Updated: 03-20-24 04:06 PM
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Updated:03-20-24 04:06 PM
Categories:Data Broker, Chat Mods, Group, Guild & Friends

Ara Broker Guild Friends  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r97
by: Aranarth, MysticalOS

A Data Broker plugin that provides 2 blocks: one for guildmates & one for friends. These blocks show informative and interactive clickable tooltips. It's fast and lightweight.

Informations/screenshots are not up-to-date (and it's boring to do ).

It has the following functionalities on entries
- click guildmates or friends to whisp them.
- alt+click guildmates or friends to invite them.
- control+click friends to edit note.
- if you're an officier, you can control+click guildmates to edit their public note, and control+right click to edit officer's note.
- right click guildmates to sort the closest column.
- if you're an officer, you can click the MOTD to edit.
- middle click on friends to remove from friend list.
- control+mousewheel to resize tooltip.

And the following functionalities on blocks
- control+click to toggle hints so you don't have to remember all this crap.
- left click on guild block to toggle guild panel
- right click on guild block to toggle the guild notes column.
- shift+click on guild block to toggle guild name.
- left click on friend block to toggle friend panel.
- shift+right click on blocks to toggle total number of guildmates or friends.
- middle click on friend block to show the "add a friend" dialog box.

It shows
- check marks for grouped guildmates and friends.
- class icon (mainly to provide a column to sort) when not grouped.
- class colored names.
- level colored in grey, green, yellow, orange or red depending of your own level.
- zone colored in green, yellow or red depending of faction.
- public notes (and officer notes for guildmates if you have the rights).
- rank for guildmates.

If you have AddonLoader, the loading of this addon will be delayed.
If you have Skinner, this addon will be automatically skinned.

Better at recognizing Battle Royal mode players
Bumped outdated TOCs for all game versions

Compatible with Classic era 1.14.4
Bumped outdated TOCs for all game versions

Works a little better with modern classic and retail client.

Bumped all TOCs to latest for game versions
Added detection of Diablo Immortal, CoD Vanguard, and Arclight Rumble

Compatible with Classic era 1.14.0

No idea, forgot to release it

Now Compatible with TBC beta

Now recognizes Warcraft 3 reforged, COD MW, COD MW2, COD BOCW, Blizzard Arcade, Crash 4, and Diablo 2

better handle when is broken and failing to send game information. It'll now be handeld exact same way friends list does, leave blank entries instead of errors

More Fixes

More Fixes

Fixed error occuring on Classic with 9.0 update
Fixed some missed 9.0 api changes

Compatible with 9.0

Compatible with Classic
Compatible with 8.2.5
Still buggy with non realId friends and favorites on retail.

Patch 8.2 TOC
Preliminary handling of Retail vs Classic wow
Extremely ugly handling of fact that favorite friends kind of messed things up. I was not able to actually get hiding offline favorites to work correctly without serious breakage so instead I just put a hack in that flags offline favorites as offline favorites (but they'll always show up in the online list/count)

Patch 8.0 TOC
Support for CoD

Patch 7.3 TOC

Added Starcraft 1 Support

Updated TOC to 70200. Addon was never broken but now it won't show "Out of Date"
Added preliminary support or Destiny 2 and Blizzard Mobile App
Renamed Desktop App to "Blizzard Desktop App"

More Compatible Fixes for 6.2.4/7.x

Compatible with 6.2.4/7.x function renames

Updated TOC to 60200
Now recognizes Overwatch on Patch 6.2.3
Some code cleanup.

zone coloring for Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley, Stormshield, Warspear
removed a print that was happening when inviting via broker.

6.0 Fixes
Support for Heroes of the Storm

*Only use lower cpu method for guild menu if "show offline" is not checked, otherwise, use higher cpu method that works if that's turned on.
*Hard code hack shrine colors in so they work correctly (they don't unpack correctly for some unknown reason)

Fix desktop app support.

Switch to Ambiguate(name, "none") which is just as good as strip code, but cleaner.

Make realm stripping work for more realms.

Fix rare nil error if name isn't returned by GuildRosterInfo()
Improve CPU usage of realm stripping by only stripping online users instead of ALL users in guild every GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE

5.4.2 now sends realm name in GuildRosterInfo(). Update to strip realm names from players on same realm in your guild.

Work around blizzard fail in 5.4.1 causing action block errors on friends frame show.

Update ToC to 50400
Fixed the green in options menus
Maybe other stuff I forgot

If RAID_CLASS_COLORS or CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS are corrupt (god knows what other mod is messing this up), just disable colors and show white text in broker.
More fixes for desktop and Hearthstone
Add a nil check to avoid some rare errors when contact details are missing.
Support for Hearthstone
TOC update to 50300
Support for desktop
Now identifies who's mobile AND online from those who are only mobile. (yay for new 5.1 apis for this finally)
Reduce the likelyhood of a taint in StaticPopupDialog (glyph and talent UI). Won't actually help much if other mods are running not trying to do same work around.
Bumped ToC to 50100
Fixed group checkmarks not appearing when in a party (not raid)
Fix Faction Icons
Fix whisper sending to bnet users from broker
Add support to alt click inviting of cross realm realid friends to menu.
Fixed packaging which got screwed up since my OS is fubared right now and not zipping things right.
Fix error with level 25 guilds in patch 5.x
Removed all 4.x compatability code.
Handle the name&surname being merged into one arg in MoP as well so we don't include battletags (as last names) on friends broker. It'll behave as it does on live and work as intended now.
- Update apis for broadcast messages and battletags for MoP beta. Friends broker should once again work on beta while continuing to work on live.
- Silence some errors while grouped. Checkboxes still only work while in a raid though. party groups don't detect properly.
- Now compatible with WoW 5.x

- Fixed a 4.3 issue due to an api change in player status now being returned as number value instead of localized strings.
- Added support for Diablo 3 recognition for RealID/BattleTag friends
- Bumped TOC to 40300 ("load out of date" will no longer be necessary)
- Updated to latest libs.

- Fixed a 4.2 issue due to BNGetToonInfo API change (thanks to MysticalOS).

- Fixed toc issue that was preventing the addon from loading without a load manager addon.

- Mobile indicators are now colored depending on status (yellow/orange when AFK, red when DND, green otherwise).
- Fixed (or so I hope) missing calendar events.
- Fixed rare cases of guild panel stuck on screen.
- Updated english zones (was about time!).

- Guildmates logged on using the mobile armory application will have a distinctive status.
- Guild XP bar is hidden when guild reaches max level.
- Added an option to display guild XP tooltip when the mouse if over the XP bar (default: off).
- Reworked the XP bar a bit and improved XP number format (thanks to ForeverTheGM).
- Fixed disconnection issues.
- Fixed 4.1 config menu layout.
- Fixed an error that occured when trying to display guild informations that were not yet available (thanks to aorcsik).
- Fixed an issue with a separator incorrectly shown.

- Fixed XP max value.
- Redesigned guild XP code in a better way, may fix some issues.

- Added guild XP (with an option to turn it off).
- Added an option to hide your own broadcast.
- Added an option to use TipTac skin (requires TipTac).
- Now, when doesn't provide toon informations, toons are treated as same realm (meaning you can try to invite them), the name is grayed and the class icon is the WoW one.
- Fixed option "Restore default colors" to instantly apply visual changes.
- Fixed "Notes" and "Rank" color options to correctly apply to first line.

- Fixed broadcast dialog.
- Fixed click error on guild block when not in guild.
- Fixed a rare bug that could occure while editing colors with opacity slider (background, border, highlight) due to a garbage collected function (or so I think).

- Fixed guild notes not being assigned to the right player.
- Fixed many scrollbar issues (beta guild with 600 members helps).
- Fixed the feature disabled in parental control to not show the " unavailable" message.
- Added options to align columns.
- Added options to colors friendly/contested/enemy zones.
- Added an option to restore default colors.
- Added options to highlight sorted column and reworked that feature a bit.
- Changed initial level sort (first right-click) to display in hi-lo order.
- Took advantage of the new MOTD editor and config menu.
- Code improvements and various tweak.

- Fixed sort order by rank (it was using alphabetical rank instead of rank index).
- Fixed friend status to correctly show away/busy.
- Changed highlight to gradually blend with background (indicating an ascending or descending order). You may have to adjust the opacity to a higher value.

- Added multi-level custom sort order (no config menu and not implemented for real friends). Set level 1 with RightClick, level 2 with Shift+RightClick, and level 3 with Alt+RightClick. Sort the same column to toggle ascending/descending order.
- Added an option to highlight the level 1 column. You can also edit the highlight color.
- Separated Hints and Block Hints visibility option (Block Hints set to visible by default).
- Added options to filter hints, so you can display only forgettable ones. You can still uncheck the top level entry to turn everything off.
- Fixed the guild/friend total number options.
- Removed column labels entirely.
- Undocumented r32 change: friend/guild notes are now handled separatly (ie. you can show friend notes and hide guild notes).

- Fixed some dis/connexion issues with real friends.
- Changed real friend layout to one line.
- Changed friend's broadcast to show, if present, on an extra line (ellipsis if too long).
- Only show real friend's server if different.
- Added options to control how you want the real name to appear: before toon/nickname, after, instead of, or not at all.
- Added options to control how you want the status: class colored text, custom colored text or icon.
- Added an option to change the status color when displayed as text.
- Added an option to show/hide class icons of ungrouped people when you are grouped (shows by default).
- Added an option to show/hide friend notes.
- Changed own broadcast to only show if you have real friends (connected or not).
- Fixed compatibility with Skinner.
- Fixed the color picker to correctly cancel changes.

- Fixed Starcraft 2 friends (but that looks messy).
- Fixed real friends columns width (was sizing according to the last line instead of the longest).
- Fixed compatibility issue with Bazooka, thanks to Vrul's workaround.
- Added configuration menu (right-click any block).
- Moved "modifier+click" block combo to config menu.
- Changed some default colors.
- Most colors are now editable (quite messy).
- Added confirmation dialog on real friend removal.
- Now using less CPU thanks to Vrul.

- Updated LDB 1.1 from revision 3 to 4 (everything's fine, I'm just 2 years late xD).
- Fixed the "larger than usual" columns. I was taking the hidden titles into account.
- Fixed an issue where guildmates were shown instead of friends.
- Fixed colors being different between the first real friend and the second+. However, colors are still not set (it's the default, kind of ugly, yellow).

- Finished the half-assed fix from r27 (Still no friend online to test, slackers!).

- Fixed a silly mistake (wrong variable scope).

r26 (beta)
- Several battle net fixes.
- Fixed an old issue where it was showing "Hints [Block]" while the mouse was not on the block.
- Fixed scrollbar position.
- Fixed panel size when there's only real friends (not field tested).

r25 (alpha)
- Experimental implementation of battle net friends.
- Changed the default background a bit.
- Column titles are removed by default.
- Middle-click a block to toggle column titles.

- Added MMOUI Minion support.
- Removed unnecessary Skinner and SharedMedia optional dependencies, it was also breaking some Skinner features. (Credits goes to Jncl).

- Now fully functionnal in combat (yay!).

- Removed localization file, now using LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_MALE and LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_FEMALE global tables (added in WoW 3.2). Delete the previous folder before extracting this version or you will end up with a dead file.
- Fixed a rare and weird issue (hopefully).

- Added Control+MouseWheel to resize tooltip (experimental).
- Optimized implementation of the scrollbar: move lines instead of redrawing the entire tooltip.
- Fixed a possible appearance of the scrollbar when it is not wanted.
- Changed the maximum number of entries shown to something adapted to your UI scale and options.

- Added a scrollbar for large guilds and/or friendlist. Use the mousewheel anywhere on the tooltip to scroll easily. (Credit goes to Tekkub for his "FauxScrollFrame" implementation ;))

- Fixed an issue with 3.2 (GetDifficultyColor -> GetQuestDifficultyColor).
- Changed the MOTD to always display properly.
- Code tweaking.

- Added support for !ClassColors.

- Fixed a display issue introduced in r16. It was affecting unguilded characters.

- Added tooltip with hints. Ctrl+Click a block to toggle hints.
- Added friend block shortcuts to add a friend.
- Added a MiddleClick shortcut on friend entries to remove a friend.
- Added a Shift+RightClick shortcut on blocks to toggle the total number of guildmates or friends.

- Enhanced friend list refresh. Before, it was only refreshing on online/offline events. Now, it will also make sure to refresh at least once every 15 sec. That way, friends location is more accurate.

- Fixed the possible leading space to the right of the tooltip when in group.
- Fixed the ruRU translation of Death Knight.
- Changed how to inherit fonts. Font addons will be able to dynamically modify them.

- Made it compatible with DockingStation (display).

- Fixed potential conflicts with other addons: RAID_CLASS_COLORS and CLASS_BUTTONS are now left untouched.
- Added the LDB attribute "type" (set to "data source") for better recognition & display integration.
- Replaced Menu_OnUpdate timer with MouseIsOver.

- Fixed a bug that was raising the tooltip when the MOTD was edited.
- Added class localizations for friend list coloring.
- Removed class icons when grouped, so check marks are next to names for better quick views.

- Fixed an error introduced with r9 that was checking everything when grouped.

- Changed the visuals for grouped guildmates & friends to dynamic check marks (from greyed out icon/names).
- Changed the background handling to be Skinner friendly.
- Removed debug messages left in r8.

- Fixed a silly error (missing "end").

- Fixed the tooltip scale issue (r6 received only half of the fix and an internal version the other half...)
- Fixed an annoying issue that was causing ellipsis "..." on some entries.
- Removed use of Blizzard's tooltip (now use mine exclusively).

- Fixed the tooltip scale issue.

- Fixed a nil error occuring when guild data is not ready (but still can't get the data sometimes when first loading).
- Fixed the inverted class order on reloadui.
- Added a toggle to show/hide the guild name (Shift+Click the guild block).
- Added an officer's functionality: Control+RightClick to edit officer's note.
- Added (very) limited in-combat use: shows a snapshot of the previous accessed list.
- Added records to save sorted column/order between session.
- Extended the greyed out names of grouped guildmates to friends.
- Removed the label/value support (no more needed).

- Fixed an error when entering the friend block with a non-english client (sorry, no translations added).
- Fixed AddonLoader support (hopefully): block text should be set at load time.
- Added a toggle to show/hide guild notes: any non left mouse click on the guild block will do (right, middle, 4, 5).
- Added a visual effect to distinguish from grouped and ungrouped guildmates: those in your group are coloured in grey.
- Added Skinner support.

- FIXED A BIG REFRESH ISSUE. It should be smoother and more responsive now.
- Fixed AddonLoader support in toc file.
- Added a functionality so that an officer can control click a guildmate to edit its public note.
- Added support for "label" (guild name) and "value" (online/total) so that you can manage them separatly in your display (show/hide/etc).
- Added ClearFont support (not tested).
- Changed color of officer note (orange) to distinguish from public note (yellow).
- Changed frame strata to TOOLTIP (from DIALOG).
- Removed the extra space in front of a friend name (GetFriendInfo returns "" for status whereas GetGuildRosterInfo returns nil).

- Fixed icon paths.

- Initial release.
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Unread 10-20-08, 11:53 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I'm having a minor issue with this: The tooltips do not use the font I set in StatblockCore (Myriad, added through MyMedia), it uses the blizzard default font. The blocks themselves do use the right font. I also use your Tradeskills block. That tooltip does inherit the correct font (The block is correct too there).

Any idea?

ps. Dunno if it helps but I also use CowTip, Clearfont2 and Skinner. In al these mods I set the font to my beloved Myriad...
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Unread 10-20-08, 03:29 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Penthouse36
I'm having a minor issue with this: The tooltips do not use the font I set in StatblockCore (Myriad, added through MyMedia), it uses the blizzard default font. The blocks themselves do use the right font. I also use your Tradeskills block. That tooltip does inherit the correct font (The block is correct too there).

Any idea?

ps. Dunno if it helps but I also use CowTip, Clearfont2 and Skinner. In al these mods I set the font to my beloved Myriad...
I downloaded Clearfont2 to check the problem but it seems it's not working at all (it's only changing it's own menu font), so I can't reproduce that problem at the moment.

Personally, I created a "Fonts" folder inside the WoW install path and copied 4 times my favorite font, then renamed them to "ARIALN.ttf", "FRIZQT__.ttf", "MORPHEUS.ttf" and "skurri.ttf". Maybe you could try that with Myriad in the meantime
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Unread 10-21-08, 08:25 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Forgot to mention: I had that font-folder already, just as you describe

Just thought it was weird that the tradeskill block doesn't have the problem. Or do you use different means to create tooltips?
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Unread 10-21-08, 11:50 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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r3 is now available, see change log.

Originally posted by Penthouse36
Forgot to mention: I had that font-folder already, just as you describe

Just thought it was weird that the tradeskill block doesn't have the problem. Or do you use different means to create tooltips?
In Guild & Friends, I was retrieving font informations at load time, before AddonLoader could modify it. It should work properly now (not tested).
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Unread 10-21-08, 02:06 PM  
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Very nice job Ara !
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Unread 10-21-08, 02:18 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Tristanian
Very nice job Ara !
Thank you, it's always pleasant to receive praise from peers :3
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Unread 10-21-08, 03:10 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Aranarth
r3 is now available, see change log.

In Guild & Friends, I was retrieving font informations at load time, before AddonLoader could modify it. It should work properly now (not tested).
Works great, thank you!
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Unread 10-22-08, 07:19 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Ara, thank you very much for this/these addon(s). One thing I wanted to mention was that visually the tooltips seem to follow the beat of their own drummer. I use skinner and that typically gives my interface a fairly consistent and custom look, however when mousing over the LDB buttons they seem to entirely ignore skinner while everyone else plays along.

Also I'd like some options to disable showing totals and guild name, if possible, thanks.
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Unread 10-22-08, 10:24 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by crookfingerjake
Ara, thank you very much for this/these addon(s). One thing I wanted to mention was that visually the tooltips seem to follow the beat of their own drummer. I use skinner and that typically gives my interface a fairly consistent and custom look, however when mousing over the LDB buttons they seem to entirely ignore skinner while everyone else plays along.

Also I'd like some options to disable showing totals and guild name, if possible, thanks.
I will look for Skinner support.

There's no way to disable "totals" as of now, but it's possible with guild name if your display support it. For exemple: ButtonBin has a "short text" option that hide the guild name and Fortress has an option to hide the "label" (guild name).

I don't plan to add a config menu right now. Im pretty maniac and I try to keep it as small and not bloated as possible. If you want tons of options, I think FuBar_GuildFu or AuldLangSyne are more suited, and you can use them with FuBar2Broker.

If I feel an option is needed, I would add a modifier+click combo to toggle it (like, maybe, hiding notes).
Last edited by Aranarth : 10-22-08 at 10:26 AM.
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Unread 10-23-08, 04:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Request: Party/Raid marker

I have to admit I hate making this request, I don't like asking to add feature X of addon Y to your addon. Overall I was very satisfied when I made the switch from it's FuBar equivalents (you have no idea how much I disliked the Addon name in the tooltip, colleague maniac), there are a few minor things I would like to see, that others already mentioned but it would lead to adding configuration options and I appreciate your dedication to keeping it small.

This was until I started Raiding, I never fully realized how much I relied on the GuildFu's feature that shows a marker near each player already in your party or raid. On your addon this place is taken by the class Icons, not particularly something I care for but I'm sure some people suffering from daltonism (colorblindness) will love you for it. Anyway, the process of setting up a raid suddenly became painful, I have a hard time keeping track who I already invited and who I didn't, quickly finding a replacement for an open spot also forced me to ask who was available rather than a glance at the Guild tooltip.

It's a usability matter that won't affect everyone to the same degree (myself a lot obviously) but I don't think it can bother anyone so shouldn't require an options. For now it's back to GuildFu.
Last edited by Nogun : 10-23-08 at 05:32 AM.
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Unread 10-23-08, 02:44 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Request: Party/Raid marker

Originally posted by Nogun
I have to admit I hate making this request, I don't like asking to add feature X of addon Y to your addon. Overall I was very satisfied when I made the switch from it's FuBar equivalents (you have no idea how much I disliked the Addon name in the tooltip, colleague maniac), there are a few minor things I would like to see, that others already mentioned but it would lead to adding configuration options and I appreciate your dedication to keeping it small.

This was until I started Raiding, I never fully realized how much I relied on the GuildFu's feature that shows a marker near each player already in your party or raid. On your addon this place is taken by the class Icons, not particularly something I care for but I'm sure some people suffering from daltonism (colorblindness) will love you for it. Anyway, the process of setting up a raid suddenly became painful, I have a hard time keeping track who I already invited and who I didn't, quickly finding a replacement for an open spot also forced me to ask who was available rather than a glance at the Guild tooltip.

It's a usability matter that won't affect everyone to the same degree (myself a lot obviously) but I don't think it can bother anyone so shouldn't require an options. For now it's back to GuildFu.
Icons are there primarily to provide a column to sort by class.

This gave me the idea to colour icon/names of grouped guildmates in grey, to better show who isn't in

EDIT: r4 is now available, see change log.
Last edited by Aranarth : 10-24-08 at 01:01 AM.
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Unread 10-24-08, 03:20 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Not sure if this can be done.

I love the features that are there, but I'd love to have everything to one line only.

With a long guild name it looks kind a fuzzy having it set over 2 lines guild name on top and count below.

This could be solved be setting the with to wider, or having an options to hide the guild name (the last one I prefer)

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Unread 10-24-08, 04:11 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Quokka
Not sure if this can be done.

I love the features that are there, but I'd love to have everything to one line only.

With a long guild name it looks kind a fuzzy having it set over 2 lines guild name on top and count below.

This could be solved be setting the with to wider, or having an options to hide the guild name (the last one I prefer)

This is already possible if your display support label/value. Look into your "per block" settings. But in your case I guess you use SBC, so go bug Funky about the label/value feature, I need it too, and cosmetical things should be handled by the display
As for the width, with SBC, if you mousewheel the block, it should grow/shrink unless you locked it in the settings.
Last edited by Aranarth : 10-24-08 at 04:21 AM.
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Unread 10-24-08, 04:25 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Feature request

Some mark in guild list to indicate who is in your current raid. Very useful for quick overview who is already in guild raid.

AuldLangSyne show it like this
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Unread 10-24-08, 04:30 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Feature request

Originally posted by Gregory
Some mark in guild list to indicate who is in your current raid. Very useful for quick overview who is already in guild raid.

AuldLangSyne show it like this
I don't use marks as I don't want to add an extra column just for that. Instead, I colour grouped guildmates in grey.
Last edited by Aranarth : 10-24-08 at 04:31 AM.
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