10-16-14 08:08 AM by: Tercioo
General Changes:
- Added pre-potion recognition for WoD pots.
- Added spell list for Blackrock Foundry encounters.
- Added mouse wheel scroll speed option.
- Added support for healing multistrike and damage multistrike.
- Added a Change Log button on Options Panel.
- When the windows is locked, trying to move the window through toolbar will stretch it instead.
- Renamed overheal for shields, now its called 'shield wasted'.
- Fine tuning on healing done, should have high accuracy now.
- Encounter Details plugin now supports Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry.
- New class cooldowns and spells recognition.
- Fixed few bugs on comparison panel and avoidance panel.
- Fixed encounter recognition, now it should show the encounter name over segments menu.
- Fixed Graphic part of Encounter Details Plugin, now he draws more accurately.