Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-15-06, 05:29 PM   #63
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by gorgeth
So what you are in effect saying is that, you do not play a class with any form of cure spell and thus you choose to be a blizzard fanboi?

Unless blizzard goes back and fixes MC/BWL/ZG/AQ20/AQ40/NAXX to adjust for the new changes.. to content that was *all* designed around decursive being in use by every caster in the dungeon, all 40 man content is broken. The only encounter designed pre-decursive was molten core and it is only in 2 fights that it matters in molten core..

I want to see a group manage to kill the trio in aq40 without decursive.. it is not possible.. the encounter was designed 100% around instant removal of spells.. while simultaneously healing the raid.. it was not meant for the interface blizzard shipped the game with.. which makes it *impossible* to do the job required.. decursive was created to fix a problem that existed with the lucifron/geddon fights.. not for botting..

Smart Rank selection was created to remove 60 buttons from a healers screen.. there is *no way* you can heal on these encounters that last upwards of 10 mins using no form of rank selection and still beat the encounters *as they exist today*

This change essentially removed the capability for the players of wow to raid any existing content period.. and those who believe otherwise are simply deluding themselves..

Until/Unless blizzard slows down the rate of incoming damage, and doubles the mana/stamina pools of players across the board.. the game just became unplayable in any group larger than 5man.. as well as making the legacy 5/10 mans almost impossible as well.

There is quite simply far too much lag, too much spikey damage, and too little in the way of controlling that damage to be able to heal effectively through it without mods ..

The avg priest can heal for roughly 35 seconds before running completely out of mana without downranking spells and consuming potions, etc. for druids and shaman its more like 15-25 seconds..

How do you propose that that 35 seconds is stretched to 10mins or longer? without keeping 40 or more actionbutttons related to heals on screen .. as well as.. targeting the 40 raid members ?

Sure in early dungeons such as pre-60 content you can simply heal the maintanks.. try that on for size in aq/zg/aq40/bwl/naxx there are simply too many people taking too much damage at once..

But you can have fun manually decursing 3 people while the other 37 die because you support blizzards decision.
Ive never used a 'smart' healing mod in my life. Personally i have about 4-5 heals i choose to cast during a fight depending on what fight it is and the urgency and I can assure you there is absolutely no requirement for smart healing mods. In my guild I actually frown upon healers who rely on a mod to choose thier heals.

I have come to the conclusion that you are either just a mod maker trying to pedal his wares or you are simply a terrible terrible healer.

If you cant heal adequately for the duration of a fight then you either need better gear, more brains or better class composition.
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