Updated: 07-06-21 04:20 PM
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Chains of Domination (9.1.0)
Updated:07-06-21 04:20 PM
Created:11-24-08 03:34 PM
Categories:Character Advancement, Action Bar Mods, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Utility Mods

QuestClicks  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 9.1.0
by: Gorebag [More]

QuestClicks generates a dynamic bar of up to 12 buttons to make your life easier. Originally, this add-on was created in response to the large number of usable quest items introduced in WoLK – the kind where the quest giver would hand you an item and tell you to go somewhere and use it. Throw parachutes to troops, thaw people out with a flamethrower, planting acorns in dead dragons, and the like.

Having to dig through bags to find these items and add them to a bar, only to have to get rid of them after the quest was completed, was a pain. I wrote QuestClicks to create temporary buttons for them to make this easier.

Over the years, the default WoW interface has adopted some of this burden, and now many items like this show up in the quest tracker on-screen. There are still some that don’t, however. In addition, there are a lot of other annoying instances where you pick up an item and need to find it to click on it – recipes, ore nuggets, herb parts, motes, toys, etc.

QuestClicks has optional categories for all of these types of items and more. If you pick up something you can learn or collect, you’ll get a button for it. Click it, learn the recipe, and the button goes away by itself.
You can even add your own items (see the GUI panel in your interface configuration window for details).
Currently, the following categories of items can be enabled to generate buttons automatically:

  • Quest Starters (Items that say “This item begins a quest’)
  • Combinable Items (Motes, Crystalized stuff, and the like, if you have the minimum number of required items to perform the combination)
  • Trade Skill items (Milling Herbs, Prospecting Ores, etc. Only shows up if you have the skill and the required minimum quantity of items to perform the action.)
  • Artifact Boosters (Add XX Artifact Power to your current artifact)
  • Toys and Pets (But only if you don’t already have them in your collection)
  • Garrison Rewards (Currently, items that give you spec-specific equipment, more planned)
  • Profession Recipes (if you know the profession, have enough skill, and don’t know the recipe)
  • Lootable Containers (Faction world quest rewards, blingtron boxes, etc)
  • Oneshot Boosts (Ancient Mana Gems, Faction Rep boosters, Nethershards, and the like)

Generally, anything I can think of that allows me to not have to dig through my inventory – and prevents me from missing collectable goodies – gets included in the add-in as I get the chance to add them, and I’m very open to suggestions on additional categories to add.

Update History for QuestClicks

v9.1.0 (58095)
- TOC update for WoW 9.1
- Added Patch 9.1 Lootable Containers

v9.0.3 (56685)
- Fixed TOC for the API version change in the pre-patch
- Added openables from Shadowlands

v9.0.1 (55789)
- Updated for Shadowlands Pre-Patch

v8.3.2 (54129)
- Added a new category : Zone Dependent Usables. These will show buttons for items that are conditionally usable based on your location. There are a number of these in patch 8.3 that can only be used in Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. This implementation should handle most items from older zones, though it needs some testing for that and maybe a bit of tweaking. So far I've found 5 different ways Blizz words this on tooltips.
- Added Island Expedition pouches to Lootable Containers
- Added some lines to the output of the iteminfo command to make including additional items easier
- Cleaned up some code internally

v8.3.1 (54039)
- Added various caches from completing N'Zoth assaults to the Lootable Containers category
- Moved BFA lootable containers from Additions category to Lootable Containers category
- Added filter for gear tokens that your current character can't use

v8.3.0 (53857)
- Updated for v80300 interface (Visions of N'Zoth).
- Added various relic fragments from 8.3 to the combines list
- Resolve a SetPoint error due to interface changes in WoW 8.2

v8.2.0 (53150)
- Updated for v80200 interface. Added BFA items from original zones and from the 8.2 expansion zones

v8.1.0 (52267)
- Updated TOC for patch 8.1 (Tides of Vengeance)

v8.0.1 (51069)
- Updated TOC for interface v80000
- Added a few Battle for Azeroth items

v7.3.32 (50139)
- Expanded the utility function "/qclicks iteminfo" to provide additional details.
- Added a "behind-the-scenes" function : /qclicks findrelics will display all of the relics you are carrying in your inventory (shows item links). You can also specify a type : /qclicks findrelics Arcane will only showing arcane relics. Filter is case sensitive (needs to be Arcane, not arcane) because I'm lazy and because this feature is really for my own sanity in sorting out the pile of relics I was carrying around.
- Corrected item ID for Kyparite Fragments to make them show up when combinable
- Slightly altered clause for reputation gain items because some say "Increase" and some say "Increases". I'm sure I'll find other variations at some point.
- Added clause for Withered upgrades from the Collapse scenario in Suramar to the One Time Boosts category
- Added "Greater Tribute of the Broken Isles" as its own clause, since it doesn't have identifiable text (thanks tntdruid)
- Added Northrend herb partials (thanks again to tntdruid)
- Added follower gear upgrade items from Draenor to the Garrison Rewards category

v7.3.31 (49945)
- v7.3.30 broke the "Already Known" check for recipes, so I rewrote the way this is detected, along with the way requirements are determined. Instead of parsing out all of the text and determining what skill and skill level is required to use a recipe (or other Clause matching item) we now scan for "Already Known" text, and for "Requires " with the text in red. Red "Requires..." indicates that the item requires something (skill, level, etc) that the player doesn't have, so we use that as a shortcut to not generate buttons for items you can't use. These checks are now called "Blockers", and are checked for in a single pass. Blocker information is cached just like other information scans to speed things up.
- We now listen for the CHAT_MSG_SKILL event and the PLAYER_LEVEL_UP events. When we see them come up, we clear the recipe and blockers caches, as we might now be able to use items we couldn't before.
- Added a clause for reputaion gain items that are worded as "Grants ... reputation" (Argus) in addition to the normal "Increases reputation..." wording. (Thanks Tnrdruid for mentioning these)

v7.3.30 (49765)
- Rewrote entire clause evaluation system. We now have a list of clauses that is updated when categories are enabled or disabled. Instead of separate functions and loops to check for various types of items based on tooltip clauses, we now examine the item tooltip lines against the list of active clauses so we can do the whole thing with a single function.
- Added a category for "Lootable Containers" for things like World Quest Tribute
- Added a category for "Oneshot Boosts", such as Ancient Mana, Nethershards, etc.
- Added additional item types to the Garrison Rewards category (Champion boosters)
- Removed an errant debugging message when evaluating cooking recipes
- Added a new slash command option : /qclicks iteminfo [ItemLink] displays the results of GetItemInfo (for dev purposes)

v7.3.29 (49599)
- Added mining, skinning, and herbalism partials (nuggets, stems, etc.) to combinables list.
- Added a new optional category : Toys and Pets. Won't display buttons for ones you already know.
- Added a new optional category : Garrison Rewards. These can be items that give you spec-specific gear. In a future version, this category will also include items that allow you to boost your followers.
- Added a new optional category : Recipes. Only recipes that you don't already know and have the appropriate professions at a sufficient level will generate buttons.
- Updated some code to deal with a rare issue where saved variables are not loaded correctly, resulting in an error when QuestClicks tries to position the window on load. If QC detects a problem with the RelativePosition saved variable, it will reset to the center of the screen.

- Included artifact boosters into their own caching system. Not strictly necessary, but it keeps them separate from the other caches.
- When checking or unchecking an option category, all of the caches are now cleared. If this isn't done, items from those categories won't appear/disappear from the bar until a UI reload or relog.
- Fixed oversight with TOC update that didn't include new version number :) (OOPS!)

- Resolved outstanding issues with PlaySound and errors thrown by HasKey() (The HasKey function was removed from the API).
- Added new optional category of automatic items called "Artifact Boosters", which will add buttons for the many "Grants XX Artifact Power to your currently equipped Artifact" items.

- Change revision numbering system.
- Fixed problem with the PlaySound system

V1.25b (43459)
- Corrected a bug with the new caching system that was preventing combinable/tradeskill items from working properly.

V1.25a (42992)
- Corrected bug that was preventing QuestClicks from loading if you don't also have ButtonFacade

V1.25 (42798)
- Really added Cataclysm Ore and Herbs this time... Don't know where I got the Item IDs I used in 1.24 :)
- Added "Tahret Dynasty Mallet" to the default inclusion list as it is not being detected properly.
- Small change to the way LibButtonFacade is detected to attempt to resolve issues with addons that include older versions of the LibButtonFacade library.

V1.24 (42519)
- New caching system for item evaluation results that should eliminate/vastly reduce any noticable stutter when picking up items.
- Added Cataclysm ore items to the prospectable list, herbs to the millable list, and enchanting essence to the combinable list.

V1.23 (42071)
- New method of detecting quest items that are not flagged as Quest Items by Blizzard. This should cause the bar to automatically display items that were not displaying for some Cataclysm quests.

V1.22 (41076)
- Update to correct issue introduced by BAG_UPDATE event changes in patch 4.0.3. QuestClicks should no longer cause unreasonably long zoning times with the 4.0.3 client.

V1.21 (39578)
- Updated for Cataclysm/Patch 4.0.1 (Updated usage of "this" and frame creation)
- Removed the startup spam accidently added in the 1.20 build.
- Added some items from the Worgen starting area that were not showing up on the bar.
- Fixed addon not properly responding to being disabled after logging out/back in.

V1.20 (38358)
- Added the ability to specify a number of buttons per row/column (depending on bar orientation). Settable in the config.
- Corrected a bug causing errors to be thrown when displaying the contents of the extras/exlcusion lists.
- (Partially) corrected the problem of the bar resetting to the center of the screen when the addong has been disabled/reenabled. This still isn't perfect (the bar may move a small amount) and it may require that you reset the bar's position the first time after updating to Version 1.20+

V1.19 (35092)
- Fixed a bug that prevented item counts from updating properly when reducing from 2 to 1.
- Fixed a load order issue in TOC file that could cause trouble if QuestClicks was the only addon you are using.
- Updated TOC for Patch 3.3

V1.18 (33166)
- Fixed bug in 1.17 that was preventing milling/prospecting from working properly.

V1.17 (32301)
- TOC Update for patch 3.2
- Converted the internal additions lists (Additions, Trades, Combines) to use Item IDs instead of names. This reduces the size of the addon considerably, as it is no longer necessary to store the (often long) full names of the items and it is also not necessary to have them in the localization file with their translations. Added benefit that new items in the lists won't break translations.
- Beginnings of support for Key Binding to the most recently used button, but it is not activated yet because I'm not happy with the implementation so far.

- Minor update to resolve an issue that could potentially result in "nil comparison" error messages.

V1.16 (30399)
- Moved the update history to "Update_Log.txt" and out of QuestClicks.lua
- Typing /qclicks without any parameters now opens the GUI configuration panel.
- Added "drag and drop" buttons in the GUI panel for adding and removing items to the Exclusion and Extras lists.
- Reworked the layout of some elements of the GUI panel to accomodate new buttons.
- Extras and Excludes lists now use Item IDs internally instead of links. Recommend that you clear your lists (but not 100% necessary)
- If you have an item on your cursor and you drop it on the Anchor Frame, it will be added to the Extras List.
- BUGFIX: "Quest Starters" and "Quest Starter Alerts" always resetting to On upload loading has been fixed.
- BUGFIX: Cooldown overlays will now move properly with their buttons when items are inserted into the QuestClicks bar.
- BUGFIX: If you have more than one stack of an item that appears on the QuestClicks bar, only one button for that item will be created.

V1.15 (29050)
- Reformatted some code, cleaned things up a bit. Expanded some commenting. Removed unused code
- New button creating code to optimize the addon. Buttons that don't change are not "recreated" each cycle.
- Rewrote the way the inventory is scanned to eliminate multiple loops. Keyring and Inventory are treated as bags now
- Removed the old (pre V1.10) profile variables.
- Included localization updates from Xandokan, and a couple of items that weren't triggering buttons (because of the way WoW displays them)

V1.14 (27853)
- Added "Quest Starter Notification", alerts you when you pick up an item that starts a quest
- Quest Starter Items will now be marked with a green "*" where you would see quantity text for stackable items

V1.13 (26442)
- Check for validity of itemLink passed to QuestClicksItemHasUseClause
- Implemented caching of items after scanning their tooltips to improve performance
- TOC Update for patch 3.10

V1.12 (23231)
- Added "Padding" between buttons, from 0 to 20 pixels. Settable via the Blizz-Options Panel
- New Category: Quest Starters - Add anything that says "This Item Begins a Quest" to the bar
- Added additional detection for Quest items via scanning for "Use:" in tooltips of items flagged as "Quest"
- Removed Pre 1.10 configuration variables from SavedVariables
-Corrected some problems with my own guesses at French translation (Thanks again, Laumac... I'm sure I've got more :))

V1.11 (19711)
- Fixed the /qclicks resetpos command to actually move the bar
- Remove the spammy debug message about prospecting/milling macros
- Added a "Reset Position" button to the Options Panel
- Added French translations for Milling Herbs

V1.10 (16854)
- Added support for Milling (similar to Prospecting)
- Milling and Prospecting now create "Macros" that will mill or prospect the item on the button
- Added optional support for ButtonFacade
- Should be more intelligent about placement of the tooltip window to avoid overlapping the bar
- Converted SavedVariable storage to a single Profile variable. Old variables will be removed in 1.11
- Note: The French localization for Milling and Herb Names will be updated in the next version.

V1.09 (13622)
- Added localization capability and French translation (provided by Laumac)
- Added the Key Ring as a supported search container (Defaults to off)

- Added a configuration GUI, accessible via the Blizzard addon options system.
- Reconfigured what used to be called "collapsibles" into a more flexible format.
- Added "Additions", "Combines", and "Trades" categories

- It is now possible to right-click the title frame to collapse the QuestClicks bar
- Items your character is wearing are now possible inclusions in the QuestClicks bar
- Major refactoring of several code sections, including the item evaluation and button creation code
- Cleaned up the formatting of the source via text editor changes

- Added buttons for "Collapsible" items (motes, crystallized, and enchanting essences)

- Made sure Anchor status is updated when reloading the UI/logging back in
- Only respond to Mouse Up events to prevent "double activating" items
- Added "extras" list (/qclicks addextra (itemlink), /qclicks removeextra (itemlink), etc) for items that the detection routine doesn't pick up automatically

- Added stack size information for any stackable item you have more than one of
- Added the ability to lock the bar's location with the "lock" command
- Added the ability to hide the anchor (title) frame with the "anchor" command
- Figured out why right clicks weren't working and enabled them
- Resolved a bug that would sometimes result in a UI error about setting the tooltip to empty

V1.03 - Added Scaling
- /qclicks scale # (Where 1 is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) sets button size
- Cleaned up positioning of buttons in left and right orientation

V1.02 - Added a few new features:
- Cooldown display on items
- Exclude list (/qclicks exclude, /qclicks unexclude, /qclicks clearlist, /qclicks list)

V1.01 - Fixed a bug in the /qclicks direction command
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Unread 05-26-09, 04:13 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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We can haz keybind function plz? :)

I would like to request a keybind function be added into Quest Clicks.

Twidget suggested it, as did I some posts back, and I am just restating it as a reminder.

As an example:

Last slash command in list
When life gives you lemons:

use them as ammo & pray your
enemy is deathly allergic to citrus.

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Unread 05-22-09, 05:21 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Idea for new combine

Originally posted by justinm
I noticed that Borean Leather Scraps aren't in the list of things that can be combined. Once you can't get points from leatherworking by making Borean Leather out of them, it only makes sense to have the scraps on QuestClicks. Unfortunately, adding them as an extra only works as long as there's at least one in your bag. If you've used all of them up, the button won't come back when you loot another scrap.

I'd add it myself, but I'm honestly not sure how it would work since there aren't any other leatherworking combines in QuestClicks that I'm aware of.

I don't have any leatherworkers, so I didn't think about this... I did fish up some of the Borean Leather Scraps the other day and even without leatherworking they can be combined into Borean Leather, so I'll see about adding this.

Also, if you have installed 1.16a can you try removing Borean Leather Scraps from your Extras list and then adding them back? I think that by changing the lists to use Item IDs this problem will go away (ie, they will come back again when you get more.)
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Unread 05-22-09, 04:44 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Idea for new combine

I noticed that Borean Leather Scraps aren't in the list of things that can be combined. Once you can't get points from leatherworking by making Borean Leather out of them, it only makes sense to have the scraps on QuestClicks. Unfortunately, adding them as an extra only works as long as there's at least one in your bag. If you've used all of them up, the button won't come back when you loot another scrap.

I'd add it myself, but I'm honestly not sure how it would work since there aren't any other leatherworking combines in QuestClicks that I'm aware of.

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Unread 05-22-09, 12:55 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Just uploaded a quick fix version (1.16a). There are times in 1.16 where you could get nil comparison errors.
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Unread 05-22-09, 10:55 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Version 1.16 Released

Version 1.16 has been uploaded.

New buttons have been added to the GUI Configuration Panel. You can pick up items from your bags and drop them on these buttons to add them to (or remove them from) the Extras and Excludes lists. (An interactive list of items on the lists would still be ideal, but I haven't had time to do that yet).

You can pick up an item in your inventory and drop it onto the QuestClicks Anchor Frame. Doing so will add the item to your Extras list.

Several bug fixes (see the couple of comments below and the Change Log for details).
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Unread 05-22-09, 09:56 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Something odd

Ok, I've fixed the following in my current build:

- Boolean (true/false, on/off) config items added after the Profile switch were always resetting to "true" if that was their default during load. Non-boolean items were working fine (Padding) as was stuff that defaulted to false (DebugMode) but I updated all of the loading code to be uniform.

- Cooldowns displayed on buttons will move with the items when new items are inserted into the bar.

- I've converted the Include/Exclude lists to use item numbers internally. They are still manipulated via item links (ie, adding and removing still use links, and the lists still show links) but they are stored as item numbers instead of links in the table (saves space too )

There are a few new features as well... I'll work on getting a public build together for later today.
Last edited by Gorebag : 05-22-09 at 10:02 AM.
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Unread 05-22-09, 08:28 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Something odd

Originally posted by Twidget
I have noticed something odd.
If something on the bar is on cooldown, displaying say 2m, and then I pick up a new quest item so everything shifts to the right, the time doesn't shift, the 2m stays on the button it was on so now it is showing a 2m cooldown on the wrong item.

Does this all the time. Might want to check it out.

Will do. When I rewrote the button generation code (which no longer regenerates buttons if they are staying the same) I likely didn't account for the cooldown overlays.
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Unread 05-22-09, 08:27 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by psycomonkee
there are a couple functions that are specifically setting these on at load, if you want to prevent this search for the line

if not QuestClicksProfile.Padding then QuestClicksProfile.Padding = 0 end

in the "QuestClicks.lua" file in the "\Interface\Addons\QuestClicks" folder
and comment it out and the other 3 "if not" lines
to comment out the lines put -- at the beganing of the line

using IF test on any variables other than true, false, 1, or 0, with out specifications, is not the most effective coding, since any thing that is not a 0 or false will always be true
The lines you indicate are there because they are profile variables added after the initial conversion of the profile system to a single table. These lines make sure that the value exists in your profile table before the addon tries to do anything with it. If the value already exists they won't do anything.

This prevents problems for people who have used previous versions of the addon and are upgrading, eliminating the need for them to remove their saved variables from the WTF folder. The if test is *supposed* to return true if the variable isn't "nil". I'll see what that isn't working right.

there is also another issue with using itemLink to evaluate the incudes and excludes list, nearly every item link is unique. so if you inclued/exclude an item, another instance of the item could still not be included/excluded.
The uniqueness of the item link is heavily dependent on the item. In the case of quest-related items links are generally unique because the variants in item links are enchantments and gem sockets, which non-equipment items don't have. There are cases where this comes into play, and if I can find a way to address them without breaking other things, I'll do that.
Last edited by Gorebag : 05-22-09 at 09:39 AM.
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Unread 05-22-09, 06:41 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Something odd

I have noticed something odd.
If something on the bar is on cooldown, displaying say 2m, and then I pick up a new quest item so everything shifts to the right, the time doesn't shift, the 2m stays on the button it was on so now it is showing a 2m cooldown on the wrong item.

Does this all the time. Might want to check it out.

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Unread 05-21-09, 11:08 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by ffxiedyn
the option to show/not show quest starter items is on by default, yet when i turn it off, then reload/relog, it is back on again.
there are a couple functions that are specifically setting these on at load, if you want to prevent this search for the line

if not QuestClicksProfile.Padding then QuestClicksProfile.Padding = 0 end

in the "QuestClicks.lua" file in the "\Interface\Addons\QuestClicks" folder
and comment it out and the other 3 "if not" lines
to comment out the lines put -- at the beganing of the line

using IF test on any variables other than true, false, 1, or 0, with out specifications, is not the most effective coding, since any thing that is not a 0 or false will always be true

there is also another issue with using itemLink to evaluate the incudes and excludes list, nearly every item link is unique. so if you inclued/exclude an item, another instance of the item could still not be included/excluded.
Last edited by psycomonkee : 05-21-09 at 12:06 PM.
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Unread 05-19-09, 09:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I still having like 1 second delay each time i loot any quest item. Thus makes this unusable to me, sadly...
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Unread 05-13-09, 05:56 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Me again
I love this mod!
I have a feature suggestion... I use a mod that filters the quest tracker by zone so I only see quests for the zone I am in at the time. It would be nice if QuestClicks could filter items by zone as well.

Also, would love to see a key binding. I was thinking something like just a bind on the very first slot that appears under the anchor. Then if you wanted to use a particular item with the key bind you would just drag it to the first spot if it wasn't already there... all the other items would just shift or slide down one button. That would probably be really hard to code but it would be cool.

Oh cool! I just noticed that the items on the bar stay in the same order I have them in my bags from left to right. So if the first slot was key bindable that would be AWESOME...

Either way... I will be using this mod for a long long long time.

Last edited by Twidget : 05-13-09 at 06:03 AM.
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Unread 05-07-09, 02:48 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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ok, thanks.

yes i noticed the hitching with qclicks a while back, and found this addon.

installed it, set it to fastloot, and never had a hitch again!

(except when i finish a quest by looting an item, not sure whats causing that, probly due to my 100+ addons =P)

Maybe something in his addon could be implemented into qclicks? i ono, im not a dev, but it worked for me! lol
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Unread 05-07-09, 02:09 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Sounds like a bug. I'll take a look

And glad you like it
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Unread 05-07-09, 12:42 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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honestly do not know how i ever enjoyed playing wow w/o this wonderful addon

truely a gem! thanks so much for this!

one problem i am having with a function, forgive me if it has been posted or addressed and i missed it.

the option to show/not show quest starter items is on by default, yet when i turn it off, then reload/relog, it is back on again.

is this intended, or is it a bug?

Last edited by ffxiedyn : 05-07-09 at 12:43 AM.
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