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05-07-09, 01:19 AM   #54
A Theradrim Guardian
eomer's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 69
I'm completely with WoWI on this. And the thread about an issue has given me some really nice ideas:
1. Addons don't need to be updated every day.
2. Not each update is a must, there are minor ones
3. RSS and e-mail feature of "My favorites" here (I really didn't know about it before it was mentioned)

Before WAU I always updated manually, and now I'm back to it (I used WoWMatrix for some time before I've read about issues with it here). A plus side of that is that I browse new uploads and can find new interesting addons to try. And I really like doing that here more, then on Curse - interface here allows to do that more comfortably.

So other then looking through new addons updating isn't taking much time for me now (well it even takes less time as I don't do it every evening before I start WoW). And as for a patch day I always look at it as an opportunity - to try and play WoW without addons again, to try different addon doing the same thing and so on.
May the Light be with you!

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