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01-07-11, 08:40 PM   #8
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Seerah View Post
Yep. Folder-in-folder syndrome. Remember that window that popped up asking you where to extract the .zip file to? The folder it recommended is named after the file name of the .zip file, putting all of the contents of the .zip file inside. If you open up the folders you extracted, you would see more folders inside. [b]These[b] are the folders that need to be in your AddOns folder. They can't be inside some new, random folder that your extraction utility created for you. Some addons are supposed to have multiple folders (such as Auctioneer and DBM).

In the future, select "Open" instead of "Extract All..." from the right-click menu. Anything you see inside can then be dragged out of there to your AddOns folder.

Another method would be to install 7-zip (which can also extract .rar and .7z files and is free). It adds its own section to the right-click menu, which has the option of "Extract Here". This way you can still extract more than one compressed file at a time.

If you still want to see a walk-through, check out my tutorial video: It's a few years out of date and uses Windows XP, but it should still help.
omg omg
2 days now. and u helped me. it works.
thankyou soooo much
this just made my day <3
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