Thread: Z-Perl 2
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02-22-16, 12:08 PM   #21
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 50
Originally Posted by Resike View Post
Oh my bad, to be honest i'm so sick right now i'm glad i can even function.
One other thing and well first off get better but make sure you don't pull a pitbull unit frame and use GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE for things like afk timers.

If you call that event it's perfect for dynamically updating raid member group numbers when members change groups and is the most efficient call I've found. They used it in their lua text module which made calling it anywhere else or using it break timers, when leaving a raid group or converting back to party, that they made for afk, dead, etc.

Just wanted to point that out but I can't remember if you have it in raid frames or not. Having the ability to sort raids by role and having a group number next to each raid member is extremely valuable anymore.

Would also love a decent built in pattern matching or text shortening routine. So many people want to be able to have the name of a super long npc shortened in a smart way. So Gargantuan Oversized Guardian would be shortened to fit the confines of the frame without some non dynamic gsub shenanigans.

Breaking a name into a table then using some logic to trim it based on how many words in a name or the length of a frame is much better than a super long logic statement with static gsub pattern matching.

Would also love to test this out and give feedback (I can be pretty thorough) as I have a soft spot for perl like frames even if I no longer use them.
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