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07-30-23, 07:21 AM   #8
A Murloc Raider
Infinite-Loop-Alchemist's Avatar
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Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 7
for heals its the 18th parameter for crits
1690725202.427 SPELL_HEAL false Player-4384-04EC1DF1 Cryptmender 1297 0 Player-4384-03104595 Sellys 66840 0 52985 Penance 2 4842 4842 0 true

from that site
Suffix 1st Param (15th) 2nd Param (16th) 3rd Param (17th) 4th Param (18th) 5th Param (19th) 6th Param (20th) 7th Param (21st) 8th Param (22nd) 9th Param (23rd) 10th Param (24th)
_DAMAGE amount overkill school resisted blocked absorbed critical glancing crushing isOffHand
_MISSED missType isOffHand amountMissed critical
_HEAL amount overhealing absorbed critical

i fixed that problem one more Issue. This code
-- Define a table to hold the highest hits data.
CritMaticData = CritMaticData or {}

local function GetGCD()
  local _, gcdDuration = GetSpellCooldown(78) -- 78 is the spell ID for Warrior's Heroic Strike
  if gcdDuration == 0 then
    return 1.5 -- Default GCD duration if not available (you may adjust this value if needed)
    return gcdDuration

local function AddHighestHitsToTooltip(self, slot)
  if (not slot) then

  local actionType, id = GetActionInfo(slot)
  if actionType == "spell" then
    local spellName, _, _, castTime = GetSpellInfo(id)
    if CritMaticData[spellName] then
      local cooldown = (GetSpellBaseCooldown(id) or 0) / 1000
      local effectiveCastTime = castTime > 0 and (castTime / 1000) or GetGCD()
      local effectiveTime = max(effectiveCastTime, cooldown)

      local critHPS = CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit / effectiveTime
      local normalHPS = CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal / effectiveTime
      local critDPS = CritMaticData[spellName].highestCrit / effectiveTime
      local normalDPS = CritMaticData[spellName].highestNormal / effectiveTime

      -- Your code here to display tooltip for healing spells
      local CritMaticHealLeft = "Highest Heal Crit: "
      local CritMaticHealRight = tostring(CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit) .. " (" .. format("%.1f", critHPS) .. " HPS)"
      local normalMaticHealLeft = "Highest Heal Normal: "
      local normalMaticHealRight = tostring(CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal) .. " (" .. format("%.1f", normalHPS) .. " HPS)"
      local CritMaticLeft = "Highest Crit: "
      local CritMaticRight = tostring(CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit) .. " (" .. format("%.1f", critDPS) .. " DPS)"
      local normalMaticLeft = "Highest Normal: "
      local normalMaticRight = tostring(CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal) .. " (" .. format("%.1f", normalDPS) .. " DPS)"

      -- Check if lines are already present in the tooltip.
      local critHealMaticExists = false
      local normalHealMaticExists = false
      local critMaticExists = false
      local normalMaticExists = false

      for i = 1, self:NumLines() do
        local gtl = _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. i]
        local gtr = _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. i]

        if gtl and gtr then
          -- Healing related
          if gtl:GetText() == CritMaticHealLeft and gtr:GetText() == CritMaticHealRight then
            critHealMaticExists = true
          elseif gtl:GetText() == normalMaticHealLeft and gtr:GetText() == normalMaticHealRight then
            normalHealMaticExists = true
          -- Damage related
          if gtl:GetText() == CritMaticLeft and gtr:GetText() == CritMaticRight then
            critDamageMaticExists = true
          elseif gtl:GetText() == normalMaticLeft and gtr:GetText() == normalMaticRight then
            normalDamageMaticExists = true
        -- If lines don't exist, add them.
        if not critHealMaticExists then
          self:AddDoubleLine(CritMaticHealLeft, CritMaticHealRight)
          _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) -- left side color (white)
          _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0) -- right side color (white)

        if not normalHealMaticExists then
          self:AddDoubleLine(normalMaticHealLeft, normalMaticHealRight)
          _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) -- left side color (white)
          _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0) -- right side color (white)

        if not critMaticExists then
          self:AddDoubleLine(CritMaticLeft, CritMaticRight)
          _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) -- left side color (white)
          _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0) -- right side color (white)
      if not normalMaticExists then
        self:AddDoubleLine(normalMaticLeft, normalMaticRight)
        _G["GameTooltipTextLeft" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) -- left side color (white)
        _G["GameTooltipTextRight" .. self:NumLines()]:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0) -- right side color (white)


-- Register an event that fires when the player hits an enemy.
local f = CreateFrame("FRAME")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)

  -- Get information about the combat event.
  local eventInfo = { CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() }

  local timestamp, eventType, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags = unpack(eventInfo, 1, 11)
  local spellID, spellName, spellSchool, amount, overhealing, absorbed, critical

  if eventType == "SWING_DAMAGE" then
    spellName = "Auto Attack"
    spellID = 6603 -- or specify the path to a melee icon, if you have one
    amount, _, _, _, _, _, critical = unpack(eventInfo, 12, 18)
  elseif eventType == "SPELL_HEAL" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL" then
    spellID, spellName, spellSchool = unpack(eventInfo, 12, 14)
    amount, overhealing, absorbed, critical = unpack(eventInfo, 15, 18)
  elseif eventType == "SPELL_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE" then
    spellID, spellName, spellSchool = unpack(eventInfo, 12, 14)
    amount, overhealing, _, _, _, absorbed, critical = unpack(eventInfo, 15, 21)
  --48071 Flash Heal 2 6569 6569 0 true
  --1690726298.925 SPELL_HEAL false Player-4384-04EC1DF1 Cryptmender 1297 0 Creature-0-4411-571-2846-32688-0000404538 Archmage Tenaj 68120 0 48071 Flash Heal 2 6536 6536 0 true
  --1617986113.264, "SPELL_DAMAGE", false, "Player-1096-06DF65C1", "Xiaohuli", 1297, 0, "Creature-0-4253-0-160-94-000070569B", "Cutpurse", 68168, 0, 585, "Smite", 2, 47, 19, 2, nil, nil, nil, false, false, false, false
  if sourceGUID == UnitGUID("player") and destGUID ~= UnitGUID("player") and (eventType == "SPELL_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SWING_DAMAGE" or eventType == "RANGE_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SPELL_HEAL" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE") and amount > 0 then
    if spellName then
      CritMaticData[spellName] = CritMaticData[spellName] or {
        highestCrit = 0,
        highestNormal = 0,
        highestHeal = 0,
        highestHealCrit = 0,
        spellIcon = GetSpellTexture(spellID)


      if eventType == "SPELL_HEAL" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL" then
        if critical then

          -- When the event is a heal and it's a critical heal.
          if amount > CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit then
            CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit = amount
            print("testing " .. spellName .. ": " .. CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit)
            PlaySound(888, "SFX")
            CritMatic.ShowNewHealCritMessage(spellName, amount)
            print("New highest crit heal for " .. spellName .. ": " .. CritMaticData[spellName].highestHealCrit)
        elseif not critical then
          -- When the event is a heal but it's not a critical heal.
          if amount > CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal then
            CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal = amount
            PlaySound(10049, "SFX")
            CritMatic.ShowNewHealMessage(spellName, amount)
            print("New highest normal heal for " .. spellName .. ": " .. CritMaticData[spellName].highestHeal)
      elseif eventType == "SPELL_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SWING_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE" then
        if critical then
          -- When the event is damage and it's a critical hit.
          if amount > CritMaticData[spellName].highestCrit then
            CritMaticData[spellName].highestCrit = amount
            PlaySound(888, "SFX")
            CritMatic.ShowNewCritMessage(spellName, amount)
            print("New highest crit hit for " .. spellName .. ": " .. CritMaticData[spellName].highestCrit)
        elseif not critical then
          -- When the event is damage but it's not a critical hit.
          if amount > CritMaticData[spellName].highestNormal then
            CritMaticData[spellName].highestNormal = amount
            PlaySound(10049, "SFX")
            CritMatic.ShowNewNormalMessage(spellName, amount)
            print("New highest normal hit for " .. spellName .. ": " .. CritMaticData[spellName].highestNormal)


-- Register an event that fires when the addon is loaded.
local function OnLoad(self, event, addonName)
  if addonName == "CritMatic" then
    print("CritMatic Loaded!")

    CritMaticData = _G["CritMaticData"]

    -- Add the highest hits data to the spell button tooltip.
    hooksecurefunc(GameTooltip, "SetAction", AddHighestHitsToTooltip)
local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME")
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnLoad)

-- Register an event that fires when the player logs out or exits the game.
local function OnSave(self, event)
  -- Save the highest hits data to the saved variables for the addon.
  _G["CritMaticData"] = CritMaticData
local frame = CreateFrame("FRAME")
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnSave)

local function ResetData()
  CritMaticData = {}
  print("CritMatic data reset.")

function SlashCmdList.CRITMATICRESET(msg, editBox)
The problem is the Tooltip displaying both heals and dps I need to make a
that only displays healcrits and normal heals only.

but I can think of some checks that would work but its out of scope.
if eventType == "SPELL_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SWING_DAMAGE" or eventType == "SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE" then
New to Lua and the WOW API I come from Javascript.

Last edited by Infinite-Loop-Alchemist : 07-30-23 at 12:19 PM.
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