Updated: 07-01-17 12:29 AM
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Updated:07-01-17 12:29 AM
Categories:Buff, Debuff, Spell, Casting Bars, Cooldowns, Warlock, DPS, Combat Mods

Ellipsis (Multi-Target DoT Timers)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.2.8
by: Kith [More]

Due to extensive changes, nearly all text in Ellipsis was altered rendering language translations for anything but English inaccurate. Anybody willing to take on the task of translating the mod (and the options especially) into other languages, please PM me and we can sort out getting the mod translated once again. Thanks!

Ellipsis (indicating omission)
Typography - A mark consisting of three periods, colloquially known as 'dot-dot-dot'.

Ellipsis is an addon that features multi-target aura tracking for spells that you (and your pet) cast on others. Additionally it keeps track of your pets spells when cast on others, tracks ground-targeted AoEs, temporary minion summons and totems. Cooldowns for your items, pet abilities and your own abilities can also be tracked. Options can be accessed by typing either /ellipsis or /...

Aura - HoTs, DoTs, Buffs & Debuffs cast by you or your pet
Unit - Yourself, your pet, party members or hostile mobs (basically anything you can hurl spells at)

Auras, Units & Unit Groups
All auras you cast are attached to the unit they are cast on and these are then seperated into one of 7 groups when displayed. The first 4 groups are based on what the unit is, the 5th is a special case (see The Non-Targeted Unit below), and the last 2 are overrides for your current target and focus to keep them seperate (if desired) from every other displayed unit. Each group can be assigned to any of the 7 available display frames, and multiple groups can be assigned to a single frame.

Example: Assign all harmful units to frame [1], and your target to frame [2] to quickly reference the DoT situation on your current target 'pulled out' from the mess of all your other DoTs.

The Non-Targeted Unit
Some auras exist without any unit to attach themselves to such as temporary minion summons, totems, and ground-targeted AoE spells. These are all grouped together under the special Non-Targeted unit, which is the sole member of the non-targeted group (and can be assigned to a display frame and sorted just like any other unit).

There are two 'mods' included with Ellipsis, the main mod itself (folder: Ellipsis) and the configuration options (folder: Ellipsis_Options). Only the first is required to use the mod, though you will not be able to change options without the latter; Ellipsis_Options is also Load on Demand and thus won't use up any resources until you begin changing options (which is also why its a seperate folder/addon).

-- 4.2.8 --
Fixed a bug when notifying 'empty' cooldown timers by preventing their creation
Fixed a typo in options localization

-- 4.2.7 --
Updated ToC for 7.2
Updated embedded Ace Libraries

-- 4.2.6 --
Added ability to filter auras using a whitelist (as well as existing blacklist)
Updated Earth Elemental (Shaman) timer to 60s

-- 4.2.5 --
Hostile units will now be cleared on combat end
Havoc (Warlock) added to unique target data

-- 4.2.4 --
Fixed movement code for frames after CreateTitleRegion was removed

-- 4.2.3 --
Updated ToC for 7.1

-- 4.2.2 --
Attempted fix for erratic Unit creation causing overlapping or 'orphaned' Units
Fixed player auras not being shown on login until altered

-- 4.2.1 --
Fixed a missing localization lookup for Non-Targeted units

-- 4.2.0 --
NEW OPTIONS For Auras: Flip Icons, Name Format
NEW OPTIONS For Units: Faded Opacity, Faded Non-Targeted, Collapse All Headers
Fixed a bug with Cooldown options not applying properly on Profile updates

-- 4.1.0 --
NEW FEATURE Cooldown Tracking

-- 4.0.1 --
Added Nether Tempest (Mage) to Unique Spells
Soul Effigy will now show up and track auras used on it

-- 4.0.0 --
- Complete Rewrite for Legion, new functionality, new options.

-- 3.0.4 --
- Updated ToC and Libraries for 5.3

-- 3.0.3 --
- Updated ToC for 5.1

-- 3.0.2 --
- Fixed raid marking related bug that caused a LUA error.

-- 3.0.1 --
- Release build for Mists of Pandaria (same as MoP beta build)

-- 2.2.1 --
- Updated TOC for 4.3
- Fixed (long-standing) bug with Cooldown bar showing when not wanted. To hide the bar just disable tracking of all 3 cooldown types, the bar will hide itself once all tracked cooldowns have expired (if any).

-- 2.2.0 --
- Updated TOC for 4.2

-- 2.1.0 --
- Added minimum duration options for auras and cooldowns (set in seconds as opposed to minutes like the maximums)
- Fixed spell cooldown groups showing the wrong icon for Hunter Traps and Shaman Shocks (they were flipped)
- Cleaned up tooltips and made it more clear when mouseover options are disabled by the 'Clickable' option

- Still To Do: For those who are able and willing, the following strings need translating in all available languages other than English (if you have a translation, please PM me it and the language it's in).

L.MinAuraDuration = 'Min Aura Duration'
L.MinAuraDurationDesc = 'Set the minimum duration of auras (in seconds) that will be tracked by Ellipsis.'
L.MaxAuraDurationDesc = 'Set the maximum duration of auras (in minutes) that will be tracked by Ellipsis.\n\nA setting of 0 will disable max duration checking, allowing auras of any duration.'
L.CDMinDuration = 'Min CD Duration'
L.CDMinDurationDesc = 'Set the minimum duration of cooldowns (in seconds) that will be tracked by Ellipsis.\n\nThis setting will not go below 2 dseconds so as to avoid all cooldowns showing up due to the GCD.'
L.CDMaxDurationDesc = 'Set the maximum duration of cooldowns (in minutes) that will be tracked by Ellipsis.\n\nA setting of 0 will disable max duration checking, allowing cooldowns of any duration.'

-- 2.0.3 --
Fixed glitch with mages due to Water Elemental now being permanent or nothing rather than a talented duration buff.

-- 2.0.2 --
- 4.0.3 release.

-- 2.0.1 --
- Class Data changes made. I'm sure I missed some as I haven't been properly following the class changes for 4.0.1 so please let me know if anything errors, isn't tracked or has the wrong timer. Note: this is only for AoE spells and Totems, single targets are all handled via direct interaction with the game so should update properly.

- Howl of Terror: 6 -> 8 seconds
- Shadowflame: 8 -> 6 seconds
Death Knight:
- Removed Unholy Blight
- Removed Shadow Fiend
- Removed Flare
- Added Ice Trap
- Blast Wave: 6 -> 3 seconds
- Removed Water Elemental
- Added Time Warp
- Thunderclap set to 30sec duration
- Removed Cleansing Totem
- Removed Fire Nova Totem
- Removed All 4 Resistance Totems
- Removed Sentry Totem (awr, I liked this one)
- Removed Totem of Wrath
- Searing Totem set to 60sec duration
- Tremor Totem: 120 -> 300 seconds
- Added Elemental Resistance Totem
- Added Tranquil Mind Totem
- Consecration: 8 -> 10 seconds
Once again, i'm sure i've missed some (probably newly added abilities), so please let me know if any problems occur.

-- 2.0.0 --
- Base update for compatibility with 4.0.1. No in-depth testing done due to lack of available time though most things should work. Things that are likely to be broken will apply to new/changed spells that had special requirements (such as some AoE's and shaman totems). Please let me know of any issues with these.

-- 1.5 --
- ToC Update

-- 1.4 --
- Fixed bug with detecting cooldown of Holy Shock & Penance (thanks Jzar)
- Fixed bug with Searing Totem duration detection (I swear there weren't 10 ranks last time I played!)
- Updated internal Libs to most recent versions

-- 1.3a --
- Corrected some missing translations in the zhTW Options locale.

-- 1.3 --
- Actually removed the Poison Cleansing Totem entry instead of just claming to.

-- 1.2 --
- Made the following changes to ClassData (internal spell ID references):
- - Divine Hymn: changed ID
- - Disease Cleansing Totem: replaced by Cleansing Totem
- - Poison Cleansing Totem: removed
- - Polymorph: added serpent, cat, rabbit and turkey

-- 1.1 --
- Made compatible with 3.1 LUA changes.

-- 1.0 --
- Full release.

-- 0.78 RC2 --
- Updated totem durations to new values.
- Added Feral Spirit to 'aoe' timer tracking.

-- 0.77 RC1 --
- Missing translations fixed.
- You can now add 'Do Not Track' entries by drag-n-drop on spell and item icons and all non-needed information should be stripped to ensure the setting works correctly
- You can now Ctrl+Right-Click on totem timers to destroy that particular totem.
- Shifted check for mage talents in regards to water elemental. Talent data was loading 'after' my check initially. Mages should get an accurate timers for water elemental now if they have the appropriate talents.

-- 0.76 --
- I'm an idiot and left debugging code in the WOTLK version, its gone now.

-- 0.75 --
- Will now track timers on target dummies.
- Cooldowns will now be announced to raid when in a raid group, and not party
- Rewrote notification system to handle locales better.
- Translations added for German (by Eltorrato@Kil'jaeden) and French (by Markam@Chants éternels).

-- 0.74 --
- Changed a Blizzard function call after its name was changed in a recent build to allow options to work properly again via /ellipsis
Note: The next version will most likely be 0.75 for both WOTLK and LIVE when required, as 0.74 is a WOTLK-only update.

-- 0.73 --
- Rewrote totem destruction handling to use a new event-based system (via an event I never previously knew existed), totems timers should now properly update when destroyed whether its manually, via Totemic Call or by going out of range.
Important: Needs testing on WOTLK servers as i'm unable to do it myself (no Shaman :<)

-- 0.72 --
- Added the option to colour target identifiers based on the class of the target.
- Cleared player, pet and aoe timers appropriately on death.
- Default location for the Prominent Targets anchor shifted slightly so it does not overlap the Targets anchor.
- Fixed an error that was causing announcements to goto party chat instead of raid chat when in a raid.

-- 0.71 --
- If you cast a totem of one type while another totem of the same type is active, the timer should be destroyed as appropriate.
- AoE list updated for WOTLK version undoing a mistake made when 0.70 went live that prevented tracking of all 'wotlk only' aoe and unique spells.

-- 0.70 --
New Features:
- Prominence: You can now make No Target (AoE), Player and Pet timers promienent, that is, attach them to a seperate anchor from the rest of your aura targets.
- Cooldown Offsets: You can now offset cooldown timers (icons) from the main bar, either with or without a 'tag' linking them back to their position on the bar.
- Transparency: You can now make certain gui elements transparent via their colour pickers, these include most of the cooldown bar elements and the background for aura timers.
- Pet Tracking: You can now track buffs you cast on your pet (used to be a package deal with player tracking).
- Profiles: Profiling options for settings have been included, if you are updating from a version of Ellipsis prior to 0.7, then the default profile for everyone is "Default", for new users, an individual profile will be generated for each player. In either case, you will need to change settings if you wish the alternative behaviour.
- LibSink: Ellipsis now uses LibSink for visual notification output for expired and broken timers, this includes options to output to all main Blizzard locations (raid warning, error frame, chat etc) as well as Channel, SCT and MikSBT options.

- Redone the options panel to be more informative and to better group option categories.
- Aura scanning re-written to more accurately track the status of player, pet, target, and focus timers. Please give this extra attention when testing.
- Aura Target Layout re-written to fix a few glitches and to improve performance, please give this extra attention (mainly the Configure Target Display and Max Targets options, please try as many combinations as you are willing).
- Fixed many other glitches and errors (hopefully all now, but I doubt it :p)

Known Bugs:
- When using offset tags for cooldown timers, the tag will bulge slightly while in motion, this is an artifact of how WoW renders the textures and there is no fix I know of for the time being. It is less prominent the further a timer moves, so the larger your bar and the shorter the timescale, the less pronounced it will be.

-- 0.68 --
- Fixed bug in Secondary Scanning which was causing lua errors (and for it not to work).
- Fixed a few spelling errors in the options.

-- 0.67 --
- Added the option to show raid icons on timer targets (needs additional testing that it accurately updates timers when icons change mid-combat)
- Fixed a few bugs introduced by the 'show stack in text' option.
- Moved cooldown icons 'behind' the timescale text to allow for reading the times.
- Fixed config updates to recognise the 'trackPlayers' setting properly.

-- 0.66 --
- Fixed a glitch where stacks weren't showing up properly for stackable spells (eg, Lifebloom)
- Hopefully fixed a glitch with cooldowns for some spells not showing up.
- Added an option to display spell stacks as part of the name display on the timer (this option will result in no stack being shown if your using icon mode as it has no spell text).
- Fixed a glitch where the secondary scan was picking up debuffs regardless of your options.

NOTE: For additional testing of the cooldowns on spells, added a debug option which will give you internal feedback about what the mod is up to. To activate it, type "/run Ellipsis.db.profile.debug = true" (without quotes) and to disable, the same but substitute 'true' for 'false'. If your not getting spell cooldowns showing up, please enable this and see if a) the spell missing is listed as being tracked and b) that its picked up when a cooldown event happens (obviously one of the above is failing).

-- 0.65 --
- Fixed a small glitch which was preventing some timers showing up.

-- 0.64 --
- There are now two versions of the mod, one for LIVE servers and the other for the WOTLK beta, please download the appropriate one for your game installation.
- Cooldown functionality now implemented.
- Can toggle ability to track auras (buffs) on player.
- Moved the 'lock' button for gui movement to a more prominant place.
- Numerous other tweaks and fixes.
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Unread 10-12-08, 07:17 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Arkive
I take it back...I get those errors (and problems displaying test bars) with nothing but Ellipsis enabled. Appears to be Shaman-specific as my Warlock works just fine.
The problem was an errant entry in the class data for totems that no longer exists in WOTLK, thats been fixed now and 0.77 will be going up tonight that will fix that and a few other glitches.
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Unread 10-12-08, 02:07 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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I take it back...I get those errors (and problems displaying test bars) with nothing but Ellipsis enabled. Appears to be Shaman-specific as my Warlock works just fine.
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Unread 10-12-08, 08:26 AM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Ran into an issue on the PTR on my shaman. When loaded by itself, Ellipsis produces no errors. However, when loaded with addons that rely on the Ace2 framework, it produces this error that seems to relate to totemGroups within the classdata.lua.

*Edit #2*
If you read the original edit, disregard, somehow i had LUa errors turned off in the interface options. It's definitely related to the Ace2 framework.

[2008/10/12 10:23:08-71-x1]: Ellipsis-0.76\ClassData.lua:230: table index is nil
Ellipsis-0.76\Core.lua:173: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\Core.lua:169>
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?:
AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:365: in function `EnableAddon'
AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:435: in function <...s\AckisRecipeList\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:421>
<in C code>: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:991: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn':
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:241: in function `CombatLog_LoadUI':
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:389: in function `UIParent_OnEvent':
<string>:"*:OnEvent":1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>
Last edited by Arkive : 10-12-08 at 10:23 AM.
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Unread 10-08-08, 10:37 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Thanks. The right clicking to remove the buff was new. I was putting up that comment prior to grabbing the new version.
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Unread 10-06-08, 04:42 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Vampyrate
Is there any way to set the tracking to only party members? If I run around buffing random people, I don't want to be tracking them.
Not at this time, but if your randomly buffing people, you can just right-click the created timer for them to cancel it; or set the mod to only track shorter duration timers (which is my personal preference due to long-term buffs like motw often being fire-and-forget for the most part).
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Unread 10-06-08, 12:42 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Is there any way to set the tracking to only party members? If I run around buffing random people, I don't want to be tracking them.
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Unread 10-05-08, 01:40 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Very nice add on. As an old warlock Dotimer was like a mandatory add on, despite the number of uneeded feature in it.

I am very impressed and very grateful for this add on and really hope that you will ensure that it is rock solid, in terms of:
1- reporting
3-display options.

These are what people look for in a Dot/Hot monitoring add on. The rest is really icing on the cake and you need to ensure you add on does not get bloated (sorry I work as a QA engineer, I tend to look at software in a critical manner).

Your cooldown bar is such a brilliant idea, I was most impressed by it. At first one wonders what that bar is and then you use your abilities and it hit you. Nice, simple and clear visual feedback on cooldown, easy to follow from a human standpoint.

Just brilliant, carry on with the excellent work.
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Unread 10-04-08, 03:02 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Hevanus
Getting the following error, not sure what causes it:
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:11: attempt to call global 'KTD' (a nil value)
[C]: in function `KTD'
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:11: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:9>
Uploaded a fix, i'd left some debugging code in the mod (bleh).
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Unread 10-04-08, 02:15 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Getting the following error, not sure what causes it:
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:11: attempt to call global 'KTD' (a nil value)
[C]: in function `KTD'
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:11: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\AuraHandler.lua:9>
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Unread 10-02-08, 05:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Asheyla
I'm debating what to think of this. On one hand, you copied the looks of my addon nearly identically. On another hand, I kind of deserved it, since I didn't update my addon in forever. Additionally, you didn't rip the code, and you certainly brought some new things into the addon that I didn't have.

On a final hand, I just finished my own rewrite of my addon, which is a step beyond what either this addon or my old version has to offer in terms of functionality (in my opinion, of course). So I suppose I'll simply accept the competition. This will be interesting.
Primarily, the mod was made due to my percieved 'death' of DoTimer and I wanted a replacement that retained the look and feel (being its what i'd used on my Lock ever since he was created) while still being fully compatible with the upcoming WOTLK (and later the current 2.4 patch); so I full admit that the mod was intended to 'look' like DoTimer from the surface while being my own work behind-the-scenes.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the new DoTimer brings as well, from what i've read, it sounds like you have some great ideas.
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Unread 10-02-08, 02:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I'm debating what to think of this. On one hand, you copied the looks of my addon nearly identically. On another hand, I kind of deserved it, since I didn't update my addon in forever. Additionally, you didn't rip the code, and you certainly brought some new things into the addon that I didn't have.

On a final hand, I just finished my own rewrite of my addon, which is a step beyond what either this addon or my old version has to offer in terms of functionality (in my opinion, of course). So I suppose I'll simply accept the competition. This will be interesting.
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Unread 09-28-08, 11:24 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Kith
I'm not sure whats going on here as i'm able to open the options just fine on my Death Knight, can you please try logging your DK in with only Ellipsis running to see if its a conflict with some other mod please? (don't see why it owuld be though as its utilizing a blizzard function to open the option panel, and that function does exist as I just checked with an extracted blizzUI :/)
Okay, I started disabling addons to narrow it down, and it seems to be Blipstick's fault and not Ellipsis'. I've notified tekkub.
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Unread 09-28-08, 04:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Hevanus
Can't open options in 0.74 on WotLK beta build 8982:
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\Config.lua:160: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)
[C]: in function `InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory'
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\Config.lua:160: in function `?'
...erface\AddOns\Ace3\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:59: in function `value'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3210: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3142>
[C]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2909: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2930: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>
Edit: Strange, works on my Hunter but not my Death Knight.
I'm not sure whats going on here as i'm able to open the options just fine on my Death Knight, can you please try logging your DK in with only Ellipsis running to see if its a conflict with some other mod please? (don't see why it owuld be though as its utilizing a blizzard function to open the option panel, and that function does exist as I just checked with an extracted blizzUI :/)
Last edited by Kith : 09-28-08 at 04:20 PM.
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Unread 09-28-08, 04:12 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Luzzifus
Currently, Ellipsis doesn't show dots/debuffs on the test dummies on PTR.
This was due to a 'hack' I used to prevent errant break messages appearing as a mob dies due to (on PTR) an aura event firing right as a mob dies with your buffs stripped, it did this by ignoring events that occur when the mob is at 1 hp (which target dummies are). I shifted this 'hack' to the 'removal' portion of the code rather than the start so it will track DoT's on dummies on the next version.
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Unread 09-27-08, 08:27 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Can't open options in 0.74 on WotLK beta build 8982:
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\Config.lua:160: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory' (a nil value)
[C]: in function `InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory'
Interface\AddOns\Ellipsis\Config.lua:160: in function `?'
...erface\AddOns\Ace3\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:59: in function `value'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3210: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3142>
[C]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2909: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2930: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>
Edit: Strange, works on my Hunter but not my Death Knight.
Last edited by Hevanus : 09-27-08 at 08:43 PM.
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