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01-07-11, 05:26 PM   #3
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 111
Hi ChaosInc,

Putting parentheses after the function name makes Lua call the function. If you want to assign the function itself to a variable, rather than its return values, you just write the function name. If it’s a method name, rather than a standalone function, then you usually have to write it as a string, in quotes, so you can look it up in the object table later.

This would work:
-- disable mouse stuffs
cb = CreateFrame( "CHECKBUTTON", "CFM_ClickButton", CFM_Panel1, "OptionsCheckButtonTemplate" )
cb:SetPoint( "LEFT", CFM_ClickText, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
cb:SetScale( 0.75 )
cb:SetScript( "OnClick", function( self )
	if selName == nil or selName == "" then
		return print( "Please select a frame first." )
		CFM_ToggleSetting( self, "disableMouse" )
end )

-- code stuffs
function CFM_ToggleSetting( self, prop )
	local frame = _G[ activeProfile[ selName ].frame ]
	local func
	-- determine what function will be needed based on passed property
	if prop == "disableMouse" then
		func = "EnableMouse"
	if prop == "clamp" then
		func = "SetClampedToScreen"
	if self:GetChecked() == 1 then
		activeProfile[ selName ][ prop ] = true
		frame[ func ]( frame, true )
		activeProfile[ selName ][ prop ] = false
		frame[ func ]( frame, false )
But, it might be easier to just use the function name instead of some other string, like this:

CFM_ToggleSetting( self, "EnableMouse" )

function CFM_ToggleSetting( self, func )
	local frame = _G[ activeProfile ][ selName ].frame
	-- determine what function will be needed based on passed property
	if self:GetChecked() == 1 then
		activeProfile[ selName ][ func ] = true
		frame[ func ]( frame, true )
		activeProfile[ selName ][ func ] = false
		frame[ func ]( frame, false )
“Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.”
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