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01-14-13, 05:52 PM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally Posted by Barleduq View Post
I've been using Altoholic pretty much since I started playing WoW - it was the second one I had, after I was badgered into downloading QuestHelper (all hail QuestHelper, never recovered from Cata...)

Since patch 5, Altoholic has been throwing me errors right, left, sideways, and upside down, combined with lost functionality wrt professions, among other things. qq

I came across a reference to Bagsync, and it looks like it does similar things, as completely... but among the things it says on the front page of the addon is that it can't track across accounts, that it's not possible. Which is interesting, because Altoholic claims to... I haven't created another account to test this, but I see no reason to doubt it, as the ability woudln't be listed in the dropdown otherwise.

Does anyone have any experience with them, and could possibly let me know what the similarities and differences are? I don't want to lose functionality, but I'd also like to lose the errors...

Thank you. If this comment is in the wrong place, mods, please feel free to move it and let me know so I can follow.
Hi, I'm the creator of BagSync and I can tell you that no addon will have absolute support for multiple accounts. It just isn't possible with the way Blizzard has setup how data saves data for addons on accounts. Right now data is saved on account basis and is not shared across accounts. So addons cannot grab data that is on another account because it doesn't have access to it.

Now this doesn't prevent you from MAKING a way forcefully on windows to do this. This goes outside the scope of Addons and WOW client. Since you have to do this manually yourself.

If you go to the comments section of BagSync, tmcnabb created a guide to link the BagSync variables together across accounts.

I will quote it here just in case:

Originally Posted by tmcnabb
Just gonna chime in here

just make a symbolic link of your bank toon account folder and your main character folders like so

Open escalated cmd prompt and type
mklink /D "C:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<banktoonaccount>" "C:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<MainToonFolder>"
Make sure to copy the contents of the <banktoonaccount> folder into the <MainToonFolder> folder then delete the <banktoonaccount> account folder

It is possible as I do it. This can be done if you run windows Vista/7/8

This method shares all settings tho.

You have to make a symbolic link of your <Account1> and <Account1> folders.

First make a copy of your wtf in case you mess it up

mklink /D  [LINK NAME] [TARGET]
First I would copy all my character named folders inside of my secondary account name folder into the main account named folder.

Then delete the secondary account named folder from WTF/Account

Then open up an ADMIN promoted CMD window by hitting the windows key then type CMD in the box .. you should see the CMD window program up top ..then right click it and run as administrator.

CD to your wow directory

so lets say my wow is installed on the z: drive in "z:\World of Warcraft" then I would type in the admin CMD window

cd World (hit tab it will complete it for you)
cd wtf
cd account
Type "dir" to make sure you are in the right spot. You should only see one folder .. the account name of your main account..(because we deleted the other one)


Use the quotes in these commands
if you get an error "file already exists" then you either didnt delete the secondary or you have the folder names reversed.

Use at your own risk

if it works you will see

symbolic link created for Z:\Todd Stuff\w\WTF\Account\2 <<===>> Z:\Todd Stuff\w\

or something similar

LOVE this addon btw .. lets me see the crap I have on all my bank toons ...



just make a symbolic link of your bank toon account folder and your main character folders like so

Open escalated cmd prompt and type
mklink /D "C:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<banktoonaccount>" "C:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<MainToonFolder>"
Make sure to copy the contents of the <banktoonaccount> folder into the <MainToonFolder> folder then delete the <banktoonaccount> account folder
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