Thread: Layout advice.
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07-07-10, 08:02 AM   #2
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 188
Originally Posted by Haleth View Post
Now there are a few problems though. I want to add some type of bossmods (DBM/DXE), but I have no idea where on the screen to place the bars. They just don't really seem to fit in anywhere without blocking the view or drawing too much attention. The same thing goes for the boss health frame - the area under the minimap is already used for the watchframe.
I can't imagine boss mod alerts ever drawing too much attention; Their role is pretty much to draw as much attention as possible. You just need to configure them extensively to filter our unnecessary or redundant information. You should reconsider your use or position of scrolling combat text because both above and below the player frame are great positions. Above the raid frames aren't a terrible position, either - You can alternatively place the DXE health watcher above the raid frames if you choose it over DBM.

The boss frame and watch frame visibility are almost mutually exclusive to me. There's never really a situation where both need to be up, but if you want them to be then you only need to reserve a small area below the minimap and offset the watchframe appropriately.

I can't think of any solutions for party frames.

Other unrelated things I noticed: You should skin your raid center aura indicators. Your target buffs can probably use some cleaning up: They're too large, there's no vertical spacing and (this is subjective) you probably don't need to see 16 of them.
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