Results: 10Comments by: Jaycyn
File: Whammy03-21-07
Re: Important Info - Please read
Posted By: Jaycyn
3/21/07 Note: According the this weeks patch notes, the pet health bar issue should be corrected. Originally posted by Jaycyn 3/13/07 Update - It has come to light there is a bug in Blizzards code that reads a pets health. This causes an error in calculati...
File: Whammy03-13-07
Important Info - Please read
Posted By: Jaycyn
3/13/07 Update - It has come to light there is a bug in Blizzards code that reads a pets health. This causes an error in calculation, making the pet health bar really long. So, for the time being, the next release of Whammy will show the pet health bar, but it may work sometimes and not others. Now that that bug has been ide...
File: Whammy03-04-07
Need More Info
Posted By: Jaycyn
Thanks for the report! I would like to track this one down quickly and get it fixed. Can you descibe what you where doing when you recieved this error? Does the error appear every time? I assume you are a Hunter - is that correct? What language version of WoW are you running? English? Did the error appear when you first log...
File: Whammy03-02-07
English Only
Posted By: Jaycyn
Thank for for the update. A new verson has been posted (0.3.8), which may fix the initial problem you where having. However, Whammy is not currently international, so it may have issues with other language versions of WoW. Once we get all of the features complete, we will be adding foreign language support. - Jaycyn Original...
File: Whammy02-26-07
Bug corrected in next version!
Posted By: Jaycyn
Tazzor - That was a perfect explanation and led me straight to the bug. It has been fixed and will appear in the next release, which should be this weekend. Thank you so much for helping - great job! - Jaycyn
File: Whammy02-26-07
Error Message
Posted By: Jaycyn
Tazzor - Thanks again for trying out Whammy. I am sorry it is not working correctly - honestly this is the first report of an error like that, so I want to get it fixed ASAP. You said i get an error message instantly (which slightly differs from the one mentioned before due to sth like #1index - not sure about this one)...
File: Whammy02-25-07
Re: Error
Posted By: Jaycyn
Tazzor - Thanks so much for the post. I have a couple of questions: 1) Are you using version 0.3.7 2) What type of char are you 3) Is this occuring in a party/raid or just when you are alone? 4) You mention it happens when you receive damage by anything - has it been doing this since you first added Whammy, or did it initial...
File: Whammy02-15-07
Re: Debuff type?
Posted By: Jaycyn
That's a great observation, and something I have been pondering for a while. Trying to make that distinction in each unit button is the challenge. I believe I have a solution and it will appear in an upcoming release. Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate you taking the time to post. - Jaycyn Originally posted by dwex...
File: Whammy02-11-07
Re: ideas
Posted By: Jaycyn
Thanks for the suggestions! A couple of questions: 1) Changing the size of each click box. Do you mean to make each button larger or smaller on an individual basis? Like make your button 2x bigger than the rest? 2) Locking the drop down: I think you mean the config frame ( the one with the drop downs on it ). By locking it y...
File: Whammy02-01-07
Re: Suggestions
Posted By: Jaycyn
Excellent suggestions!!! Thank you taking the time to provide feedback. 1) Allow user to define spell rank - added it to the feature request list. 2) Pet support is in the works and will appear in an upcoming version. - Jaycyn Originally posted by Azoth Very simple design and extremly easy to configure. I have 2 sug...