Updated: 03-20-24 01:35 AM
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Plunderstorm (10.2.6)
Updated:03-20-24 01:35 AM
Created:05-17-09 12:55 PM

Shadowed Unit Frames  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v4.4.8
by: Shadowed, Nevcairiel

SUF focuses on a simple configuration while maintaining the flexibility that most users will care about, preventing unnecessary bloating of the addon that sacrifices performance. While you aren't going to be able to set the health bar to be exactly 3.14 pixels outside of the unit frames, you can change options you actually care about such as bar height, ordering, frame height and so on. To speed up configuration, you can configure multiple units at the same time through the global configuration. For example, if you want to set the height of the Player, Target, Focus and Party frames to 50 then the height of Target's Target, Target's Target of Target, Focus Target to 30 you can easily do this by changing two options instead of having to do it seven times.

However, should you need a little bit of extra configuration do not despair! An advanced option is included that will unlock additional configuration giving finer control over the configuration.

Slash commands: /shadoweduf (/suf)

Donations are not required, but are appreciated!

Are you driven crazy by your party frames not aligning up exactly with your player frames, even if it's only half a pixel off? The anchoring system will let you solve all alignment issues, by allowing you to anchor a frame to another and set a simple offset from the frame it is anchored to, or by manually setting the X/Y position of the frame.

Using the screen shot as an example, if you drag the player frame the other frames will move with the player frame preserving the alignment and spacing. Each frame can still be manually positioned wherever you want, but this gives you a way of easily anchoring and moving frames around without having to use a ruler.

Zone configuration (Disabling options/units by zone type)
Units and modules can be enabled or disabled based on the type of zone you are in. For example, if you want to see party targets and party pets while you are in an arena but nowhere else then you can use the visibility options to enable it only while inside an arena. Modules can also be disabled by zone type, if you want to see party auras while in a raid instance but nowhere else you can disable the module in raid instances only.

Profiles do not have to be swapped and it is all automatic.

Supports unit frames are as follows:

Player: Player, Pet, Pet Target
General: Target, Target of Target, Target of Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target
Party: Party, Party Pets, Party Targets, Party ToT
Raid: Raid, Raid Pet, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Main Assist, Main Assist Target, Boss, Boss Target, Boss ToT, Main Assist ToT, Main Tank ToT
Arena: Arena, Arena Target, Arena Pets, Arena ToT
Battleground: Battleground, Battleground Target, Battleground Target


  • Tags: Includes a simple tagging system that can be customized in virtually any way using Lua, even if something isn't included by default odds are you can make the tags
  • Incoming Heals: Supports the Blizzard Events for incoming heal data, no external libraries needed
  • Auras: Can be set to only show auras you casted, or can cast on others. Can enlarge auras that you casted, and hide the cooldown ring on the timers of auras you didn't cast as well to make it more obvious which ones you casted and which ones you didn't
  • Aura Timers: You will need a mod such as OmniCC to show timers on buffs and debuffs
  • Aura Indicators: Display colored squares or icons for certain auras on any unit
  • Fader: Fades frames when out of combat and inactive (100% mana/no target)
  • Class Power (Eclipse, Holy Power, etc): Supports all of the class power features from Eclipse to Burning Embers.
  • Highlighting: Border highlighting of frames based on mousing over them, curable debuffs, aggro or you are targeting/focusing them
  • Range Checking: Fades frames out that are out of range of you
  • Exportable Layouts: If you have a layout, or your friend has a layout you want to try out you can export/import SUF layouts by going to /suf -> Layout Manager
  • Profiles: You can change from any profile to another one without reloading your UI, should you want to use a completely different layout based on zone you can easily switch profiles without hassle

Pretty much all the general unit frame settings are in, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators and so on.

Basic module support is included, should you be interested in building a module see the documentation on github for more information.

Currently released:

Shadowed Unit Frames
v4.4.8 (2024-03-20)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
  • Update TOCs for 10.2.6
  • Switch PR CI to checkout v2
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Unread 11-27-09, 02:47 PM  
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kmwilliams52: Not exactly sure what you are asking for, you mean you want to know if you can get a specific indicator if a unit has Sacred Shield or Beacon of Light on them?

Zhoktov: Thanks! I've debated making it show the blizzard buff frames by default still, not sure what I'll do yet.
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Unread 11-27-09, 02:26 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey I was wondering if there is any way to get track Sacred Shields and Beacon of Lights in the actual unit frame. I'd rather use Shadowed Unit Frames instead of having to use this and Heal Bot in order to track them in the actual raid/player frames.
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Unread 11-27-09, 01:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Shadowed
/suf -> Hide Blizzard Frames -> uncheck "Hide Buff frames" and reload.
Thank you very much. =D So far I like your bars better than X-Perl they seem a lot cleaner to me.

I like having my buffs by the map because they are easier to see and easier to click off. Just some input as to why I prefer original Blizz buff bars.
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Unread 11-27-09, 01:45 PM  
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/suf -> Hide Blizzard Frames -> uncheck "Hide Buff frames" and reload.
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Unread 11-27-09, 01:40 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there a way to revert buff display to the standard Blizzard display, i.e. on the side of the minimap?
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Unread 11-27-09, 11:50 AM  
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Yea, the configuration uses a lot of memory because of it's size and complexity, but it's not loaded until it's needed anyway.
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Unread 11-27-09, 11:39 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Shadowed

ac3r: Memory isn't a profiling stat, an addon that uses 10 MB can perform just as well as an addon that uses 10 KB. And SUF doesn't use 3 MB passively anyway, so either you have 20 profiles, you opened the configuration or you were in a 25 man raid.

Addons like XPerl don't actually use less memory, they just cheat and split it off into extra modules. If you either add up all of the modules in XPerl or use a profiling addon like you would end up with either higher, or equal numbers.
thanks for explanation. didnt know that.
and yes i opened the configuration too - its load on demand?
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Unread 11-27-09, 11:22 AM  
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Buzku: It's a Blizzard issue, nothing I can really do about it as well unit frames have this issue. You either need to use a macro with /focus target in it or set a key binding to focus units.

Rhod: I don't plan on allowing toggling the Rare/Elite dragons since it doesn't fit into the frame design that well.

ac3r: Memory isn't a profiling stat, an addon that uses 10 MB can perform just as well as an addon that uses 10 KB. And SUF doesn't use 3 MB passively anyway, so either you have 20 profiles, you opened the configuration or you were in a 25 man raid.

Addons like XPerl don't actually use less memory, they just cheat and split it off into extra modules. If you either add up all of the modules in XPerl or use a profiling addon like you would end up with either higher, or equal numbers.

Malath: Nope, you can change the side the portraits located on, but not the facing.

DamonDK: Yes and no, you can't get it to mimic Grid exactly in each row being one group (yet), but you can make it grow that way at least. Go to /suf -> Units -> Raid -> Raid, set Frame Growth to Down, and set Column Growth to Right.

Mook & Zidomo: How odd, I'm not sure why this is happening but I'm looking into it.
Last edited by Shadowed : 11-27-09 at 11:24 AM.
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Unread 11-27-09, 11:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just like with X-perl, I get error with using focus target and the focus frame won't work.

*** TaintForced *** causes it, any ideas on how to fix it?
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Unread 11-27-09, 11:00 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Love this mod so far. The only thing I miss from Xperl is the ability to toggle the Blizzard "Elite" and "Rare" Dragons on the target bar. Any chance of adding this in the future? Thanks for your work.
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Unread 11-27-09, 10:18 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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hmm shadowed unit frames used ~3 mb
why so much? other addons like xperl had ~500 kb - 1mb
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Unread 11-27-09, 07:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there an easy way to flip the target portrait frame so it's facing the left?

I can't seem to find anything for it, most unitframe addons I've used seem to lack this feature...
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Unread 11-27-09, 05:24 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Shadowed
DamonDK: That tag works fine, I suspect you entered the tag name incorrectly in the /suf -> Units -> <unit> -> Text option, make sure you have Lua errors on too in ESC -> Game Menu -> Help -> Display Lua Errors
That turned out to be it. I just put a checkmark in the "test" under Misc.Category and that added [()test] to the field text.
When I manually edited it down to [test] it worked fine.

On another note :
Is it possible to have vertical groups in your raid unitframe?

I'm trying to make a 8 x 5 grid like this : G1.1 = Group 1, first member

G1.1 G2.1 G3.1 G4.1 G5.1 G6.1 G7.1 G8.1
G1.2 G2.2 G3.2 G4.2 G5.2 G6.2 G7.2 G8.2
G1.3 G2.3 G3.3 G4.3 G5.3 G6.3 G7.3 G8.3
G1.4 G2.4 G3.4 G4.4 G5.4 G6.4 G7.4 G8.4
G1.5 G2.5 G3.5 G4.5 G5.5 G6.5 G7.5 G8.5

Atm I can only make it be like
G1.1 G1.2 G1.3 G1.4 G1.5 G2.1 G2.2 G2.3
G2.4 G2.5 G3.1 G3.2 G3.3 G3.4 G3.5 G4.1
G4.2 G4.3 G4.4 G4.5 G5.1 G5.2 G5.2 G5.3
G5.5 G6.1 G6.2 G6.3 G6.4 G6.5 G7.1 G7.2
G7.3 G7.4 G7.5 G8.1 G8.2 G8.3 G8.4 G8.5

Thanks in advance and ty for the quick reply.
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Unread 11-27-09, 12:19 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I'm afraid I'm still having the same problem too, with Party Target / Party Pet frames sometimes not showing.

Using the latest release (r20091124) - here's a screenie. The Mage Moak, party member #4 - I have him targeted, and can see he's targeting Infinite Adversary (the unit frame just to the right of the center IceHud), but on the actual Party frames his Party Target isn't showing up. This was a 4-man group, they invited me in, I headed out to Culling of Stratholme to join them:

Here's the debug info:

---- Child dump

Frame SUFChildpartytarget2, unit parent party2, unit party2target, unit owner party2target, guid 0xF130006C5E1CCB7E, actual guid 0xF130006C5E1CCB7E, shown 1, visible 1, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party2, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartytarget1, unit parent party1, unit party1target, unit owner party1target, guid 0xF130006C601CCB7D, actual guid 0xF130006C5F1CCB7B, shown 1, visible 1, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party1, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet2, unit parent party2, unit partypet2, unit owner partypet2, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party2, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartytarget3, unit parent party3, unit party3target, unit owner party3target, guid 0xF130006C5F1CCB7B, actual guid 0xF130006C5F1CCB7B, shown 1, visible 1, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party3, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet3, unit parent party3, unit partypet3, unit owner partypet3, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party3, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet1, unit parent party1, unit partypet1, unit owner partypet1, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party1, point TOPRIGHT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

---- Parent dump

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, wrapped? true, last unit party1, unit party1, unit owner party1, guid 0x050000000035C0C7, actual guid 0x050000000035C0C7 (Melkannat), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet1, SUFChildpartytarget1

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, wrapped? true, last unit party2, unit party2, unit owner party2, guid 0x05000000007E4AFD, actual guid 0x05000000007E4AFD (Trillana), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet2, SUFChildpartytarget2

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, wrapped? true, last unit party3, unit party3, unit owner party3, guid 0x050000000038256A, actual guid 0x050000000038256A (Deelilah), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet3, SUFChildpartytarget3

---- Party setting dump

scale = [1]
showPlayer = [false]
hideAnyRaid = [true]
offset = [76]
hideSemiRaid = [false]
enabled = [true]
width = [225]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
height = [70]
attribPoint = [TOP]

---- Main tank setting dump

scale = [1]
groupBy = [GROUP]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
offset = [20]
columnSpacing = [5]
enabled = [false]
groupFilter = [MAINTANK]
width = [150]
maxColumns = [1]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
height = [40]
unitsPerColumn = [5]
attribPoint = [TOP]

---- Main assist setting dump

scale = [1]
groupBy = [GROUP]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
offset = [20]
columnSpacing = [5]
enabled = [false]
groupFilter = [MAINASSIST]
width = [150]
maxColumns = [1]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
height = [40]
unitsPerColumn = [5]
attribPoint = [TOP]
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Unread 11-26-09, 07:04 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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Alpha build c3c853afc, 5-man party for heroic DTK which included 1 warlock. The warlock pet (Imp) frame never appeared during the run. As with the prior reported problem, the party member with the pet frame problem does not show up listed in Parent Dump:

---- Child dump

Frame SUFChildpartytarget2, unit parent party2, unit party2target, unit owner party2target, guid 0x020000000031CA07, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party2, point TOPLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartytarget3, unit parent party3, unit party3target, unit owner party3target, guid 0xF130003A2101590A, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party3, point TOPLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet2, unit parent party2, unit partypet2, unit owner partypet2, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party2, point BOTTOMLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartytarget1, unit parent party1, unit party1target, unit owner party1target, guid 0x02000000032E8A33, actual guid 0x0200000000328497, shown 1, visible 1, format party%dtarget, parentUnit party1, point TOPLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, attrib exists nil, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle nil, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet3, unit parent party3, unit partypet3, unit owner partypet3, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party3, point BOTTOMLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

Frame SUFChildpartypet1, unit parent party1, unit partypet1, unit owner partypet1, guid nil, actual guid nil, shown nil, visible nil, format partypet%d, parentUnit party1, point BOTTOMLEFT, pointParent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, parent SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, attrib exists false, attrib disableSwap nil, attrib isVehicle false, status nil.

---- Parent dump

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton3, wrapped? true, last unit party3, unit party3, unit owner party3, guid 0x020000000031CA07, actual guid 0x020000000031CA07 (Character 1), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet3, SUFChildpartytarget3

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton1, wrapped? true, last unit party1, unit party1, unit owner party1, guid 0x02000000030FD828, actual guid 0x02000000030FD828 (Character 2), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet1, SUFChildpartytarget1

Frame SUFHeaderpartyUnitButton2, wrapped? true, last unit party2, unit party2, unit owner party2, guid 0x02000000032E8A33, actual guid 0x02000000032E8A33 (Character 3), shown 1, visible 1, total children 2, children SUFChildpartypet2, SUFChildpartytarget2

---- Party setting dump

scale = [1]
height = [50]
hideAnyRaid = [true]
offset = [20]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
hideSemiRaid = [false]
enabled = [true]
width = [190]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
attribPoint = [TOP]

---- Main tank setting dump

scale = [1]
height = [50]
columnSpacing = [5]
groupBy = [GROUP]
enabled = [false]
offset = [20]
hideSemiRaid = [false]
unitsPerColumn = [5]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
groupFilter = [MAINTANK]
width = [190]
maxColumns = [2]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
hideAnyRaid = [true]
attribPoint = [TOP]

---- Main assist setting dump

scale = [1]
height = [50]
columnSpacing = [5]
groupBy = [GROUP]
enabled = [false]
offset = [20]
hideSemiRaid = [false]
unitsPerColumn = [5]
attribAnchorPoint = [left]
groupFilter = [MAINASSIST]
width = [190]
maxColumns = [2]
sortOrder = [ASC]
sortMethod = [INDEX]
hideAnyRaid = [true]
attribPoint = [TOP]
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