Since my previous post I have been rather busy with my AddOns.

Sure, Yarrr, my new pirate themed AddOn might have slipped by unnoticed (aye me hearties but it be a whole lotta fun for when yer out on thar High Seas with yer cutlass in yer hand!).

And updates to Netherwing Eggs have further enhanced its accuracy and completeness for recording almost all known egg locations.

Then there were updates to enhance or fix minor bugs in Hard Yards, Adorable Hatchling Nests, and This Scampi Happening.

But the big news is that Havoc Demon Hunters now have their very own We Don't Wipe AddOn!!!

A lot of work went into this module and I've noticed it is unique for DPS maximiser / trainer AddOns. Your feedback would be appreciated.

Until next time!