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12-14-09, 10:19 AM   #26
A Murloc Raider
PersephanieTwistingNether's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Kucerakov View Post
I still cannot see the button no matter what I do, even if I switch to the old minimap which I cannot do because I have too many damn addon buttons to fit around the little map. The macro command does not do anything, unless that is just to teleport you to the instance. I tried using it when I wasn't grouped, I assumed it would bring up the LFG window but it did nothing. I am using the latest, 3.31 now, too.
Try adding minimap button frame. It will put all of those minimap buttons surrounding your frame into a movable customisable frame. You cant see the button when you have carbonite activated but it will work if you disable carbonite. Also once carbonite does fix this you can enable carbonite and disable under carbonite options "move minimap buttons into carbonite" and the minimap button frame will continue to work with carbonite. As mine does now see: