Updated: 02-24-10 05:43 AM
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Updated:02-24-10 05:43 AM
Created:08-15-09 04:02 PM

Athene's Upgrade Estimator  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.18
by: Athene_ [More]

What does it do?
This is an addon for those who want help at figuring out what items are upgrades, and are tired of/don't understand complex spreadsheets.
It is made for DPS and healing.

To enable the addon for a character, type "/aue" and select if you want to show stats for DPS and\or healing.

How does it work?
The addon will first scan your current gear and check your talents to figure out the value of each stat for you. To help figure out the value for each stat, the addon uses a preset DPS rotation depending on class and specc. This DPS rotation is gathered from combat logs of good players at WoW Meter Online.
The addon will then print out a list with the value of each stat and how important each ability is to your DPS, next to your character window.
In addition to the preset DPS rotation, you can make your own rotation for increased accuracy. This requires Recount to be installed, as AUE will use the Overall fight datas from Recount to make the DPS rotation.

When you mouseover an item the addon will calculate what your total stats would be if you replace your current item with the mouseovered one, and then check if it would be better or worse.
The resultat is printed at the bottom of the item tooltip, and you can have an explanation in the tooltip for what makes it an upgrade\downgrade(what stats would increase\decrease). The upgrade\downgrade result is also colored in a fitting color (red for downgrade, green for upgrade).

The addon is not as accurate as a real spreadsheet, but the difference should be small. It is ment for those who care about gearing properly, but don't want to use complex spreadsheets like those on Elitist Jerks. This addon is completely automatic and 100x easier to use than any spreadsheet, but in return it is a bit less accurate. Thus it fits good for raiders who are dedicated but not hardcore.

Personally, these are the things I like the most with this addon:
1: You dont need a new spreadsheet for all your alts when you try out new classes. Just enable the addon and go.
2: Whenever you see an interesting item you can see at once if it's an upgrade. No more "sec, I need to check my spreadsheet", no time spent on building an upgrade list for new raid instances, no trouble trying to figure upgrades all by yourself.
3. The addon automatically saves all upgrades found to an internal upgrade list. With Atlasloot Reverse installed AUE will also save the drop spot with the item, making a list of what items you need in every instance. Is your alt done with heroic farming? Should you join that TotC 10 pug? Check your AUE list.
4: The stat values and calculations scale with your gear and buffs. Sometimes as a healer you might want to change a bit of gear depending on buffs in the raid. As a DPS this makes the addon more accurate than using standard stat values.
5. The addon will automatically check how much value you can get from a blue quality gem in empty sockets, and take them into calculations. That way it's alot easier to figure the value of an item with empty sockets.
6. When you have figured wether an item is an upgrade or a downgrade, you can quickly figure from the item stat difference what makes out the upgrade\downgrade. Why is that item an upgrade when you lose spell power and crit from wearing it? Maybe it's because you really need that hit rating?
7. Tooltips will also tell you if an item is on the upgradelist for any of your alts. This way, all your chars could shop upgrades for any char on AH.


Known bugs:
- Text from Ratingbuster and Wardrobe appears twice in tooltips.

- Paladin: Added T10 2set and 4set bonus.
- Paladin: Added glyphs for Judgement and Exorcism.
- Mage: Added Frost Nova, Frostfire Bolt, Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath.
- Mage: Added glyphs for Molten Armor and Scorch.
- Mage: Added T9 2set bonus.
- Options: You can now turn raid buffs on and off. Useful for alts.
- Options: You can now specify how good quality gems you want the addon to calculate in gear, especially useful for alts.
- Raid buffs: Added Heroic Presence for alliance
- Raid buffs: Added Fel Intelligence
- You'll now see in theorycrafting at char screen if you are overcapped at hit or experitse.
- Item searching can now also be used for chars below lvl80.
Bug fixes:
- Hunter: Fixed a bug with MH weapon scaling.
- Hunter: Fixed a bug with ranged wpn scaling.
- Mage: Fixed Living Bomb max targets.
- Fixed a bug that caused healing stats on items to not show in tooltips.
- Some items that previously didnt show up when searching for items, now do.
- Fixed a bug stopping the GUI if you turn on healing for non-heal classes.
- Corrected the "avg crit dmg" beside the char screen.
- Fixed some mp5 items' on-use\equip buffs.
- Added DK spell 'Risen Ally' and mage spell 'Mirror Image' to ignored abilities list (wont show up as pet).
- Some minor bug fixes.

- Some minor changes to stat names and what stats are listed in char screen and item tooltips.
- Added option for sorting stats by value or alphabetically
- Rogue: Added energy regen as stat.
- Rogue: Combat Potency effect shows in weapon tooltips.
Bug fixes:
- Warlock: Fixed the data saving for Conflagrate and Immolate.
- Some minor bug fixes.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes screwed up the GUI

- All rotation commands have been replaced with a new tab in the AUE GUI.
Bug fixes:
- Paladin: Fixed seal of vengeance to save as seal of corruption.
- Fixed a bug that could cause slight lagging when mouseovering items while in raids.
- Fixed a bug that screwed up druid healing.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused some info in tooltips to appear twice.

- Added hit rating from Improved Faerie Fire\Misery.
- Added an option to ignore hit rating in calculations. This makes it easier to plan long term upgrade lists when you have many sockets.
- Added a save button for option settings, so you no longer need to close the window to save the settings.
Bug fixes:
- Shaman: Fixed a bug that could cause the addon to stop working.
- Shaman: Fixed some totems showing up as pets in new rotations.
- Rogue: Fixed a bug about Instant Poison that could stop new rotations from being saved.
- Rogue: Fixed the saving of Deadly Poison datas in rotations.
- Fixed an error message for Scope at ranged weapons.
- Dragon mounts in EoE will no longer be saved as pets.
- Fixed a bug that made some abilities show up as not affected by haste while they really are.
- Fixed a bug that made only one slot appear in tooltips for healing.
- Fixed a bug in AP scaling for weapon based abilities.

- Shaman: Added Fire Nova, Searing Totem and Magma Totem,
- Shaman: Fixed some totems showing up as pets in new rotations.
- Shaman: Fixed a bug for resto shammies causing the addon to stop working.
- Druid: Fixed a bug that could cause the addon to stop working.
- Some abilities that were not properly treated as AOE have been fixed.

- Fixed a possible cause for errors in rotations.
- Removed the warning for negative stat values.

- Added Druid - Balance
- Added Hunter - All speccs
- Added Shaman - Enhancement
- Added Warlock - All speccs
- Fixed a few abilities that didn't show correct info in the ability tab
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused some abilities to deal more damage than supposed to.
- Fixed the CD of Fan of Knives

- Added a bit more info to the ability tab.
- Fixed a bug that caused talent based ability dmg modifiers to be applied twice >.<
- Fixed the calculation of item proccs that deal direct damage.
- Fixed a bug in pet recognition.
- Fixed some rogue offhand ability scaling.
- Added a GUI tab for buffs.
- Fixed some bugs with buffs.
- Fixed an issue when comparing items with different amounts of sockets.
- Item searching and listing of upgrades has been set to search for items more slowly, so that the game doesn't lag to a halt when you search.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the addon to treat an item as the wrong slot type.
- Fixed some redundant info sharing in party\raid on item upgrades.
- Fixed an issue with the addon calculating any mouseovered item several times, causing lag.

- Some minor bug fixes.
- AUE will no longer ignore items equal to those equipped. It turned out to be bad for dual-wielders.

- Some minor bug fixes.

- The displayed hit rating missing on character screen was wrong for all abilities with more than 8% hit cap. Fixed.
- Mage: Fixed some issues on mage rotations.
- Paladin: Updated retri nuke rotation and added an aoe rotation.
- Priest: Updated shadow nuke rotation and added an aoe rotation.
- Shaman: Updated elemental nuke rotation and added an aoe rotation.
- Rogue: Added separate rotations for assassination nuke and aoe, and combat nuke and aoe.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Added some "on hit", "chance on hit" etc item buffs from equipped items.
- Fixed some raid buffs that were not correctly converted from strength to AP, agi to crit etc.
- AUE will no longer recalculate DPS while in combat, to save FPS.

- Fixed a bug for mage rotations.
- Fixed the cast time for Heroic Strike.
- Fixed a bug that caused talent effects for abilities to be applied twice when opening the ability GUI.
- Fixed Deep Wounds for warriors.
- Fixed DK talent effects on abilities to display properly in the ability GUI.
- Fixed retri talent effects on abilities to display properly in the ability GUI.
- Fixed priest talent effects on abilities to display properly in the ability GUI.
- Fixed elemental talent effects on abilities to display properly in the ability GUI.
- Fixed talent effects for retri judgements.
- Fixed a bug in dual-wield hit rating calculations.
- Untill now the addon has been prioritizing the hit cap above all else when calculating empty sockets. This is no longer the case, it will now calculate the gem that is actually most worth.
- Fixed rogue talents Lethality and Vile Poisons, which had been mixed up.

- Added mage - all speccs
- Added warrior - all speccs
- AUE will now share item upgrade info with raid\party members. If the mouseovered item is upgrade for anyone in the raid\party, the tooltip will tell you how much upgrade.
- Fixed a bug that caused ranged weapons to be treated as melee weapons.
- Fixed a bug with healing upgrades not showing in the upgradelist when selecting "all" drop spots.
- Fixed the rogue coefficient for offhand melee dmg.
- Excluded some quest pets that caused new rotations to screw up.
- Fixed a bug in the default rogue rotation.

- Added a panel with overview of abilities and how they work.
- Added rouge - all speccs
- Added more raid buffs and fixed some raidbuffs so that they are not applied double when in raid.
- Increased accuracy of 'cast time' for abilities that procc from weapon based attacks (i.e seals and poison).
- Fixed a bug in creating rotations.
- Fixed a bug causing retri crits to be too low.
- Fixed two retri talents that didnt apply correctly.
- Fixed a bug in calculating cast times with haste.
- Fixed a bug in melee swingtime.
- Fixed a bug in DK talent Nerves of Cold Steel.
- Fixed the expertise cap for feral abilities Rip and Rake.
- Fixed a bug in the feral talent Primal Gore.
- Fixed the ele shammy talents Elemental Fury and Lightning Mastery.
- Fixed the cast time for shammy spell Flame Shock.
- Fixed the shadow priest default rotation, which had a bad typo.
- Fixed a bug so that priest talents for SW:Pain and Death are correctly applied.
- Fixed a bug in ele shammy stat value calculation.

- Fixed a bug that caused the addon to stop sometimes when making new rotations.
- Fixed a bug that screwed up healing values.
- You can now link items from the item search list.
- Changed options GUI a bit, preparing for more content.

- Added more drop spots to the upgrade list filter
- Fixed a bug with classes that are not supported yet.
- Fixed the tooltip for comparing rings and trinkets, which got bugged in a previous version.
- Fixed the bug causing the tooltip to disappear when you mouseover an equal item.

- Fixed DK talent Outbreak, which was set too high.

- Fixed a bug that caused DPS upgrades to differ from stat values.
- Stat values are more accurate.

- Fixed a bug that caused downgrade one-hands to turn up on the upgrade list.
- Addon will now calculate all non-soulbound waist items as if they had an eternal belt buckle, making the calculations more accurate.
- Added some 'chance on hit' weapon proccs.
- Fixed a bug causing addon settings not to be saved.

- Fixed a bug in pet damage.
- Fixed a bug in two-handed upgrades.
- Added DK - all speccs.
- Improved GUI for searching for items and upgrades.
- Fixed a bug causing 2xone handers not being properly compared to other two-handers.
- Fixed a bug causing dual-wield dps to be too high.
- Changed calculation of estimated DPS, should be alot more accurate.
- Fixed a bug in retri talent Improved Judgements.
- Rotations can now also be deleted.
- Added raid buffs to calculations for increased accuracy.
- Fixed some spell base damages for shaman.
- Fixed some bugs in shaman talents affecting abilities.
- Fixed some bugs in priest talents affecting abilities.
- Added statistics for DPS, on mitigated DPS, hastable DPS, DPS lost to miss, DPS lost to dodge, avg crit multiplier and dodgable DPS.
- Fixed a bug causing too high melee dmg.

- Fixed some Holy pally talents
- Fixed some Resto shaman talents
- Fixed some Holy priest talents
- Fixed a bug with haste for retri, which was introduced last version.
- Fixed a bug with melee speed for retri, which was introduced last version.
- Fixed a bug that made the addon treat a few different items as the same.

- Fixed a bug with drop spots and healing upgrades.
- Added Paladin - Holy
- Added Priest - Shadow
- Added Shaman - Elemental
- Added Shaman - Restoration
- Fixed a bug related to first-time use

- DPS calculations redone from scratch, alot more accurate.
- Added more information for DPS at character screen
- Items that are found to be upgrade to any of your chars will now show up with a note in the tooltip, whatever character you are playing on.
- You can now see an upgradelist for all upgrades you have found for your logged character, by typing "/aue upgrades". Filter this list by typing "/aue slot head" or whatever.
- Smart socket calculations: When calculating items with sockets, the addon will figure out if you are below hit cap before sockets are filled. If you are, they will be calculated with hit, otherwise they are calculated with your most valuable stat.
- Smart healer oom-time calculations: To reflect how mp5, intellect and other stats that help you from getting oom become less valuable the more of them you have, the addon will slowly reduce the value for each second you dont go oom. This makes it alot easier to figure when to stop getting those stats and just go for the HPS stats.
- You can now make your own DPS rotations to use instead of the preset one. This is done by using Recount to record your DPS rotation results and then typing "/AUE new rotation (rotation name)". This use it by typing "/AUE use rotation (rotation name)"
- You can browse most lvl80 ilvl200+ items ingame by typing "/AUE check (slot)". This will give you itemlinks that you can mouseover, and upgrades are automatically added to upgradelist.
- Drop spots can be added to your upgrade list by installing a separate addon called Atlasloot Reverse.
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Unread 08-15-09, 05:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Wonderful concept

I love the idea. However it is showing as "out dated" in list of my addons at start up. Is there a way for me to fix this. I know little of nothing about updating mods. Sorry . Other than that keep up great work.
Drink deep of the wind of the moon. It shows us the way home.
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Unread 08-17-09, 07:12 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Any idea when you will have Death Knights added in?
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Unread 08-18-09, 06:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Aklarr
Any idea when you will have Death Knights added in?
Sorry, I can't say. It totally depends on how much time I spend on making the addon stable, user friendly and reliable, and when I feel like adding the DK speccs. It could be days or weeks.
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Unread 08-24-09, 11:37 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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This is looking real good ! Perfect for me while leveling my alts (all my chars are alts , i have 4 lvl75-78's and 3 80's , also plan on rerolling some or atleast one when expansion hits. This would remove my need for Pawn and ratingbuster. Since i am not that into spreadsheets and stuff i'm not sure if i could contribute that much. All i tend to do is google for pawn weightscales , and put all i can find in pawn , then i still have 4-5 values to compare and well.. that leaves me nowhere.

Gonna take a look at the class.luas and see if it looks hard. If not maybe i can make something of it.
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Unread 08-30-09, 10:23 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Wow , you churned out some specs in the latest revisions. Gonna check it asap , looks good.
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Unread 09-01-09, 07:42 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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i realy like the idea behind this addon.

but the dps calculations for retadins are incredibly wrong.

no hitcap or expertise cap considerations, arp is way too good.

some more transparence how the calculations are made would be great
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Unread 09-01-09, 09:23 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Hei-di
i realy like the idea behind this addon.

but the dps calculations for retadins are incredibly wrong.

no hitcap or expertise cap considerations, arp is way too good.

some more transparence how the calculations are made would be great
Hm I raid as retri myself, and I haven't noticed anything wrong there. Hit cap and expertise cap work like they should for me..
I was surprised myself to see the value from ARP, but the thing is that 1% ARP requires only half as much rating as 1% hit, haste or expertise. Thus the value per rating is high.

Tell me how much hit rating and expertise rating you have and how much the addon tells you they are worth, and I'll have a look at it.

I have been thinking of adding more information on how the calculations are done, but there are alot of users who rather think that less is better. I'll probably add some options for more information.
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Unread 09-01-09, 01:05 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Hei-di
i realy like the idea behind this addon.

but the dps calculations for retadins are incredibly wrong.

no hitcap or expertise cap considerations, arp is way too good.

some more transparence how the calculations are made would be great
After having thought a bit more about your comment, I came to remember that I have actually used the wrong formula. So you're right, it is wrong, and it should be lower.
So thanks for the notice, and I'll get it fixed for the next version
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Unread 09-02-09, 09:37 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Any ETA for Death Knights? Or are they already in and I just missed it, lol
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Unread 09-03-09, 04:31 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Flak
Any ETA for Death Knights? Or are they already in and I just missed it, lol
I can't give any ETA, but it shouldn't take very long. The next version will probably have new speccs and classes added, and DK might be among them.
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Unread 09-03-09, 07:43 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Athene_
I can't give any ETA, but it shouldn't take very long. The next version will probably have new speccs and classes added, and DK might be among them.
Thanks for the info.
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Unread 09-12-09, 06:25 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Will the next Patch include Hunters?
Would love to see it.
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Unread 09-18-09, 01:35 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Hei-di
Will the next Patch include Hunters?
Would love to see it.
it says hunters are in but I'm not sure if that includes the MM ArP gear build... since thats the best hunter spec atm (even after the nerf)
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Unread 09-18-09, 02:08 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Jepp, its Survival as far as i see it now

SOmething else:
Retribution ratings are still a complete mess atm.

Str+AP are WAY too high.
SP ist too high too.
Haste rating is too low.
Well and many more. Its as I said complete random stuff

Also I get hit rating rated, even when beeing over the 8% cap (btw. you should maybe implement an option for the 1% hitaura)

More accurate Ratings (according to Rawr, and equip on T8,5) would be:

Hitrating: 2,03 (till capped)
Strength: 1,89
Expertise: 1,29 (till capped)
Crit rating: 1,01
Agility: 0,96
Haste rating: 0,92
Attack power: 0,75
Armor Penetration Rating: 0,63
Spellpower: 0,27
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Unread 09-18-09, 11:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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- What are you comparing the numbers to?
I am sceptical myself as to how accurate the addon calculates the total DPS, and thus how accurate the values are compared to DPS. The important thing though, is not how much DPS gain each stat gives you, but how valuable the stats are compared to eachother.
- The haste value you are considering more correct, is it calculated with SoV\SoCorr or SoCommand? The latter would give higher value for haste, but this addon only calculates SoV\SoCorr.
- In general: I have to admit that I'm not satisfied with the accuracy of the addon atm. When making such an addon or program one can either do it an easy, less accurate way, or an accurate but WAY more complicated way. I will be rebuilding the part of the addon that does all the DPS calculations, making it more accurate and also letting people add their own DPS rotation.

Hit cap: Are you talking about the Draenei racial? I haven't added any racials at all yet, mostly since being Horde Im not used to racials playing such a big role It should be np to automatically add hit for Draenei in the next version tho.

Thanks for the feedback btw.

Originally posted by Hei-di
Jepp, its Survival as far as i see it now

SOmething else:
Retribution ratings are still a complete mess atm.

Str+AP are WAY too high.
SP ist too high too.
Haste rating is too low.
Well and many more. Its as I said complete random stuff

Also I get hit rating rated, even when beeing over the 8% cap (btw. you should maybe implement an option for the 1% hitaura)

More accurate Ratings (according to Rawr, and equip on T8,5) would be:

Hitrating: 2,03 (till capped)
Strength: 1,89
Expertise: 1,29 (till capped)
Crit rating: 1,01
Agility: 0,96
Haste rating: 0,92
Attack power: 0,75
Armor Penetration Rating: 0,63
Spellpower: 0,27
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