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Jontizh 09-27-15 11:50 PM

My Dream addon, A simple action bar interface

Here you have it, Barkey, a WoW actionbar addon that i imagined up a couple of years ago.

As you can see from the Image the Shift, Ctrl and ALT keys are color coordinated,
Thats because i was hoping that in the same way that shift+ up arrow will give you bar number 2 simply pressing shift could get you a entierly new bar, so you would only see the abilitys you have bound to shift+
Same with ALT and Ctrl.

So say for example: Normaly you would have Sinister strike on 1, When you press shift Eviscerate would show up instead, Pressing Ctrl Might bring up Gouge and ALT would maybe bring up Your Gouge macro for your focus target.

I don't know if this would even be possible to implement in the game but it's an idea i'v had from some time and i wanted to share it.

Sorry if my english is abit poor, it's still early in the morning.

Thanks for reading!

Mirrikh 09-28-15 04:53 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the switching of bars using a modifier (shift,ctrl,alt) is possible in Bartender4. You go into the state configuration tab and select what bar you want it to display when a certain modifier is pressed.

So all you have to do is put your abilities onto the bars you want (so sinister strike on bar 1 slot 1 and eviscerate on bar 2 slot 1) and you set bar 1's state configuration to have it switch to bar 2 when shift is pressed.

Jontizh 09-28-15 06:23 AM

yep, they do have to option to change bars with a Modifier, Or it changes to a difrent page but that's basically what im after, however i havn't found the option to make individual bar frams difrent sizes.
The reason i would like that is that i want my Keyboard layout as my action bar layout.
Other then that Bartender is so close to what im after!

Dawn 09-28-15 09:34 AM

I'm quite confident in saying that your understanding of effective keybinding is flawed. A lot.

Naturally you want to keybind stuff close and around your WASD keys and even tho I personally have a shit ton of crap bound to keys myself (even crap like heartstone, disenchant, ...). You normally only need to bind important class abilities.

Let's say you can comfortably reach 1-5 keys with your left hand.

1) 1-5 = 5 keybindings
2) Alt + 1-5 = 5 keybindings
3) Shift + 1-5 = 5 keybindings

that's 15 binds so far without a sweat.

also Control + 1-5 = 5 keybindings; even though I wouldn't recommend this unless you can bend your fingers around each other ... or don't mind using mouse for moving while pressing those combinations.

4) Q/E, Q/E + Shift, Q/E + Alt = another 6 easy to reach keys
5) Y, C, F, R and combinations with Shift and Alt = up to another 12 keybindings
6) A, S, D + Alt/Shift = 9 more binds

All of them make you barely move away at all from WASD, short reaction times, ftw. And you can easily choose 40+ binds from those combinations alone.

Should be more than enough for WoW. Even back in the days where classes had some more skills like they do now it was more than enough for me at least. And than again I bind every crap I can use during combat and than some quality of life shit like disenchant/prospecting/etc. :)

Jontizh 09-28-15 07:10 PM

I think you missunderstod the point.

I know about keybindings, that's not why i want this addon.

I want it to be and easy to see overview of my keyboard ingame.

Obviously im not going to bind the keys that i can't reach, i just want to be able to see the ones around my WASD keys.

It's more a question of having a action bar map if you will, that replicates my keyboard ingame to be able to easier see what my diffrent abillitys are bound to.

Jontizh 09-29-15 08:46 AM

This is almost what i want, I managed to set this up with KGpanels and Bartender.
Now the only problem i have is that bartender only has 10 bars, that won't alow me to have 5 new bars every time i press Shift/ALT/CTRL, since that would requier 20 bars.

Also in an ideal world i would like the action bars to be extended vericaly so that i could make them the actual size of the shift/capslock/tab/ctrl keys for example.

A bonus would be if the shift/alt/ctrl keys would somehow show when pressed.

Dawn 09-29-15 08:54 AM

I still don't really know why you want to see all those keys in whatever way other than for cooldown tracking reasons, maybe. because the point of keybindings is to know them without looking at the keys. But whatever.

Try this Button Forge it should at least get rid of your "button limitation" issue. Not sure if it can create buttons that change into different ones when you press modifiers, though. :)

Jontizh 09-29-15 09:00 AM

Isn't it obvious i'm pvping on a new character and a compleat scrub that still looks at his keys cause i can't remeber what is bound to were xD

Dawn 09-29-15 09:54 AM

Hehe, okay:)

What I do for keybinds on different characters in WoW: put similar abilities on the same keybinding.

Pally Bubble is on the same button as Deterrance, Ice Block, ... "oh shit button"
Charge on the same one like Blink, Monk's Roll, ... "movement button"
main button mash ability is on 1 - rotation priority goes 1-5 in generell
Execute is on the same button like Hammer of Wrath, Shadow Word: Death, ...
Shield Barrier, Power Word:Shield, Sacred Shield, Ice Barrier, ... "Absorb/Shield button"

and so on...

As you can see you can make your life easy, if you are being lazy in a clever way. ;)

MiRai 09-29-15 10:16 AM

I have used the advanced /numbutton feature of Dominos to create some interesting action bar layouts in the past, so you could always try that. I will warn you that if you decide break each button up into its own individual bar so that you can create a keyboard-like layout, that it becomes quite tedious to adjust each individual button if you're constantly making changes. You'll also want to use the Blizzard's built-in posses/vehicle bar.

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