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slopoke 08-11-14 08:29 AM

Minion in Wine
Has anyone tried to install Minion in Wine for Linux?

Torhal 08-11-14 08:56 PM

I don't see why this would be necessary, since Minion is a Java app...

Dolby 08-11-14 08:59 PM

We don't have a release compiled for linux yet but if you can extract the exe or dmg and then run the Minion-jfx.jar in the app directory it "should maybe hopefully ™" work?

Silarn 09-08-14 02:01 PM

I can answer both of these questions!
Minion does work in Wine alongside ESO (which may or may not be best practice -- it might be best to install into its own wineprefix, not sure). However, it's very glitchy. There are a lot of font rendering problems, including text which eats a hole in the window (you can literally click to the window behind). Certain actions can cause it to crash.

I've also extacted the files from both the windows version and the osx dmg, and running the jar in both instances results in this error, right after the splash logo appears. You then get a gray box in the corner which is supposed to be the running app, but it does nothing and has to be closed externally.

This is the error:

SEVERE: javafx.fxml.LoadException:

I don't get any stacktrace beyond that, but maybe I'm missing a command to see that.


This may be an issue with Java 8. Testing 7 shortly.


Yep. If you want to run it this way, you definitely need JRE 7. It does not work on 8.


It looks visually okay on linux, but there are problems which seem to break it.

When it tries to do the initial game scan:
Sep 08, 2014 3:50:40 PM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController$24$1 invalidated
SEVERE: GameDetectionService failed: java.lang.NullPointerException

Mouse clicks also seem to pass through much of the window, and only a few specific pieces are interactable.

Is there any reason it would have to be run with a 32-bit jre?


Final update for now.

I copied the working minion.xml file from the wine version to the linux version's .minion folder. Once I relaunched, I was able to bypass the game check which was crashing the program. However, this caused other issues because the game path was wrong - which sort of soft crashed the program. (All my clicks passed through the window.)

However, it did rewrite the minion.xml file with some new, correct info. So, when I relaunched one last time - it didn't encounter any errors and I was able to then add a new ESO pointing to the correct AddOn folder and delete the old entry.

I now have a working Linux Minion 2! Other than being able to click through the window at random. But it's workable.

Next step: Cut wine out of the process and eliminate those nasty errors and weird ghost-window problems. Maybe also update with JRE 8 compatibility, but that's more of a 'would be nice' than a real problem.

redant71 10-16-14 05:54 AM

WineHQ thread in AppDB
Hey there, i have created a thread in Wine HQ AppDB

So far only thing that does not look right for me running World of Warcraft in Wine 1.7.28 64-bit on Linux mint 17 x86_64 is the see through text, that no matter what is in between shows my desktop (MATE) background with icons on through the text in minion, if right image is choosen for desktop background this isnt a major problem; minion finds my install and my addons i cut and pasted from a windows pc in the network is detected and updated, how ever some addons where curse speciffic and got funny likns/ uppdates (Auctionator addon) while the most of the updates where flawless, uninstalling and installing new addons also semes to work without any glitches!

myrkat 10-20-14 08:21 AM

Running Mint 17 KDE, using OpenJDK 7, and I can install the download but cannot point to anything successfully. I have my WoW folder in my home directory (z:\user\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\) and even have that linked into wine's C:\Program Files\ directory. Pointing to either (which is difficult given the holes in the window from the text) just sends me back to the "WoW or ESO" small selection box.

Sometimes RIGHT-CLICKING to select works better than left clicking, but if you're on the text, it will be right-clicking behind (desktop, other window, etc). Very spotty interface overall.

I found the minion.xml file (hidden in wine's drive_c\users\<name>\.minion\) and when viewing it, the addon path was either encrypted or trashed. I replaced it with what I thought it should be (without a trailing \) and when restarting minion, if perpetually locks in the Loading popup.

I have been unsuccessful at getting it to work. I tried executing the Minion-jfx.jar file, but get "This application requires a newer version of the Java runtime. Please download and install the latest Java runtime from Then restart the application." The "Install Now" button sends me to I do not use Oracle's java, so I stopped there.

I really miss Wowmatrix, and hope that Minion will be a better replacement. Currently, I have a Oracle VM setup with windows and I run that to get Curse (which can point to my home directory via z:\...) and update my addons that way. it's somewhat a hassle, but easy enough just saving the machine state, etc.

Asrael 10-21-14 01:00 AM

The path variable in minion.xml is Base64 encoded, which is why it looks like random garbage. I'm not sure why it's encoded, there's no real reason that I could think of, since Base64 actually makes ASCII strings longer. is a quick place to mess with that but it's probably correct anyway.

Be sure to use backslashes (\) instead of normal slashes (/) in your path, that seems to hang it. I guess that's because it's a Windows-style path, but I haven't seen an app that really cares which way the slash points in a while. I thought Java was immune to that anymore.

Extracting the .jar from the Windows EXE may not be a trivial task, since it's not readily accessible with archive unpackers and it doesn't appear to unpack itself into the temp directory. Extracting the Mac DMG's jar didn't work either, since as mentioned it just kind of hangs once it gets to the main screen.

Personally, I was only able to get Minion in WINE to see my WoW directory once, after which it went through a period of crashing, and now won't see any addons. Quite frustrating. Also, I had to use a 64-bit prefix, or it wouldn't run whatsoever.

Edit: Using Oracle's Java 1.7.0_55, Ubuntu 14.04 x64

myrkat 10-23-14 09:38 AM

I just gave up on it for now. It's pretty far off from being finished under windows, let alone WINE. Still, I am hopeful that they can get it going. I really miss wowmatrix (pure java) as it worked everywhere and reasonably well, other than not having a good database to pull from.

I'm sticking with my current work-around: run curse in an Oracle VM (pointing to WoW in my home directory).

Barleduq 10-23-14 10:07 PM

Really looking forward to this...
It would make tracking things much easier.

Mostly posting here so I get email when this thread sees activity.

Fedora Core 17, IBMthinkcentre husband salvaged from work, I dunno what's inside it, I just use it. :D

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