Updated: 05-28-23 05:57 AM
File Info
Embers of Neltharion (10.1.0)
Updated:05-28-23 05:57 AM
Created:11-10-08 05:42 AM
Categories:Buff, Debuff, Spell, PvP, Arena, BattleGrounds

LoseControl  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 8.04
by: Kouri, millanzarreta

LoseControl makes it easy to see the duration of crowd control spells by displaying them in a dedicated icon onscreen.
*This is the WoW Retail version of LoseControl (click here for the Classic version or here for the WotLK version or here for the TBC version)

* Displays duration of all CC spells and abilities on your player, pet, target, targettarget, focus, focustarget, party, arena, raid and nameplate frames.
* Supports all Interrupts in the game.
* Supports Dragonflight Raids, Mythics, and Open World spells.
* Supports WoW Classic, TBC, WotLK Raids, Dungeons, and Open World spells.
* Supports all Dungeons spells in the game.
* Automatically displays the most important buffs/debuffs first.
* Integrates directly with Blizzard unit frames. Also supports anchoring with SUF, Perl, Pitbull, ElvUI, Tukui, SpartanUI, Z-Perl, GW2 UI, nUI, SUI, Gladius, and GladiusEx frames.
* Icons can be moved, resized, and made transparent.
* Compatible with OmniCC.
* Supports Masque skinning engine addon.
* Supports anchoring to Blizzard raid frames (raid and party units).

Found a Bug?
* You can report issues here.

To Do:
* Global options profiles.

Additional information:
Here are some demonstration videos:

Here is a video that shows you how to edit the LUA file in order to add custom spells:

And here is a setup tutorial that shows you how to unlock the icon frames and move them around:

Added some missing spells and reorganized other

Updated TOC version to 10.1.0
Added a new icon as the main addon identifier icon
Added/Updated the spell list to reflect the class changes in 10.1.0
Added all new 10.1.0 interrupt spells
Added new 10.1.0 spells from Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid
Added new 10.1.0 spells from The Zaqali Elders World Boss
Added new 10.1.0 spells from Zaralek Cavern zone
Added new 10.1.0 spells from new Mythic+ affixes
Added/Updated spells from the DF-S2 M+ Dungeon pool to reflect the 10.1.0 changes
Added other new spells from 10.1.0 patch and modified others
Fixed the spellID from 'Precognition' (pvp embellishment effect)

Updated TOC version to 10.0.7
Added new spells from 10.0.7 patch and modified others
Fixed the Evoker spell 'Oppressing Roar' not being applied correctly when changing the duration of CC effects

Updated TOC version to 10.0.5
Added new interrupt spells and modified others
Added new Dragonflight PvE spells to spell list (Vault of the Incarnates Raid, Dragonflight Dungeons, Dragonflight S1 M+ Dungeons, Dragonflight World Bosses and Dragonflight open world zones)
Added 'Oppressing Roar (372048)' spell (new Evoker talent that increases the duration of interrupts by 20%/50% (PvP/PvE)) to the interrupt duration control routine
Added an exception for the '611426' icon, since it cannot be displayed correctly in the Portrait because it does not have a dimension of 64x64, the '136059' icon is displayed instead
Added a small label in the LoseControl options panel for unit groups (party, raid, arena) that shows the anchor settings for the specific unit selected
The user can now select whether to anchor nameplates to the main 'NameplateX' frame or to the '.UnitFrame' subframe
Changed the frame to which LoseControl nameplates icons are anchored by default (now they anchor to the main 'NamePlateX' frame instead the '.UnitFrame' subframe)
Fixed a bug where LoseControl would sometimes not correctly update the Blizzard anchor compactframes for party units
Fixed a bug where LoseControl would sometimes incorrectly handle Blizzard's EditMode prematurely
Other minor changes and improvements

Updated TOC version to 10.0.0
Added new spells from the new Evoker class and added/updated the class-related spells included/modified in Dragonflight
Added all new interrupt spells included in Dragonflight
Added 'Tranquil Air (383020)' spell (new Shaman talent that reduces the duration of interrupts by 50%) to the interrupt duration control routine
Improved detection of 'Familiar Predicaments' Nadjia Soulbind and 'Reinforced Shell' Conduit for player unit, also taking into account that now they will only be active in some zones
Improved the exception of 'Smoke Bomb (212183)' spell
Improved the exception of 'Tracker's Net (212638)' spell
Removed the 'Teron Gorefiend (37748)' and 'Serenity (60778)' spells
Added some missing spells and reorganized other
Modified the default Blizzard anchor frames to include the new frames of the new Blizzard UI
Updated the behaviour of LoseControl party icons when anchored to Blizzard Party raid-style frames to make it compatible with the new Blizzard Party raid-style frames
Made changes to the LoseControl Option Panel to make it compatible with the new Blizzard UI
Changed the DrawLayer of LoseControl icon textures from 'BORDER' to 'BACKGROUND' (sublevel 1)
Fixed a bug where all nameplate auras (including enemy auras) were considered 'friendly'
Changed the frame to which LoseControl nameplates icons are anchored (now they anchor to the '.UnitFrame' subframe instead the main 'NamePlateX' frame)
Modified the handling of the UNIT_AURA event so that it works correctly with its event payload modified by Blizzard
Now hardcoded exceptions do not apply to spells that have been manually modified by the user via the slash command '/lc cs'
Now the parent button of the LoseControl icons no longer inherits from the 'ActionButtonTemplate' template
Minor improvements in the Unlock functionality
Updated libraries to the last release build
Other minor changes and improvements

Updated TOC version to 9.2.7
Added all the WotLK spells (Raids, Dungeons and Open World). All spells from all dungeons in the game are now included in LoseControl Retail.
Added other missing spells and others were reorganized
Added the ability to modify the frameStrata and frameLevel of LoseControl icons when they are anchored to Blizzard frames

Added all the spells from all WoD, MoP, and Cataclysm dungeons
Added all the spells from Assault on Violet Hold dungeon (Legion)
Added new spells from the new Raid and Mythic+ affixes
Added some missing spells and others were reorganized
Some spells that no longer exist in the game have been purged
Expanded the options to anchor the LoseControl icon frames to addons frames
Fixed a bug that prevented frame icons from scaling with the UI scale and displayed a different size when unlocked
Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent partyplayer frame icon from updating when needed
Improved the code that checks the anchors of party icon frames when they are anchored to Blizzard frames
Improved icon size slider behavior for party icon frames
Fixed the category of some spells
Fixed the timings of some interrupt spells
Other minor changes

Updated TOC version to 9.2.5
Added new "nameplate" frames (enabled by default) (they are automatically attached to nameplates and cannot be detached) (their position and coordinates can be precisely modified in the options panel)
Added the capability for "party" frames to attach to the new Blizzard party frames (the "BlizzardRaidFrames") when the user has selected the option to use the raid-style party frames (if "Blizzard" is selected as anchor the addon will detect automatically to which frames they should be anchored) (their position and coordinates can be precisely modified in the options panel)
Added new option that allows modify the alpha (opacity) of the cooldown swipe
Improvements in the functionality that attach the frame icons to their anchors
Internal icon position improvements (should cause less issues with Masque)
Improvements when setting the frameLevel and the drawLayer of frame icons
Internal reorganization of some spells to better categorize them in their corresponding dungeons/raids category
Added new spells from 9.2.5 and other missed spells from Shadowlands
Changed spell category of Gladiator's Resolve from "Other" to "ImmuneSpell" (although it really provides immunity against CC and not against "general" spells, this aura is too important and it is preferable to give it a higher priority category than "Other")
The code that detected the presence of the "Cosmic Gladiator's Echoing Resolve" trinket in the units has been removed since it is no longer necessary because Blizzard removed the penalty and protection against interrupts this trinket provided.
Other minor changes

Added some missed spells from Zerith Mortis zone
Added some missed spells from Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid
Added some other miscellaneous missing spells
Modified the handling of the UNIT_AURA event so that it works correctly with the new event payload incorporated by Blizzard (optimization) and takes advantage of this optimization to save resources
Added support for detection on all units of Familiar Predicaments soulbind (-15% interrupt duration) (speculative)
Added support for detection on all units of new Gladiator's Resolve trinket (+20% interrupt duration) (speculative)
Added support for detection on player unit of some twink/old items (-10% and -20% interrupt duration)
Other minor changes

Fixed a bug related to the AceLocale-3.0 library (it is not used by this addon, but is invoked to detect others) that could prevent the correct loading of LoseControl when this library is not loaded by any addon previously
Fixed a bug in the detection of PitBull Unit Frames 4.0 addon

Updated TOC version to 9.2.0
Added all new 9.2.0 interrupt spells
Added all new 9.2.0 spells from Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid
Added all new 9.2.0 spells from new Mythic+ affixes
Added all new 9.2.0 spells from Zerith Mortis zone

Updated TOC version to 9.1.5
Added new spells and fixed others
Artificially added duration to some effects that do not have duration (eg: Solar Beam, Smoke Bomb, ...)
Fixed a lua error caused by locking/unlocking frames while in combat
Added the option to modify the CVars to enable/disable the CC alerts implemented by Blizzard by default
Slightly modified the interrupt background texture to smooth it around the edges
Increased the maximum number of auras that can be checked per unit
Added a new option that allows modifying the frameStrata of the icons
Added a new option that allows modifying the frameLevel of the icons
Added a new option that allows modifying the opacity of the interrupt background texture
Added a new option that allows modifying the color of the interrupt background texture
Added a new option that allows modifying the opacity of the interrupt mini-icons
Added new options to show multischool Elemental and Chaos interrupts in only one mini icon (enabled by default)
Added a new option that allows showing the interrupted spell icon instead of the interrupted school icon in the interrupt mini-icons (disabled by default)
Improved the anchoring behavior of the frames to the selected options and added a system to automatically check after certain relevant events if it should recheck its anchoring
The CC icon will no longer be displayed if its anchor is not shown
Added compatibility with PitBull, SpartanUI, ElvUI, Tukui, GW2, nUI, Gladius and GladiusEx
Other minor changes and bugfixes

Added some missed spells from Sanctum of Domination Raid, Torghast, Shadowlands Dungeons and Shadowlands World
Removed some missincluded spells

Updated TOC version to 9.1.0
Added all the new 9.1.0 interrupt spells
Added/updated all 9.1.0 PvP related spells (including all PvP Talent changes)
Added all new 9.1.0 spells from Sanctum of Domination Raid
Added all new 9.1.0 spells from Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Dungeon
Added all new 9.1.0 spells from new Mythic+ affixes
Added all new 9.1.0 spells from Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Added a lot of spells from Shadowlands World (including new 9.1.0 spells from Korthia and Maw)
Removed 'Mortal Wounds' (115804) healing reduction effect spell
Removed 'Cheap Tricks' Rogue PvP Talent and its exception rule
Adjusted 'Familiar Predicaments' interrupt duration reduction (changed from 25% to 15%)
Fixed 'Anti-Magic Zone' ('Other' category in PvE, 'ImmuneSpell' category in PvP with PvP Talent)
Now 'Darkness' is always 'Immune' in PvP and always 'Other' in PvE
Removed exception for 'Bestial Wrath/The Breast Within' and changed its category from 'ImmuneSpell' to 'Other'

Improved the feature that disables the extra cooldown and red action bar when you are in CC
Support for this feature has been added for Dominos, Bartender4, ElvUI, and ConsolePort addons
Added all the TBC spells (Raids, Dungeons and Open World)
Added some new spells and modified others
Improved the exception for The Breast Within
Fixed some bugs in the raid icons
Fixed a bug that left icons in the wrong state when unlocked
Now the category "Other" is disabled by default for party frames (only buffs, debuffs remain enabled)

Updated TOC version to 9.0.5
Added support for all game NPC Interrupts
Added new Shadowlands spells (World, Torghast, Dungeons and Raid) and some classic spells
Added exceptions for Darkness and Anti-Magic Zone, which will show as Immune/ImmuneSpell category respectively for enhanced versions (pvp talent), but as Other/Other for pve versions
Fixed the taint bug in the raid frames
Now raid frames are enabled by default
Added "partyplayer" frame support (an icon for player unit when it is in party), disabled as default
Added partial support for Familiar Predicaments soulbind (only for player unit at the moment)
Added the secondary player icon to Masque group when not anchored to Blizzard portrait
Added option to resize the secondary player icon
Fixed a bug with Masque showing a border over the icons when they were unlocked
Fixed a bug where icons were displayed when their anchor does not exist (should be hidden in this case)
Fixed a bug in the frame level of the icon parent frames
Fixed a bug in the dropdown menus, which sometimes showed wrong selected values
Added option to change the anchor point and the relative point for icons
Other minor fixes and changes

Added more Shadowlands PvE spells from Dungeons, Torghast, and from the world
Added and modified some class spells
Now raid frames are disabled by default
Improved the hook of raid frames to prevent it if not necessary

Added new Shadowlands PvE spells to spell list (Castle Nathria Raid, Shadowlands Dungeons and Torghast Tower of the Damned)
Added Shadowlands Covenant Spells
Updated the spell list to reflect the class changes in Shadowlands
Added Naxxramas (Classic) Raid to the spell list and updated other classic spells
Fixed some wrong spells from spell list
Added the management of Concentration Aura to reduce the interrupt duration for units affected by it
Added option to disable "party" frames in arena
Added new "raid" frames and new options to control them (they can be attached to blizzard raid frames)
Fixed a bug in the arena category selection
Fixed a bug in the debuff exception management
Interface QoL improvements
Other minor changes and improvements

Added new spells from WoW Classic Dungeons and Raids (Zul'Gurub, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, ...)
Added more class spells, other miscellaneous spells and fixed some others
Added new frames "targettarget" and "focustarget" and new options to control if these units should be shown on some occasions
Added new option to "player" frame to duplicate the icon (allowing show the free-anchor icon and the portrait icon at the same time)
Added new options to all frames to individually enable/disable categories
Added Masque support
Added new option to add/modify/remove the spell-base and their categories (no gui, only by Slash Commands atm)
Now by default the Other category is enabled with priority 10
Now by default the Other and Interrupt category is enabled for the secondary "player" frame
Added compatibility with Shadowed Unit Frames addon and improved the compatibility with Perl addon
Performance and reliability of "targettarget" and "focustarget" frames have been improved
Improved the performance of custom UNIT_AURA events
Improved the method of updating between versions of the internal database of the addon
Improved the /lc reset command
Other changes and improvements

Updated TOC version to 8.3.0
Added more class spells
Added a lot of miscellany spells (including some item spells and some NPC spells)
Added a lot of new spells from patch 8.3 (Ny'alotha The Waking City Raid, new world bosses, Horrific Visions of N'zoth scenarios, Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms Assaults zones, Darkshore HC scenario, new Mythic+ spells, and more!)
Many changes that had been made in LoseControl Classic have been implemented, among which are included:
Added a lot of spells of WoW Classic (WoW Classic Raids, WoW Classic Dungeons, WoW Classic Zones, etc), additionally including new spells of these zones that are only present in retail
Added a new option (enabled by default) for target and focus frames that allows show Interrupt category for NPCs (until now they were only shown for players)
Added a overlay lightning texture to Interrupt icons to distinguish them from other CC/Silence effects with the same icon
Added small icons indicating which magic schools are Interrupted (if the Interrupt category is not disabled). These small icons will always be present until the interruption ends, and will remain visible even if other CC effects with higher priority than Interrupts are displayed.
Now if a mage uses the 'Cold Snap' spell the frost magic school interrupt effect is finished immediately (although really only being reset the cooldown of Ice Barrier, Frost Nova, Cone of Cold and Ice Block)
Fixed the DisablePartyInBG functionality to ignore the DisableInRaid option, in BG you are always in raid group
Now the default option for 'disablePartyInBG' is 'true'
Decreased the alpha of LoseControl frames attached to Blizzard frames to similar levels of a non-attached frame
Fixed a bug with COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED that is executed more times than neeeded (once for every LoseControl frame instead only one time)
Fixed a bug in the party frames that not update the party auras when the group roster updates (someone joined/leave)
Improved the custom calls to UNIT_AURA event
Other minor changes

Updated TOC version
Added new PvE spells from The Eternal Palace Raid
Added new PvE spells from Operation: Mechagon Dungeon
Added some new PvE spells from the new expedition islands
Added some others spells

Added/modified PvE spells from Crucible of Storms Raid
Added some new PvE spells from the Island Expeditions

Added new PvE spells from Battle of Dazar'alor Raid

Fixed a bug that prevented show some CCs in party and arena frames
Removed Gale Force spell (Primal Storm Elemental - Shaman), is no longer a CC
Added a lot of new PvE spells for Warfronts, Expedition Islands and Battle of Dazar'alor Raid

Updated TOC version
Fixed a bug that prevent interrupts show correctly in arena frames
Added and updated spells to reflect the class changes in 8.1.0
Added new PvE spells from Battle of Dazar'alor Raid
Added new PvE spells from The Restless Cabal Raid
Added new PvE spells from the new world boss Ivus the Decayed
Added some new PvE spells from the new warfront Battle for Darkshore
Added some new PvE spells from new expedition islands

Added more spells to spellId list

Added compatibility with new versions of OmniCC addon 8.0.2 and upper.¡
Added more spells to spellId list

Added BfA World Bosses and Battle for Stromgarde spells to the spellID list
Added and updated a lot of spells in the spellID list
Fixed a rare taint that occurred when the option 'remove the cooldown on bars for CC effects' was activated

Added more spells to the spellID list

Update the spellID list to reflect the class changes in 8.0.1
Added more PvE spells (Uldir Raid, BfA Mythics and BfA Island Expeditions)
Added ImmunePhysical category
Added Interrupt category
Fixed some minor bugs
Added Antorus Raid spells
Added The Seat of the Triumvirate spells
Updated the spellID list to reflect the class changes in 7.2.5
Added more PvE spells (ToS Raid, Chromie Scenario)
Updated the spell ID list to reflect the class changes in 7.2.0
Added a large amount of PvE spells (EN Raid, ToV Raid, NH Raid and Legions Mythics) to spell ID list
Added new option to allows hide party frames when the player is in raid group (never in arena)
Improved the code to detect automatically the debuffs without defined duration (before, we had to add manually the spellId to the list)
Fixed an error that could cause the icon to not display properly when the effect have not a defined time
Added most 7.1.0 spells to spell ID list and corrected others (a lot of work, really...)
Fixed the problem with spells that were not showing correctly (spells without duration, such as Solar Beam, Grounding Totem, Smoke Bomb, ...)
Added new option to allows manage the blizzard cooldown countdown
Added new option to allows remove the cooldown on bars for CC effects (tested for default Bars and Bartender4 Bars)
Fixed a bug: now type /lc opens directly the LoseControl panel instead of Interface panel
Added a large amount of spells for 7.0.1, hopefully I didn't miss anything (important) (by Hid@Emeriss)
Removed spell IDs that no longer exists (by Wardz)
Added Ice Nova (mage) and Rake (druid) to spell ID list (by Wardz)
Fixed cooldown spiral (by Wardz)

Added Turn Evil (Evil is a Point of View) [Paladin]

Fixed Entrapment [Hunter]
Added Bloodbath [Warrior]
Changed Warbringer to root instead of CC [Warrior]

Added Ring of Peace [Monk]
Added Hand of Protection [Paladin]
Fixed Storm Bolt [Warrior]
Added SyncFrames support

Added Web Wrap (Shale Spider) [Hunter]
Fixed Fists of Fury [Monk]
Added Blood Horror [Warlock]
Removed Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [Warlock]
Added Warbringer (Snare) [Warrior]
Fixed issue with pet icon not hiding after pet is dismissed
Added option to hide arena enemy icons in battlegrounds

Re-added support for Perl, XPerl, and LUI unit frames.
Added Bash (Force of Nature - Feral Treants) [Druid]
Added Entangling Roots (Force of Nature - Balance Treants) [Druid]
Added Lock Jaw (Dog) [Hunter]
Removed Beastial Wrath [Hunter pet]
Added Fists of Fury [Monk]
Added Fear (Glyph of Fear) [Warlock]
Added Infernal Awakening [Warlock]
Added Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [Warlock]
Added Spell Lock (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [Warlock]
Added Optical Blast (Observer) [Warlock]
Added Sluggish (Glyph of Hindering Strikes) [Warrior]
Added Storm Bolt [Warrior]
Improved the way unit frames register for events for better performance.
Added text labels to unlocked frames.
Added option to disable party icons while in battlegrounds. It is located on the "Party" options menu.

Added Entangling Roots (Druid, Nature's Grasp)
Fixed Petrifying Gaze (Hunter pet, Basilisk)

Added Pounce (Druid, Incarnation)
Added Lullaby (Hunter pet, Crane)
Added Paralyzing Quill (Hunter pet, Porcupine)
Added Petrifying Gaze (Hunter pet, Basilisk)
Added Holy Word: Chastise (Priest)
Added Dark Bargain (Warlock)
Fixed Fear (Warlock)
Fixed Arcane Torrent

Updated for patch 5.0.
Now matches on spellId instead of spell name.
Added "Other" spell category.
Removed older PvE content spells.
Added spell priorities.
UNIT_AURA events now only generate one update call total instead of one per unit frame.
Reworked options menu.
Party and Arena Enemy frame settings can be changed for all frames in the group simultaneously.
Improved slash command parsing.
Added debug slash commands.
Temporarily removed support for non-Blizzard unit frames.

Updated for patch 4.3.
Added pet frame support.
Added Portuguese language support.
Added LUI support (credit: Zerotorescue)

Fixed spellID for Hungering Cold.

TOC bump for patch 4.2.

Updated for patch 4.1.
Added Bad Manner (Hunter pet).

Added Ring of Frost (Mage).
Added Smoke Bomb (Rogue).
Added Shadowsnare (Glyph of Shadowflame) (Warlock).
Added Dispersion (Priest).
Updated German translation (credit: Morbis).
Updated Chinese translation (credit: ??).

Fixed Solar Beam (Druid).
Removed Ravage (Hunter).
Updated Chinese translation (credit: fatalerror).

Added Axe Toss (Felguard).

Added Grounding Totem to spell immunities.

Added Unstable Affliction silence (Warlock).

Fixed Seal of Justice (Paladin).

Fixed settings not saving.
Removed Skull Bash (Druid).
Fixed Avenger's Shield (Paladin).

Updated for patch 4.0.1 compatibility.
Added spell immunity tracking.

Added Freezing Arrow Effect (Hunter)
Added Ferocious Butt (Icehowl)
Fixed: Unlock option only shows enabled frames.

Fixed bug on startup when updating settings from older version.
Fixed possible bug with tracking options on non-English clients.
Immunity tracking no longer tracks self.

Fixed bug on startup when settings file doesn't exist.
Fixed bug where a buff could appear as a debuff (Impact).
Turned off immunity tracking by default (consumes less CPU time).
Small performance improvements.

Updated for patch 3.3 compatibility.
Graceful upgrade from 3.22 (settings won't reset).
Removed Improved Fire Nova Totem spell ID.
Changed Target and Focus portrait frame references to match Blizzard's.
Added immunity effect tracking (Bladestorm, Divine Shield, Ice Block, The Beast Within).
Removed strata options (too buggy atm).
Fixed frames not hiding at start.
Added basic command line options:
/lc reset
/lc lock
/lc unlock
/lc enable <unit>
/lc disable <unit>
where <unit> can be: player, target, focus, party1 ... party4, arena1 ... arena5

Changed versioning scheme to match WoW client's.
Added Cobalt Frag Bomb to spell list.
Added support for Perl and XPerl unit frames.
Added arena enemy unit frame support.
Fixed bug where debuff icons would sometimes not overlay the unit portrait correctly.
Improved performance when unit frames are hidden.
Reworked options menu.
Added settings for individual frame strata.

Fixed Wyvern Sting to no longer show dot effect.
Fixed Freezing Trap not displaying.
Added Nature's Fury (Freya) to PvE list.
Added Mark of the Faceless (General Vezax) to PvE list.

Fixed a bug with icons not hiding after changing targets/focus.
Removed Psychic Horror disarm effect (horrify effect still remains).
Better integration with the standard Blizzard UI.
- Target, focus, and party icons will now display within their appropriate unit portrait.
- Note: You can manually adjust their position to bring them out of the portrait. You should do this if you want to use LoseControl with non-standard UI frames. However, the only way to undo this is to reset LoseControl to its default settings.
Updated German and Russian translations.
Consolidated all localization files into one for easier translation.

WoW 3.1 patch support.
Support for Target/Focus/Party frames.
Removed Min/Max debuff duration options.
Death Knight:
Glyph of Blood Boil is now Glyph of Heart Strike.
Added Desecration snare.
Added Typhoon snare.
Removed T.N.T. stun.
Removed Improved Wing Clip root.
Added Fiery Payback disarm.
Added Frostfire Bolt snare.
Added Shield of the Templar silence.
Removed Blackout stun.
Added Psychic Horror (horror + disarm).
Added Earthgrab root (Storm, Earth and Fire talent).
Added Freeze root (Frozen Power talent).
Removed Pyroclasm stun.
Added Aftermath snare.
Added Gravity Bomb and Light Bomb (XT-002 Deconstructor)

Added hunter pet abilities, Chilblains, Frost Grenades.
Added PvE debuffs: Mutating Injection (Grobbulus), Positive/Negative Charge (Thaddius), Detonate Mana (Kel'Thuzad)
Added minimum and maximum debuff duration options.

Converted to spellIds.
Added random proc CCs (Impact, Blackout, etc).
Added tracking for silence, disarm, root, and snare effects.
Added slash commands to access the options menu.
Settings saved per character instead of per account.
Fixed bug with overlapping the same CC effect.
Fixed bug with Wyvern Sting DOT component.

Added option to disable CooldownCount/OmniCC text.

Added Korean support (credit: sayclub).

Added Chinese support (credit: 饺子).

Added German, Spanish, French, and Russian support.

Added Cower in Fear and Gnaw for Death Knights and removed Glyph of Frost Strike.
Added a few fringe case spells like Turn Evil and Shackle Undead that can work on players under certain effects (i.e. Lichborne, Metamorphasis).
Made frame movable, resizable, and added adjustable transparency.
Options can be configured in the AddOns Interface Options.

Unlocking frames does not show arena enemy frames if they are anchored to Blizzard frames (because they don't exist unless you're in an arena).
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (13)
File Name
05-08-23 06:36 PM
04-10-23 09:25 PM
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08-08-21 09:11 PM
07-12-21 01:32 PM

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Unread 08-29-10, 08:49 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

Forum posts: 11
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Great mod. Not sure if this is still being developed (hope it is!).

I'm wondering if there's a way to prioritize what the center player icon displays. Sometimes, you'll get overlapping CC on yourself and rather than showing one of the icons, LC will display all of them making it rather impossible to actually identify what's on you with LC.

Also, there seems to be a rare bug where the center player icon will end up not fading. No LUA error occurs when this happens. I'm not sure what causes it. I just end up with a stuck LC icon in the center of the screen until I reload UI.
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Unread 05-17-10, 09:20 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Right, Just downloaded this addon, but for the life of me it just wont work the way i want (Have the icon overlay the portrait of Party members and Focus target) All it does is do the Background overlay, I tried setting the strata to Overlay, High, and Medium, no difference. I am however using oUF unitframes (oUF_RuptureTourney to be specific) Any suggestions?, also tried setting all strata's in the rupture layout file to medium :\
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Unread 04-15-10, 09:06 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: hmm..

Originally posted by dusknoir
Do you think it's possible to add an option to automatically disable these units inside Battlegrounds?
I second this request. Thanks for the macro though Kouri.
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Unread 03-08-10, 02:00 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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possibly to add support for this focus frame ?
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Unread 03-01-10, 04:18 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Originally posted by Kouri I couldn't agree with you more, although try to be considerate when English is not someone's primary language. [/b]
I actually work with a goodly number of ESL speakers. My experience has been that people that have to learn English as a second (or third or fourth, even) language have far superior grammar and sensitivity towards proper structure than do many American teenagers raised on texting and doodspeak.

Anyway, thanks for the reply and the assistance in adding new debuffs to the LUA.
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Unread 02-28-10, 10:54 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Re: Re: hmm..

Originally posted by Kouri
That's not really something I would use myself, but what you can do is make a macro with the following:
/lc disable party1
/lc disable party2
/lc disable party3
/lc disable party4

And another macro:
/lc enable party1
/lc enable party2
/lc enable party3
/lc enable party4

I hope that helps.
Do you think it's possible to add an option to automatically disable these units inside Battlegrounds?
Last edited by dusknoir : 02-28-10 at 10:54 PM.
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Unread 01-31-10, 09:03 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Re: Re: hmm..

Originally posted by Kouri
That's not really something I would use myself, but what you can do is make a macro with the following:
/lc disable party1
/lc disable party2
/lc disable party3
/lc disable party4

And another macro:
/lc enable party1
/lc enable party2
/lc enable party3
/lc enable party4

I hope that helps.
Yes, thank you very much. Dident know u could do it like that =D
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Unread 01-24-10, 11:08 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: hmm..

Originally posted by Dark_Widget
Alright, iam going to ask again, is it possible that you can make an option where i can turn off sertain "CC tracks" in sertain place's? like i dont want party CC in world pvp and in Battlegrounds, but i do want them in arena,

Thnx for your time
That's not really something I would use myself, but what you can do is make a macro with the following:
/lc disable party1
/lc disable party2
/lc disable party3
/lc disable party4

And another macro:
/lc enable party1
/lc enable party2
/lc enable party3
/lc enable party4

I hope that helps.
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Unread 01-24-10, 09:16 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Alright, iam going to ask again, is it possible that you can make an option where i can turn off sertain "CC tracks" in sertain place's? like i dont want party CC in world pvp and in Battlegrounds, but i do want them in arena,

Thnx for your time
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Unread 01-24-10, 05:05 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Maldazzar
first, is there any way to make the anchors not show for categories that are disabled?
it's not a huge deal, but having 12 or so icons appear every time i press unlock (all i use it for is player) is a but unnerving!
Yeah that makes sense and is easy to do.
second, can you revert the immunity change? i find it quite useful to keep track of my bladestorm / mind control duration
I'll have to make it an option. For now, you can edit line 413 of LoseControl.lua and remove
and unitId ~= "player"
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Unread 01-24-10, 11:40 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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first, is there any way to make the anchors not show for categories that are disabled?
it's not a huge deal, but having 12 or so icons appear every time i press unlock (all i use it for is player) is a but unnerving!

second, can you revert the immunity change? i find it quite useful to keep track of my bladestorm / mind control duration
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Unread 01-24-10, 03:11 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by khariv
I'd like to make a feature request to add new debuffs which place a root/stun/etc. on a target. There are a lot of these that come in with raid fights (i.e. Ferocious Butt on Icehowl) that aren't necessary for the base add-on, but which would be quite helpful to be able to enable in an ad-hoc manner. Entering them via an ID would be just great.
There is already a category of debuffs for PvE. If you want to add one, you can look up the spell ID on by searching for the spell name, then open up LoseControl.lua and add it to the spell list. I'm not really a big raider, so I don't know which abilities would be useful to add. It's nice when other people make suggestions (I will add Ferocious Butt in the next version).

Oh, and on a side note to other posters, if you want to make a feature request, or perhaps even just be understood, please do try to use proper English. Using doodspeek and textese is a sure fire way to get yourself put on /ignore. As a software developer myself, I can say with absolute certainty that if a person cannot find the time to make themselves understandable, I will not take the time to decipher whatever message they're trying to convey. [/rant]
I couldn't agree with you more, although try to be considerate when English is not someone's primary language.
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Unread 01-23-10, 11:12 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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I'd like to make a feature request to add new debuffs which place a root/stun/etc. on a target. There are a lot of these that come in with raid fights (i.e. Ferocious Butt on Icehowl) that aren't necessary for the base add-on, but which would be quite helpful to be able to enable in an ad-hoc manner. Entering them via an ID would be just great.

Oh, and on a side note to other posters, if you want to make a feature request, or perhaps even just be understood, please do try to use proper English. Using doodspeek and textese is a sure fire way to get yourself put on /ignore. As a software developer myself, I can say with absolute certainty that if a person cannot find the time to make themselves understandable, I will not take the time to decipher whatever message they're trying to convey. [/rant]
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Unread 01-21-10, 09:50 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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gotta say i LOVE ur addon i woulden manage without it ^^

but when i installd the latest version i had problems with understandin what all these thingys where about :S cuz nothing says wich "CC window" is for what,
nor who it is for etc, had prolly gonna have to spend 1,5 hour with dueling a mage and draggin guldies to gurbashi arena to actually be able to set it up (see what every "CC window" actually does)

i dunno if im just retarded but, try to make it abit easier ;P

once again thnx for a awesome addon keep it up

Edit: alright i think i workd it out :P is it possible that u can change so i can adjust where it works? like i wanna turn it off party CC in BGs and world pvp, and i cba writein "/lc disable party1, /lc disable party2" etc and then enable em when i wanna have em :P
Last edited by Dark_Widget : 01-23-10 at 07:13 PM.
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Unread 01-17-10, 04:10 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Re: Re: Lua Errors

Originally posted by bihoztun
I downloaded the latest version, but I could not make it work, I checked the folder to see if the file was, I can set everything right, but I do not see the icon on the screen

applied /lc reset, but the problem still persists

any solution?
What unit frames are you using?
When you go into the options menu and do "Unlock Frames", do you see the icons? If not, you probably don't have the mod installed right.
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