Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-14-06, 03:26 AM   #61
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Originally Posted by illepic

1) Those that are pro-UI change are:
A) Not a healing class
B) A healing class that feels inherently guilty for using something to help them heal/cleanse, somehow equating that to "cheating"
C) Players that do not understand that the API was opened up for us to use ON PURPOSE by Blizzard, to use in any way it allows us to. Many seem to feel that Decursive or Emergency Monitors are somehow illegal hacks of the game and have "just not been caught yet."
D) Fearful/unskilled of technology and are generally non-tech-savvy (someone mentioned the great percentage of raiders that cannot handle a zip file...that describes about half my raid)
E) People that presume spamming 3 buttons is somehow more skillful than using a mod to complete the task in 1.
There. I entirely disagree..
I am :
A) A healing class, a Priest even.
B) I don't feel guilty when I use decision making mods. I use them, have used them, and would have used them. If a raid's success depends on me decursing properly, then I'm going to do everything I can, even use mods, to optimize the process. Not because I want purple loot, but because 39 other players are depending on me to do so.
C) I do understand why Blizzard opened up the API. They did so because they hoped it would improve everyone's game play. It would allows every user to have a setting which fits their game play. However, they did so in the hope that these addons *did not provide an unfair advantage over users using the stock UI*. Yes, *THAT* was the condition. Now I DARE you to explain to me how someone using decursive didn't have an unfair advantage over someone using the stock UI.
D) I'm no tech-savy, but I've written mods. Sure they're ugly. The coding will make most coders eyes bleed, but they work, and I wrote them myself. I got on these forums hardly knowing how to code, I read every documentation I could find, tried to answer everything myself, asked for helped when I needed it, and managed to learn how to write mods. Yes I am damn proud of it, and yes it angers me when someone says I'm "computer-retarded" :P That doesn't make me the king of UI, that just makes me a guy with basic understanding of the WoW API.
E) I presume that taking three right decisions is more skilfull than not taking a single one, be it a wrong one, or a right one.
What I've tried to make clear in my other posts, is that what makes WoW fun, are two things:
1) Choice
2) Learning through experience.

Decision making mods, killed both of these in my eyes. It's an unpopular change, but part of being chief, is making unpopular decisions.
And anyone who says "But there tons of other ways to do what they want to do!", I'd really want to hear a few.
I would, like anyone else, prefer to keep my UI, my decursive, my decision making mods. It's makes the game easier, and to a certain level, more enjoyable. I'm not welcoming these changes, I'm accepting them as something good but not better, as something new. That's what we're looking for in TBC, right?
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