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Mazzlefizz 05-23-07 04:36 AM

MazzleUI in WoW 2.1 (observations so far)
Well, I just logged in for the first time an hour ago, and haven't noticed many significant issues at all. I haven't even updated any add-ons in the last few days.

The only things I've noticed:
  • Cartographer's transparency is not working in the same way it worked before. It seems to be decreasing the transparency of the whole map rather than just the parts you can't go to. Since the previous setting was 0%, your map will be invisible. Just hold down shift and mouse wheel up and you can make it visible again. (FIXED IN NEW VERSION OF CARTOGRAPHER)
  • Error with Sanity2. Seems to be the result of a simple API change. I'm guessing an update will fix this. (Actually Sanity might not be part of the old package) FIXED.
  • Error with moveFrames. Not sure on this yet. FIXED.
  • There are new 3d models in the patch. As a result, I'll need to add them to my model database and you'll get a warning message whenever you target one of those mobs. The one you guys probably all noticed is the combat pet named "Willy" or something. There are instructions later in this thread on how to turn of the warning sound/message.
Things I have tested that others seem to have issues with:
  • Autobar is working fine for me.
  • Raid frames are working fine. Hot-swapping the different locations is also working well.
  • SCT, SCTd works fine for me.
Things I have not tested but some people have reported:
  • I have not tried a character that shifts stances. Apparently, Autobar is preventing many bar add-ons from shifting correctly in combat.
  • I have not tried the Mazzifier.

I ran around and grabbed some add-on updates just now. I found about 100 of them but have not yet installed them. From the limited testing I've done so far, this does not seem to be problematic patch.

Romie 05-23-07 05:10 AM

when i first logged in i had a buggered UI running at 3 fps. i decided to try using wowace updater and that seamed to fix the problems i had. Mazzifier is worrking fine too.

Fhait 05-23-07 05:39 AM

Visually, the only thing I've noticed is that my consumables Autobar has vanished in place of a radio button in the dead center of the screen that I can right-click on to pull up the autobar settings screen. Also, I cannot click on the Mazzle Options in the top FuBar to open up the menu.

I ran Mazzifier on a new character and it worked fine. (albeit without the autobar)

BugSack however is constantly disabling/re-enabling itself after reporting more than 20 errors per second. So things are definately happening behind the scenes.

So all in all, Mazzle is functioning in 2.1, with no UI updates. Will try updating them all throughout the day and see how things run tonight.

Thanks again Mazzlefizz. Your UI is fantastic.

flaska 05-23-07 05:41 AM

I cannot right-click on FuBar, and I can't see my raid frames. Maybe that has something to do with transparency too, since I have rang-check transparency on my raid frames and custom transparency on fubar?

However, my fubar is completely gone (only the little green dot left of it) but I haven't updated it since I downloaded the UI so it might just be that.

myoso 05-23-07 07:24 AM

I've noticed that the map doesnt open fully on the first buttonpress, I have to press M (for map, DOh!) twice, at the first press bugsac reports an error and an "invisible" map window appears, pressing M again brings up the map almost as it should be. pressing M again results in the visible map window disappearing but movement is locked due to the invisible window, so you need to open the map again and use the X to close it. 2'nd of all. fubar doesnt seem to function properly as you cannot bring up the menu that displays bongos options and such (can't remember what else was in there). And it seems like Blizzard has decided to remove the "add-on memory" setting for scripts. as i cant find it in the addons menu.

That was all the bugs i could find now. I'll try to update FuBar, Dewdrop and Cartographer to see if anything changes.

I love MazzleUI! Cheers for a good job Mazzle

Arkive 05-23-07 07:36 AM

This is what I've done so far, and everything I can think to test has seemed fine. It's a slight variation on what someone else posted in a different thread.

Backup your Addons folder
Install Ace updater (available at
Open up the Ace Updater and choose "Edit", "Mark Installed Addons"
Choose "File", "Install/Update marked addons with externals"

That has worked beautifully for me so far, including Mazzify's on new characters, as well as SCT, Autobar, Cartographer, and a few other "trouble" mods reported. The only hiccup I've had is an error generated when I convert to a raid, though it appears to have no impact on the frames or it's function. The error is below if anyone is interested:

1.0\MazzleUI_UnitFrames.lua:343: attempt to index field 'GroupFilter' (a nil value)

Also, this may only apply to a small fraction of you, but if you use the RC/beta releases of Atlas/Atlasloot, be sure to uncheck those mods in the AceUpdater before updating so you don't get reverted back to an older release version.

celebros 05-23-07 08:22 AM

I'm pretty sure I've narrowed the page/bar swapping issues in-combat to autobar.

I use an addon I wrote to bind each shape to a key that can be spammed to switch between each shape called MOShapes, and it was suffering from an issue where in combat it wouldn't switch between the shapes correctly so I used this behaviour as an additional metric.

So I disabled all addons, except MOShapes, logged in and the blizzard bars started swapping correctly in and out of combat. Also MOShapes would shift shapes properly in and out of combat.

Then I enabled Bongos and it continued to swap correctly and MOShapes also continued to work. So I enabled everything and it stopped working again. So I systematically disabled each of the other addons until it started working again, once autobar was disabled all the bar swapping and shape shifting started to behave again.

Borntrue 05-23-07 08:34 AM


Alot seems to work just fine but get alot of bug errors :

On login i get :

Date: 2007-05-23 15:30:56
ID: 51
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Antagonist\Antagonist.lua line 10:
Cannot find a library instance of SharedMedia-1.0.
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
...ace\AddOns\Antagonist\libs\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:470: AceLibrary()
Antagonist\Antagonist.lua:10: in main chunk
AHShowBid, v20000 R.1
AMP, v3.4
AMPFu, v3.4
Antagonist, v$Revision: 36450 $
Babble22, v2.2.$Revision: 26185 $
Deformat, v1.0 $Revision: 3817 $
FuBar, v33424
FuBarPlugin20, v2.0 $Revision: 24424 $
MazzleUIPreloader, v0.99b
OmniCC, v7.1.11
ParserLib, v1.1
Surfaces, v0_o
Swatter, v3.9.0.1411

I have updated Fubar and Ace2 but this still happens..... any sugestions

Also Advance Tradeskill window seems to be not working correctly

Moosekill 05-23-07 08:39 AM

Two little things. 1st I tried to open an item to add a gem to it, and I can't get the item to open up. 2nd, I tried to split a stack of primal earths in my bags from 7 to 5 and I can't. It seems that the split works but the bag screen that comes up is the screen you get when you go to the auction house, or a vendor, not the regular bag screen, so you can't put the newly split pile anywhere. Sorry I am not more technical with the descriptions.


tuto_u 05-23-07 08:42 AM

simple question?

Not to put pressure on you, but are you planning on uploading an updated version of the 2.1 patch. Just to know.

Geboran 05-23-07 08:45 AM

@ Borntrue:

My suggestion would be to download a copy of SharedMedia 1.0 to start with. Reference:

Date: 2007-05-23 15:30:56
ID: 51
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Antagonist\Antagonist.lua line 10:
Cannot find a library instance of SharedMedia-1.0.

Arkive 05-23-07 08:54 AM

Borntrue, try using the AceUpdater to update your mods. A lot of the libraries need to be updated as well. Also, if you followed Airdragon's approach, you may want to try removing the !!!StandaloneLibraries mod he suggests you install. I was getting the exact same SharedMedia-1.0 bugsack errors as you. Starting over and doing what he said minus installing that mod made everything work fine.

Borntrue 05-23-07 08:56 AM

Im actually running on a mac g5 so the ace updater is out of the question I need to know the actual files that need updating if possible :)

estarianne 05-23-07 09:10 AM

I updated most of the mods I could find and have had no issues so far other than the stance changes, which I don't think are Mazzle's to worry about.

I will try turning off autobar and seeing if that helps. I'd really miss my autobar though :(

Zakriel 05-23-07 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Borntrue
Im actually running on a mac g5 so the ace updater is out of the question I need to know the actual files that need updating if possible :)

There are 2 that appear to work with a Mac that I've used (but not fully tested):




celebros 05-23-07 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by celebros
I'm pretty sure I've narrowed the page/bar swapping issues in-combat to autobar.

The latest version of autobar from seem to fix this issue.

Karna 05-23-07 12:09 PM

I can't get mazzify to start since the patch.
And, since I know absolutely nothing about this sort of thing...

fyrye 05-23-07 01:36 PM

As a druid, Autobar wasnt causing me any shapeshifting errors.
Occasionally Bongos wouldnt switch back from a different form, just reload the ui, and it worked fine.
With the current update the below gave me issues. Ill edit with details on how to resolve them when I get home from work.
The below that error are with a default copy of Mazzle 1.0
Cartographer (couldnt change any options aside from the transparency one, Instance Maps not loading correctly, BG errors, clicking on the map at all generates an error)
of the ones im more concerned of
and more that im not too concerned about.

I, at the moment, assume its just library issues, that just need to update to the new API.
With that said, as a LIB changes usually so does the add-on.

Maz, if you would like anyhelp, let me know.


Lezwit 05-23-07 04:42 PM

For me, I can not get MazzleUI to work at all. I tried Aceupdater, WUU, and everything else I possibly could, and I sitll can not get it to work properly. Is there any chance that you (Mazzlefizz) will be posting an up-to-date version compatable with 2.1.0?

Shiroimin 05-23-07 05:09 PM

the "WowAceUpdater" that Arkive posted worked like magic!!! I highly suggest everyone who has problems to do that.

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