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Partholan 10-21-20 06:22 AM

C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources does not return all sources
Hello everyone,
first of all a big thank you to everyone here. I have often found solutions to my problems here.

Unfortunately not today ;)

My goal:
To create a "CSV" list of transmog to filter them in Excel etc.

Lua Code:
  1. --example for Legs
  2. local index = 1
  3. local output = {}
  4. output[index]=table.concat({"appearanceCollected","visualId","sourceId","sourceCollected","itemId","sourceType"},";")
  6. local sourceNames = {"","Boss Drop","Quest","Vendor","World Drop","Achievement","Profession"}
  8. local appearancesList = C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances(10) --Legs
  9. for appearanceIndex = 1, #appearancesList do
  10.     local appearancesCollected = appearancesList[appearanceIndex].isCollected
  11.     local appearancesVisualID = appearancesList[appearanceIndex].visualID
  13.     local appearanceInfos = {}
  14.     local sourcesList = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearancesVisualID)
  15.     for sourceIndex = 1, #sourcesList do
  16.         index = index + 1
  17.         appearanceInfos[1] = tostring(appearancesCollected)
  18.         appearanceInfos[2] = appearancesVisualID
  19.         appearanceInfos[3] = sourcesList[sourceIndex].sourceID
  20.         appearanceInfos[4] = tostring(sourcesList[sourceIndex].isCollected)
  21.         appearanceInfos[5] = sourcesList[sourceIndex].itemID
  22.         appearanceInfos[6] = sourceNames[(sourcesList[sourceIndex].sourceType or 0) + 1]
  23.         output[index] = table.concat(appearanceInfos,";")
  24.     end    
  25. end
  27. output = table.concat(output,"\n")
  28. --output is then sent to an editbox
This works syntactically.

My problem:
For example:
C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(11296) creates three entries

visualId        sourceId        itemId
11296                21670                45141
11296                21968                45536
11296                22087                45846

However, there should be at least four (maybe more), since the item (itemID=155942) also has the appearance (appearanceID=11296) (see C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo(155942)).
I am on the correct character to wear these items (Level 50 Feral Druid).

My question:
Is this a bug in C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources or am I missing something somewhere?


Ketho 10-22-20 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Partholan (Post 337360)

visualId        sourceId        itemId
11296                21670                45141
11296                21968                45536
11296                22087                45846

However, there should be at least four (maybe more), since the item (itemID=155942) also has the appearance (appearanceID=11296) (see C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo(155942))

When I look up those items on Wowhead I notice some items have the same name, so maybe there is some optimization under the hood to only return unique item names instead of IDs

Partholan 10-23-20 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 337382)
I notice some items have the same name

This is how I found out about the problem; Loot from TW-Raids has the same look as the original pieces, but a different ItemID (which I did not find in my Mog-List).


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 337382)
only return unique item names instead of IDs

Comparing the names is a good idea, even if I am a bit reluctant to compare strings when ids (should) exist :D
In addition, the IDs are immediately available, while you sometimes have to wait for the names.

Otherwise I read from your answer that you didn't find a mistake in my approach and that it is probably a bug.

Partholan 10-23-20 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Partholan (Post 337393)
Comparing the names is a good idea

Never mind; there are also items that have the same name but a different appearance.

JDoubleU00 10-23-20 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Partholan (Post 337394)
Never mind; there are also items that have the same name but a different appearance.

This is what I see when I mouse over an item and it says "You have collected this appearance, but from another item".

Partholan 10-24-20 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by JDoubleU00 (Post 337395)
This is what I see when I mouse over an item and it says "You have collected this appearance, but from another item".

This is true; however, I then need corresponding lists of items, which I can run through and compare with the output from C_TransmogCollection.

Sources in C_TransmogCollection are the following:
  • Boss Drop
  • Quest
  • Vendor
  • World Drop
  • Achievement
  • Profession
For "Boss Drop" I can use the Encounter/Dungeon Journal, but for everything else I do not know any lists.

So if some quest in the farthest corner of the world has an item as a reward, which doesn't show up with its ItemID in C_TransmogCollection, I would never notice that.

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