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03-23-11, 10:58 AM   #55
A Theradrim Guardian
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 64
I can't really see how there was a golden age of addon development at such a random point of time as "1-2 years ago". When I'm reminiscing about the time of my first raids in MC I think I basicly had everything that I have now. Sure since DamageMeters or KTM things have evolved. Naturally new features are coming and code gets more efficient but the concepts were already there or even worse they were not. Even without a taint system there wasn't so much groundbreaking stuff out there because back then development was more decentralised and painstaking as coding standards and libraries weren't as established as today. That's no surprise, the game was new and no one really cared about a fully modded interface. When WoWAce went big and it has been made easier to put ideas into action was there any new groundbreaking stuff? Well yes, but not more than before or after that point for most of the existing ideas were just ported or improved. Today it's more about standardization. Try to establish a new boss mod and you will most likely fail. So people focus more on the looks and isolating those features of big addons that they really need (think of Prat at the time vs the billion of chat mods out there now) mainly because the standard UI has been significantly imroved itself over the years. I don't have more or less moment these days where I see a new addon and think "Wow, thats clever" than 2 years ago.
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