players.
  5. RhadaTip links your current setups to your currently active talent tree. Swapping the active talent tree will automatically swap all values within RhadaTip. This (for example) means no overhead for a RhadaTip user changing from restoration to balance before a raid.
  6. RhadaTip comes with a gem optimizer. The gem optimizer's use is twofold.
    6.1 On the left handside it shows the best gem of each colour, based on your currently set scaling values.
    6.2 On the right handide, it will compute for you the optimal gemming of any item, be it an item that you already own (and therefore might be already gemmed), or an item that you don't already own. It will also show what gain you will get by regemming, so that you can better evaluate if it is worth going for it.
  7. It comes with a collection of pre defined scaling values accessible by the /rt pv slash command. These values are mostly taken from SimulationCraft for maximum reliability and actuality.
    7.1 When you log in with RhadaTip for the first time, it will compare your talents against those of the pre-set scaling values, and automatically load a template if there is a match.
  8. By using RhadaTip in combo with Auc-Searcher-RhadaTip, you can easily scan the auction house to find upgrades for you.
  • How does it work?
To make the "xPS gain = n" show meaningful numbers, type /rt sv to open the input frame. Type in your scaling values. Once you have saved them with the button, they will be saved for future game sessions.
If you don't have your scaling values, use /rt pv and select the closest set of scaling values to you (based on your gear level and talents).
If you have spent your talent in a way that matches one of the RhadaTip saved templates, the scaling values will be automatically set (but I still suggest to review them).
To make the "Total gear xPS = n" show even more meaningful numbers, type /rt hc to open the input frame. Type in your desired hit percentage that you want to achieve from gear only. As an example, if your hit cap versus a boss is at 17% hit, and you plan to receive +4% hit from raid buffs or racials, you have to put 13 in this frame (mind not putting the % symbol in here too). Here you can also set a "some casting time" value used to compute trinket procs, and the default filling gems for each empty socket bonus. Once you have saved them with the button, it will be saved for future game sessions.
Where to get your correct scaling values? I'd suggest that you run your own SimulationCraft, if you really can't, you will probably be able to find them on some failjerks webside.
  • I'm still not sure on how to make it work, nor I really understand what I can do with it...
The following is a list of videos that I've recorded and uploaded on youtube:
  • Why should I upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3?
- Added support to Tier10 bonuses.
- Added the ability to see the values of offspec items without the need of actually having to swap specs on the fly.
- Readded Shifting Dreadstone to the default socket fillers tab.
- Fixed Mage Tier9 pre-set scaling values.
- Fixed ruRU locale.
- All frames are now closable with the ESC key.
- The list of supported 3.3 trinkets is as follows:
1. Althor's Abacus from Gunship Armory (25 men normal)
2. Althor's Abacus Heroic from Gunship Armory (25 men heroic)
3. Deathbringer's Will from Deathbringer Saurfang (25 men normal)
4. Deathbringer's Will Heroic from Deathbringer Saurfang (25 men heroic)
5. Dislodged Foreign Object from Rotface (25 men normal)
6. Dislodged Foreign Object Heroic from Rotface (25 men heroic)
7. Ephemeral Snowflake from Marwyn (5 men heroic)
8. Herkuml War Token from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
9. Maghia's Misguided Quill from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
10. Muradin's Spyglass from Gunship Armory (10 men normal)
11. Muradin's Spyglass Heroic from Gunship Armory (10 men heroic)
12. Needle-Encrusted Scorpion from Devourer of Souls (5 men heroic)
13. Nevermelting Ice Crystal from Nevermelting Ice Crystal (5 men heroic)
14. Purified Lunar Dust from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
15. Sliver of Pure Ice from Lord Marrowgar (10 men normal)
16. Sliver of Pure Ice Heroic from Lord Marrowgar (10 men heroic)
17. Whispering Fanged Skull from Lady Deathwisper (10 men normal)
18. Whispering Fanged Skull Heroic from Lady Deathwisper (10 men heroic)
  • What other commands are there?
Quite a few. You can access the complete list of available options by typing /rt in game. In here, I'll only spend a couple words on the following:
/rt sv -> Opens up the scaling values' input frame.
/rt hc -> Opens up the frame with useful functionalities like the hit cap, the average casting time, the auto filling gems, turn on/off the WoWEquip support etc.
/rt ogear -> Opens up the Gear Optimizer frame.
/rt og -> Opens up the Gem Optimizer frame.
/rt pv -> Opens up the frame containing pre-set values for different specs and gear levels.
/rt import (...) -> Imports the scaling values using the string returned by SimulationCraft.
  • What assumptions does the mod make?
- If the item diplayed in your tooltip has an empty socket slot, and you haven't picked up a default filling gem for that socket colour, the mod assumes that it is filled with a 19 spellpower fictitious gem. This gem will not count toward activating the socketbonus.
- The hit cap is only taken into account when computing the "total gear dps = n" line, it is not taken into account when computing the "dps gain = n", as the scope of this latter line is local to the two compared items only.
- Enchantments and prismatic sockets are ignored and in no way contribute to the xPS gains.
- Trinkets like Illustration of the Dragon Soul are modeled as static gains. Keeping the stacks up is generally possible, and most classes can even stack the charges up before pulling.
- The tooltip will read "DPS gain" if you have 81 or more hit rating, otherwise it will read "HPS gain". This is just the tooltip wording, so if you are leveling up a dk and have less than 80 hit rating, don't be scared, you are still seeing dps values.
- The Avg Casting Time field in /rt hc is TIMEPERIOD (say 60 seconds) / NUMBER OF CASTS (that can proc trinkets).
- Clicking a pre-set value button will only save scaling values, you will still have to configure the /rt hc frame for accurate values.
- There are always two available slash commands for RhadaTip. One is /RhadaTip, the other is either /rt or /rtip, based on whether you have RaidTracker loaded or not.
  • What doesn't work in 3.0.3?
The addon is incompatible with the Black Temple necklace. If you have any issue with anything that isn't the Black Temple necklace, please report it here and I'll come back at you as soon as possible. Remember that if you aren't playing on an enUS client locale you must specify it when reporting the issue.
  • Which classes does it support?
It was developed with warlocks in mind, but it should work out fine for every dps and healing class.
  • What other mods does it support?
The mod is fully compatible (and the usege of the following mods is strongly recommended) with WoWEquip, EquipCompare, AtlasLoot, Auc-Searcher-RhadaTip and tekKompare.
  • What is the difference between this mod and RatingBuster?
This mod has xPS in its mind. RatingBuster is used to convert ratings into percentages, and to obtain a breakdown of the sum of all the stats on the tooltipped item. In no way it delivers actual xPS informations. Thus, none of the key features of RhadaTip listed in these f.a.q. is present in RatingBuster.
  • What is the difference between this mod and Pawn?
Taken from the answers to the question "What does RhadaTip do" at the beginning of this f.a.q., the following RhadaTip features aren't found (or are radically different) in Pawn:
  • 1.2 (Trinkets)
  • 2 (Full gear evaluation...)
  • 2.1 (... leading to always accurate comparisons)
  • 2.2 (Tier set bonuses and hit/expertise cap)
  • 3 (the 1-click gear optimizer)
  • 4, 4.1 and 4.2 (the ability to go n items ahead of your current gear, to compare not just two items but n items, etc)
  • 4.3 (compare your gear to that of other playes)
  • 5 (support to dual specs)
  • 6, 6.1 and 6.2 (the gem optimizer)
  • 7, 7.1 (pre-set scaling values and auto-loading of the best scaling value template on login)
  • What is coming up next?
- Tank support ?
- Remaining localizations.
- More 3.3 trinkets and Tier10 pre-set scales.
  • How can I contribute?
- Test the localizations.
- Help me with pre-saved scaling values, especially for the healing classes/specs.
- Help me with a couple trinket models.
- Play with the non-casters values and gems around to help me discover any remaining issue.
  • Compatibility issues.
There are currently no known compatibility issues.
  • Special Thanks to...
I'd like to thank:
Gotai of <Order of the Turtle>, The Sha'tar EU, for his support and patience in helping me overcome some difficulties.
Dedmonwakeen of <Wicked Legion>, Llane US, for helping me solve the melee weapon issue.
Mephaïste of <Les Larmes de Mathystra>, Throk'Feroth EU, for making the frFR locale a reality.
Nightdragon (forum user), for helping me fix the deDE localization.
Xinhuan, for making the interaction between RhadaTip and WoWEquip possible.
StingerSoft, for localizing the mod in Russian.
Troffel of <Ein Herz für Hühnchen>, Der Rat von Dalaran EU, for helping me to optimize the Gear Optimization tool.
Barfolomeu and Vhaarr for the incredible help in optimizing the performances of the code.
Levva for the softcap changes.
A very VERY special honorable mention to the user Shawn A. for having been the very first, and only, RhadaTip donation supporter!

  • Why should I upgrade from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2?
- The Gem Optimizer has been upgraded. Before version 3.0.2, the Optimizer would only take into consideration the gems that don't have any stat with a soft/hard cap (hit, expertise). Following the introduction of the expertise hard cap and the changes to the hit cap, I felt the need to eliminate this limitation. The new Gem Optimizer has a checkbox that, if clicked, will fire an exaustive lookup for the best possible way of gemming an item, including all the hit and expertise gems currently supported.
- The gear optimizer will now always properly factor in the 4 part tier bonuses.
- The list of supported 3.3 trinkets is as follows:
1. Needle-Encrusted Scorpion from Devourer of Souls (5 men heroic)
2. Ephemeral Snowflake from Marwyn (5 men heroic)
3. Muradin's Spyglass from Gunship Armory (10 men normal)
4. Herkuml War Token from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
5. Maghia's Misguided Quill from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
6. Purified Lunar Dust from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
7. Nevermelting Ice Crystal from Nevermelting Ice Crystal (5 men heroic)
8. Althor's Abacus from Gunship Armory (25 men normal)
9. Deathbringer's Will from Deathbringer Saurfang (25 men normal)
10. Heroic Deathbringer's Will from Deathbringer Saurfang (25 men heroic)
11. Heroic Muradin's Spyglass from Gunship Armory (10 men heroic)
12. Whispering Fanged Skull from Lady Deathwisper (10 men normal)
13. Sliver of Pure Ice from Lord Marrowgar (10 men normal)
  • Why should I update from 3.0.0b to 3.0.1?
- The hit cap mechanism has been completely rethough, to accomodate for the need of a softcap.. Now, the user will find two hit scaling values input boxes in /rt sv, one for the pre-cap and one for the post-cap values. Entering 0 in the post cap input box will make the hit cap an hard cap, just like it was pre release 3.0.1. Entering a non-zero value will properly simulate an hit soft cap instead.
- SimulationCraft support.The upcoming version of simulationcraft will provide the user with a line similar to this:
( RhadaTip: "Warlock_T9_03_13_55": HitRating=3.94, SpellDamage=1.58, HasteRating=1.03, Spirit=1.11, CritRating=1.02, Intellect=0.37 )
The user can then do a /rt inport ( RhadaTip: "Warlock_T9_03_13_55": HitRating=3.94, SpellDamage=1.58,HasteRating=1.03, Spirit=1.11, CritRating=1.02, Intellect=0.37 ) to load the scaling values faster and easier than before.
- The gear optimizer will now always properly factor in 4ptier bonuses.
- Updated locales.
- Added support to tekKompare.
- Fixed the proc chance of Egg of Mortal Essence.
- Updated toc for 3.3.
- Added the following 3.3 trinkets:
Needle-Encrusted Scorpion from Devourer of Souls (5 men heroic).
Ephemeral Snowflake from Marwyn (5 men heroic).
Muradin's Spyglass from Gunship Armory (10 men normal).
Herkuml War Token from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster.
Maghia's Misguided Quill from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster.
Purified Lunar Dust from Emblem of Frost Quartermaster.
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Unread 12-23-09, 07:31 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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is there shamman healing pre-set value or i cant see it?
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Unread 12-14-09, 08:04 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally posted by tylerdurden2
How many combinations does it display with the pvp/offset gear in the bank and a ilvl filter of 200? More than 50k for example?
Managed to cut it down to about 75k combinations, been going for about ~10mins so far.

EDIT: completed the 75k combinations in 1049 seconds.
Last edited by xandora : 12-14-09 at 09:39 PM.
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Unread 12-14-09, 07:10 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by xandora
Yeah, I have a fairly large amount of gear over ilevel 200. Even with pvp/offset gear in the bank. The joys of high end raiding warlocks!

The rest of the addon is fantastic however!
How many combinations does it display with the pvp/offset gear in the bank and a ilvl filter of 200? More than 50k for example?
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Unread 12-14-09, 03:06 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally posted by tylerdurden2
Sadly wow is very slow at these things. I don't have enough gear to generate as many combinations, but I fear that it would take hours to finish. Are you using the ilvl filter to at least a value of 200 to filter out low level junk? Did you put in your bank your offspec/pvp gear before firing the computation? If you do both these things and you still have so many combinations with the remaining items, we might have a problem...
Yeah, I have a fairly large amount of gear over ilevel 200. Even with pvp/offset gear in the bank. The joys of high end raiding warlocks!

The rest of the addon is fantastic however!
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Unread 12-14-09, 03:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by xandora
It's trying to test something like 450000ish. CPU shouldn't be much of a problem though, 3.6ghz processor. *shrug*
Sadly wow is very slow at these things. I don't have enough gear to generate as many combinations, but I fear that it would take hours to finish. Are you using the ilvl filter to at least a value of 200 to filter out low level junk? Did you put in your bank your offspec/pvp gear before firing the computation? If you do both these things and you still have so many combinations with the remaining items, we might have a problem...
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Unread 12-14-09, 02:10 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally posted by tylerdurden2
It is normal, you just have to wait longer, depending on the number of possible gear combinations that the items you have can produce, and your cpu. How many different gear combination is it saying that it is testing?
It's trying to test something like 450000ish. CPU shouldn't be much of a problem though, 3.6ghz processor. *shrug*
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Unread 12-13-09, 07:25 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by xandora
I might be doing something wrong, but when I run the gear optimization section I get heavy fps lag and no results.
It is normal, you just have to wait longer, depending on the number of possible gear combinations that the items you have can produce, and your cpu. How many different gear combination is it saying that it is testing?
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Unread 12-13-09, 03:55 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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I might be doing something wrong, but when I run the gear optimization section I get heavy fps lag and no results.
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Unread 12-08-09, 05:56 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant

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Originally posted by tylerdurden2
Take warlocks for example. Spirit is worth a lot to me right now, thanks to fel armor and the lifetap glyph. Without those, as I'd be at a lower level, it would be worth nothing instead.
Wow... I realized after I posted that I should have mentioned removing hit/expertise from scales if you aren't 80, but obviously I've been lucky in the classes I play to not feel too far off even if I use a lvl 80 scale for leveling. I was completely unaware of a situation like warlock that so wildly changed stat weighting at 80. Good to know!
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Unread 12-08-09, 12:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Daagar
And thanks for the (upcoming) tekKompare fix! [/b]
You're welcome!

Sorry but I have to disagree on the lvl 42 scales. I'm not one to recompute my scales when one single item changes, but saying that I can apply scales for a lvl 80 with different spells and talents to a lvl 42 is just not right imo. Take warlocks for example. Spirit is worth a lot to me right now, thanks to fel armor and the lifetap glyph. Without those, as I'd be at a lower level, it would be worth nothing instead. Rhadatip might suggest a lvl 30 player that an item with x spirit is better than another item with y spellpower, when the first is actually worth 0 dps to him, and the latter isn't. Same deal with haste, and the hit scale assuming that you will be fighting your lvl +3 almost all the time will be off too.

Anyway, I've always said that the great thing of rhadatip is that it is so versatile, it is "almost" cataclysm ready if you wish, if you feel that the scales in your possession are adeguate, it will always work.
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Unread 12-07-09, 08:08 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant

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Honestly... unless you are twinking or doing hardcore low-level PVP or what have you, the lvl 80 scales will work just fine even if you're level 42. Will you be perfectly optimized? Probably not, but neither is the gear at those levels. And, you'll change it every 2-4 levels anyway either via AH or questing. However, for quickly deciding "is this new helmet in any way appropriate for me, and possibly better than what I'm wearing?" this mod will fit the bill.

And thanks for the (upcoming) tekKompare fix!
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Unread 12-06-09, 06:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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And for tekKompare, yes, this provides no info in the comparison tooltips. Would be more useful if it did. [/b]
Added this to the upcoming version 3.0.1 in the meantime.
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Unread 12-06-09, 04:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Zidomo Don't see any notice on the description page or built-in help that the built-in weights are level 80-only or using them is "completely incorrect". Yes, the "Paladin_T9_11_5_55" weight scale is clearly not for a low level, but nothing shows that the plain "Paladin_Tx_Retribution" or "Paladin_Tx_Holy" scales are not. Sorry to hear, would have thought that RhadaTip would be more flexible for various levels. As some other mods like this are, such as Engravings, Weights Watcher, Considerater, etc..
The reason why some are labeled Paladin_Tx_Retribution is simply that, whilst most of the other pre set scales are taken from simulationcraft's output page, there weren't any for paladins. The only scales I could find for palas were on EJ, and there wasn't any tier level or actual talent count specified, so the most I could do is label them as Tx_Spec.
The low flexibility you are talking about isn't rhadatip's. If you manage to get scales for lvl 42 paladins, rhadatip will work just as well as it would for lvl 80 characters. If anything the low flexibility is of the tools that compute scaling values. Rhadatip is as flexible and accurate as the scales placed into it are. I intentionally made the mod to be the most accurate tool available to players, as you can see with the inclusions of caps etc that similar mods don't have: it is therefore against the whole philosophy of the addon to put random pre-set scales for every class and every level just to cater in as many users as possible, because lvl 42 scales you will find in other tools aren't anything more than that.

On the other hand, I find it hard to belive any tool that computes scales for lvl 42. Why? Various reasons, I'll tell you a couple off the top of my head. 1) Simulationcraft has the lvl 83 boss armor amount, obtained thanks to the millions of logs and anecdotal data. How much armor would you input the in simulationcraft setup file for a lvl 42 mob? 2) All scales returned by simulationcraft or any spreadsheet are assumed for a static lvl+3 opponent, like a boss. In a leveling environment though, scales fluctuate depending on what you are attacking. The easiest example is, the hit rating scale when you are lvl 42 and are attacking a lvl 44 is drastically different than what it would be if you were attacking a lvl 42 like you, so you'd have to compute both scales, and swap back and forth depending what you are about to attack. 3) Some scales dont even make sense at that level. Say that my opponent mob dies in 3 shadowbolts, unless I get so much haste that in the same time that I'd cast 2 shadowbolts I can cast 3, haste is not giving me any bonus. A mob would not take any more dmg if the 3 bolts that kill him are casted in 4.5 seconds or 4.4 seconds.

As to detection reckoning, you could use libraries such as LibTalentQuery-1.0 to help with it. At the very least, could show "DPS" instead of "HPS" when someone selects a built-in DPS weight table.
I could do that when you select a pre-stored template, the dps/hps wording is also computed, but then again, you aren't likely to find any tool that provides proper and meaningful scales for a non raid environment, so the 80 hit rating requirement seemed to fit. About LibTalentQuery, I'm not exactly sure how it could help me, I'd still need to hardcode the talent scan for key talents to decide whether or not a druid is balance or restoration, the dk is tank or dps etc. At low levels, it might even be impossible. If someone decides to use rhadatip and has this spec, how should rhadatip decide what the user is? I could just put a checkbox to let you swap between hps and dps, but as I said before, it is only a display bug happening for people whose scales are taken from a tool whose accuracy is highly doubtful, so the wording typo isn't their biggest concern imo.

But it doesn't really matter if this mod does not provide useful info to below-80s.Regarding that, could provide a log-on message and/or a popup box when someone goes into options on a below-80 character telling them that the mod won't provide useful information for them. Or implement AddonLoader support (2 lines in the TOC) and just not have it load on below-80s. Unless of course entering weights manually is viable for lower levels.
Again, not the mod. If you can find proper lvl 42 scaling values that actually make senso somehow (the points I wrote before will always stand true), you are welcome to put them into the mod, and the mod will always work and be 100% accurate.
Last edited by tylerdurden2 : 12-06-09 at 05:09 PM.
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Unread 12-06-09, 02:41 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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Originally posted by tylerdurden2
Using built-in scales, that are made simulationcrafting a level 80 char using lvl 80 talents and consequently spell rotation, with full lvl 80 raid buffs against a lvl 83 boss, for a fight of minutes length, and so on so forth, on a level 42 char is extremely wrong. I could somewhat change the graphic typo, but it won't change the fact that you are using the mod and scales in a completely incorrect way.

That being said, what way do you suggest to use in reckoning the dps from the hps? The complexity of a talent scan is waaay too high to implement, for all classes, all specs, and all levels. I'm sure a lvl 30 something druid could easily have a spec that can be both a moonkin and a resto one (just an example, you get the idea).
Don't see any notice on the description page or built-in help that the built-in weights are level 80-only or using them is "completely incorrect". Yes, the "Paladin_T9_11_5_55" weight scale is clearly not for a low level, but nothing shows that the plain "Paladin_Tx_Retribution" or "Paladin_Tx_Holy" scales are not. Sorry to hear, would have thought that RhadaTip would be more flexible for various levels. As some other mods like this are, such as Engravings, Weights Watcher, Considerater, etc..

As to detection reckoning, you could use libraries such as LibTalentQuery-1.0 to help with it. At the very least, could show "DPS" instead of "HPS" when someone selects a built-in DPS weight table. But it doesn't really matter if this mod does not provide useful info to below-80s.

Regarding that, could provide a log-on message and/or a popup box when someone goes into options on a below-80 character telling them that the mod won't provide useful information for them. Or implement AddonLoader support (2 lines in the TOC) and just not have it load on below-80s. Unless of course entering weights manually is viable for lower levels.

And for tekKompare, yes, this provides no info in the comparison tooltips. Would be more useful if it did.
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Unread 12-06-09, 10:03 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Zidomo
OK. But on a low level (42) Retribution Paladin, its showing "HPS" even when selecting one of the two built-in Retribution (DPS) weight scales. Which is rather sloppy.

So if you could improve the qualifier detection of the display (especially when using the built-in weight scales), it would improve the aesthetics of this a lot.

No errors or other problems like I have seen in the past so far with v3.0.0b, though, so nice work there.
Using built-in scales, that are made simulationcrafting a level 80 char using lvl 80 talents and consequently spell rotation, with full lvl 80 raid buffs against a lvl 83 boss, for a fight of minutes length, and so on so forth, on a level 42 char is extremely wrong. I could somewhat change the graphic typo, but it won't change the fact that you are using the mod and scales in a completely incorrect way.

That being said, what way do you suggest to use in reckoning the dps from the hps? The complexity of a talent scan is waaay too high to implement, for all classes, all specs, and all levels. I'm sure a lvl 30 something druid could easily have a spec that can be both a moonkin and a resto one (just an example, you get the idea).
Last edited by tylerdurden2 : 12-06-09 at 10:09 AM.
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