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09-20-10, 03:41 PM   #9
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Wasgij View Post
Just as a reference.... I use Wim and never had that issue ...... Could it be another add-on causing it ???

I never had this issue neither and I used wim since it came out, and I got this issue a few days ago, I was thinking that at first so disabled/removed all addons from WoW besides WIM and I still got the same issue, I was going to turn the addons on/reinstall 1 at a time to see which addon was causing it, and if for a fact it was nUI, the reason I suspected nUI was because I got that right after the latest update for wow, before playing, so I suspected that, but now I think it might be either the latest WIM addon, or the curse auto updater is screwing up and says it updated it to latest but didn't and that happened to me before, I plan to manually download the latest version and install it, because that could be the issue, older version, on newer wow patch... but i did however find out it was not nUI, and for that I am sorry about the speculations, because it gives same error by itself.
So this topic may be closed, since there is not really any more need to discuse this here, it is something I would have to take up with the WIM makers about it.

NOTE: Sorry for the late reply, was out with my wife